506 research outputs found

    Is sleep disruption a trigger for postpartum psychosis?

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    An episode of postpartum psychosis can be devastating for a woman and her family, and it is vital we understand the factors involved in the aetiology of this condition. Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption is a plausible candidate but further research is needed that builds on the latest advances in chronobiology and neuroscience

    HDE 233517: Lithium and Excess Infrared Emission in Giant Stars

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    Recent studies have identified a small class of moderately rapidly rotating, chromospherically active, single giants, some of which are lithium rich. We present evidence suggesting the peculiar K-type star HDE 233517 is one such object. Previously, HDE 233517 has been suggested to be a young star, consistent with its large far-infrared excess and our log ε(Li) ~ 3.3. However, our high-resolution spectroscopic observations show it is likely a single, post-main-sequence K2 giant with v sin i = 15 km s-1 and modest Ca II H and K emission. The giant status of HDE 233517 is determined directly from luminosity-sensitive line ratios and a lack of significant line wings, and is further supported by a large radial velocity (46.5 km s-1), small proper motion, and the presence of interstellar absorption features. Interpretation of the data in the context of a recent mass outflow model for giant stars proposed by de la Reza and coworkers indicates that HDE 233517 has the largest mass-loss rate, ~3 × 10-7 M☉ yr-1, of any known luminosity class III giant. We suggest that the processes causing rapid rotation, large lithium abundance, and infrared excess are triggered at the base of the giant branch when the convection zone reaches the rapidly rotating core of low-mass stars

    Space Weather Impacts to Conjunction Assessment: A NASA Robotic Orbital Safety Perspective

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recognizes the risk of on-orbit collisions from other satellites and debris objects and has instituted a process to identify and react to close approaches. The charter of the NASA Robotic Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis (CARA) task is to protect NASA robotic (unmanned) assets from threats posed by other space objects. Monitoring for potential collisions requires formulating close-approach predictions a week or more in the future to determine analyze, and respond to orbital conjunction events of interest. These predictions require propagation of the latest state vector and covariance assuming a predicted atmospheric density and ballistic coefficient. Any differences between the predicted drag used for propagation and the actual drag experienced by the space objects can potentially affect the conjunction event. Therefore, the space environment itself, in particular how space weather impacts atmospheric drag, is an essential element to understand in order effectively to assess the risk of conjunction events. The focus of this research is to develop a better understanding of the impact of space weather on conjunction assessment activities: both accurately determining the current risk and assessing how that risk may change under dynamic space weather conditions. We are engaged in a data-- ]mining exercise to corroborate whether or not observed changes in a conjunction event's dynamics appear consistent with space weather changes and are interested in developing a framework to respond appropriately to uncertainty in predicted space weather. In particular, we use historical conjunction event data products to search for dynamical effects on satellite orbits from changing atmospheric drag. Increased drag is expected to lower the satellite specific energy and will result in the satellite's being 'later' than expected, which can affect satellite conjunctions in a number of ways depending on the two satellites' orbits and the geometry of the conjunction. These satellite time offsets can form the basis of a new technique under development to determine whether space weather perturbations, such as coronal mass ejections, are likely to increase, decrease, or have a neutral effect on the collision risk due to a particular close approach

    Using Downhole Probes to Locate and Characterize Buried Transuranic and Mixed Low Level Waste

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    Borehole logging probes were developed and tested to locate and quantify transuranic elements in subsurface disposal areas and in contaminated sites at USDOE Weapons Complex sites. A new method of measuring very high levels of chlroine in the subsurface was developed using pulsed neutron technology from oilfield applications. The probes were demonstrated at the Hanford site in wells containing plutonium and other contaminants

    Simulation of a two-dimensional model for colloids in a uniaxial electric field

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    We perform Monte Carlo simulations of a simplified two-dimensional model for colloidal hard spheres in an external uniaxial AC electric field. Experimentally, the external field induces dipole moments in the colloidal particles, which in turn form chains. We therefore approximate the system as composed of well formed chains of dipolar hard spheres of a uniform length. The dipolar interaction between colloidal spheres gives rise to an effective interaction between the chains, which we treat as disks in a plane, that includes a short range attraction and long range repulsion. Hence, the system favors finite clustering over bulk phase separation and indeed we observe at low temperature and density that the system does form a cluster phase. As density increases, percolation is accompanied by a pressure anomaly. The percolated phase, despite being composed of connected, locally crystalline domains, does not bear the typical signatures of a hexatic phase. At very low densities, we find no indication of a "void phase" with a cellular structure seen recently in experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Addition of the mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor, Everolimus, to consolidation therapy in acute myeloid leukaemia: experience from the UK NCRI AML17 trial

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    As part of the UK NCRI AML17 trial, adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia in remission could be randomized to receive the mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor everolimus, sequentially with post-induction chemotherapy. Three hundred and thirty-nine patients were randomised (2:1) to receive everolimus or not for a maximum of 84 days between chemotherapy courses. The primary endpoint was relapse-free survival. At 5 years there was no difference in relapse-free survival [29% versus 40%; odds ratio 1.19 (0.9-1.59) P=0.2], cumulative incidence of relapse [60% versus 54%: odds ratio 1.12 (0.82-1.52): P=0.5] or overall survival [45% versus 58%: odds ratio 1.3 (0.94-1.81): P=0.11]. The independent Data Monitoring Committee advised study termination after randomization of 339 of the intended 600 patients because of excess mortality in the everolimus arm without any evidence of beneficial disease control. The delivery of the everolimus dose was variable, but there was no evidence of clinical benefit in patients with adequate dose delivery compared with no treatment. This study suggests that the addition of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition to chemotherapy provides no benefit

    Evolution of the Chandra CCD Spectra of SNR 1987A: Probing the Reflected-Shock Picture

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    We continue to explore the validity of the reflected shock structure (RSS) picture in SNR 1987A that was proposed in our previous analyses of the X-ray emission from this object. We used an improved version of our RSS model in a global analysis of 14 CCD spectra from the monitoring program with Chandra. In the framework of the RSS picture, we are able to match both the expansion velocity curve deduced from the analysis of the X-ray images and light curve. Using a simplified analysis, we also show that the X-rays and the non-thermal radio emission may originate from the same shock structure (the blast wave). We believe that using the RSS model in the analysis of grating data from the Chandra monitoring program of SNR 1987A that cover a long enough time interval, will allow us to build a more realistic physical picture and model of SNR 1987A.Comment: 14 pages, 1 Table, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Dynamics of Disorder-Order Transition in Hard Sphere Colloidal Dispersions

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    The Physics of Hard Spheres Experiment (PHaSE) seeks a complete understanding of the entropically driven disorder-order transition in hard sphere colloidal dispersions. The light scattering instrument designed for flight collects Bragg and low angle light scattering in the forward direction via a CCD camera and performs conventional static and dynamic light scattering at 10-160 deg. through fiber optic cables. Here we report on the kinetics of nucleation and growth extracted from time-resolved Bragg images and measurements of the elastic modulus of crystalline phases obtained by monitoring resonant responses to sinusoidal forcing through dynamic light scattering. Preliminary analysis of the former indicates a significant difference from measurements on the ground, while the latter confirms nicely laboratory experiments with the same instrument and predictions from computer simulations