48 research outputs found

    L'esport al servei dels adolescents i no els adolescents al servei de l'esport?

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    El treball no pretén debatre si els adolescents fan més o menys esport, sinó la influència que té l’esport en la seva SALUT. Analitzarem i aprofundirem que l’esport al servei dels adolescents i no els adolescents al servei de l’esport. La implicació des del seu inici a partir dels 4 anys dins de l’escola, el seu desenvolupament personal, el seu comportament dins del grup, la competitivitat des d’un principi i tenir coneixement del saber guanyar/perdre. Conclusió que l'esport serveixi de via per al desenvolupament físic i personal dels adolescents

    Catálogo de los hierros del "Cau Ferrat" y de "Maricel" de Sitges

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    Incluye (p. [5]-28) : Mis hierros viejos de Santiago RusiñolCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Impresiones de arte

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2019Según Palau, nº 282689, la obra fué impresa en 1897La imprenta de "la Vanguardia" ejerce en Barcelon

    Memòria Digital de Catalunya

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    Localització: Barcelona, Biblioteca de l'Ateneu Barcelonès, ms. 604Núm. 3 i nota: "Biblioteca teatral de Pau Montellà: 2a còpia", a la cobertaNota al peu del f. 1r: "Antítesis de La alegria que passa, obra de Jaume Rosinyol"AutògrafEsmenes, algunes amb papers encartats, i cancel·lacionsAl f. 29r: BarcelonaPaper pautatAcotacions de l'autor entre parèntesi

    L'Auca del Senyor Esteve

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Empresa: José F. ArquerPrograma de l'homenatge al XXV aniversari de la mort de l'escriptor i dramaturg català Santiago Rusiñol, amb la representació de l'adaptació teatral de la seva obra L'Auca del Senyor Estev

    Sleep Disorders in Parkinsonian and Nonparkinsonian LRRK2 Mutation Carriers

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    Objective: In idiopathic Parkinson disease (IPD) sleep disorders are common and may antedate the onset of parkinsonism. Based on the clinical similarities between IPD and Parkinson disease associated with LRRK2 gene mutations (LRRK2-PD), we aimed to characterize sleep in parkinsonian and nonmanifesting LRRK2 mutation carriers (NMC). Methods: A comprehensive interview conducted by sleep specialists, validated sleep scales and questionnaires, and video-polysomnography followed by multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) assessed sleep in 18 LRRK2-PD (17 carrying G2019S and one R1441G mutations), 17 NMC (11 G2019S, three R1441G, three R1441C), 14 non-manifesting non-carriers (NMNC) and 19 unrelated IPD. Results: Sleep complaints were frequent in LRRK2-PD patients; 78% reported poor sleep quality, 33% sleep onset insomnia, 56% sleep fragmentation and 39% early awakening. Sleep onset insomnia correlated with depressive symptoms and poor sleep quality. In LRRK2-PD, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) was a complaint in 33% patients and short sleep latencies on the MSLT, which are indicative of objective EDS, were found in 71%. Sleep attacks occurred in three LRRK2-PD patients and a narcoleptic phenotype was not observed. REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) was diagnosed in three LRRK2-PD. EDS and RBD were always reported to start after the onset of parkinsonism in LRRK2-PD. In NMC, EDS was rarely reported and RBD was absent. When compared to IPD, sleep onset insomnia was more significantly frequent, EDS was similar, and RBD was less significantly frequent and less severe in LRRK2-PD. In NMC, RBD was not detected and sleep complaints were much less frequent than in LRRK2-PD. No differences were observed in sleep between NMC and NMNC. Conclusions: Sleep complaints are frequent in LRRK2-PDand show a pattern that when compared to IPD is characterized by more frequent sleep onset insomnia, similar EDS and less prominent RBD. Unlike in IPD, RBD and EDS seem to be not markers of the prodromal stage of LRRK2-PD

    Discovering the 3′ UTR-mediated regulation of alpha-synuclein

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    Recent evidence indicates a link between Parkinson's Disease (PD) and the expression of a-synuclein (SNCA) isoforms with different 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs). Yet, the post-transcriptional mechanisms regulating SNCA expression are unknown. Using a large-scale in vitro /in silico screening we identified RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that interact with SNCA 3' UTRs. We identified two RBPs, ELAVL1 and TIAR, that bind with high affinity to the most abundant and translationally active 3' UTR isoform (575 nt). Knockdown and overexpression experiments indicate that both ELAVL1 and TIAR positively regulate endogenous SNCA in vivo. The mechanism of regulation implies mRNA stabilization as well as enhancement of translation in the case of TIAR. We observed significant alteration of both TIAR and ELAVL1 expression in motor cortex of post-mortem brain donors and primary cultured fibroblast from patients affected by PD and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). Moreover, trans expression quantitative trait loci (trans-eQTLs) analysis revealed that a group of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TIAR genomic locus influences SNCA expression in two different brain areas, nucleus accumbens and hippocampus. Our study sheds light on the 3' UTR-mediated regulation of SNCA and its link with PD pathogenesis, thus opening up new avenues for investigation of post-transcriptional mechanisms in neurodegeneration

    Los cármenes de Granada

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    Articulo la revista Arquitectur

    Recull de màximes i mals pensaments

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