1,373 research outputs found

    The Robust Reading Competition Annotation and Evaluation Platform

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    The ICDAR Robust Reading Competition (RRC), initiated in 2003 and re-established in 2011, has become a de-facto evaluation standard for robust reading systems and algorithms. Concurrent with its second incarnation in 2011, a continuous effort started to develop an on-line framework to facilitate the hosting and management of competitions. This paper outlines the Robust Reading Competition Annotation and Evaluation Platform, the backbone of the competitions. The RRC Annotation and Evaluation Platform is a modular framework, fully accessible through on-line interfaces. It comprises a collection of tools and services for managing all processes involved with defining and evaluating a research task, from dataset definition to annotation management, evaluation specification and results analysis. Although the framework has been designed with robust reading research in mind, many of the provided tools are generic by design. All aspects of the RRC Annotation and Evaluation Framework are available for research use.Comment: 6 pages, accepted to DAS 201

    Unsupervised Adaptation for Synthetic-to-Real Handwritten Word Recognition

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    Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) is still a challenging problem because it must deal with two important difficulties: the variability among writing styles, and the scarcity of labelled data. To alleviate such problems, synthetic data generation and data augmentation are typically used to train HTR systems. However, training with such data produces encouraging but still inaccurate transcriptions in real words. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised writer adaptation approach that is able to automatically adjust a generic handwritten word recognizer, fully trained with synthetic fonts, towards a new incoming writer. We have experimentally validated our proposal using five different datasets, covering several challenges (i) the document source: modern and historic samples, which may involve paper degradation problems; (ii) different handwriting styles: single and multiple writer collections; and (iii) language, which involves different character combinations. Across these challenging collections, we show that our system is able to maintain its performance, thus, it provides a practical and generic approach to deal with new document collections without requiring any expensive and tedious manual annotation step.Comment: Accepted to WACV 202

    Orquestració de micro-serveis amb una estrategia ESB

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    El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura de microserveis, afegint-hi un element anomenat ESB, el qual ens permetrà orquestrar aquests microserveis, captant les dades que s'enviïn i modificant el contingut i format del missatge, formant un sistema més escalable i compatible.The project consists about the development of a microservice architecture, adding an element called ESB, which will allow us to orchestrate these microservices, catching data sent by them and modifying the content and the format of the message, getting this way a more scalable and compatible system

    Design, fabrication and characterisation of interdigitated back-contacted c-Si solar cells based on transition metal oxides

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    The photovoltaic industry is mainly dominated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells, in which contact selectivity is usually achieved by doping the wafer surfaces with phosphorous (n+) and boron (p+) by means of high temperature oven-based diffusions, called pn-Junction (pnJ). This requires complex and energy consuming processes and lengthy cleaning protocols to avoid possible degradation of bulk lifetime, increasing the number of steps involved in the manufacturing and consequently the production cost. In order to replace those high temperature diffusions, several approaches have been studied. The well-known silicon heterojunction (SHJ) structure using doped and intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films is probably the best known. Nevertheless, this option uses toxic and flammable gases as dopant precursors, which is not desirable from the point of view of process simplicity. In parallel, several contact structures have been developed from the past to now. Among them, two cell architectures have pushed forward the efficiency of c-Si solar cells. On the one hand, the passivated emitter and rear locally-diffused (PERL) cell structure, which was designed by the group leader by Prof. Martin A. Green at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, achieving power conversion efficiencies of up to 25%. On the other hand, the interdigitated back-contacted (IBC) cell structure, which was firstly designed for photovoltaic concentration applications, but in recent years have been applied on non-concentration purposes. In fact, the world solar cell efficiency record on c-Si substrates (26.6%) is achieved with an IBC cell structure. This thesis deals with the research on c-Si solar cells using both an IBC structure and an alternative approach to the conventional pnJ and SHJ concepts by implementing novel selective contacts, which are those based on transition metal oxides (TMOs). The first part of the Thesis is focused on the use of vanadium oxide (V2Ox) as hole-selective contact. It is demonstrated that the V2Ox has better selectivity behaviour when a nickel metal, which has a high work-function, is used as a capping layer. Finally, the selective contact based on Ni-capped V2Ox film is applied to an IBC c-Si solar cell yielding an efficiency of 19.7%. In this device the electron-selective contact is performed with the laser-doped technique, where the n+ region is formed by the laser-processing of a dielectric film, consisting of a phosphorous-doped amorphous silicon carbide layer. The last part of the Thesis is related to the development of an electron-selective contact based on TMOs replacing the laser-doped contacts. In this way, a titanium oxide (TiOx) film is used in combination with a thin aluminium oxide (Al2Ox) passivating interlayer. Once again, the metal capping has an influence to the selectivity of the final contact, being the best option the use of a magnesium film, which has a low work-function. Finally, a novel IBC c-Si solar cell is developed, whcih combines the previously mentioned Ni-capped V2Ox as hole-selective contact and Mg-capped Al2Ox/TiOx as electron-selective contact, yielding a proof-of-concept device with a conversion efficiency of up to 19.1%. It is important to stress that both selective contacts are fabricated at temperatures lower than 100 ºC reducing the overall thermal budget of the fabrication process, as well as circumventing the use of toxic and flammable gasses as dopant precursors.La indústria fotovoltaica està dominada principalment per cèl·lules solars de silici cristal·lí (c-Si), en les quals s'aconsegueix la selectivitat del contacte dopant les superfícies de la oblea amb fòsfor (n +) i bor (p +) anomenades unions pn (pnJ), a través de processos a altes temperatures. Això requereix processos complexos, un gran consum d’energia i protocols de neteja llargs per evitar la possible degradació del temps de vida del substrat. Tot això fa que s’augmenti el nombre de passos de fabricació i, per tant, el cost de producció. Per substituir aquestes difusions d'alta temperatura, s'han estudiat diverses alternatives. L'anomenada estructura heterojunció del silici (SHJ) amb capes de silici amorf hidrogenat (a-Si: H) dopat i intrínsec, és probablement, la més coneguda. Tanmateix, aquesta opció utilitza gasos tòxics i inflamables com a precursors de dopant, cosa que no és desitjable des del punt de vista de la senzillesa del procés. Al mateix temps, s'han desenvolupat diverses estructures de contacte. Entre aquests, dues arquitectures han aportat notables resultats en l’eficiència de les cèl·lules solars de c-Si. D'una banda, l'estructura “passivated emitter and rear locally-diffused” (PERL), dissenyada pel grup liderat pel Prof. Martin A. Green de la Universitat de Nova Gal·les del Sud, Sydney, aconseguint una eficiència de conversió de fins el 25%. D'altra banda, l'estructura “interdigitated back-contacted” (IBC), dissenyada inicialment per a aplicacions de concentració fotovoltaica, però que s'ha utilitzat, també, amb sistemes no concentrats en els darrers anys. De fet, el rècord global per a l'eficiència de les cèl·lules solars en substrats de c-Si (26,6%) s’ha aconseguit amb una estructura IBC. Aquesta tesi tracta de la investigació sobre cèl·lules solars de c-Si utilitzant tant una estructura IBC com un enfocament alternatiu als conceptes convencionals de pnJ i SHJ a través de la implementació de ¿nous¿ contactes selectius basats en òxids metàl·lics de transició (TMO). La primera part de la tesi es centra en l’ús de l’òxid de vanadi (V2Ox) com a contacte selectiu per als forats. Es demostra que el V2Ox té un millor comportament de selecció quan és contactat amb níquel, amb una funció de treball alta. Finalment, el contacte selectiu basat en una capa de V2Ox contactat amb Ni s'utilitza amb una cèl·lula solar IBC de c-Si amb una eficiència del 19,7%. En aquest dispositiu, el contacte selectiu d'electrons es realitza mitjançant la tècnica de dopat làser, on la regió n+ està formada pel processament làser d'una capa dielèctrica, aquesta consisteix en una capa amorfa de carbur de silici dopada amb fòsfor. La darrera part de la tesi està relacionada amb el desenvolupament d'un contacte selectiu per a electrons basats en TMOs, per substituir els contactes dopats amb làsers. D'aquesta manera, s'utilitza una capa d'òxid de titani (TiOx) en combinació amb una capa intermèdia de passivació, òxid de alumini (Al2Ox). Una vegada més, el contacte metàl·lic influeix en la selectivitat del contacte final, sent la millor opció l'ús d'una capa de magnesi, la qual té una funció de treball baixa. Finalment, es desenvolupa una cèl·lula solar IBC de c-Si, que combina el V2Ox cobert amb Ni, prèviament esmentat, com a contacte selectiu per a forats i la bicapa de Al2Ox/TiOx contactada amb Mg com a contacte selectiu d’electrons. El dispositiu final dona una eficiència de conversió de fins al 19,1%. És important assenyalar que els dos contactes selectius es fabriquen a temperatures inferiors a 100 °C, reduint el pressupost tèrmic global del procés de fabricació i evitant l'ús de gasos tòxics i inflamables com a precursors de dopant