3,557 research outputs found

    The Effect Factors of Supply Salt in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that can affect the supply of Indonesian salt. The method used is quantitative method using ordinary least squares (OLS) with a multiple linear regression model. The type of data to be used in this study using secondary data time series year 2000-2014. The data are taken from a variety of sources, including the Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and other resources related to the research. The results of this study showed that the factors that significantly affect the salt deals in Indonesia is the rainfall and the PUGAR and technology not significantly. Negative coefficient of rainfall that can be explained that when there was an increase in precipitation will result in salt deals in Indonesia will go down. While the PUGAR can increase the supply of sal

    Increased Capacity of the Understanding of the Concept and the Ability to Solve Problems Through the Implementation of the Model of Teaching Mathematics Realistic Based on Cognitive Conflict Students

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    This research aims at: 1) the influence of the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict students to the ability to understanding the concept and troubleshooting capabilities; 2) determine the larger capacity of the understanding of the concept through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict junior secondary school students the City of Bengkulu. 3) determine the great improvement of the ability to solve problems through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict SMP students Bengkulu City.To achieve the goal of this research is to apply Research Design pseudo experiments with research design Pretest-Postest Nonequivalent Control Group Design, with the test instrument the ability to understanding the concept and test the troubleshooting capabilities. The data has been analyzed using the test gains. The results of this research is 1) the ability of understanding the concept and troubleshooting class experiment the given learning with PMR is better than with the ability to understanding the concept and troubleshooting control classes assigned to conventional mathematics lesson; 2) increase the ability of the understanding of the concept through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics based on cognitive conflict SMP students Bengkulu City is significant with the index gain of 0,755 (high-level); 3) increase the ability to solve problems through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics based on cognitive conflict SMP students Bengkulu City is significant with the index gain of 0,500 level (is)

    The Impact of Development Policy on Supply and Demand Soybean in Indonesia

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    This research discusses of developing soybeans on supply and demand in Indonesia. To answer these objectives, the goal of econometrics is to use system model of equations with estimation using the 2SLS method. The results show that amount of national soybean demand is strongly influenced by soybean prices at the wholesalers, population and per capita income. The amount of soybean demand is very responsive to changes in population. While the number of bids is influenced by soybean production, imports, and supplies. Policy simulation results 10 percent increase in soybean prices at the farmer  will have an impact on increasing soybean production by around 9.58%. This increase caused by increasing in harvested area of ​​7.71%. Eliminating urea subsidies by 60% will have an impact on declining soybean productivity by 42.79%, then decreasing agricultural land of oybean which is 38.62% and productivity of 5.02%. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kecamatan Bacukiki Barat Kota Pare-Pare Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan pegawai Negeri Sipil lingkup kantor Kecamatan Bacukiki Barat kota Pare-Pare yang berjumlah 65 orang. Penarikan sampel dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dari kuesioner dan wawancara,. Analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji realibilitas, uji normalitas, uji linieritas, uji hipotesis yang terdiri dari uji signifikan parsial (Uji-t), Uji Signifikan simultan (Uji-F) dengan taraf signifikan 0,05 dan koefisien determinasi (R2) dan analisis regresi linier 0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel Kepemimpinan dan komunikasi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap variabel kinerja hal ini di tunjukkan dengan nilai thitung>ttabel dan signifikansi < 0,05 yang artinya Ho ditolak maka Variabel Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kinerja Pegawai di Kantor kecamatan Bacukiki Barat Kota Pare-pare

    Implementasi Teori Kreativitas Graham Wallas Dalam Sekolah Kepenulisan di Pesantren Mahasiswa Hasyim Asy’ari Cabeyan Yogyakarta

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    Abstract: Man is a creature who is blessed with creative potential in him. That potenty can provide benefits for human life that can be developed properly and maximally. This paper will discuss about human creativity and the ways that can be done to develop it. Many theories put forward by the figures about the notion of creativity and the process in stimulating and developing creativity itself. One of them is the theory of Graham Wallas which says that the process of creativity in human beings occurs through four stages that include the stage of preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. Through these four stages human beings are expected to develop their creative potential well. The four stages of this creativity process are applied in the writing school at Hasyim Asy'ari College Student Boarding School Cabeyan Yogyakarta.Abstrak: Manusia adalah makhluk yang dikaruniai potensi kreatif dalam dirinya. Potensi itu dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia selama keberadaannya mampu dikembangkan dengan baik dan maksimal. Kajian ini akan membahas tentang kreativitas manusia dan cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkannya. Banyak teori yang dikemukakan oleh para tokoh tentang pengertian kreativitas dan proses dalam merangsang serta mengembangkan kreativitas itu sendiri. Salah satunya adalah teori Graham Wallas yang mengatakan bahwa proses kreativitas pada diri manusia terjadi melalui empat tahap yang meliputi tahap preparasi, inkubasi, iluminasi dan verifikasi. Melalui keempat tahap inilah manusia diharapkan dapat mengembangkan potensi kreativitasnya dengan baik. Keempat tahap proses kreativitas inilah yang diterapkan dalam sekolah kepenulisan di Pesantren Mahasiswa Hasyim Asy’ari Cabeyan Yogyakart


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    There are many components that influence the islamic education teaching learning process, one of which is “the method of Religious Education”.  Nowadays, the method of Islamic Education is still using the old method such as giving speech, memorizing and demonstrating worship practices which look very empty. It is obvious that this kind of method makes the students bored, tired and unmotivated in learning Religion. Alternatively, to increase  the quality of education, teacher can apply the PAIKEM strategy (active, inovative, creative, effective, and happy learning) in the Islamic Education teaching learning process. It is expected through PAIKEM strategy, the teacher and students become more active and creative  in the process of teaching and learning. The conclusion of this research is  the application of PAIKEM strategy can increase the Islamic Education teaching learning process in SMK Sumber Bunga Situbondo from the process of planning, acting, and evaluating. Factors that support the application of PAIKEM strategy are the teachers’ ability in applying PAIKEM and the students’ readiness in studying. The weaknesses of the application of PAIKEM strategy are the infrastructure, environment and the time allocation


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    Coconut is one of the leading agricultural commodities in Seruyan Regency. In household coconut farming, coconut farmers are always faced with risks, especially production and product price risks. The existence of production risks and product prices will affect the economic behavior of coconut farmer households. The aims of this research are: to analyze production risk and product price risk in farming activities, to predict coconut production if there is a risk due to reduction in coconut trees. Farmer households that were sampled in the study totaled 200 households spread across the East Seruyan Hilir District, Seruyan Regency. Results in the study It is known that the average age of coconut plants owned by farmers is 28.79 years, with the oldest coconut being 46 years old. This indicates that the coconut plants in the study area are still classified as productive (<100 years). Based on the distribution, the age of the farmers' coconut plants is dominated by those aged 16-25 years with a percentage of 41.00 percent. While farmers who have coconut plants with age more than 45 years by 1 percent. So that the price of one coconut tree due to the risk of reducing coconut trees, the price of one tree is obtained as follows. Meanwhile, based on Table 12 it is known that the average price of coconuts that is often received (normal price) by coconut farming households is IDR 1,497/item. Meanwhile, the highest average price of coconut ever received by a coconut farmer household was Rp. 1,984/item and the lowest price ever received by an average coconut farmer household was Rp. 1,034. So that compensation for logging coconut trees is Rp. 10,628,700

    Digestibility of Nutrients on Broiler Given Various Protein Sources and Two Levels of Quebracho Tannin

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    Suatu penelitian telah dilaksanakan yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh sumber protein dan kandungan tannin dalam ransum terhadap kecernaan nutrien pada ayam broiler.  Sebanyak enampuluh empat ayam telah digunakan dan ditempatkan secara acak dalam faktorial 2x4 sebanyak delapan ulangan.  Protein yang digunakan meliputi gelatin, tepung ikan, tepung bulu dan campuran tepung daging dan kedelai.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Quebracho Tanin (QT) menekan kecernaan nutrien pada broiler.  Sumber protein mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengoreksi pengaruh negatif tanin dimana tepung ikan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi dan tepung bulu menghasilkan nilai yang paling rendah pada kecernaan.  Nilai kecernaan protein masing-masing untuk tepung ikan dan tepung bulu sebesar 54,40 dan 44,30%. (Animal Production 8(1): 50-58 (2006) Kata Kunci :  Kecernaan, quebracho, tanni

    Digestibility of Nutrients on Broiler Given Various Protein Sources and Two Levels of Quebracho Tannin

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    Suatu penelitian telah dilaksanakan yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh sumber protein dan kandungan tannin dalam ransum terhadap kecernaan nutrien pada ayam broiler. Sebanyak enampuluh empat ayam telah digunakan dan ditempatkan secara acak dalam faktorial 2x4 sebanyak delapan ulangan. Protein yang digunakan meliputi gelatin, tepung ikan, tepung bulu dan campuran tepung daging dan kedelai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Quebracho Tanin (QT) menekan kecernaan nutrien pada broiler. Sumber protein mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengoreksi pengaruh negatif tanin dimana tepung ikan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi dan tepung bulu menghasilkan nilai yang paling rendah pada kecernaan. Nilai kecernaan protein masing-masing untuk tepung ikan dan tepung bulu sebesar 54,40 dan 44,30%. (Animal Production 8(1): 50-58 (2006
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