21 research outputs found

    Resource access and creation in networks for service innovation

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    siirretty Doriast

    Resource access and creation in networks for service innovation

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    Current research highlights the role of resources in service innovation success and the role of networks in providing resources for innovation. However, research on resources in service innovation is very limited and a clear deficit also exists in research applying a network perspective for service innovation. This study is the first one to focus on resource access and creation in networks for service innovation. The objective of this study is to explore interaction for resources in networks over the service innovation process. This is accomplished by analyzing resource access and creation in business-to-business service innovation. The research aims to shed light on resources provided by networks for service innovation, and on relationships and activities to access those resources and to create new resources. The Interaction and Network Approach provides the theoretical background to the study. This study focuses on the empirical part on business-to-business service innovations in the technical/engineering field. Qualitative multi-case study research with embedded cases enabled investigation on interaction for resources within a real-life context. The empirical research was conducted in three case companies and five service innovation projects in networks, and the main data consisted of 57 in-depth interviews. Processes of the innovation projects were studied longitudinally both in real time and retrospectively. An abductive approach enabled exploration on a phenomenon that has not previously been studied and the building of theory in forms of theoretical models, frameworks, and typologies. This study found that a variety of resources are accessed from networks for service innovation. These resources were divided into individual and organizational resources depending whether they are bound to individuals or organizations. Resources that networks provide for service innovation could be further categorized into human, procedural, technological, financial, facility, relational, and informational resources. This study also shows that different resource categories play different roles in service innovation. Different kinds of resource can be accessed through four separate access strategies and types of relationship. This research further found that resource integration is a resource access strategy for human and procedural resources, which is employed in the creation of new resources in service innovation. Different types of service call for integrating complementary, supplementary or heterogeneous human resources. The main contribution of this research is in advancing understanding on interaction for resources in service innovation. It provides new understanding on service innovation resources. The study resulted in a theoretical model on resource access in service innovation and a model for resource integration in service innovation.</p

    XXIV ISPIM Conference, Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for sustainable growth

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    Despite recognition of the importance of careful partner selection for innovation networks, criteria that managers could apply in partner evaluation have gained scarce attention in research. A case study of five innovation processes in networks provided a rich data to explore the partner evaluation criteria that consider the peculiarities of open innovation. The findings suggest that partner selection criteria as discussed in current innovation literature are inadequate to capture the requirements of interactive collaboration. Instead, this study suggests that criteria based on capabilities provide more value when selecting partners for collaborative innovation. These characteristics can be divided into skills, attitudes and knowledge resources that enhance innovating in networks. This study contributes to open innovation and innovation network literature by showing how the capabilities that consist of a specific set of skills, attitudes and resources provide a suitable criteria for the partner selection in inter-organizational innovation networks. </p

    Paradox of openness : knowledge sharing-protection tension in ecosystems

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    The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection.©2020 International Society for Professional Innovation Management, Lappeenranta University of Technologyfi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Paradox of openness: knowledge sharing-protection tension in ecosystems

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    The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection.©2020 International Society for Professional Innovation Managementfi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    The ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in Times of Crisis

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    The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection. </p

    Fragmentation-related patterns of genetic differentiation in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) at two hierarchical scales

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    Populations at species' range margins are expected to show lower genetic diversity than populations at the core of the range. Yet, long-lived, widespread tree species are expected to be resistant to genetic impoverishment, thus showing comparatively high genetic diversity within populations and low differentiation among populations. Here, we study the distribution of genetic variation in the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) at its range margin in Finland at two hierarchical scales using 15 microsatellite loci. At a regional scale, we compared variation within versus among three oak populations. At a landscape scale, we examined genetic structuring within one of these populations, growing on an island of ca 5 km(2). As expected, we found the majority of genetic variation in Q. robur to occur within populations. Nonetheless, differentiation among populations was markedly high (F-ST = 0.12) compared with values reported for populations of Q. robur closer to the core of its range. At the landscape level, some spatial and temporal sub-structuring was observed, likely explained by the history of land-use on the island. Overall, Q. robur fulfils the expectation of the central-marginal hypothesis of high differentiation among marginal populations, but the notable population differentiation has most likely been influenced also by the long, ongoing fragmentation of populations. Finnish oak populations may still be adjusting to the drastic habitat changes of the past centuries. Preservation of genetic variation within the remaining stands is thus an important factor in the conservation of Q. robur at its range margin.Peer reviewe

    Dominant Distal Myopathy 3 (MPD3) Caused by a Deletion in the HNRNPA1 Gene

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    Background and Objectives To determine the genetic cause of the disease in the previously reported family with adult-onset autosomal dominant distal myopathy (myopathy, distal, 3; MPD3). Methods Continued clinical evaluation including muscle MRI and muscle pathology. A linkage analysis with single nucleotide polymorphism arrays and genome sequencing were used to identify the genetic defect, which was verified by Sanger sequencing. RNA sequencing was used to investigate the transcriptional effects of the identified genetic defect. Results Small hand muscles (intrinsic, thenar, and hypothenar) were first involved with spread to the lower legs and later proximal muscles. Dystrophic changes with rimmed vacuoles and cytoplasmic inclusions were observed in muscle biopsies at advanced stage. A single nucleotide polymorphism array confirmed the previous microsatellite-based linkage to 8p22-q11 and 12q13-q22. Genome sequencing of three affected family members combined with structural variant calling revealed a small heterozygous deletion of 160 base pairs spanning the second last exon 10 of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (HNRNPA1) gene, which is in the linked region on chromosome 12. Segregation of the mutation with the disease was confirmed by Sanger sequencing. RNA sequencing showed that the mutant allele produces a shorter mutant mRNA transcript compared with the wild-type allele Immunofluorescence studies on muscle biopsies revealed small p62 and larger TDP-43 inclusions. Discussion A small exon 10 deletion in the gene HNRNPA1 was identified as the cause of MPD3 in this family. The new HNRNPA1-related phenotype, upper limb presenting distal myopathy, was thus confirmed, and the family displays the complexities of gene identification.Peer reviewe

    Velkalavajärjestelmäprosessin kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli velkalavaprosessijärjestelmän kehittäminen. Työn tarkoituksena oli kuvata prosessin nykytila, selvittää siihen liittyvät ongelmat ja hakea niihin ratkaisuja sekä kehitys edotuksia. Työn teoriaosuudessa käytiin läpi kuormalavoihin sekä velkalavajärjestelmään liittyviä termejä ja selvennettiin mitä oleellisia asioita kuormalavojen käyttämiseen, kierrättämiseen ja velkalavajärjestelmään liittyy. Empiria eli tutkimusosuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, toimeksiantona Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj:lle. Aineistonkeruu menetelminä käytettiin osallistuvaa havainnointia, sähköpostikyselyä, yrityksen dokumentteja sekä avoimissa haastatteluissa käytyjä keskusteluja. Kyselyjen ja haastattelujen avulla pyrittiin selvittämään prosessin nykytila sekä prosessissa ilmenevät ongelmakohdat. Tutkimustulosten perusteella nykyisessä velkalavajärjestelmäprosessissa oli ongelmia kaikkien kolmen toimijan kohdalla. Tämän hetkisen FI-2002 puupakkausjärjestelmän määrittelemät käytännöt eivät vastaa yleisesti kentällä olevaa tämän hetkistä toimintamallia. Suurimmat haasteet olivat tutkimuksen mukaan laatuun, saldojen seurantaan ja velkalavojen saatavuuteen liittyvät ongelmat. Tarkempi, puupakkausjärjestelmän mukainen, laadun seuranta kaikkien toimijoiden taholta ja saldojen seuraamisen yhtenäistäminen helpottaisivat käytännön toimintaa ja kehittäisi velkalavajärjestelmä prosessia toimivammaksi. Jotta velkalavajärjestelmän prosessia pystyttäisiin kehittämään toimivammaksi, tulisi siitä löytyä selkeät toimintaperiaatteet, joita kaikki prosessissa mukana olevat tahot noudattaisivat. Yhtenäistämällä toimintatapoja ja järjestelmiä saataisiin velkalavaprosessi toimimaan kaikkien kolmen toimijan kannalta edukkaammin.The subject of the thesis was to develop the pallet pooling process concerning debt pallets. The purpose of the thesis was to describe the current state of the process, to identify problems related to it and to seek possible solutions and development suggestions to those problems. The theoretical part deals with terms related to using, recycling and pooling pallets, different pallet systems and clarifies substantive issues relating pallet pooling debt process. The empirical study was carried out as a qualitative case study, commissioned by Lassila & Tikanoja Plc. The data collection methods used were participatory observation, e-mail survey, company documents and discussions in open interviews. Surveys and interviews were used to find out the current state of the pooling process and problems encountered in it. According to the results of the study, there were problems in the current debt pallet pooling process from the perspective of all three operators. The practices defined by the current FI-2002 wood packaging system do not generally correspond to the current operating model in the field. According to the study, the biggest challenges were issues related to quality, balance tracking and availability of debt. More accurate quality tracking by all operators, in line with the FI-2002 wood packaging system, and unified tracking of balances would facilitate operations and make the debt pallet pooling process more functional. In order to develop the debt pallet pooling process more functional, it should have clear operating principles that all those involved in the process would follow. Harmonizing policies and systems would make the debt pallet pooling process more profitable for all three operating parties

    22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference: On Practice and Knowledge Eruptions

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    This paper explores how dynamics manifest in innovation networks and how it can be managed during the innovation process. The paper identifies different types of dynamics in networks for innovation, and examines how network management aids in coping with dynamics. This is achieved through a longitudinal, multi-case study that was conducted in the field of technical business-to-business services. An abductive research strategy is applied to create new understanding of network dynamics and its management. The findings show that network dynamics is an integral part of the innovation process in networks, and dynamics takes specific forms. Network dynamics further manifest in multiple ways during the innovation process. Network management provides important means to manage the innovation process despite constant changes. Research has so far paid scarce attention to dynamics in innovation networks and to possibilities to manage dynamics. This paper thus considerably adds to current understanding in this field. &nbsp;</p