2,157 research outputs found

    The Separable Kernel of Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach

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    The dispersion relations for nucleon-nucleon (NN) T-matrix in the framework of Bethe-Salpeter equation for two spin one-half particle system and with separable kernel of interaction are considered in the paper. The developed expressions are applied for construction of the separable kernel of interaction for S partial-waves in singlet and triplet channels. We calculate the low energy scattering parameters and the phase shifts and also the deuteron binding energy with the separable interaction. The approach can be easily extended to higher partial-waves for NN-scattering and other reactions (anti N N-, pi N-scattering).Comment: RevTex 4 style, 9 pages, 1 figur

    High dillution of Staphysagria and fruit fly biotherapic preparations to manage South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus, in organic peach orchards.

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    The peach, Prunus persica, is an important economic crop in southern Brazil, where family farms are predominantly small. The South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus is a limiting factor to increased production in orchard crops. Increased organic production in Brazil has stimulated research to find ecological based pest management. This research was carried out in order to evaluate the efficacy of preparations at high dilution in managing A. fraterculus in organic peach orchards. Experiments were conducted under field conditions in randomized blocks during 2003/04 and 2004/05. Treatments consisted of A. fraterculus nosodes and Staphysagria homeopathic preparations, both at two high dilution levels, 3CH and 6CH (centesimal hahnemannian dilution method), applied at two spray intervals, 5 and 10 days, and a control. Fruit losses due to A. fraterculus infestation varied from 40 to 98.3%. Although there were significant differences among treatments in the first harvest of two of the three experiments there were no significant differences in the second harvest of any of the experiments. None of the homeopathic preparations reduced the incidence of infested fruit significantly below that of the water control in any of the three experiments. Further studies must combine other strategies such as bagging fruits and planting of early season cultivars. Variation on high dilution potency, dose, and frequency of application must also be considered

    1.000.000 Fußballfans in einer Stadt mit 120.000 Einwohnern - ein notfallmedizinischer Albtraum?: Die Euro 2008 und das "Oranje-Wunder von Bern"

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Fußballeuropameisterschaft 2008 war die größte je in der Schweiz organisierte Sportveranstaltung. Eine Million Fußballfans besuchten in diesem Zeitraum Bern, und der lokale Flughafen Bern/Belp verzeichnete 261 zusätzliche Flüge. Pro Fußballspiel waren 33.000 Zuschauer im Stadion und 100.000 schauten in den Public-viewing-Zonen zu. Der Rettungsdienst und das Notfallzentrum des Inselspitals am Universitätsklinikum Bern waren für die medizinische Grundversorgung und die Notfallversorgung zuständig. Verletzungen und Krankheiten wurden mit einem standardisierten Score (NACA-Score, NACA National Advisory Committee of Aeronautics) analysiert. Details zu den Vorbereitungen, Kosten und Patientenzahlen werden im vorliegenden Artikel dargestellt. Insgesamt waren 30 zusätzlich Ambulanzfahrzeuge im Einsatz, 4723 zusätzliche Arbeitstage (1/3 davon durch medizinische Fachkräfte) wurden geleistet, 662 Ambulanzrufe gingen ein, 240 Personen benötigten eine medizinische Versorgung (62% Schweizer, 28% Niederländer, 10% anderer Nationalität). Von diesen wurden 51 Personen in einem der 4 städtischen Krankenhäuser behandelt. Es kamen keine Verletzungen der Grade NACAVI und VII vor (NACAI 4, NACAII 17, NACAIII 16, NACAIV 10, NACAV 4Patienten). Die Stadt Bern erstattete dem Inselspital 112.603EUR für die medizinische Versorgung. Die größten Anteile daran hatten die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen (50.300EUR) und die Kosten für medizinisches Personal (22.600EUR für Ärzte, 29.000EUR für Pflegefachkräfte). Aufgrund des schlechten Wetters und des vorbildlichen Verhaltens der Fans nahmen die Ereignisse einen eher friedlichen Verlau

    Moregrasp: Restoration of Upper Limb Function in Individuals with High Spinal Cord Injury by Multimodal Neuroprostheses for Interaction in Daily Activities

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    The aim of the MoreGrasp project is to develop a noninvasive, multimodal user interface including a brain-computer interface (BCI) for intuitive control of a grasp neuroprosthesis to support individuals with high spinal cord injury (SCI) in everyday activities. We describe the current state of the project, including the EEG system, preliminary results of natural movements decoding in people with SCI, the new electrode concept for the grasp neuroprosthesis, the shared control architecture behind the system and the implementation of a user-centered design

    Properties of low-lying states in a diffusive quantum dot and Fock-space localization

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    Motivated by an experiment by Sivan et al. (Europhys. Lett. 25, 605 (1994)) and by subsequent theoretical work on localization in Fock space, we study numerically a hierarchical model for a finite many-body system of Fermions moving in a disordered potential and coupled by a two-body interaction. We focus attention on the low-lying states close to the Fermi energy. Both the spreading width and the participation number depend smoothly on excitation energy. This behavior is in keeping with naive expectations and does not display Anderson localization. We show that the model reproduces essential features of the experiment by Sivan et al.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fluorescence excitation spectrum, lifetimes and photoisomerization of jet-cooled conformers of 1,1 '- bi(benzocyclobutylidene)

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    First measurements of fluorescence excitation spectra of the recently synthesized rigid stilbene analogue 1,1'- bi(benzocyclobutylidene) in a supersonic jet expansion show that, in contrast to the parent compound, both the trans- and the cis-conformer fluoresce under these conditions. The excitation energy dependence of fluorescence lifetimes indicates the onset of an efficient non-radiative decay channel above energy thresholds of 1340 cm(-1) and 990 cm(-1) for the trans- and cis-form, respectively, which is assigned to photoisomerization in the singlet state. From an RRKM analysis of the microcanonical rate coefficients an estimate of the high pressure limit of the thermal photoisomerization rate coefficient is obtained and compared with photoisomerization rate coefficients measured in low viscosity solution and in thermal vapor. There are strong indications that for this compound there are no dynamic or static solvent induced effects that lead to an anomalous acceleration of the reaction in solution

    Dimensional stability of curved panels with cocured stiffeners and cobonded frames

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    Closed form and finite element analyses are presented for axial direction and transverse direction dimensional stability of skin/stringer panels. Several sensitivity studies are presented to illustrate the influence of various design parameters on the dimensional stability of these panels. Panel geometry, material properties (stiffness and coefficient of thermal expansion), restraint conditions and local details, such as resin fillets, all combine to influence dimensional stability, residual and assembly forces

    Relativistic Corrections to the Triton Binding Energy

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    The influence of relativity on the triton binding energy is investigated. The relativistic three-dimensional version of the Bethe-Salpeter equation proposed by Blankenbecler and Sugar (BbS) is used. Relativistic (non-separable) one-boson-exchange potentials (constructed in the BbS framework) are employed for the two-nucleon interaction. In a 34-channel Faddeev calculation, it is found that relativistic effects increase the triton binding energy by about 0.2 MeV. Including charge-dependence (besides relativity), the final triton binding energy predictions are 8.33 and 8.16 MeV for the Bonn A and B potential, respectively.Comment: 25 pages of text (latex), 1 figure (not included, available upon request

    Predicting Mobile Mental Telehealth Usability Based on Individual Differences

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    Due to the increased need for the delivery of successful mental health interventions in special populations (i.e., military personnel, rural populations, aging populations, etc.), mobile mental telehealth applications have been developed to supplement patient-practitioner interaction. While there is a great deal of work on both patient and practitioner satisfaction with mobile mental telehealth devices, little is known about the influence of individual differences on user perceptions of usability and usefulness. The present study seeks to better predict the usability of mobile mental telehealth applications by drawing from the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis & Venkatesh, 1996; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh, 2000) and self-determination theory literature (Deci, Eghrari, Patrick, & Leone, 1994; Ryan & Deci, 2001; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Eighty undergraduate students participated in a usability study examining the perceived ease of use of two free-to-download mobile mental telehealth applications. In this experiment, participants completed a series of surveys related to attitudes towards mental telehealth applications, motivation to use mental telehealth technology, and a brief demographic survey after interacting with the mental telehealth applications. A stepwise regression with an adjusted R2 value of .41 indicated that a little less than half of the variability in perceived mental telehealth application usability is predicted by user competence, user attitudes toward telehealth technology, and user goals for the system. The implications of these findings will be discussed further, as well as the limitations of this study

    Regulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen ubiquitination in mammalian cells

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    After exposure to DNA-damaging agents that block the progress of the replication fork, monoubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) mediates the switch from replicative to translesion synthesis DNA polymerases. We show that in human cells, PCNA is monoubiquitinated in response to methyl methanesulfonate and mitomycin C, as well as UV light, albeit with different kinetics, but not in response to bleomycin or camptothecin. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are responsible for most of the PCNA ubiquitination events after UV-irradiation. Failure to ubiquitinate PCNA results in substantial sensitivity to UV and methyl methanesulfonate, but not to camptothecin or bleomycin. PCNA ubiquitination depends on Replication Protein A (RPA), but is independent of ATR-mediated checkpoint activation. After UV-irradiation, there is a temporal correlation between the disappearance of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 and the presence of PCNA ubiquitination, but this correlation was not found after chemical mutagen treatment. By using cells expressing photolyases, we are able to remove the UV lesions, and we show that PCNA ubiquitination persists for many hours after the damage has been removed. We present a model of translesion synthesis behind the replication fork to explain the persistence of ubiquitinated PCNA