49 research outputs found

    Increasing climate change changes household medical expenditures

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    Climate change is exacerbating global disease risks, which will change household medical expenditures. Employing machine learning techniques and fine-scale bank transaction data, this study explores the changing household medical expenditures in 290 Chinese cities under four SSP scenarios (SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5、SSP3-7.0、SSP5-8.5) and further evaluates the adaptive impacts from socio-economic and physiological adaptations. The results show that the increasing temperature is projected to decrease future medical expenses in China by 5.24% (SSP1-2.6) to 5.60% (SSP5-8.5) in 2060. Cities exhibit differentiated sensitivity to increasing temperatures. Richer cities have enhanced resilience to high temperatures, and cold regions demonstrate less vulnerability to extreme cold weather. Physiological adaptation to climate change can significantly reduce medical expenditures by 27.6% by 2060. Meanwhile, socio-economic adaptation is expected to amplify national total medical expenses by 22.5% in 2060 under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. Our study incorporates adaptation into the prediction of future medical expenditures in China, aiming to assist cities in devising tailored climate adaptation strategies to alleviate the household economic strain induced by climate change

    Balance between poverty alleviation and air pollutant reduction in China

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    Key targets of the sustainable development goals might be in contradiction to each other. For example, poverty alleviation may exacerbate air pollution by increasing production and associated emissions. This paper investigates the potential impacts of achieving different poverty eradication goals on typical air pollutants in China by capturing household consumption patterns for different income groups and locations, and linking it to China’s multi-regional input-output table and various scenarios. We find that ending extreme poverty, i.e. lifting people above the poverty line of USD 1.90 a day in 2011 purchasing power parity (PPP), increases China’s household emissions by only less than 0.6%. The contribution increases to 2.4%–4.4% when adopting the USD 3.20 PPP poverty line for lower-middle-income countries. Technical improvements in economic sectors can easily offset poverty-alleviation-induced emissions in both scenarios. Nevertheless, when moving all impoverished residents below the USD 5.50 PPP poverty line for upper-middle-income countries, household emissions in China would increase significantly by 18.5%–22.3%. Counteracting these additional emissions would require national emission intensity in production to decrease by 23.7% for SO2, 13.6% for NOx, 82.1% for PM2.5, and 58.0% for PM10. Required synergies between poverty alleviation and emission reduction call for changes in household lifestyles and production

    Large Virtual Transboundary Hazardous Waste Flows: The Case of China

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    The Basel Convention and prior studies mainly focused on the physical transboundary movements of hazardous waste (transporting waste from one region to another for cheaper disposal). Here, we take China, the world's largest waste producer, as an example and reveal the virtual hazardous waste flows in trade (outsourcing waste by importing waste-intensive products) by developing a multiregional input-output model. Our model characterizes the impact of international trade between China and 140 economies and China's interprovincial trade on hazardous waste generated by 161,599 Chinese enterprises. We find that, in 2015, virtual hazardous waste flows in China's trade reached 26.6 million tons (67% of the national total), of which 31% were generated during the production of goods that were ultimately consumed abroad. Trade-related production is much dirtier than locally consumed production, generating 26% more hazardous waste per unit of GDP. Under the impact of virtual flows, 40% of the waste-intensive production and relevant disposal duty is unequally concentrated in three Chinese provinces (including two least-developed ones, Qinghai and Xinjiang). Our findings imply the importance of expanding the scope of transboundary waste regulations and provide a quantitative basis for introducing consumer responsibilities. This may help relieve waste management burdens in less-developed "waste havens"

    Large Virtual Transboundary Hazardous Waste Flows:The Case of China

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    The Basel Convention and prior studies mainly focused on the physical transboundary movements of hazardous waste (transporting waste from one region to another for cheaper disposal). Here, we take China, the world’s largest waste producer, as an example and reveal the virtual hazardous waste flows in trade (outsourcing waste by importing waste-intensive products) by developing a multiregional input–output model. Our model characterizes the impact of international trade between China and 140 economies and China’s interprovincial trade on hazardous waste generated by 161,599 Chinese enterprises. We find that, in 2015, virtual hazardous waste flows in China’s trade reached 26.6 million tons (67% of the national total), of which 31% were generated during the production of goods that were ultimately consumed abroad. Trade-related production is much dirtier than locally consumed production, generating 26% more hazardous waste per unit of GDP. Under the impact of virtual flows, 40% of the waste-intensive production and relevant disposal duty is unequally concentrated in three Chinese provinces (including two least-developed ones, Qinghai and Xinjiang). Our findings imply the importance of expanding the scope of transboundary waste regulations and provide a quantitative basis for introducing consumer responsibilities. This may help relieve waste management burdens in less-developed “waste havens”

    Molecular Signatures of Tumour and Its Microenvironment for Precise Quantitative Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An International Multi-Cohort Diagnostic Validation Study

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    Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: www.mdpi.com/xxx/s1, Table ST1 – qMIDSV2 Gene panel primer sequences; Figure S1 – qMIDSV1 vs qMIDSV2 384-well assay format and protocols; Figure S2. Individual target gene expression pattern in 1761 samples; Figure S3. Various statistical methods used for gene selection analysis on 1761 clinical samples; Figure S4. Diagnostic performance comparison between qMIDSV2 vs qMIDSV2* (with 4 less effective genes removed from the panel of 14 target genes of qMIDSV2); Figure S5. Effect of removing individual genes from the 14-target gene panel qMIDSV2 (qV2) on diagnostic test performance based on the UK patient cohort data

    The role of Guanxi in green supply chain management in Asia's emerging economies: A conceptual framework

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    In recent decades, rapid industrial modernization and economic growth have brought substantial environmental problems such as air pollution, hazardous waste, and water pollution for the Asian Emerging Economies (AEE), in particular China, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and South Korea. These countries have started to adopt green supply chain management (GSCM) as a strategy to reduce the environmental impact. There are anecdotal evidences that the adoption of GSCM in this region is partly influenced by Guanxi – a cultural norm, which plays a significant role in relationship governance within supply chain activities among the AEE. Based on a systematic literature review, we develop a conceptual framework that characterizes the drivers and barriers for the adoption of GSCM practices, incorporating Guanxi as a moderator in the manufacturing sector of the AEE. The conceptual framework addresses the roles of two types of Guanxi in the adoption of GSCM: the relational Guanxi at individual level based on social exchange theory and the aggregated Guanxi at firm level derived from social capital theory. This recognition of Guanxi at two separate decision levels help companies better manage their relationships while they green their supply chains. Directions for future research and managerial implications are discussed accordingly