361 research outputs found

    Contents, Volume 16 (2005)

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    Entomologica Fennica. 16 December 200

    Lihakarjakokeet vuosina 1960-1980

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    vKirjasto Aj-

    Shifting body weight-fecundity relationship in a capital breeder : maternal effects on egg numbers of the autumnal moth under field conditions

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    In the literature, various environmental factors are described as being capable of influencing the reproductive output of insect females irrespective of their body size. Still, female body size or weight is widely used as a proxy for fecundity. In the present study, a seven-year data set on the autumnal moth, Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), was used to analyze whether the body weight-fecundity relationship in this capital breeding, cyclic forest defoliating lepidopteran is constant across years. Ambient temperature conditions and density of conspecifics during larval development, the length of the pupal period, as well as moth densities in the parent generation were examined as factors capable of modifying the body weight-fecundity relationship. While the regression slope of potential fecundity (total egg numbers per female) on pupal mass was constant across years, the mean total egg number per given body weight (the regression intercept) was significantly different between years. This residual variance in egg numbers after controlling for the effect of pupal mass was best explained by the pooled geometrid density (autumnal and winter moths) in the parent generation. The total egg number per given body weight decreased with increasing density of geometrid moths in the parent generation. Thus, maternal density effects on offspring fecundity were found in this system. Their rather weak nature suggests, however, that this maternal effect alone does not have the potential of causing cyclic population dynamics in the autumnal moth

    Multi-objective optimization shapes ecological variation

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    Ecological systems contain a huge amount of quantitative variation between and within species and locations, which makes it difficult to obtain unambiguous verification of theoretical predictions. Ordinary experiments consider just a few explanatory factors and are prone to providing oversimplified answers because they ignore the complexity of the factors that underlie variation. We used multi-objective optimization (MO) for a mechanistic analysis of the potential ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of variation in the life-history traits of a species of moth. Optimal life-history solutions were sought for environmental conditions where different life stages of the moth were subject to predation and other known fitness-reducing factors in a manner that was dependent on the duration of these life stages and on variable mortality rates. We found that multi-objective optimal solutions to these conditions that the moths regularly experience explained most of the life-history variation within this species. Our results demonstrate that variation can have a causal interpretation even for organisms under steady conditions. The results suggest that weather and species interactions can act as underlying causes of variation, and MO acts as a corresponding adaptive mechanism that maintains variation in the traits of organisms

    Local outbreaks of Operophtera brumata and Operophtera fagata cannot be explained by low vulnerability to pupal predation

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    One of the unresolved questions in studies on population dynamics of forest Lepidoptera is why some populations at times reach outbreak densities, whereas others never do. Resolving this question is especially challenging if populations of the same species in different areas or of closely-related species in the same area are considered. The present study focused on three closely-related geometrid moth species, autumnal Epirrita autumnata, winter Operophtera brumata and northern winter moths Operophtera fagata, in southern Finland. There, winter and northern winter moth populations can reach outbreak densities, whereas autumnal moth densities stay relatively low. We tested the hypothesis that a lower vulnerability to pupal predation may explain the observed differences in population dynamics. The results obtained do not support this hypothesis because pupal predation probabilities were not significantly different between the two genera within or without the Operophtera outbreak area or in years with or without a current Operophtera outbreak. Overall, pupal predation was even higher in winter and northern winter moths than in autumnal moths. Differences in larval predation and parasitism, as well as in the reproductive capacities of the species, might be other candidates

    Index to genera and species, Volume 16 (2005)

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    Entomologica Fennica. 16 December 200

    Larval parasitism in outbreaking and non-outbreaking populations of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)

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    Larval parasitism of Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen) was monitored during six years in field samples from within the outbreak range of E. autumnata in northern Fennoscandia, and outside it in southern Finland. All parasitoids found were hymenopterans. Six phenologically early species of parasitoids were found in populations within the outbreak range and three species outside the outbreak range. Two late larval parasitoid species were found within the outbreak range, but none outside the outbreak range. In half of the populations within the outbreak range, early larval parasitoids seemed to increase with a time lag. This is consistent with the cyclic population fluctuations of E. autumnata there. On a small spatial scale (among trees), however, parasitoids acted without a time lag. Parasitism rates by the early larval parasitoids are probably too low (mean 11%) for early parasitoids alone to keep densities of E. autumnata continuously at low levels outside the outbreak range in southern Finland

    Reversed impacts by specialist parasitoids and generalist predators may explain a phase lag in moth cycles : a novel hypothesis and preliminary field tests

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    Among cyclic populations of herbivores, inter-specific temporal synchrony has been attributed to both climatic factors and trophic interactions. In northern Europe, winter and autumnal moths undergo regular 9–11 year population cycles. The winter moth cycle has typically been phase-locked with that of the autumnal moth, but with a 1–3- year phase lag. We examined potential effects of natural enemies on this phase lag using field experiments and observational data. We found that larval parasitism was significantly higher in autumnal than in winter moths. Conversely, pupal predation by generalist invertebrates was clearly greater in winter than in autumnal moths. The difference in parasitism rates may contribute to the earlier collapse of the autumnal moth cycle. In addition, the phase lag may be strengthened by higher pupal mortality in winter moths in the early increase phase of the cycles. As a consequence, we put forward a hypothesis on reversed effects of natural enemies, providing a potential explanation for phase-lagged population cycles of these moth species

    Vauhtia ohjaukseen : työväline mielenterveys- ja päihdekuntoutujien asumisyksikköön

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    Kehittämistyömme tehtävänä oli tuottaa työväline laadukkaaseen palveluohjaukseen Turussa Ykköskoti Artukaisten ohjaajille. Työvälineeksi muodostui palveluohjauskansio. Tavoitteena oli lisätä ohjaajien tietämystä kolmannen sektorin mielenterveys- ja päihdeasiakkaille suunnatuista palveluista Turun alueelle ja palveluohjauskansion avulla helpottaa sekä selkeyttää ohjaustyötä. Lähtökohtana palveluohjauskansiolle oli palveluiden pirstaleisuus sekä asiakkaiden palveluntarpeiden kasvu. Kehittämistyö toteutettiin yhdessä työelämäkumppanin kanssa. Ykköskoti Artukainen tarjoaa asumista mielenterveys- ja päihdekuntoutujille nuoresta vanhempaan asiakkaaseen. Kehittämistyömme teoria rakentuu mielenterveys- ja päihdepalvelujen tuottajista, palveluohjauksesta ja mielenterveys- ja päihdepalveluiden palveluohjauksen erityispiirteistä. Mielenterveys- ja päihdepalveluiden tuottajissa keskitymme enemmän kolmannen sektorin palveluiden tuottajiin. Kehittämisen menetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuuteen tutustumista, kehittämishankepäiväkirjoja, kehittämishankesuunnitelman tekemistä, dialogista yhteistyötä työyhteisön kanssa sekä osallistuvaa havainnointia. Kehittämistyön prosessi eteni spiraalimallin mukaan. Spiraalimallissa tehtävä, organisointi, toteutus ja arviointi muodostavat kehän. Toiminta jatkuu aina uusilla kehillä, joissa edellisen vaiheen tuotos arvioidaan joka kerta uudelleen. Kehittämistyön etenemisen kannalta reflektiivisyys, arviointi ja vuorovaikutus työyhteisön kanssa olivat tärkeitä. Tuotoksena syntyi palveluohjauskansio kolmannen sektorin mielenterveys- ja päihdepalveluiden tarjoajista Turun alueella. Palveluohjauskansion pilotointivaiheessa kansion pohjalta syntyi vielä palveluohjauslomake asiakkaita varten. Palveluohjauskansio on suunnattu ohjaajille. He voivat käyttää sitä esimerkiksi päivitettäessä asiakkaan kuntoutumissuunnitelmaa ja kartoitettaessa asiakkaalle sopivia talon ulkopuolisia kuntoutusta tukevia palveluita. Valmis tuotos otettiin innolla vastaan. Kehittämistyömme vastasi asetettuja tavoitteita ja olemme itse siihen tyytyväisiä. Kehittämistyön prosessi oli antoisa ja opettavainen. Palveluohjauskansiota on tarkoitus päivittää työntekijöiden toimesta tietojen muuttuessa.The aim of this development work was to produce a tool for good case management done in the Ykköskoti Artukainen in Turku. The tool became to be a case management binder. The aim was to add the knowledge of the counsellors concerning third party driven services for the clients suffering from mental health and substance abuse problems. The case management binder aims to ease and speed the work of the counsellors working in Ykköskoti Artukainen. The starting point of this development work was the understanding, that the services in this field are so to say scattered and and the need of services by these clients is growing. This development work was done together with the working life partner. Ykköskoti Artukainen offers accomodation for people suffering and recovering from mental health and substance abuse problems, the inhabitants vary from old to young. The theory behind this developmet work consists of the services provided to mentalhealth and subtance abuse problem sufferers, case management and the specialities concerning case management in the field of mental health and substance abuse. In the part of the mental health and substance abuse service providers we have taken a closer look at the third party service providers. The methods of developing used in this work are a literature overlook, development work diaries, a development work plan, co-working in a dialogue with the work community and participant observation. The process of this development work followed the structure of the spiral method. In the spiral method the task, the organising, the implementation and the evaluation form a cycle. The development work continues doing new cycles in which the produce of the last cycle gets evaluated a second time. This may continue for more than just a few cycles. In order for the development work to go on it is important to be reflecting, evaluating and beeing in a dialogue with the work community. The product of this development work came out to be a case management binder consisting of the third party service providers working in the field of mental health and subtance abuse problems in the area of Turku. In the phase of piloting the case management binder we developed a form for case management. The case management binder is meant for the counsellors to be used for example when updating the clients’ rehabilitation plan annually. The case management binder can be used when trying to find some services for the clients outside of the Ykköskoti Artukainen. The case management binder was warmly welcomed by the work community. Our development work met the goals set for it and we ourselves are content with it. The process of the develpment work gave us a lot and we learned new things by doing this. It is meant that the case management binder will be kept up to date by the work community

    Perception of Work Environment and Well-being in Activity-based Office – Three-wave Longitudinal Study

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    Activity-based offices (ABOs) have become increasingly common. Yet, longitudinal studies investigating the effects of change are rare. This three-wave longitudinal study compared perceptions of privacy and office support, satisfaction with the work environment, and well-being in an organization that renovated private offices into an ABO (maintaining assigned desks). Questionnaires were administered four months before and eight and 21 months after the change. Data on 34 employees from the first and 21 from the second follow-up were analyzed. Privacy, perceived office support for work tasks, and work engagement decreased at both follow-ups. No effects were found on perceived office support for interaction or job satisfaction. Satisfaction with the work environment decreased at the eight-month follow-up. This study’s long follow-up demonstrated the negative effects of office redesign on the perception of privacy, support for work tasks, satisfaction with the work environment, and well-being
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