130 research outputs found

    A mathematical model for phase separation: A generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation

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    In this paper we present a mathematical model to describe the phenomenon of phase separation, which is modelled as space regions where an order parameter changes smoothly. The model proposed, including thermal and mixing effects, is deduced for an incompressible fluid, so the resulting differential system couples a generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation with the Navier-Stokes equation. Its consistency with the second law of thermodynamics in the classical Clausius-Duhem form is finally proved.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, Published online in Wiley Online Librar

    I. Joar Lindroth

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    Botanico: Liro, Johan Ivar (Lindroth) (1872-1943). Titolo, data di nascita del botanico (19/10 72) e di pubblicazione della foto (fot. 30/6/1900) manoscritti sul recto. Montata su cartoncino 102 x 63 mm. 1 fotografia : gelatina a sviluppo? ; 88 x 59 mm. Vai alla scheda bibliografica: https://galileodiscovery.unipd.it/discovery/fulldisplay?context=L&vid=39UPD_INST:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma99001512862020604

    Peer Groups Led by Peers in Mental Health Rehabilitation- Peer-instructor`s Experiences-

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    The experiences of mental health rehabilitees regarding voluntary led peer to peer groups are examined in this study. The working life partner was Tukiyhdistys Majakka Ry. Majakka is the day center for mental health rehabilitees located in Helsinki. The study's purpose was to make the operations model of Majakka more known and examine the benefits of their strong visitor orientated operations model from the perspective of inclusion. The study was qualitative research. The objective of the study was to produce information about the essential factors that promote inclusion and social participation based on peer-instructors experiences. In the theoretical framework, I introduce the mental health work in Finland in general basis, as well as the history of It. The working life partner is a third sector association, so I describe the role and the benefits of the third sector in Finland. I open up some challenges faced by mental health rehabilitees and introduce the scientifically proven methods to promote inclusion. By implementing my study, I interviewed four peer-instructors and the chairman of the executive committee of Majakka. To find out more about the subject, I also interviewed two staff members. All interviews were implemented during Autumn 2020. The results were analyzed by using content analysis. Four main themes rose from the content. Those were Inclusion, Peer-support, Challenges and Meaningful Things to Do. Based on the study results, a conclusion can be drawn, that leading peer to peer groups promotes the inclusion by increasing the social encounters, promoting a sense of belonging and togetherness, as well as increasing the possibilities to use one's abilities. For further research, it might be interesting to examine more of the factors that make the operations model in Majakka so functional and easy to run. Based on this knowledge, perhaps it could be found out how this model could be implemented and built somewhere else

    Skiftarbetets påverkan på kronisk ländryggsmärta hos sjukskötare

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    År 2017 betalade FPA ut allt som allt över 34 miljoner euro i sjukdagpenning på grund av ospecifika ryggsmärtor i Finland. Kronisk ospecifik ländryggssmärta är den ledande orsaken till sjukfrånvaro och funktionsnedsättningar hos sjukskötare över hela världen. Otillräcklig fysisk kondition, bristfällig kunskap om arbetsergonomi och trötthet orsakad av nattskiften höjer risken för sjukskötarnas ländryggsskador. Genom en mångfald av mekanismer kan smärtan bli kronisk trots att den ursprungliga skadan redan läkts. Syftet med vårt arbete är att lyfta fram sömnens betydelse i förhindrandet och rehabiliteringen av kroniska ländryggssmärtor hos sjukskötare, och att skapa diskussion om hur man med hjälp av bättre planering av arbetsscheman kunde minska på mängden sjukfrånvaron inom professionen. I vår deduktiva litteraturstudie har vi analyserat tio stycken forskningar som svarar på frågorna “hur påverkas sömnen av skiftarbete?” och “hur påverkas smärtan av sömnstörningar?”. Till slut har vi sammanslagit resultaten för att ge svar på frågorna “hur kan fysioterapeuter i sitt arbete ta sömnen i beaktande i förebyggandet och rehabiliteringen av sjukskötares kroniska ländryggssmärtor” och “hur borde sjukskötares skift planeras för att minska på mängden ländryggssmärtor hos sjukskötare?” Arbetets evidensgrad begränsas av det snäva materialet och av att forskningarna vi analyserade var sinsemellan väldigt olika. Resultaten antyder att skiftarbetet rubbar den naturliga dygnsrytmen och kan orsaka svåra sömnstörningar. Störningar i sömnen kan i sin tur höja smärtkänsligheten och öka risken för att smärtan i ländryggen blir kronisk. För att förbättra sömnkvaliteten kan fysioterapeuten handleda sjukskötaren i god sömnhygien, planering av dygnssömnen och tillämpning av sömnförbättrande motionsformer. I planeringen av arbetsscheman är det viktigt att sjukskötaren inte arbetar flera nattskift i rad, och att den anställda har en tillräckligt lång vilotid mellan arbetsturer

    Early stages of spinodal decomposition in an aluminum-zinc alloy

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    A small-angle X-ray scattering study has been made of isothermal decomposition in an Al-Zn alloy containing 22 at.% Zn. The changes in the X-ray spectra in the early stages of the decomposition at 65°C were in accord with the theory of spinodal decomposition proposed by J.W. Cahn. [Acta Met. 9, 795 (1961).] The diffusion coefficient derived from the kinetics agreed with an extrapolation of high-temperature data and the measured value of the gradient-energy coefficient was (16 ± 3) × 10-6 erg cm-1. © 1967

    Carburization effects on pig iron nugget making

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    The iron nugget process is an economical, environmentally friendly, cokeless, single-step pig iron making process. Residence-time dependent process requirements for the production of pig iron nuggets at a fixed furnace temperature (1,425°C) were investigated. Depending on the residence time in the furnace, three chemically and physically different products were produced. These products were direct reduced iron (DRI), transition direct reduced iron (TDRI) and pig iron nuggets (PIN). The increase in the carbon content of the structure as a function of residence time was detected by optical microscopy and microhardness measurements. Sufficient carbon dissolution for the production of pig iron nuggets was obtained after a residence time of 40 minutes. The pig iron nuggets produced had chemical and physical properties similar to blast furnace pig iron. They were liquid-state products, and the slag was completely separated from the metal. Copyright 2006, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc

    Role of microstructure, composition and hardness in resisting hydrogen embrittlement of fastener grade steels

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    The degree of hydrogen embrittlement for several fastener grade steels has been determined. While microstructural alteration resulted in some improvement in resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, the overriding factor contributing to susceptibility of the steel was strength. The degree of susceptibility of the microstructures to hydrogen embrittlement, ranked in increasing order, is as follows: fine pearlite, bainite, tempered martensite. The effects of alloying were also assessed by comparing results from different fastener grade steels with similar microstructures. In most cases, the alloy chemistry had little effect, presumably due to trap saturation associated with this testing technique. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved