24 research outputs found

    Prokrastinasi Akademik Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Berprestasi Dan Stres Mahasiswa

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    This research aimed to find out whether variables need for achievement and students stress having correlation with variable academic procrastination. Hypotheses proposed were there's negative correlation between need for achievement and academic procrastination by controlling variable student stress and student stress is having positive correlation with academic procrastination by controlling need for achievement. Data collected through need for achievement scale, student stress scale and academic procrastination scale. 112 students of UII were involved in this study. Data analyzed by partial correlation has proved that need for achievement is having negative correlation with r score was – 0.5508 with p level at 0.05


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    Perceraian orangtua merupakan suatu peristiwa yang berdampak pada penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan subjektif anak, khususnya remaja, ditandai dengan rendahnya tingkat kepuasan akan hidup, penurunan afek positif serta peningkatan afek negatif. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan kebersyukuran dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan subjektif pada remaja yang memiliki orangtua bercerai. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja berusia 15 – 18 tahun, memiliki orangtua yang bercerai, memiliki skor kepuasan hidup sangat rendah sampai sedang. Kesejahteraan diukur menggunakan dua skala, yaitu SWLS untuk mengukur aspek kepuasan hidup dan SPANE untuk mengukur afek positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan kebersyukuran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kepuasan hidup, namun tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatan afek positif dan penurunan afek negatif. Pelatihan kebersyukuran memberikan dampak positif berupa perubahan sudut pandang dalam menyikapi peritiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam hidup yang kemudian membantu subjek untuk belajar menerima kondisi saat ini. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan subjektfi, remaja perlu belajar untuk menerima kondisi saat ini dan mensyukuri hal-hal kecil yang telah diperoleh

    Sabar dan Shalat Sebagai Model untuk Meningkatkan Resiliensi di Daerah Bencana, Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas Pelatihan Kesabaran dan Sholat untuk meningkatkan Resiliensi bagi warga penyintas erupsi Merapi di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Perlakuan terdiri atas 8 sesi pelatihan diberikan selama satu pekan dan masing-masing selama 2 jam. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 68 penyintas (survivors) yang berasal dari 2 huntara, berusia sekitar 18-55 tahun dan dikelompokkan dalam 2 kelompok. Satu kelompok (n=37) sebagai kelompok eksperimen menerima perlakuan, yakni pelatihan Kesabaran dan Sholat. Satu kelompok lainnya (n=31) sebagai kelompok control (waiting list). Skala Resiliensi CD-RISC (Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale) digunakan sebagai alat ukur. Prates disajikan sebelum perlakuan dan pascates disajikan setelah perlakuan dan 2 pekan setelah pascates (follow-up). Hasil uji t menunjukkan t=0,614 dan p=0,270 (p>0,05). Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan tidak efektif untuk meningkatkan resiliensi


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    This study aims to examine corelation between emotional quotient and online impulse buying on member of Kaskus forum in Yogyakata region. The subjects of this research were Kaskus member who have any transaction or did online shopping via Kaskus and lives in Yogyakarta. The data were collected using emotional quotient scales from Goleman theory (1999) and Impulse buying online scale from Mesiranta theory (2009). The result of analyze showed that emotional quotient was a very correlated to impulse buying online with level r valkeceue -0.433with p = 0.005 (p < 0.05) Based on this fnding, the hypothesis was accepted

    Effectiveness of asmaul husna dhikr therapy to enhance the self control of alcohol abuser

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    Abstract This research was conducted aiming to find out whether Asmaul Husna dhikr could be using a treatment to enhance self-control among alcohol abusers. There were 18 alcohol abusers age between 18 to 40 years old as subject divided into two groups. The research used quasi-experimental method with nonrandomized pretest-posttest-control group design, comparing the conditions before and after treatment between two groups. Self-control was measured by The Brief Self Control Scale (BSCS) adapted from Tangney, Baumister, and Boone (2004) scale, which self-discipline, deliberate, healthy habits, work ethic and reliability as self-control aspects. The experimental group participated in asmaul husna dhikr activities for about 2 weeks. The result showed significant differences in self-control score between experimental group and control group, by its significant level showing p = 0.001 (p < 0.05). Thus, asmaul husna dhikr could be an effective treatment for enhancing self-control among alcohol abusers

    Pelatihan Mindfulness pada Kebahagiaan Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe II

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    This research aims at identifying  the effect of mindfulness training on the happiness fo patients of diabetes melitus type II. The subject of the reseach was 8 patients who will be divided into experimental group and control group. The data collection was conducted using Steen Happiness Index (SHI). The Hypothesis that proposed of the research is that there is a difference of happiness  between the experimental group which was given mindfulness training treatment and controlled group which was not given the treatment of mindfulness training. The research design used was pre-test post-test control group design.The data obtained were analyzed using non- parametric Mann-Whitney to compare the differences of quality of life scores in pretest, posttest, and follow up between experimental groupand Control group. The result of this study showed that there are not a differences of happiness after the training between experimental group and control group after given, with value of Z = - 0.959, p = 0.337 (p &gt; 0.05). in the post test and follow up, the group didn’t show any differences of happiness with value of Z= -1.200, p = 0,230 (p&gt;0.05)


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    The study examined the effectiveness of religious cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce adolescents depression. This study used apretest-posttest control group design. Participants in this study were 12 high school students in Sleman, female, aged 15-16 years and divided into two groups. One group (n = 6) as an experimental group who received treatment in the form of religious cognitive behavioral therapy. One other group (n = 6) as controlled group (waiting list). The scale used in this study was Beck Depression Inventory-II. The results of hypothesis test using non-parametric analyzes such as Mann Whitney U Test to examined the difference in value based on the group, namely the experimental and control. This suggests that there are significant differences in the implementation of post test between the experimental and control group.By using mann whitney, the result concluded that religious cognitive behavioral therapywas significantly effective toto reduce adolescents depression (Z = -2.898, p = 0.004, where


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    The purpose of this research is to explore ruqyah Syar’iyyah therapy effectiveness as a therapy to increase the happiness of domestic violence women. The assumption is the ruqyahsyar’iyyahbe able to increase the happiness. The subjects of the research are the age of on 18 years, who are victims of violence having average or low happiness scale. There scale used in the research is scale that arranged based on aspects of Seligman (2005). The data is analyzed by Mann Whitney. The results of the hypothesis done by using analysis Mann Whitney, obtained value U of 10.500 with p = 0.225 (p > 0.05) while on pascatest obtained by 0.000 with p = 0.004 (p<0.01). On a followup obtained value of 0.000 with p = 0.004 (p<0.01). The result of the hypothesis show that there is a difference level of happiness significant before and after given ruqyahsyar’iyyah therapy in of abused women


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    Drug users under rehabilitation and substance withdrawal frequently feel fear of their future and being rejected by society and family, and guilty to themselves and God. Such condition then leads the drug users to feel the negative emotions and discomfort. This research was conducted to observe the effectiveness of dhikr therapy to enhance the sobriety of drug users undergoing rehabilitation. Eight former drug users were involved in this study and divided into two groups: the experimental group (n = 4) and the control group (n = 4). The study design used was a pre test post test control group design and measured three times (pre test, post test, and follow up for two weeks). The measuring instrument used in the study was Tatmain al Qulub (TQS) by Rusdi (2018) in which it was compiled based upon the aspects in sobriety. The results of this study showed a significant change in sobriety among the drug users after being given dhikr therapy