583 research outputs found

    Global Quantum Discord in Multipartite Systems

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    We propose a global measure for quantum correlations in multipartite systems, which is obtained by suitably recasting the quantum discord in terms of relative entropy and local von Neumann measurements. The measure is symmetric with respect to subsystem exchange and is shown to be non-negative for an arbitrary state. As an illustration, we consider tripartite correlations in the Werner-GHZ state and multipartite correlations at quantum criticality. In particular, in contrast with the pairwise quantum discord, we show that the global quantum discord is able to characterize the infinite-order quantum phase transition in the Ashkin-Teller spin chain.Comment: v3: 7 pages, 6 figures. Published versio

    Keterkaitan Tipe Hunian Dengan Emisi CO2 Di Kota Surabaya

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    Perkembangan Perumahan di Kota Surabaya berkembang cukup pesat, hal ini menyebabkan pencemaran udara yang berasal dari konsumsi energi dari kegiatan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan keterkaitan tipe hunian dengan emisi CO2 di Kota Surabaya. Emisi CO2 dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu emisi primer yang berasal dari konsumsi bahan bakar memasak, dan emisi sekunder yang berasal dari konsumsi listrik. Analisis yang digunakan adalah menggunakan perhitungan matematis emisi CO2 yang didapatkan dari tiap-tiap hunian sampel dan analisis korelasi bivariate pearson untuk mencari keterkaitan antara tipe hunian dengan emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Surabaya timur penghasil emisi tinggi dan Surabaya utara penghasil emisi rendah, dan adanya korelasi yang cukup signifikan antara tipe hunian yang dilihat dari luasannya dengan produksi emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan, dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Derajat korelasi antara tipe hunian dengan produksi emisi CO2 sangat kuat yaitu

    Kadar Autoantibodi dan Manifestasi Klinis pada Pasien Nefritis Lupus Silent dan Nefritis Lupus Overt

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    Autoantibodies level and clinical manifestation differences between patients with silent nephritis lupus and overt nephritis lupusBackground: One of the serious clinical manifestations of SLE is the occurrence of lupus nephritis (LN). The pathogenesis of LN is still unclear. Glomerular inflammation has been associated with high levels of autoantibodies. The purpose of this study was to assess the difference of ANA, anti ds-DNA, anti-Sm antibodies and the clinical manifestations between silent lupus nephritis (SLN) and overt lupus nephritis (OLN).Subject and Methods: Subjects were forty SLE patients (diagnosed according to ARA criteria of 1997). Autoantibodies ANA was assayed with IFA, anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm levels were assayed with ELISA. The diagnosis of LN was established using clinical signs, urinary sediments pattern and kidney biopsy, and then patients classified as a silent lupus nephritis (SLN) or overt lupus nephritis (ONL). Classification of NL histopathologic pattern was established according to WHO criteria. Differences in clinical manifestations, presence of ANA, anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm levels in the SLN and OLN and NL classes were analyzed by Chi squaretest and T test. Statistical significance determined when p<0.05.Results: OLN patients showed a edema, hypertension, anemia and autoantibodies more higher than in SLN patients. The mean level of anti-dsDNA was significantly higher in patients with OLN than in SLN (285.75±41.85 vs 179.01±61.81, p<0.000). Renal biopsy on 20 OLN patients showed: 6 patients with NL grade I/II, 9 patients with NL class III/IV and 5 patients with NL class V. Moreover on 11 SLN patients there were 7 patients with NL class I/II, 3 patients with NL class III/IV and 1 patient with NL class V. The NL classIII/IV NL patients showed anti-dsDNA level higher than the class V NL (p<0.05).Conclusion: OLN patients had clinical manifestations more severe than SLN patients. NL patients with class III/IV showed the presence of anti-dsDNA more frequently and with higher levels than the class V NL. Diagnosing NL based solely on clinical signs and laboratory often is inappropriate

    Analisis Sitiran Karya Ilmiah Dosen IAIN Purwokerto Tahun 2015-2017

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    This study aims to make a citation analysis of the scientific paper of a IAIN Purwokerto lecturer that has been published in an internal journal within three years (2015-2017). Using a quantitative approach is bibliometrics, a branch of library science that deals with statistics (mathematics). The population is all literature cited in scientific paper by the IAIN Purwokerto lecturers. Sampling of all lecturers' scientific papers that have been published in the journals Ibda, Almanahij, JPA, el-Jizya, Communica and Insania (6 journals) at 2015-2017. The data was obtained from the bibliography (citation) of the scientific paper of lecturers who had cited a number of 3,460 literature. The results of this study indicate that the form of literature that is widely cited is in the form of books (73.06%), the half-life of the literature is 13.5 years, and the availability of collections in the library is 54.42%. In addition, there are still alternative titles / library collection that make it possible to become an alternative reference material, namely a number of 156 library collection. It is recommended to lecturers in the IAIN Purwokerto environment to take part in the reference manager training, namely the application of writing citations (such as zotero or mendeley) so that writing of citation is more basic. This study recommends that an advanced bibliometric study be carried out, to dig deeper into the scientific paper of the IAIN Purwokerto academic community.

    A new dataset of global irrigation areas from 2001 to 2015

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    About 40% of global crop production takes place on irrigated land, which accounts for approximately 20% of the global farmland. The great majority of freshwater consumption by human societies is associated with irrigation, which contributes to a major modification of the global water cycle by enhancing evapotranspiration and reducing surface and groundwater runoff. In many regions of the world irrigation contributes to streamflow and groundwater depletion, soil salinization, cooler microclimate conditions, and altered land-atmosphere interactions. Despite the important role played by irrigation in food security, water cycle, soil productivity, and near-surface atmospheric conditions, its global extent remains poorly quantified. To date global maps of irrigated land are often based on estimates from circa year 2000. Here we apply artificial intelligence methods based on machine learning algorithms to satellite remote sensing and monthly climate data to map the spatial extent of irrigated areas between 2001 and 2015. We provide global annual maps of irrigated land at ≈9km resolution for the 2001-2015 and we make this dataset available online

    Simulating the Cascading Effects of an Extreme Agricultural Production Shock: Global Implications of a Contemporary US Dust Bowl Event

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    Higher temperatures expected by midcentury increase the risk of shocks to crop production, while the interconnected nature of the current global food system functions to spread the impact of localized production shocks throughout the world. In this study, we analyze the global potential impact of a present-day event of equivalent magnitude to the US Dust Bowl, modeling the ways in which a sudden decline in US wheat production could cascade through the global network of agricultural trade. We use observations of country-level production, reserves, and trade data in a Food Shock Cascade model to explore trade adjustments and country-level inventory changes in response to a major, multiyear production decline. We find that a 4-year decline in wheat production of the same proportional magnitude as occurred during the Dust Bowl greatly reduces both wheat supply and reserves in the United States and propagates through the global trade network. By year 4 of the event, US wheat exports fall from 90.5 trillion kcal before the drought to 48 trillion to 52 trillion kcal, and the United States exhausts 94% of its reserves. As a result of reduced US exports, other countries meet their needs by leveraging their own reserves, leading to a 31% decline in wheat reserves globally. These findings demonstrate that an extreme production decline would lead to substantial supply shortfalls in both the United States and in other countries, where impacts outside the United States strongly depend on a country's reserves and on its relative position in the global trade network

    Extensión universitaria : Difusión y enseñanza de ciencias de la salud en escuelas

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    Acercar conocimientos y avances científicos a los sectores sociales, particularmente a los más postergados, es de importancia fundamental para su desarrollo. Con este objetivo, incentivado por la UNESCO, y en cumplimiento de funciones de extensión universitaria, estamos desarrollando la serie "De la Universidad a la Escuela", que comprende actividades docentes innovadoras en el área de las Ciencias Naturales. En esta presentación se resume una experiencia de difusión y enseñanza de ciencias relacionadas con la salud en una escuela primaria cuyos alumnos pertenecen a familias de bajos recursos. Dado que los niños, bajo el asesoramiento del INTA, utilizaban cáscaras de naranja en la huerta orgánica, se decidió comunicar hallazgos científicos de la UBA relacionados con la actividad antifúngica de las mismas. Se incorporaron extractos de naranja como potenciales agentes conservadores en un jabón de potasio elaborado ad hoc en la experiencia didáctica. Además, los alumnos y docentes descubrieron la actividad terapéutica de los extractos sobre plantas de la huerta infectadas por hongos. Algunas de estas actividades innovadoras han sido propuestas para su incorporación al PROCAM y propiciarían la higiene, el cuidado de la salud y la realización de micro-emprendimientos por parte de las familias de los alumnos, para su beneficio.Trabajos del área Ciencias NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias Exactas y Naturale
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