133 research outputs found

    A Multidimensional Approach to the Economic Value of Outdoor Recreation

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    Whilst quality is a key factor of recreational demand, traditional methods of economic valuation have trouble incorporating this multi-dimensional aspect. Choice experiment, seen as an alternative, has its limits as well. We therefore examine an approach known as the multi-programme method (MP), based on the work of Lancaster (1966) and Hoehn (1991) and on a protocol developed by Santos (1998) and Point et al. (2007). It focuses on determining agents willingness to pay for different components (called programmes) of an environmental scheme but also studies potential relations between these components. To valuate the environmental scheme, MP does not use the independent valuation and summation procedure but also takes into account changes due to the implementation of the scheme (Hoehn and Loomis, 1993). We propose an application of MP to Girondine coastal sites, where recreational activities concurrently take place in three adjacent natural areas: forest, sandy beach and the ocean.Coastal Forests, Economic Valuation, Multi-attribute Approach, Multi-Programme Contingent Valuation Method, Outdoor Recreation

    Benefits of adapting to sea level rise : the importance of ecosystem services in the French Mediterranean sandy coastline

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    This article proposes an innovative approach to assess the benefits of adapting to sea level rise (SLR) in a coastal area on a regional scale. The valuation framework integrates coastal ecosystem services, together with urban and agricultural assets. We simulate the impacts of a progressive 1 m rise in sea level in the twenty-first century and an extreme flooding event in 2100 for four contrasted adaptation scenarios (Denial, “Laissez-faire”, Protection and Retreat). The assessment involves coupling the results of hazard-modelling approaches with different economic valuation methods, including direct damage functions and methods used in environmental economics. The framework is applied to the French Mediterranean sandy coastline. SLR will result in major land-use changes at the 2100 time horizon: relocation or densification of urban areas, loss of agricultural land, increase in lagoon areas and modification of wetlands (losses, migration or extension of ecosystems). Total benefits of public adaptation options planned in advance could reach €31.2 billion for the period 2010–2100, i.e. €69,000 per inhabitant (in the study area) in 2010 or €135 million/km of coastline. Our results highlight the importance of (i) raising awareness to ensure that public services and coastal managers can anticipate the consequences of SLR and (ii) incorporating coastal ecosystems into the assessment of the adaptation options. Our findings could provide a basis for participatory foresight approaches to build coastline adaptation pathways.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Evolution of coastal zone vulnerability to marine inundation in a global change context. Application to Languedoc Roussillon (France)

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    The coastal system is likely to suffer increasing costal risk in a global change context. Its management implies to consider those risks in a holistic approach of the different vulnerability components of the coastal zone, by improving knowledge of hazard and exposure as well as analyzing and quantifying present day and future territory vulnerability. The ANR/VMC2007/MISEEVA project (2008-2011) has applied this approach on Languedoc Roussillon region in France. MISEEVA approach relies on several scenarios for 2030 and 2100, in terms of meteorology (driver of coastal hazard), sea level rise, and also considering further trends in demography and economy, and possible adaption strategies Hazard has been modeled (SWAN, MARS and SURFWB), on the base of the presentday situation, sea level rise hypotheses, and existing or modeled data, of extreme meteorological driving f. It allowed to assess the possible surges ranges and map coastal zone exposure to: - a permanent inundation (considering sea level rise in 2030 and 2100, - a recurrent inundation (considering sea level rise and extreme tidal range) - an exceptional inundation (adding extreme storm surge to sea level rise and tidal range). In 2030, exposure will be comparable to present day exposure. In 2100, extreme condition will affect a larger zone. Present days social and economic components of the coastal zone have been analyzed in terms of vulnerability and potential damaging. Adaptation capacity was approached by public inquiries and interviews of stakeholders and policy makers, based on existing planning documents The knowledge of the present day system is then compared to the possible management strategies that could be chosen in the future, so to imagine what would be the evolution of vulnerability to marine inundation, in regards to these possible strategies

    Assessing the benefits of improving the resilience of water distribution networks

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    International audienceOver the last 15 years, particular attention has been paid to the protection and security of so-called critical infrastructures, including drinking water distribution networks (WDN). Infrastructure managers are seeking to ensure their security and improve their resilience. However, the question of the economic efficiency and of the economic benefits provided by such measures remains open. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this debate. It presents the results of a Choice Experiment survey aimed at estimating the benefits of measures to protect against a potential cyberattack in the territory of EuromĂ©tropole de Strasbourg in France. The aggregate benefits of two resilience programs are assessed. They help make ‘optimal’ and informed decisions from a cost–benefit perspective

    Crafting futures together: scenarios for IAM in the face of global change

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    International audienceMeasure the consequences of the scenarios on WIAM strategies in four case studies. Visual representation to disseminate the results

    [Les politiques incitatives pour la protection et la conservation de la biodiversité en France]

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    International audienceL'article, basĂ© sur une Ă©tude financĂ©e par le ministĂšre français de l'Ecologie et du DĂ©veloppement durable, passe en revue les diffĂ©rents instruments incitatifs utilisĂ©s dans la politique de protection de la biodiversitĂ© en France. Afin de protĂ©ger et de prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ©, les pouvoirs publics peuvent utiliser un panel trĂšs variĂ© d'instruments, en fonction des objectifs qu'ils leur assignent, des pratiques qu'ils cherchent Ă  modifier, des Ă©cosystĂšmes ou espĂšces qu'ils veulent protĂ©ger et des dĂ©lais qu'ils ont choisis. Traditionnellement, les gouvernements français ont utilisĂ© la rĂ©glementation, moyen rapide et efficace de protection des Ă©cosystĂšmes et des espĂšces, afin de rĂ©guler l'utilisation des ressources naturelles disponibles. Dans les annĂ©es 90, un fort dĂ©veloppement des outils incitatifs a pu ĂȘtre observĂ©, en particulier au travers de la mise en place des mesures agri-environnementales et des contrats territoriaux d'exploitation. De telles incitations permettent de rĂ©duire les effets des imperfections de marchĂ© (externalitĂ©s et autres imperfections liĂ©es aux caractĂ©ristiques des biens globaux) qui diminuent la protection de la biodiversitĂ©, qui, sinon, pourraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e durablement. Environ 70 mesures ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et caractĂ©risĂ©es. Elles sont prĂ©sentĂ©es suivant leur nature (taxes dissuasives, taxes incitatives, subventions et prĂȘts Ă  taux prĂ©fĂ©rentiels, autorisations et permis, contrats, crĂ©ation d'institution, formation et diffusion de l'information) et leurs impacts, directs ou non, sur la biodiversitĂ©. Une analyse des rĂ©sultats en termes de poids relatif et d'efficacitĂ© est menĂ©e et on cherche Ă  identifier l'Ă©volution de la politique française de protection de la biodiversitĂ©
