40 research outputs found

    Pertanian Berkelanjutan: Mengapa, apa dan pelajaran penting dari negara lain

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    Salah satu artikel dalam buku: "Gagasan, Pikiran, & Harapan Alumnus Fak Pertanian Unhas Terhadap Pembangunan Pertanian Indonesia". Diterbitkan dalam rangka Peringatan 50 Tahun Fak. Pertanian Unha

    Bab 7. Prinsip Dasar Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam

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    Salah satu bab dari buku berjudul Ekonomi Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya Alam karangan Didi Rukman

    Neraca Sumber Daya Alam

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    The Analysis of Integration Sustainability of Coffee Plantation and Goat Husbandry (a Case Study in Ampelgading subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia)

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    Ampelgading sub-district is one of the coffee production center  in Malang who perform the integration system combined with the goats husbandry. To determine the achievement level of the integration sustainability of the coffee plantations and goat husbandry, it is needed the systems approach and an assessment of the sustainability criteria. This study aims to determine the status of sustainability and attributes that influence in determining the status of sustainability it self. To get sample was by stratified random sampling. Interviews, observation and documentation are use for getting data. The analytical method used is Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS), laverage and monte carlo contained in the program RAPKOKA which is the result of modified Rapfish program. The results showed that status of multidimensional sustainability is 77, 32% (sustainable) which the each status for dimension of ecology 81.66% (sustainable), the dimension of economy 52.14% (fairly sustainable), the dimension of social 85.06% (sustainable), the dimensions of technology 69.15% (fairly sustainable) and the dimension of institution 78.30 % (sustainable). The 13 of 54 attributes that were analyzed are sensitive to the status of sustainability so that it is necessary the efforts to increase it. Keywords: coffee plantations, goat, sustainability statu

    Analisis Produksi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla seratta ) Kabupaten Bone

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    One of the biggest mangrove crab producing areas in Bone Regency is Cenrana District. The increase in the number of mangrove crab production in 2016 was the largest contribution of the Cenrana Subdistrict. However, as demand for mangrove crabs in Bone Regency continues to increase, the amount of production has not been able to meet the market demand for mangrove crabs even though their production has increased. This study aims to analyze the influence of production inputs (farmland, seeds, feed and labor) on the production of mangrove crabs. This research was conducted in Cenrana Subdistrict, Bone Regency, where the location was determined purposively. This research was conducted from February to March 2018. Respondents in this study were mangrove crab farmers who were selected using a sampling method of 92 people. The data analysis used is multiple regression analysis with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method, the model used is the Cobb-Douglas production function equation. The results showed that the increase in mangrove crab production was influenced by farmland factors (0,231), seeds (0,459), feed (0,155) and labor (0,238) and had a positive and significant effect on the production of mangrove crabs. Mangrove crab production will increase because there is a potential for increased production of mangrove crabs with the certainty of seed availability through improved mangrove habitat improvement, regulation of catching mangrove crab eggs laying eggs and environmental improvements due to pollution around the upper reaches of the Cenrana River Bone Regency.Salah satu daerah penghasil kepiting bakau terbesar di Kabupaten Bone adalah Kecamatan Cenrana. Peningkatan jumlah produksi kepiting bakau pada tahun 2016 adalah sumbangsi terbesar dari Kecamatan Cenrana. Akan tetapi, seiring permintaan kepiting bakau di Kabupaten Bone terus meningkat, jumlah produksinya belum mampu memenuhi permintaan pasar kepiting bakau meskipun produksinya pernah mengalami peningkatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh input produksi (lahan tambak, benih, pakan dan tenaga kerja) terhadap produksi kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Cenrana, Kabupaten Bone, Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja (purvosive). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Februari sampai dengan Maret 2018. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petani kepiting bakau yang dipilih menggunakan metode sampling sebanyak 92 orang. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS), model yang digunakan adalah persamaan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan produksi kepiting bakau dipengaruhi oleh faktor lahan tambak (0,231), benih (0,459), pakan (0,155) dan tenaga kerja (0,238) dan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kepiting bakau. Produksi kepiting bakau akan semakin meningkat karena ada potensi peningkatan produksi kepiting bakau dengan adanya kepastian ketersediaan benih melalui perbaikan habitat mangrove yang lebih baik, peraturan penangkapan induk kepiting bakau yang bertelur dan perbaikan lingkungan akibat pencemaran disekitar hulu Sungai Cenrana Kabupaten Bone

    The Analysis of Integration Sustainability of Coffee Plantation and Goat Husbandry (a Case Study in Ampelgading subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia)

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    Ampelgading sub-district is one of the coffee production center  in Malang who perform the integration system combined with the goats husbandry. To determine the achievement level of the integration sustainability of the coffee plantations and goat husbandry, it is needed the systems approach and an assessment of the sustainability criteria. This study aims to determine the status of sustainability and attributes that influence in determining the status of sustainability it self. To get sample was by stratified random sampling. Interviews, observation and documentation are use for getting data. The analytical method used is Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS), laverage and monte carlo contained in the program RAPKOKA which is the result of modified Rapfish program. The results showed that status of multidimensional sustainability is 77, 32% (sustainable) which the each status for dimension of ecology 81.66% (sustainable), the dimension of economy 52.14% (fairly sustainable), the dimension of social 85.06% (sustainable), the dimensions of technology 69.15% (fairly sustainable) and the dimension of institution 78.30 % (sustainable). The 13 of 54 attributes that were analyzed are sensitive to the status of sustainability so that it is necessary the efforts to increase it. Keywords: coffee plantations, goat, sustainability statu


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    The fertilizer subsidy policy is a government program with the aim of supporting the agricultural sector by providing input subsidies through setting the highest retail price (HET) for fertilizer subsidies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the fertilizer subsidy policy on rice farmers in Wajo Regency using four indicators of the effectiveness based on the fertilizer subsidy policy indicators and criteria, namely the right price, the right place, the right time, and the right amount. This study uses a survey method with a qualitative and descriptive approach. In this study, the determination of the sample used the cluster sampling with the Two-Stage Cluster Sampling in which the sampling was carried out in two stages. The data analysis method used to describe the procedure for implementing the fertilizer subsidy policy is descriptive analysis, while the data analysis method used to analyze the effectiveness of the fertilizer subsidy policy is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study are the level of effectiveness of the fertilizer subsidy policy based on four indicators of overall success with an average indicator of 46.46 percent; so that it can be categorized as not effective.


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    Hydroponics is an agricultural cultivation technique that uses water as a planting medium and with a special installation system that minimizes the use of chemicals in the cultivation process. Hydroponic healthy vegetable business is a hydroponic business located in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi. Previously, this business operated alone in terms of marketing and cultivation which resulted in not optimal income obtained with existing resources. Existence of PT Antam operating in the Pomalaa area is expected to help hydroponic businesses with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). PT Antam has as a form of their responsibility towards the surrounding environment where the company is located. This research was conducted to determine the effect of the implementation of CSR partnership PT. Antam Tbk for the Hydroponic Healthy Vegetable business using a quantitative descriptive analysis research method, namely by observing the research location and processing data using the R/C formula. The results of this study indicate that R/C > 1, which means that the demand is greater than the costs incurred, or in other words, every IDR 1 cost incurred can generate revenue of IDR 3.85, so it can be concluded that the Hydroponic Healthy Vegetable business is feasible for developed and generate profits for farmers.PT Antam, Tbk. yang didirikan pada tahun 1968 melalui penggabungan beberapa perusahaan pertambangan. PT. Antam (Persero) Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang mempunyai kompetisi inti bisnis dalam bidang pertambangan mineral, seperti nikel, bauksit, emas dan perak. Antam mempunyai wilayah operasi yang tersebar diberbagai wilayah di Indonesia dan mempunyai enam unit bisnis, salah satunya adalah Unit Bisnis Pertambangan Nikel (UBPN) Sulawesi Tenggara. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) adalah suatu tindakan atau konsep yang dilakukan perusahaan (sesuai kemampuan perusahaan tersebut) sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab mereka terhadap lingkungan sekitar dimana perusahaan itu berada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelaksanaan kemitraan CSR PT. Antam Tbk terhadap usaha Sayur Sehat Hidroponik dengan menggunakan Metode Analisis Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa R/C >1 yang artinya permintaan lebih besar dari biaya yang di keluarkan sehingga kemitraan yang di terapkab oleh CSR PT. Antam Tbk memberikan keuntungan yang layak bagi pelaku usaha Sayur Sehat Hidroponik


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    The aim of the research was to determine the fungsional of institution on utilization and management of flying fish eggs at Pa’lalakang Village, Takalar Regency. This study using qualitative research approach thatcharacterize as empirical cualitative and descriptive. Data was collected through in depth interview,observation and literature study. The result showed that the function of intstitution have been internalization onutilizing and managing of flying fish egg at Pa’lalakang Village, that including function in adaptation onutilization and management of flying fish. Those aspect have been implemented by fishermen community. Thestudy also found that achievement function was focus on goverment institution, social integration function wason community institution and maintenant function of culture was on fisherman household. Keywords: Flying fish egg, institution, utilization, and managemen