99 research outputs found

    Car recycling : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu opisan je razvoj automobila kroz povijest, sve veći porast broja istih, vrste i dijelovi automobila, njihov sastav te postupak recikliranja otpadnih automobila u reciklažnom postrojenju. Budući da je istraživanje pokazalo sve veći „trend“ gomilanja industrijskih otpadaka, a istovremeno sve veće iscrpljivanje prirodnih izvora sirovine, isto je potaknulo tehničku struku istražiti alternativne mogućnosti za pronalazak sekundarnih izvora sirovine, kroz usavršavanje tehnoloških postupaka kojima bi se deficitarne industrijske sirovine mogle reciklirati iz otpadnih materijala. Po uzoru na to, izrađeni su posebni pogoni za recikliranje otpadnih automobila. Sukladno navednom, u radu je elaboriran proces recikliranja otpadnih vozila u reciklažnom postrojenju C.I.O.S.–a, vodećoj tvrtki za reciklažu vozila u Republici Hrvatskoj.Abstract: This thesis describes the development of the car throughout history, a growing increase in the number of cars, the types and parts of the car, their composition and the process of recycling waste car in recycling plant. Since the research has shown an increasing „trend“ in the accumulation of industrial waste, while increasing depletion of natural sources of raw materials, tehnical profession explores the alternative possibilities for finding a secondary source of raw materials, through the improving of tehnology procedures that would enable recycling of scarce industrial raw materials from waste material. Following the example of this, special facillities for the recycling of waste cars have been made. Accordingly, the work elaborates the process of recycling scrap vehicles in recycling facilities of C.I.O.S., the leading company for the recycling of vehicles in Republic of Croatia

    Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in Primorsko-goranska County in the period 1999 – 2008.

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    Cilj: Nezarazne bolesti , poglavito kardiovaskularne, te maligne, šećerna bolest i kronične bolesti dišnog sustava predstavljaju vodeću opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje i razvoj u cijelom svijetu. Spomenute bolesti uzrokuju 35 milijuna smrti godišnje, što na globalnom planu predstavlja 60 % svih uzroka smrti , dok u slabo i srednje razvijenim zemljama taj udio iznosi čak 80 %. S obzirom na takvo značenje te zastupljenost kardiovaskularnih bolesti u ukupnom morbiditetu i mortalitetu populacije na globalnoj razini, cilj ovog rada je prikaz veličine problema i kretanja kardiovaskularnih bolesti u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji temeljem raspoloživih zdravstveno-statističkih podataka. Metode: U radu su analizirani podaci o mortalitetu i morbiditetu stanovništva PGŽ koji su objavljeni u Zdravstveno-stati sti čkim ljetopisima. Podaci su prikazani u apsolutnim vrijednosti ma, a stope mortaliteta su, radi usporedbe sa srodnim podacima iz literature, dobno standardizirane na europsku populaciju. Također su izračunati udjeli analiziranih bolesti u odnosu na podatke o sveukupnom morbiditetu i mortalitetu. Rezultati : Analiza mortalitetnih podataka pokazuje kako su kardiovaskularne bolesti najznačajniji uzrok mortaliteta stanovništva PGŽ. Bolesti iz ove skupine zauzimaju prvo mjesto na ljestvicama mortaliteta, kako među muškarcima, tako i među ženama. Rezultati dobne standardizacije pokazuju kako se prema mortalitetu od kardiovaskularnih bolesti Primorsko-goranska županija nalazi u sredini ljestvice mortaliteta europskih zemalja. Rasprava i zaključci: Iako je dobno standardizirana stopa mortaliteta od kardiovaskularnih bolesti u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji niža u odnosu na prosječnu vrijednost za Hrvatsku te u odnosu na vrijednosti niza država u okruženju, dobivene su vrijednosti značajno više u odnosu na neke razvijene europske zemlje, kao i u odnosu na susjednu Sloveniju. Danas se smatra da je moguće reducirati i do 50 % prijevremenih smrti i dizabiliteta od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. To je moguće postići snaženjem aktivnosti na području promicanja zdravlja, zdravstvenog odgoja i prosvjećivanja, osobito u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti , ali i specijalističko-konzilijarnoj i bolničkoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti.Aim: Non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, malignancies, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases represent a major threat for human health and development worldwide. This group of diseases cause 35 million deaths annualy which globaly represents 60 % of all causes of death, while in developing countries this proporti on reaches 80 %. Given the signifi cance of cardiovascular diseases in overall morbidity and mortality of the populati on at the global level, the aim of this study was to display the size of problem in Primorsko-Goranska County based on available health-stati sti c data. Methods: The paper analyzed data on mortality and morbidity of the populati on of the County which were published in the Health-Stati sti cal Yearbook. Data are presented as absolute values, and mortality rates are for comparison with similar data from the literature, age standardized to the European populati on. Furthermore, the proporti ons of the analyzed diseases were calculated in relati ons to data on the overall morbidity and mortality. Results: The analysis of mortality data shows that cardiovascular diseases are the most important causes of death of the populati on of the County. Diseases from this group occupy the fi rst places on the lists of causes of death among men and among women. Age standardizati on results show that the mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Primorsko-Goranska County is located somwhere in the middle on the list of European countries. Discussion and Conclusions: Although the age standardized mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases in Primorsko-Goranska County are lower compared to the average values in Croati a and in a number of countries in the surroundings, values which are obtained are considerably greater than in some developed European countries, as well as in neighboring Slovenia. Today it is generraly accepted that it is possible to reduce up to 50 % of early deaths and disability from cardiovascular diseases. That is possible to achieve by strenghtening activities in the field of health promoti on and education, especially in primary care, but also in specialistic and hospital health care

    Car recycling : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu opisan je razvoj automobila kroz povijest, sve veći porast broja istih, vrste i dijelovi automobila, njihov sastav te postupak recikliranja otpadnih automobila u reciklažnom postrojenju. Budući da je istraživanje pokazalo sve veći „trend“ gomilanja industrijskih otpadaka, a istovremeno sve veće iscrpljivanje prirodnih izvora sirovine, isto je potaknulo tehničku struku istražiti alternativne mogućnosti za pronalazak sekundarnih izvora sirovine, kroz usavršavanje tehnoloških postupaka kojima bi se deficitarne industrijske sirovine mogle reciklirati iz otpadnih materijala. Po uzoru na to, izrađeni su posebni pogoni za recikliranje otpadnih automobila. Sukladno navednom, u radu je elaboriran proces recikliranja otpadnih vozila u reciklažnom postrojenju C.I.O.S.–a, vodećoj tvrtki za reciklažu vozila u Republici Hrvatskoj.Abstract: This thesis describes the development of the car throughout history, a growing increase in the number of cars, the types and parts of the car, their composition and the process of recycling waste car in recycling plant. Since the research has shown an increasing „trend“ in the accumulation of industrial waste, while increasing depletion of natural sources of raw materials, tehnical profession explores the alternative possibilities for finding a secondary source of raw materials, through the improving of tehnology procedures that would enable recycling of scarce industrial raw materials from waste material. Following the example of this, special facillities for the recycling of waste cars have been made. Accordingly, the work elaborates the process of recycling scrap vehicles in recycling facilities of C.I.O.S., the leading company for the recycling of vehicles in Republic of Croatia

    Suvremena laboratorijska dijagnostika genitalnih klamidijskih infekcija - naša iskustva

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    Chlamydia trachomatis je obligatna intracelularna bakterija koja se smatra jednim od najznačajnijih uzročnika spolno prenosivih infekcija. Bakterijski serovari D – K najznačajniji su uzročnici negonokoknih uretritisa i epididimitisa u muškaraca, dok u žena uzrokuju cervicitis, uretritis, endometritis, salpingitis i perihepatitis (1,2). Posljedica salpingitisa može biti stvaranje tubalnih ožiljaka što u konačnici može rezultirati infertilitetom i ektopičnom trudnoćom. Pored navedenog klamidija može inducirati i Reiterov sindrom te proktitis i konjunktivitis i u muškaraca i u žena. Infekcija se tijekom poroda može prenijeti na novorođenče iz inficiranog porođajnog kanala te uzrokovati novorođenačku upalu pluća (3) kao i niz drugih infektivnih manifestacija.

    Suvremena laboratorijska dijagnostika genitalnih klamidijskih infekcija - naša iskustva

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    Chlamydia trachomatis je obligatna intracelularna bakterija koja se smatra jednim od najznačajnijih uzročnika spolno prenosivih infekcija. Bakterijski serovari D – K najznačajniji su uzročnici negonokoknih uretritisa i epididimitisa u muškaraca, dok u žena uzrokuju cervicitis, uretritis, endometritis, salpingitis i perihepatitis (1,2). Posljedica salpingitisa može biti stvaranje tubalnih ožiljaka što u konačnici može rezultirati infertilitetom i ektopičnom trudnoćom. Pored navedenog klamidija može inducirati i Reiterov sindrom te proktitis i konjunktivitis i u muškaraca i u žena. Infekcija se tijekom poroda može prenijeti na novorođenče iz inficiranog porođajnog kanala te uzrokovati novorođenačku upalu pluća (3) kao i niz drugih infektivnih manifestacija.

    Proinflammatory Cytokines in Antilipopolysaccharide Immunity Against Klebsiella Infections

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    This study was undertaken in order to determine whether proinflammatory cytokines are involved in a previously described protection against Klebsiella infection mediated by antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. BALB/c mice were infected intraperitoneally with a lethal challenge of Klebsiella pneumoniae Caroli. One group of mice was protected with monoclonal antibodies against lipopolysaccharide prior to infection and the second was not. We determined the number of colony-forming units at different time points in the blood of infected animals and paralleled them with plasma levels of five proinflammatory cytokines measured by enzyme immunoassays. Our results show that the two groups of animals tested expressed different plasma concentrations for all cytokines. The greatest difference was detected 24 hours after infection, with a higher production in the unprotected group. We concluded that a reduced cytokine production is partially responsible for the survival of protected animals

    IL-10 in Antilipopolysaccharide Immunity Against Systemic Klebsiella Infections

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    Aim. This study was undertaken in order to determine whether anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 is responsible for a previously described protection against Klebsiella infection mediated by antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. Methods. BALB/c mice were infected intraperitoneally with a lethal challenge of Klebsiella pneumoniae Caroli. One group was protected with monoclonal antibodies prior to infection and the second was not. We measured plasma levels of interleukin-10 at different time points by enzyme immunoassay and analyzed the relation between interleukin-10 and proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in order to determine the association of these ratios with the outcome of infection. Major findings and conclusions. We found different pattern of interleukin-10 production in protected mice compared with unprotected ones. The difference is greatest 24 hours postinfection. The ratios between IL-10 and proinflammatory cytokines confirmed the suppressed proinflammatory response in protected animals, especially 24 hours postinfection. Hence the mortality in unprotected mice begins immediately after we conclude that such cytokine relation and IL-10 production are, at least partially, responsible for the destiny of infected animals and the outcome of infection


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    SAŽETAK Infekcije mokraćnoga sustava ubrajaju se među najčešće bakterijske infekcije, i jedan su od najučestalijih razloga primjene antibakterijskih lijekova. Iako bi bilo optimalno zasnivati liječenje na nalazima laboratorijskoga testiranja osjetljivosti, to u praksi često puta nije moguće. Stoga se liječenje najčešće započinje empirijski, na osnovi poznavanja osjetljivosti, odnosno otpornosti najvažnijih uzročnika infekcija prema antibakterijskim lijekovima na određenu području. Godine 2004. u Republici Hrvatskoj dogovorene su smjernice antimikrobnoga liječenja i profilakse infekcija mokraćnoga sustava. U ovome su radu prikazani rezultati ispitivanja osjetljivosti najvažnijih uzročnika mokraćnih infekcija – bakterija iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae – provedenih u Nastavnome zavodu za javno zdravstvo Primorsko- -goranske županije. Cilj je rada bio analiza stanja otpornosti najučestalijih izolata iz te porodice u trogodišnjem razdoblju (2004. – 2006.), usporedba dobivenih rezultata s preporukama danim u sklopu Smjernica antimikrobnoga liječenja nakon njihova objavljivanja, te usporedba s podacima iz drugih dijelova Hrvatske. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 15.076 izolata. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, udio otpornih izolata bakterija najniži je prema ceftibutenu (3%), potom slijede koamoksiklav (5%), cefuroksim i gentamicin (6%), te ciprofloksacin i norfloksacin (7% i 8%). Dok su na osnovi naših rezultata cefazolin i nitrofurantoin bili nedjelotvorni prema 13% obuhvaćenih sojeva, stupanj otpornosti bio je najviši prema ko-trimoksazolu (26%) i amoksicilinu (44%).ABSTRACT Urinary tract infections are very frequent and often caused by bacterial agents. Therefore, they are one of the most common reasons for antbacterial agents prescribing. In everyday’s practise the introduction of empiric antibiotic therapy is almost inevitable. The empiric therapy should be based on data regarding susceptibility/resistance of the most common causal bacterial agents against antibacterial drugs on certain area. During 2004, Recommendations for antimicrobial therapy and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in Croatia were published. Present paper presents the results of antimicrobial susceptibility testing of the most important bacterial agents of urinary tract infections belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae performed in Teaching Public Health Institute of Primorsko-Goranska County. The main goal of this paper was to determine the resistance rates against selected antimicrobials during the three year period (2004 – 2006) and comparison of these results with previously mentioned Recommendations after their publishing and results from the rest of Croatia. The total number of 15.076 isolates were analysed. The ratio of resistant isolates was lowest against ceftibuten (3%), followed by co-amoxiclav (5%), cephuroxim, gentamycin (6%), ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin (7% and 8% respectively). Cephasoline and nitrofurantoin were not active against 13% of analysed strains while the highest ratios of resistant strains were recorded against co-trimoxasole (26%) and amoxicillin (44%)


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    SAŽETAK Hepatitis C jedan je od najvažnijih javnozdravstvenih problema u svijetu. Najveći problem infekcije hepatitis C virusom, jest čest razvoj kroničnih oblika bolesti koji traje desetljećima i pojavljuje se u više od 80% inficiranih osoba. U visokoj proporciji oboljelih osoba, kronični hepatitis dovodi do razvoja ozbiljnih komplikacija poput ciroze i hepatocelularnoga karcinoma. Prevalencija hepatitisa C različita je u pojedinim područjima u svijetu. Dok podaci za Republiku Hrvatsku pokazuju prevalenciju od približno 1%, za Primorsko-goransku županiju o prevalenciji nema raspoloživih podataka. U radu retrospektivno su analizirani laboratorijski nalazi seroloških testiranja na hepatitis C virus (HCV), provedenih u Laboratoriju za serodijagnostiku Nastavnoga zavoda za javno zdravstvo (NZZJZ) Primorsko-goranske županije tijekom godine 2006., i u prvih pet mjeseci godine 2007. Pretraženo je ukupno 4785 uzoraka seruma bolesnika s područja Primorsko-goranske županije. Ukupno su evidentirane 174 anti-HCV pozitivne osobe. Među pozitivnim osobama podjednako su bila zastupljena oba spola. Analiza dobne raspodjele pokazala je da je od svih anti-HCV pozitivnih bolesnika, najzastupljenija bila dobna skupina između 21 godine i 30 godina, i to s 44%, te dobna skupina između 31 godine i 40 godina s 19%.ABSTRACT Hepatitis C is today one of the most important public health problems in the world. The major problem connected with hepatitis C virus infection is the fact that more than 80% of infected persons will develop chronic infection lasting for decades. The prevalence of hepatitis C virus infections varies in different parts of the world. A great proportion of chronic infections will result with the development serious complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The prevalence of hepatitis C is different in differant parts of the world. The estimated prevalence for Croatia is about 1% and there are no available data regarding prevalence for Primorsko-Goranska County. Presented paper represents the results of retrospective analysis of serological tests for hepatitis C virus (HCV) performed in the Laboratory for Serodiagnosis of Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County during 2006 and first five months of 2007. Overall 4785 sera of patients from Primorsko-Goranska County were analysed with positive anti-HCV results found in sera from 174 patients. Positive anti-HCV results were distributed almost equaly among female and male patients. Analysis of age distribution revealed that most of positive anti-HCV patients belong to the age group between 21 and 30 years (44%), followed by the age group between 31 and 40 years with 19% of all anti-HCV positive patients