37 research outputs found

    Los paisajes de la montaña mediterranea malagueña

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    El Cambio Global se refiere a todas aquellas transformaciones de gran escala que repercuten sobre el funcionamiento del sistema planetario, ya sea afectando los componentes biofísicos (agua, aire, suelos, biodiversidad), alterando el comportamiento de las comunidades y ecosistemas y/o generando efectos en los sistemas socioeconómicos, en un continuo proceso de retroalimentación, y cuya principal manifestación se evidencia en paisaje. Uno de los métodos más usados para su estudio se basa en el concepto de geosistema (método GTP), de Bertrand, vinculado directamente con el de sistema eco-geomorfológico, de Lavee, incluyendo los procesos que en el mismo concurren, como consecuencia de las relaciones que se establecen entre sus elementos (clima, relieve, suelo, vegetación, y agua), tanto a escala espacial como temporal, a lo que hemos de añadir la acción antrópica. En el sur de España, en general, y en la montaña mediterránea malagueña, en particular, ha sido definido un umbral climático con incidencia dual en el paisaje. Este trabajo propone una aproximación metodológica integrada compuesta por el análisis de la dinámica climática, los cambios espacio-temporales en ambos ámbitos, uno subhúmedo y otro semiárido, y los procesos eco-geomorfológicos y ambientales asociados a dichos cambios, en el contexto del Cambio Global, así como su repercusión mediática, con el fin de establecer los posibles escenarios futuros y desarrollar políticas territoriales de mitigación, mediante la consolidación de una economía circular.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impact of HydroPolymers on the soil biological components in mediterranean drylands

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    Soil degradation affects more than 52 million ha of land in counties of the European Union. This problem is particularly serious in Mediterranean areas, where the effects of anthropogenic activities (tillage on slopes, deforestation, and pasture production) add to problems caused by prolonged periods of drought and intense and irregular rainfall. Soil microbiota can be used as an indicator of the soil healthy in degraded areas. This is because soil microbiota participates in the cycle elements and in the organic matter decomposition. All this helps to the young plants establishment and in long term protect the soils against the erosion. During dry periods in the Mediterranean areas, the lack of water entering the soil matrix leads to a loss of soil microbiological activity and it turns into a lower soil production capabilities. Under these conditions, the aim of this study was to evaluate the positive effect on soil biological components produced by an hydro absorbent polymer (Terracottem). The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the impact assessment of an hydropolymer (Terracottem) on the soil biological components. An experimental flowerpot layout was established in June 2015 and 12 variants with different amount of Terracottem were applied as follow: i) 3.0 kg.m3 ; ii) 1.5 kg.m3 and; iii) 0 kg.m3. In all the variants were tested the further additives: a) 1% of glucose, b) 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen, c) 1% of Glucose + 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen d) control (no additive). According to natural conditions, humidity have been kept at 15% in all the variants. During four weeks, mineral nitrogen leaching and soil respiration have been measured in each flowerplot. Respiration has been quantified four times every time while moistening containers and alkaline soda lime has been used as a sorbent. The amount of CO 2 increase has been measured with the sorbent. Leaching of mineral nitrogen has been quantified by ion exchange resins (IER). IER pouches have been placed on the bottom of each container, and after completion of the experiment mineral nitrogen leaching has been evaluated by distillation and titration method. Results from respiration have shown statistically significant differences between the variants. According to control, soil with polymers have shown significant difference when comparing respiration with independence of the additive used. CO 2 production in the first week has exceeded the sum of the outputs of the following weeks. Mineral nitrogen leaching measurement has shown statistically significant differences. The lowest leaching has been occurred in control variant, while the highest in variant containing only the addition of mineral nitrogen. Research results may conclude that the biological part of the test soil is not limited by a lack of components, the only thing that suppresses its activity is the lack of moisture. After moistening it leads to a rapid growth of soil activity, without causing the nutrients loss. Besides, Terracottem has affected soil activity neither positively nor negatively, but it considers being a suitable tool for reducing the drought impact in arid and semi-arid areas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Organic amendments as restoration techniques in degraded arid and semiarid systems: A review

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    There is an increasing concern at the global scale about interrelated environmental problems such as soil degradation, desertification, erosion, and climate change impacts (Hueso-Gonzalez et al., 2014). Indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals, excessive and deep tillage, excessive irrigation, among many others factors, have largely contributed to soil degradation, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas (Lal, 2008). Soil is an essential nonrenewable resource with extremely slow formation and regeneration potential (Muñoz-Rojas et al., 2016a and c, Martínez-Murillo et al., 2016). The decline in organic matter content of many soils is becoming a major cause of soil degradation, particularly in dryland regions (Muñoz-Rojas et al., 2016b) where low soil fertility cannot maintain sustainable production in many cases (Hueso-González et al., 2015). The use of soil organic amendments is a common practice in agricultural management and land restoration that can help to improve physical and chemical soil properties, soil structure, temperature and humidity conditions, as well as nutrient contents which are essential for plant growth (Guerrero et al., 2001). Under degraded conditions, several studies have shown their benefits for improving soil physical, chemical and biological properties (Jordan et al., 2010 and 2011). However, there are many research gaps in the knowledge of the effects of climatic conditions on their application, as well as the adequate types of amendment and doses and decomposition rates, (Hueso-Gonzalez,2016). All these factors are crucial for the success in their application. Here, we review long-term experiments worldwide studying the benefits associated with the application of organic materials, particularly, in restoration of arid and semiarid ecosystems together with the possible threats and risks that can result from their use. We will specifically adress: (1) type of amended and benefits arising from their use, (2) application methods and more common doses and, (3) risk derivates for their application.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Assessment of the vegetation cover in a burned area 22-years ago using remote sensing techniques and GIS analysis (Sierra de las Nieves, South of Spain).

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    The study aim was to characterize the vegetation cover in a burned area 22-years ago considering the previous situation to wildfire in 1991 and the current one in 2013. The objectives were to: (i) compare the current and previous vegetation cover to widlfire; (ii) evaluate whether the current vegetation has recovered the previous cover to wildfire; and (iii) determine the spatial variability of vegetation recovery after 22-years since the wildfire. The study area is located in Sierra de las Nieves, South of Spain. It corresponds to an area affected by a wildfire in August 8th, 1991. The burned area was equal to 8156 ha. The burn severity was spatially very high. The main geographic features of the burned area are: mountainous topography (altitudes ranging from 250 m to 1500 m; slope gradient >25Remote sensing techniques and GIS analysis has been applied to achieve the objectives. Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images were used: July 13th, 1991 and July 1st, 2013, for the previous wildfire situation and 22-years after, respectively. The 1990 CORINE land cover was also considered to map 1991 land uses prior the wildfire. Likewise, the Andalucía Regional Government wildfire historic records were used to select the burned area and its geographical limit. 1991 and 2013 land cover map were obtained by means of object-oriented classifications. Also, NDVI and PVI1 vegetation indexes were calculated and mapped for both years. Finally, some images transformations and kernel density images were applied to determine the most recovered areas and to map the spatial concentration of bare soil and pine cover areas in 1991 and 2013, respectively. According to the results, the combination of remote sensing and GIS analysis let map the most recovered areas affected by the wildfire in 1991. The vegetation indexes indicated that the vegetation cover in 2013 was still lower than that mapped just before the 1991 widlfire in most of the burned area after 22-years. This result was also confirmed by other techniques applied. Finally, the kernel density surface let identify and locate the most recovered areas of pine cover as well as those areas that still remain totally or partially uncovered (bare soil.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optimización de la estrategia de muestreo en campos abandonados mediante funciones variogramas.

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    Los campos abandonados en la montaña mediterránea suelen verse afectados por la degradación del suelo y la erosión hídrica. Su sistema ecogeomorfológico es de gran variabilidad espacio-temporal y su resiliencia depende del clima y de la degradación edáfica en el momento del abandono. Esta degradación depende de factores locales por lo que la variabilidad espacial del proceso es muy elevada. Las funciones variogramas permiten conocer dicha variabilidad y la correlación espacial entre las variables y mejorar la estrategia de muestreo según dichos factores locales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Universitat Illes Balear

    Impact of prescribed fire in soil properties after 5-years: experimental study.

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    Wildfires are a serious problem in areas with a Mediterranean climate owing to the hot summers and drought conditions providing perfect conditions for wildfire, especially when there are large amounts of fuel accumulation and continuity between forested areas. In the Mediterranean, high severity fires that spread rapidly are common and difficult to be extinguished. Thus, the identification of tools to reduce fire spread and minimize their incidence and effects is crucial. Preventive forestry is a good tool for achieving forest structures with lower amounts of fuel and a greater resistance to fire. Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather, fuel and topographic parameters to achieve clearly defined objectives as controlling fire regimes by managing fuel, counteracting the disappearance of biomass-consuming land management practices and reducing the overall fire risk. Normally, prescribed fires are low intensity fires and, if managed adequately, do not cause any damage to trees, especially in Mediterranean ecosystems where trees are resilient to fire. Besides, prescribed fires usually have different impacts on soils, water resources, biodiversity, the risk-reduction of wildfires and carbon storage. Prescribed fires usually are of low/moderate severity. Because of this, the effects of prescribed fires on soils properties may vary from one site to another. The objectives of our study are to: i) determine the impact of the prescribed fire just after and ii) 5-years later with respect to natural conditions. To do this, in 2011, a prescribed fire was conducted in one experimental area of Mediterranean rangeland. After the fire, soil samples (0-5 cm of depth) were taken in burned and unburned plots in order to analyse: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon, cationic exchangeable capacity (CEC), aggregate stability (AS), and hydrophobicity. The results indicated that: i) prescribed fire only had significantly effects in CEC just after the fire; 5-years after, there were no significant differences between the unburned and burned plots, but two soil properties significantly changed when burned soil samples from 2016 and 2011 were compared: EC and AS in the fraction of 0.053-0.125 mm. In general, the soil properties were not substantially modified by the prescribed fire, supporting the idea it is a very useful tool with very low impact for managing Mediterranean rangelands in order to reduce fuel accumulation and fire risk.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Variaciones estacionales en la generación de escorrentía y emisión de sedimentos en una ladera de los Montes de Málaga (provincia de Málaga)

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    En una ladera representativa de los Montes de Málaga, de antiguo manejo agrícola y actualmente cubierta por vegetación de matorral, se han medido las variaciones estacionales de la generación de escorrentía y la emisión de sedimentos en los distintos ambientes que conforman su sistema eco-geomorfológico. Ello fue llevado a cabo mediante dos técnicas: 1) simulaciones de lluvia realizadas en octubre de 2004 (inicio de la estación hidrodinámica activa) y marzo 2005 (mediados de la estación hidrodinámica activa), y 2) seguimiento de la afección de eventos de lluvia reales en parcelas cerradas de diferentes longitudes. Los resultados ofrecen unas variaciones estacionales considerables: i) predominio de las condiciones favorables para la generación de escorrentía en otoño, por la presencia de un suelo extremadamente seco tras el verano, mostrando síntomas de hidrofobia; y ii) predominio de la infiltración a mediados de la estación húmeda una vez que el suelo fue humedeciéndose a lo largo de ésta.The seasonal changes of the runoff generation and sediment emission have been measured at a slope from Montes de Málaga. This slope was cultivated until fifty years ago and it is occupied by shrub vegetation now. Measures were carried out in every one of the environments which composed the eco-geomorphological system of the slope. Two methodologies have been used for the purpose: 1) rainfall simulations during October 2004 (beginning of active hydrodynamic season) and March 2005 (middle of active hydrodynamic season), and 2) closedplots with different longitude. Results shows considerable seasonal changes: i) favourable conditions for runoff generation in Autumn a cause of a soil very dry after the summer showing hydrophoby, and ii) conditions for infiltration at the middle of the wet season once the soil was moistured along the active hydrodynamic season

    Impact on soil degradation factors of changes in rain intensity patterns in southern Spain

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    In southern of Spain, the torrential nature of the rainfalls alters the soil water availability for vegetation and, consequently, its spatially and temporally pattern. This fact, combined with the current global warming, raises a modification of the eco-geomorphological processes dynamics in Mediterranean areas

    Hydrological and sediment connectivity in three grazed Mediterranean hillslopes.

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    Masselink et al. (2016) addressed the concept of connectivity addresses the spatial and temporal variability in runoff, sediment transport and associated substances such as pollutants and how these move through the catchment. Sediment connectivity explains which sediment sources contribute and where (semi-) permanent sinks and pathways of sediment are (Bracken & Croke, 2007). The Mediterranean eco-geomorphological landscape is highly dependent on the climatic conditions. Its elements form the spatial patterns of landscapes, which control the structural connectivity. The existence of rainfall gradients in the Mediterranean region has been well-documented (Lavee et al., 1998) along which those elements are modified by the spatio-temporal variability of rainfalls. The characteristics of those elements are modified from the rainiest to the driest regions following a positive feedback process leading to soil erosion and degradation. As the climate becomes less rainy, the patchy vegetation pattern becomes frequent and bare soil areas can be easily connected whether the magnitude and intensity of rainfall exceed a certain threshold (Cammeraat, 2004). The interaction between topography and processes occurring within catchments is key to understanding dynamics of hydrological connectivity (Wainwright et al, 2011). Our study evaluated the hydrological and sediment connectivity between sections (top, middle and bottomchannel) from three grazed hillslopes located under contrasted Mediterranean climatic conditions. Rain-gauge stations and opened-plots were installed in order to register overland flow and sediment concentration from Feb-2008 to Jan-2010. The results indicated that: i) major volumes of overland flow and sediment transport occurred more frequently in humid and semiarid sites; ii) the more frequent hydrological connectivity was observed between the middle and bottom-channel sections, though the major values of overland flow and sediment concentration were registered in the upper sections; iii) it was found very frequent those rainfall events in which all sections contributed with overland flow and sediment to the channel; iv) the factors controlling hydrological and sediment connectivity varied from one site to another depending on the rainfall regime and vegetation cover, though the soil surface conditions were found a key factor in all of them. In summary, the grazing activity contribute to distance the hydrological and sediment connectivity processes from three hillslopes located under contrasted Mediterranean climatic conditions from the response expected for the three of them. References Bracken LJ, Croke J. 2007. The concept of hydrological connectivity and its contribution to understanding runoff-dominated geomorphic systems. Hydrological Processes 21: 1749–1763. Cammeraat ELH. 2004. Scale dependent thresholds in hydrological and erosion response of a semi-arid catchment in Southeast Spain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 104: 317–332. Lavee H, Imeson AC, Sarah P. 1998. The impact of climate change on geomorphology and desertification along a Mediterranean-arid transect. Land Degrad. Develop. 9: 407-422. Masselink RJH, Keesstra SD, Temme AJAM, Seeger M, Giménez R, Casalí J. 2016. Modelling discharge and sediment yield at catchment scale using connectivity components. Land Degrad. Develop. 27: 933-945. Wainwright J, Turnbull L, Ibrahim TG, Lexartza-Artza I, Thornton SF, Brazier R. 2011. Linking environmental regimes, space and time: interpretations of structural and functional connectivity. Geomorphology 126: 387–404.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech