240 research outputs found

    Effects of Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, and Teaching Competence on Disruptive Behaviours in Secondary School Physical Education Students

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    Currently, disruptive and aggressive behaviours of a physical and verbal nature are a reality among adolescent students and a concern in the educational context. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyse the effects of perceived teaching competence, motivation and basic psychological needs on disruptive behaviours in secondary school PE students. The sample was composed of 758 adolescent students from seven public secondary schools. The following instruments adapted to physical education were used: The Disruptive Behaviours Questionnaire, The Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale, The Sport Motivation Scale, and The Basic Psychological Needs Scale. Multilevel regression models with the MIXED procedure were performed for data analysis. The results show that misbehaviour is more likely among male students and that disruptive behaviours decrease when a teacher is perceived as competent. Students with greater self-determined motivation are more likely to exhibit fewer behaviours related to low engagement and irresponsibility while amotivation increases the different disruptive behaviours in the classroom. In conclusion, it is proposed that educators work in line with the students’ needs by responding to their interests and that this will increase self-determined motivation

    Evolution of the ageing process, quality of life and physical fitness in western countries

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    It is predicted that life expectancy will raise sharply in future stages, especially in western countries. In fact, life expectancy of developed countries is currently over the age of 70. Aging implies a series of physical, psychological, cognitive and social changes that condition one's self-concept, creating adaptive strategies and the knowledge to maintain one's well-being in spite of the changes. Albeit aging is a natural and inevitable process, the benefits of physical fitness on physical and functional deterioration have been thoroughly confirmed. However, although this information is widely known, the majority of elderly people of these countries execute little practice of physical activity in order to improve their Quality of Life (QoL). In response to this attitude, the aim of this paper is to argue and justify that a healthy aging process is associated with maintained health, physical and cognitive function and social participation. It shows numerous research studies which demonstrate that integrated programs of physical fitness can provide benefits in a number of predictors of QoL, such as physical functioning, physical role, general health and social functioning, self-perceived QoL and mental components. Consequently, we highlight the reasons why The American College of Sport Medicine, The American Heart Association and World Health Organization recommend regular practice of physical activity in order to produce health benefits in the elderly

    Proyecto Interdepartamental de Metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS) en contextos vulnerables de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla: Educación Inclusiva, Justicia Social y Deporte (2º edición)

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    La puesta en práctica de este mismo proyecto en la edición anterior ha sido un fiel reflejo de la necesidad de continuar colaborando con los problemas y necesidades de contextos especiales y poblaciones vulnerables de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla. El alumnado del Campus de Melilla ha seguido experimentando una labor cercana a la profesional futura pero en situaciones y contextos no habituales. A la vez, se ha ayudado a personas vulnerables a través de una educación inclusiva y social, un tratamiento justo e igualitario y, hábitos saludables y de respeto a través del deporte. Un total de 19 miembros entre PDI (ocho departamentos), alumnado de Grado- Doctorado y PAS han formado parte de este proyecto de carácter multidisciplinar. Profesores expertos en Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS) y multiculturalidad, de cuatro universidades distintas a la UGR, han participado como asesores en este ambicioso proyecto. La influencia socioeducativa que el ApS produce en el alumnado universitario se ha tratado mediante un trabajo de responsabilidad social y valores que los docentes han sabido aplicar en su labor diaria; sin olvidar los efectos del ApS generados en el propio colectivo que ha recibido el servicio, tan necesitados actualmente. El alumnado involucradoha llevado a cabo una intervención de dos horas semanales durante ocho semanas (computable dichas horas dentro de las horas semanales de cada asignatura y semestre), llevando a cabo actividades y acciones coordinadas por el profesor/a de la asignatura implicada en el presente proyecto. Por consiguiente, se han realizado un total de 16 horas de intervención ApS a lo largo de dos meses en cada semestre tanto del curso 2020/21 como del 2021/22

    Tema 2. Modelos de evaluación educativa y modos de evaluación en actividad física y deportes

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    BIBLLIOGRAFÍA ■ Contreras, O., Arribas, S. y Gutiérrez, D. (2017). Didáctica de la educación física por modelos para educación primaria. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. ■ Díaz Lucea, J. (2005). La evaluación formativa como instrumento de aprendizaje en Educación Física. Barcelona: INDE Publicaciones. ■ Dyson, B. y Grineski, S. (2001). Using cooperative learning structures in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 72(2), 28-31. ■ Gardner, H. (1983): Frames of Mind. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Nueva York, Basic Books. ■ Goikoetxea, E. y Pascual, G. (2002). Aprendizaje cooperativo: bases teóricas y hallazgos empíricos que explican su eficacia. Educación XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación, 5, 199-226. ■ Graham, G., Holt-Hale, S.A. y Parker, M. (2013). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education. NY: McGraw-Hill. ■ Faure, P. (1976). La enseñanza personalizada. Orígenes y evolución. Revista de Educación, 247, 5-10. ■ Haag, H. (1991). Evaluar en Educación Física. Jornadas UNISPORT. Málaga. ■ Hellison, D. (2003). Teaching responsability through physical activity. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. ■ Rivera, E., Trigueros, C. y Giles, J. (2016). Evaluar en Educación Física. Aproximación a los conceptos claves. Apuntes de la asignatura Didáctica de la Educación Física. Curso académico 2015/16. Granada: Universidad de Granada. ■ Romero, C. (1998). Habilidades, destrezas y tareas motrices. Concepto, análisis y clasificación: Actividades para su desarrollo. En Guillén, M. Curso de actualización Didáctica y Educación Física para posgraduados universitarios. Córdoba: IAD y Cajasur. Vol II: pp. 231-252. ■ Siedentop, D. (1998). Sport Education: Quality PE through Positive Sport Experiences. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. ■ Tenbrink, T. (1984). Evaluación. Guía didáctica para profesores. Madrid. Narcea

    Anxiety and Bodily Pain in Older Women Participants in a Physical Education Program. A Multiple Moderated Mediation Analysis

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    A special thanks to all participants in this study. Furthermore, thanks to the Sport Department of the Málaga Provincial Government (Spain) and the agreement of this institution with the University of Granada for the doctoral thesis of Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero to be performed with older people from the Province of Malaga.(1) Background: Bodily pain is normally associated with the consequences of ageing, whereas anxiety shows a high prevalence in elderly people, decreasing the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Pain coping strategies are used to reduce the consequences of pain, specifically in older people. This study analyzed if the passive and active pain coping strategies were significant moderators in the link between anxiety and bodily pain with a physical component as a mediator. (2) Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of older women between 60 and 90 years old from small villages with under 5000 inhabitants, of whom 53.8% of the total were participants of a physical education program. Participants of the present study completed all sociodemographic (living alone/accompanied, marital and educational status, number of illnesses, and level of physical activity (PA)) and clinical (anxiety, HRQoL, and pain coping strategies) questionnaires. Anxiety was assessed by the Hospitality Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), passive and active strategies by the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), and bodily pain and the physical component by the SF-36 questionnaire. (3) Results: The physical component positively predicted bodily pain (p < 0.001) and passive strategies significantly moderated the effect of anxiety on the physical component (p = 0.034). (4) Conclusions: These outcomes help to understand the link between anxiety and bodily pain in older women and the moderation of pain coping strategies in this relationship. In addition, the physical component should be considered when physical education programs aimed at the reduction of bodily pain through the management of anxiety are designed.It was supported by Malaga Provincial Government (Spain)

    Effects of a Personalised Physical Exercise Program on University Workers Overall Well-Being: “UAL-Activa” Program

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    Background and objectives: Regular individualised physical exercise (PE) is a habit that not only has consequences for overall health (physical, emotional, social and mental) but can also have positive effects on organisations and institutions, as it helps workers to improve their personal balance and recover from the effort of their working day, showing higher levels of energy, commitment and productivity. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between the practice of PE and well-being in personal life and at work, as well as job satisfaction, overall health and the assessment of the personal training service provided by final-year students studying for a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Methods: This study used a qualitative research methodology. There were 25 employees of the University of Almeria (UAL) (M = 52.16 9.55 years), divided into two focus groups and participating in the physical exercise program “UAL Activa”. Results: The following three main themes, based on the results, emerged: (a) social well-being during PE practice, (b) assessment of the personal training service and (c) physical exercise as an emotional benefit at work. Conclusion. The workers’ interventions have shown that participating in a personalised PE program led by a personal trainer can improve overall health and mood, with a very positive influence on the working environment.Sports Service of the University of Almeria, Spai

    Effects of ageing in physical fitness

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    Ageing is a natural and inevitable process with degenerative changes in most of the physical, physiological and psychological functions. Furthermore, the ageing process has an impact on the physical of elderly people. Thus, the aim of this study is to provide to readers of information about effects of ageing and changes in physical fitness as one of the major causes of chronic diseases of ageing people. In addition, the association between physical fitness and physical activity in elderly shows health benefits in this population. In conclusion, the evolution of aging is essentially understood as a gradual accumulation of damage which produces the functional declination of any organism

    Gender stereotypes and physical education in secondary school

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    The present study aims to analyze the unequal treatment and gender stereotypes from within classrooms of Physical Education. A sample of 62 students from 3º and 4º High School has participated through the filling in of two of questionnaires about Perceptions Questionnaire-Discrimination Equality in Physical Education and questionnaire social acceptability of physicalsports; both of them focus at students. The variables measured were the behaviors of equal-discriminatory treatment by teachers of Physical Education and consideration and adjudication by students of two physical-sports (rugby and dance) in which the gender is pronounced in the result of this work, according if it was accomplish by men or women. It has been made a T student Test analysis of the scale variables for establishing differences between gender and courses in both variables and calculated relations between the kind of physical and sports activities and that gender is focused by Chi-Squared Test. The results show a high perception of equal treatment by teachers, on the female and male students in 3º and 4º in Physical Education. However, considering one gender or another practice of physical and sports activities such as rugby and dance, inequality or gender stereotypes in the field of physicalsports education, implanted in students, could be influenced by other social factors outside school.El presente trabajo pretende analizar la desigualdad de trato y estereotipos de género en las clases de Educación Física. Una muestra de 62 alumnas y alumnos de 3º y 4º de ESO han participado mediante el cumplimiento de dos cuestionarios sobre la percepción de Igualdad-Discriminación en Educación Física (CPIDEF) y la aceptabilidad social de la práctica físico-deportiva, ambos dos dirigidos al alumnado. Las variables medidas han sido las conductas de igualdad-discriminación de trato por parte del profesorado de Educación Física percibido por el alumnado y la consideración y adjudicación por parte del alumnado de dos actividades físico-deportivas (rugby y danza) en las que la adscripción de género se muestra acusada en el propio resultado del presente trabajo, en función de su práctica diferenciada por hombre y mujeres. Para establecer diferencias entre sexos y cursos en ambas variables se usó la prueba T student y se han calculado las relaciones entre el tipo de actividad físico-deportiva y a que sexo va dirigido mediante un Chi-cuadrado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una percepción alta de igualdad de trato del profesorado, por parte del alumnado femenino y masculino de 3º y 4º de ESO en las clases de Educación Física. Sin embargo, atendiendo a que adscriben para un género o al otro la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas como el rugby y la danza, las desigualdades o estereotipos de género en el ámbito de la educación física-deportiva, implantadas en el alumnado, podrían estar influenciadas por otros factores sociales fuera del ámbito escolar

    Service-learning as a new methodological teaching trend in physical education and sport sciences

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    The current university system needs a pedagogical revitalization to develop professional competences and prepare effective professionals while developing civic and democratic values. Service-learning (SL) is an innovative educative methodology that connects theoretical foundations and practice. Particularly, it is defined as a pedagogical proposal that combines learning and community service, based in the implementation of skills related to curriculum contents carried out in real contexts. As a pedagogical methodology, its main objective is to improve students’ academic learning and critical capacity while offering a social benefit. The analysis of SL literature shows how its evolution is unquestionable in different fields and that it is a recurring topic in recent years. The present research suggests, from a theoretical approach, that SL is an appropriate methodology to develop programs focused on physical education and sport. It shows different possibilities to structure SL programs, potential groups receiving university SL programs related to Physical Education and Sport Sciences and possible effects on university students performing SL

    ‘Aprendizaje-servicio’ en los grados universitarios de Educación Física: ejercicio físico con personas mayores

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    La sociedad actual demanda cada vez más una participación ciudadana con carácter social hacia colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social. La universidad, apelando a su responsabilidad social en el ámbito docente, debería facilitar dicha participación y fomentar en el alumnado la transmisión de valores tanto éticos como de concienciación hacia los demás. Un método pedagógico útil para cristalizar este compromiso firme con determinados colectivos que realmente lo necesitan es el «aprendizaje-servicio» (en adelante ApS). En este contexto, el presente estudio justifica la idoneidad y viabilidad de desarrollar proyectos de ApS con el colectivo de personas mayores dentro de los grados universitarios del campo de la Educación Física y el Deporte. En particular, se defiende la posibilidad de ayudar eficazmente al sector poblacional de las personas mayores en el ámbito de la salud, favoreciendo la formación en valores del alumnado desde un enfoque pedagógico práctico, competencial y motivador.En particular, se defiende que el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos en torno al ejercicio físico y la salud dirigidos a grupos de personas mayores constituye una estrategia motivante, innovadora y práctica para sensibilizar y concienciar al alumnado ante estos problemas y promover valores educativos.Current society demands increasing citizen participation to assist at-risk groups of social exclusion. Calling upon the social responsibility of the teaching profession, university should encourage the transmission of awareness-raising ethical values to university students. A useful pedagogical method to foster such commitment with needy groups is the «service-learning» approach. In these context, this paper justifies the suitability and feasibility of developing service-learning projects with elderly groups, as part of the university degrees in the field of Physical Education and Sport. Particularly, we argue that the design and development of projects –concerning physical exercise and health– to effectively help elderly groups, constitutes a practical, innovative and motivating pedagogical approach to promote educative values and raise students awareness