900 research outputs found

    How risky is drunk driving in Spain and how much does it cost?

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    43 páginas.Trabajo de Máster en Economía, Finanzas y Computación. Tutora: Dña. Yolanda Fátima Rebollo Sanz. In this thesis, it is estimated the relative risk that drunk drivers pose on sober drivers, passengers and pedestrians, and quantified the external cost of drunk driving in Spain between 2004–2015. Eventually, the following conclusions are obtained. Firstly, it is found the relative risk of drunk drivers causing a crash during the night to be between 2.7–3.9 times higher than that of sober drivers. Secondly, the results point to a decline in drunk driving offences alongside an increase in its punition, mainly after the implementation of the Penalty Points System for driving licenses in Spain on July 1st 2006. It is also estimated that drunk drivers should be fined by €1250, in order to offset the external costs they caused, in terms of harmfulness. Overall, this assessment indicates a downturn in the external costs of drunk driving over the last decade in Spain.En este trabajo, se estima el riesgo relativo que los conductores ebrios representan para los conductores sobrios, pasajeros y peatones, y se cuantifica el coste externo de la conducción ebria en España entre 2004–2015. Se han obtenido las siguientes conclusiones. En primer lugar, el riesgo relativo de que los conductores ebrios causen un choque durante la noche es entre 2.7 y 3.9 veces mayor que el de los conductores sobrios. En segundo lugar, los resultados apuntan a una disminución en los delitos de conducir en estado de ebriedad junto con un aumento en su castigo, principalmente después de la implementación del Sistema del Carnet por Puntos para los permisos de conducción en España el 1 de julio de 2006. También se estima que los conductores ebrios deberían ser multados con 1250 € para compensar los costes externos que provocaron en términos de lesiones. En general, las estimaciones indican una disminución en los costes externos de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol durante la última década en España

    Characterization of AtDGK2 in relation to Contact Sites

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    Contact Sites are conserved cellular regions where two membranes of different organelles are very close but not merged. Contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the plasma membrane (ER-PM CS) play important roles in metabolic functions. We have identified AtDGK2 (Diacylglycerol kinase 2) as an interactor of SYT1 (Synaptotagmin1), which is a protein located at ER-PM CS. DGKs phosphorylate diacylglycerol to produce phosphatidic acid, both important signalling molecules. Arabidopsis thaliana has seven AtDGKs, but only AtDGK1 and AtDGK2 present an ER transmembrane domain, the rest are cytoplasmic. We have analysed the subcellular localization and functions of these two proteins.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. BIO2017-82609-

    Proposing an integrated indicator to measure product repairability

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    Repairing is one of the most relevant strategies within the Circular Economy (CE) concept since it contributes to waste prevention and extends product and components' lifespan. Thus, reparability becomes an essential issue from the early product design phases, where materials, geometries, and joints are defined. Despite some repairability indicators that can be found in the literature and are applied worldwide, there is a lack of connection between repairability and the early decision-making process for improving it from the design of components of subsystems of a product. To contribute in that research direction, this article presents the Product Repairability Index (PRI), which considers the intrinsic repairability of the product components, their assembly/disassembly complexity, repairing instructions, availability of spare parts, and the self-diagnosis aids provided by the product. The PRI also considers components' relative functional importance to identify those with higher repairability requirements concerning their functional importance in the whole product assembly. The proposed indicator has been applied to a coffee machine as a case study, following a step-to-step methodology and calculation criteria to generate a quantitative value and detect the possible aspects to redesign to make a product more repairable

    Aproximación a la identificación de un rasgo, humor negro o ironía narrativa en el estilo del escritor Risaraldense Rigoberto Gil Montoya en su novela "Plop"

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    Mediante el análisis de la novela ¡Plop! del autor risaraldense Rigoberto Gil Montoya, pretendemos revelar un aspecto del estilo que hace de la producción estética de éste escritor, una nueva opción literaria. Éste autor ha sido distinguido por su calidad literaria y cada uno de sus trabajos cuenta con el respaldo de una experiencia académica muy bien sustentada. El tópico elegido para abordar la obra de Rigoberto Gil ha sido la Ironía narrativa como rasgo particular en su estilo , ya que ésta se presenta en sus textos de una manera constante y atraviesa la mayoría de sus escritos, ya sea de forma implícita o explícita dándole un matiz de verosimilitud a la narración; además, sugiere un compromiso social e histórico del escritor con los conflictos de la región, el eje cafetero y a su vez con el pueblo colombiano, en la medida en que, dicha problemática toca y ha tocado a nuestro país por varias décadas. Teniendo en cuenta que ¿La Ironía tiene un valor como instrumento crítico respecto a la novela¿ y se aborda como una presencia fundamental en la ficción y particularmente en la narrativa hispanoamericana¿,(Tittler 1984) a través de ésta se pueden desvelar otras intenciones de la narrativa. Por otro lado los propósitos de la ironía son tan variados como sus practicantes, ahora bien cuando el ironista se concentra en su ingenuo interlocutor, el mecanismo puede resultar en una función pedagógica: ¿La ironía tiene pues un valor anticipatorio en el que el espíritu se libera del prejuicio y lo predispone para la búsqueda de la verdad¿de tal manera que así como la ironía de la razón pura puede sacar a la luz absurdos latentes, la ironía producida por un impulso ético puede servir para denunciar escándalos invisibles¿ (Citado por Tittler 1984) así lo asevera René Shaerer y esta última función es la que mejor se nota en ¡Plop!, Pues allí es utilizada la ironía narrativa para abordar la violencia que es uno de los temas comunes acometidos en la narrativa de Rigoberto Gil

    Evaluación de factibilidad para la creación de un restaurante con mesas digitales en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEn este documento se estudia la factibilidad financiera de utilizar mesas digitales con pantallas táctiles para ofrecer una forma diferente de atención al cliente en un restaurante de la ciudad de Bogotá. Para esto, el análisis se realiza a través de los estudios de mercado, técnico, administrativo y financiero que permitan encontrar el valor de inversión requerido por el proyecto y evaluar a través de las herramientas e indicadores financieros (valor presente neto, TIR, EVA, etc.) si esta idea de negocio es rentable para los posibles inversionistas y que genera valor.1. TITULO 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 3. JUSTIFICACION 4. MARCO TEORICO 5. OBJETIVOS 6. PLANTEAMIENTO DE LA HIPOTESIS 7. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO 8. ANALISIS DOFA 9. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO 10. ESTUDIO TÉCNICO 11. ESTUDIO ADMINISTRATIVO 12. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO 13. CONCLUSIONES 14. RECOMENDACIONES GLOSARIO BIBLIOGRAFIA ANEXOS APÉNDICESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Undercovering the molecular mechanisms of lipid signalling at ER-PM contact sites in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) under abiotic stress conditions

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    Abiotic stresses cause large reductions in crop production. Therefore, is important to understand how plants respond in order to develop varieties with increased resistance. Lipid-transport proteins (LTP) are emerging as key players of lipid signaling in response to numerous stresses. Specifically, SYT1, a protein first identified by its role in abiotic stress tolerance, is now recognized as an endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact site tether capable. Our recent data support that SYT1 in involved on non-vesicular lipid-transport of diacyl glycerol (DAG) through its SMP domain. This data together with the interaction of SYT1 with a diacyl glycerol kinase (DGK) suggest a lipid signaling pathway where the product of phospholipase C, diacylglycerol, might be simultaneously translocated from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic-reticulum by SYT1 and phosphorylated to phosphatidic acid by DGK at the plasma membrane. Using in vitro biochemical approaches we are investigating the affinity of specific lipid species transported by SYT1 using lipid-competition assays, where a fluorescent lipid competes for SYT1 binding-pocket with different lipid species. Using bioinformatic we are obtaining insight into the lipid signal pathway involving PHOSPHOLIPASE C (PLC), DIACYLGLYCEROL KINASE (DGK) and SYNAPTOTAGMIN1 (SYT1) in tomatoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Making the Case for the Basic Communication Course in General Education

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    Authors were asked to prepare an essay as if they were writing a letter to their dean (whose academic training was in another discipline) who (1) asked that enrollment in each basic course section be increased to a level that compromises the pedagogy of the basic course or (2) proposed that the required basic communication course be eliminated from the university’s general education program. In this essay, the authors discuss the academic, career, and social benefits stemming from strong effective communication skills

    Creating Equitable and Inclusive Basic Course Classrooms: A Response Essay

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    In 1992, Jo Sprague challenged communication educators to think more critically about how we teach and what we include in our communication curriculum. In the decades since Sprague’s powerful call for instructional communication researchers and instructors to ask ourselves, “What is knowledge and how is curriculum established?” (p. 11), we find ourselves needing to engage with ongoing contemporary conversations about what counts as knowledge in a basic communication course and which knowledge is viewed as important enough to include in the curriculum. A meta-synthesis of basic communication course surveys showed little change in the basic communication course content over the last 60 years (LeFebvre and LeFebvre, 2020). The radical changes that have occurred in our society and in higher education student populations over the last decades have required a rethinking of how college classrooms function to create inclusive and equitable campus communities. Campus Chief Diversity Officers who inform institutional policies surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion and Centers for Teaching and Learning are working to support faculty in critically examining their curricula and teaching practices in support of campus inclusion efforts (Ruiz-Mesa, 2022). In the previous essays, the authors offer a variety of creative and pedagogically-informed practices to support campus and classroom inclusion and equity. This essay responds to the Basic Course Forum submissions about how instructors and basic course directors can effectively support diversity, equity, and 94 inclusion efforts through course materials, pedagogy, and instructor training in the basic communication course by focusing on three emergent themes

    Best Practices for Training New Communication Graduate Teaching Assistants

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    Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are often the first college instructors who new students meet when they arrive for their first day of class, and as instructors and as students, GTAs are the future of the discipline. As such, GTAs need to receive comprehensive training in a variety of pedagogical, procedural, and professional areas to help graduate students continue to develop as instructors and, eventually, into full-time faculty. To assist basic course directors, department chairs, and faculty in creating and supporting a comprehensive and ongoing GTA training program, this article provides 10 best practices for training new GTAs who will be teaching introductory communication courses

    Diseño de una guía para la auditoría de la clasificación de información que vela por el cumplimiento de la Ley 1712

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl diseño de la guía de auditoría se generó a partir de las necesidades encontradas luego de la promulgación de la ley 1712, dando a conocer mecanismos específicos para que el auditor puede ejecutar su proceso de forma más sencilla y concisa; dando solución a la problemática generada en el momento en que Colombia inicia la implementación de dicha ley, generando controversia; para desarrollo de la misma se puede implementar con veracidad la guía generada.INTRODUCCIÓN 1 GENERALIDADES DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO 2 MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3 METODOLOGÍA 4 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 5 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Auditoría de Sistemas de Informació