293 research outputs found

    Intercalary membrane as the inner wall overlying optic and chorio-retinal colobomas. Deep penetration Swept Source-OCT study.

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    Five eyes of four patients were studied to analyze the structure of the inner wall of optic and chorioretinal colobomas using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). The colobomatous cavities and their relationship with adjacent structures were examined. SS-OCT permitted the study of the colobomatous cavities in all cases. In four of those cases, a Y-shaped intercalary membrane (ICM) was identified, with an origin in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), which covered the coloboma and in one case the coloboma was in contact with the vitreous cavity. Vitreous adhesion to the internal wall of the coloboma was found in three cases. No clinical or tomographic maculopathy was observed in any patient. High-resolution deep penetration SS-OCT allows in vivo study of optic and chorioretinal colobomas, identifying the RNFL as the main component of the ICM overlying the colobomatous cavities

    MicroRNA399 is a long-distance signal for the regulation of plant phosphate homeostasis

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    The presence of microRNA species in plant phloem sap suggests potential signaling roles by long-distance regulation of gene expression. Proof for such a role for a phloem-mobile microRNA is lacking. Here we show that phosphate (Pi) starvation-induced microRNA399 (miR399) is present in the phloem sap of two diverse plant species, rapeseed and pumpkin, and levels are strongly and specifically increased in phloem sap during Pi deprivation. By performing micro-grafting experiments using Arabidopsis, we further show that chimeric plants constitutively over-expressing miR399 in the shoot accumulate mature miR399 species to very high levels in their wild-type roots, while corresponding primary transcripts are virtually absent in roots, demonstrating shoot-to-root transport. The chimeric plants exhibit (i) down-regulation of the miR399 target transcript (PHO2), which encodes a critical component for maintenance of Pi homeostasis, in the wild-type root, and (ii) Pi accumulation in the shoot, which is the phenotype of pho2 mutants, miR399 over-expressers or chimeric plants with a genetic knock-out of PHO2 in the root. Hence the transported miR399 molecules retain biological activity. This is a demonstration of systemic control of a biological process, i.e. maintenance of plant Pi homeostasis, by a phloem-mobile microRNA

    Myopic maculopathy: Current status and proposal for a new classification and grading system (ATN)

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    Myopia is a highly frequent ocular disorder worldwide and pathologic myopia is the 4th most common cause of irreversible blindness in developed countries. Pathologic myopia is especially common in East Asian countries. Ocular alterations associated with pathologic myopia, especially those involving the macular area—defined as myopic maculopathy—are the leading causes of vision loss in patients with pathologic myopia. High myopia is defined as the presence of a highly negative refractive error (>−6 to −8 diopters) in the context of eye elongation (26–26.5 mm). Although the terms high myopia and pathologic myopia are often used interchangeably, they do not refer to the same eye disease. The two key factors driving the development of pathologic myopia are: 1) elongation of the axial length and 2) posterior staphyloma. The presence of posterior staphyloma, which is the most common finding in patients with pathologic myopia, is the key differentiating factor between high and pathologic myopia. The occurrence of staphyloma will, in most cases, eventually lead to other conditions such as atrophic, traction, or neovascular maculopathy. Posterior staphyloma is for instance, responsible for the differences between a myopic macular hole (MH)—with and without retinal detachment—and idiopathic MH. Posterior staphyloma typically induces retinal layer splitting, leading to foveoschisis in myopic MH, an important differentiating factor between myopic and emmetropic MH. Myopic maculopathy is a highly complex disease and current classification systems do not fully account for the numerous changes that occur in the macula of these patients. Therefore, a more comprehensive classification system is needed, for several important reasons. First, to more precisely define the disease stage to improve follow-up by enabling clinicians to more accurately monitor changes over time, which is essential given the progressive nature of this condition. Second, unification of the currently-available classification systems would establish standardized classification criteria that could be used to compare the findings from international multicentric studies. Finally, a more comprehensive classification system could help to improve our understanding of the genetic origins of this disease, which is clearly relevant given the interchangeable—but erroneous—use of the terms high and pathologic myopia in genetic researc

    The prognosis of patients hospitalized with a first episode of heart failure, validation of two scores: PREDICE and AHEAD.

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    Purpose: Heart failure (HF) is a chronic, frequent and disabling condition but with a modifiable course and a large potential for improving. The aim of this study was to validate the two available clinical prediction rules for mortality at one year in patients with primo- hospitalization for decompensated HF: PREDICE and AHEAD. The secondary aim was to evaluate in our setting the changes in the clinical pattern of HF in the last decade in patients hospitalized for a first episode of the disease. Patients and methods: A prospective multicenter cohort study, which included 180 patients hospitalized with “de novo” HF was conducted to validate the PREDICE score. Calibration and discrimination measurements were calculated for the PREDICE model and the PREDICE score (using the validation cohort of the PREDICE) and the AHEAD score (using both the development and the validation cohort of the PREDICE). Results: For the PREDICE models, the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.57–0.79) and the calibration slope 0.65 (95% CI: 0.21–1.20). For the PREDICE score AUC was 0.59 (95% CI: 0.47–0.71) and slope 0.42 (95% CI: −0.20–1.17). For the AHEAD score the AUC was 0.68 (95% CI: 0.62–0.73) and slope 1.38 (95% CI: 0.62–0.73) when used the development cohort of PREDICE and the AUC was 0.58 (95% CI: 0.49–0.67), and slope 0.68 (95% CI: −0.06 to 1.47) when used its validation cohort. Conclusion: The present study shows that the two risk scores available for patients with primo-hospitalization for decompensated HF (PREDICE and AHEAD) are not currently valid for predicting mortality at one-year. In our setting the clinical spectrum of hospitalized patients with new-onset HF has been modified over time. The study underscores the need to validate the prognostic models before clinical implementation.Ministerio de Sanidad PI070945

    Agreement and clinical comparison between a new swept-source optical coherence tomography-based optical biometer and an optical low-coherence reflectometry biometer

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    Purpose To compare measurements taken using a swept-source optical coherence tomography-based optical biometer (IOLmaster 700) and an optical low-coherence reflectometry biometer (Lenstar 900), and to determine the clinical impacts of differences in their measurements on intraocular lens (IOL) power predictions. Methods Eighty eyes of 80 patients scheduled to undergo cataract surgery were examined with both biometers. The measurements made using each device were axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), aqueous depth (AQD), lens thickness (LT), mean keratometry (MK), white-to-white distance (WTW), and pupil diameter (PD). Holladay 2 and SRK/T formulas were used to calculate IOL power. Differences in measurement between the two biometers were determined using the paired t-test. Agreement was assessed through intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots. Results Mean patient age was 76.3±6.8 years (range 59–89). Using the Lenstar, AL and PD could not be measured in 12.5 and 5.25% of eyes, respectively, while IOLMaster 700 took all measurements in all eyes. The variables CCT, AQD, LT, and MK varied significantly between the two biometers. According to ICCs, correlation between measurements made with both devices was excellent except for WTW and PD. Using the SRK/T formula, IOL power prediction based on the data from the two devices were statistically different, but differences were not clinically significant. Conclusions No clinically relevant differences were detected between the biometers in terms of their measurements and IOL power predictions. Using the IOLMaster 700, it was easier to obtain biometric measurements in eyes with less transparent ocular media or longer AL

    Macular Choroidal Thickening in Keratoconus Patients: Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Study.

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    To determine the choroidal thickness (CT) profile in keratoconus (KC) patients using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). This was a prospective, cross-sectional study. One hundred two eyes of 52 KC patients were studied using Pentacam and SS-OCT. The macular CT profile was created by manually measuring the distance between the retinal pigment epithelium and the choroid-sclera junction on horizontal b-scans at nine different macular locations. The results were compared to 93 eyes of 93 healthy controls. Mean age of the KC group was 34.9 ± 13.5 years and mean axial length (AL) was 24.1 ± 1.3 mm. Mean topographic KC classification (TKC) was 2.0; 39 eyes were classified as early KC (TKC <1-2), 34 eyes as moderate (TKC 2, 2-3), and 29 as advanced (TKC 3+). Mean subfoveal CT was 383.2 μm in KC patients and 280.5 μm in control group ( <i>P</i> < 0.001). CT in KC patients was statistically thicker in all measure locations ( <i>P</i> < 0.001). CT in KC eyes decreased with age, approaching control group at >45 years old, losing statistical significance ( <i>P</i> = 0.37). CT in KC patients is statistically thicker than in healthy population. After age 45, CT decreases approaching control group values. This study describes changes in the CT profile of KC patients, a disease that was considered purely corneal. These choroidal changes argue that KC is a disease that likely involves several ocular structures other than the cornea, and could open new research lines related to the pathophysiology of KC

    Genome-wide association studies for methane production in dairy cattle

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Genomic selection has been proposed for the mitigation of methane (CH4) emissions by cattle because there is considerable variability in CH4 emissions between individuals fed on the same diet. The genome-wide association study (GWAS) represents an important tool for the detection of candidate genes, haplotypes or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers related to characteristics of economic interest. The present study included information for 280 cows in three dairy production systems in Mexico: 1) Dual Purpose (n = 100), 2) Specialized Tropical Dairy (n = 76), 3) Familiar Production System (n = 104). Concentrations of CH4 in a breath of individual cows at the time of milking (MEIm) were estimated through a system of infrared sensors. After quality control analyses, 21,958 SNPs were included. Associations of markers were made using a linear regression model, corrected with principal component analyses. In total, 46 SNPs were identified as significant for CH4 production. Several SNPs associated with CH4 production were found at regions previously described for quantitative trait loci of composition characteristics of meat, milk fatty acids and characteristics related to feed intake. It was concluded that the SNPs identified could be used in genomic selection programs in developing countries and combined with other datasets for global selection

    Systemic Effects of Repeated Intraocular Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in Diabetic Patients: A Retrospective Study.

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of repeated intraocular dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex) injections on metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Retrospective study of 165 type 2 diabetic patients starting Ozurdex treatment who received no less than three consecutive injections. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum creatinine, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides (TGs) were evaluated during 15 months of follow-up after Ozurdex treatment onset. Fifty-seven patients met inclusion criteria. Mean baseline values for HbA1c, creatinine, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and TGs before treatment (7.1%, 1.3, 176.7, 51.1, and 125.6 mg/dl, respectively) were similar to mean values after Ozurdex onset (Wilcoxon test p values were 0.68, 0.41, 0.06, 0.87, and 0.33, respectively) and remained stable during the follow-up period. Mean LDL cholesterol levels increased slightly after Ozurdex treatment onset (90.1 vs 88.2 mg/dl, p = 0.04) but after 15 months of follow-up they had returned to baseline values. Transient increase in LDL cholesterol was remarkable in the group of 24 bilaterally treated patients (96.8 vs 88.4 mg/dl, p = 0.03). A third of these patients increased their baseline LDL values by more than 20%. Even with continuous injections of Ozurdex, LDL cholesterol levels also declined back to baseline by month 15. Ozurdex injections had no influence on HbA1c or renal function. Lipid profile changes were mild and transient. However, a significant temporary increase has been found in LDL cholesterol levels in patients receiving simultaneous bilateral injections. Lipid levels should be monitored in patients starting with bilateral Ozurdex injections especially in those with recent history of acute myocardial infarction

    Predicting the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary health care. The predictD-Spain study: Methodology

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    Background: The effects of putative risk factors on the onset and/or persistence of depression remain unclear. We aim to develop comprehensive models to predict the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary care. Here we explain the general methodology of the predictD-Spain study and evaluate the reliability of the questionnaires used. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. A systematic random sample of general practice attendees aged 18 to 75 has been recruited in seven Spanish provinces. Depression is being measured with the CIDI at baseline, and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. A set of individual, environmental, genetic, professional and organizational risk factors are to be assessed at each follow-up point. In a separate reliability study, a proportional random sample of 401 participants completed the test-retest (251 researcher-administered and 150 self-administered) between October 2005 and February 2006. We have also checked 118,398 items for data entry from a random sample of 480 patients stratified by province. Results: All items and questionnaires had good test-retest reliability for both methods of administration, except for the use of recreational drugs over the previous six months. Cronbach's alphas were good and their factorial analyses coherent for the three scales evaluated (social support from family and friends, dissatisfaction with paid work, and dissatisfaction with unpaid work). There were 191 (0.16%) data entry errors. Conclusion: The items and questionnaires were reliable and data quality control was excellent. When we eventually obtain our risk index for the onset and persistence of depression, we will be able to determine the individual risk of each patient evaluated in primary health car

    Brief Research Report: Virus-Specific Humoral Immunity at Admission Predicts the Development of Respiratory Failure in Unvaccinated SARS-CoV-2 Patients

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    Erratum for Brief Research Report: Virus-Specific Humoral Immunity at Admission Predicts the Development of Respiratory Failure in Unvaccinated SARS-CoV-2 Patients. Tajuelo A, Carretero O, García-Ríos E, López-Siles M, Cano O, Vázquez M, Más V, Rodríguez-Goncer I, Lalueza A, López-Medrano F, Juan RS, Fernández-Ruiz M, Aguado JM, McConnell MJ, Pérez-Romero P. Front Immunol. 2022 Apr 25;13:878812. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.878812. eCollection 2022. PMID: 35547738 Free PMC article.Introduction: There is robust evidence indicating that the SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral response is associated with protection against severe disease. However, relatively little data exist regarding how the humoral immune response at the time of hospital admission correlates with disease severity in unimmunized patients. Our goal was toidentify variables of the humoral response that could potentially serve as prognostic markers for COVID-19 progressionin unvaccinated SARS-CoV-2 patients. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried out in a cohort of 160 unimmunized, adult COVID-19 patients from the Hospital Universitario 12Octubre. Participants were classified into four clinical groups based on disease severity: non-survivors with respiratory failure (RF), RF survivors, patients requiring oxygen therapy and those not receiving oxygen therapy. Serum samples were taken on admission and IgM, IgG, IgG subclass antibody titers were determined by ELISA, and neutralizing antibody titersusing a surrogate neutralization assay. The differences in the antibody titers between groups and the association between the clinical and analytical characteristics of the patients and the antibody titers were analyzed. Results: Patients that developed RF and survived had IgM titers that were 2-fold higher than non-survivors (p = 0.001), higher levels of total IgG than those who developed RF and succumbed to infection (p< 0.001), and than patients who required oxygen therapy (p< 0.05), and had 5-fold higher IgG1 titers than RF non-survivors (p< 0.001) and those who needed oxygen therapy (p< 0.001), and 2-fold higher than patients that did not require oxygen therapy during admission (p< 0.05). In contrast, RF non-survivorshad the lowest neutralizing antibodylevels, which were significantly lower compared those with RF that survived (p = 0.03). A positive correlation was found between IgM, total IgG, IgG1 and IgG3 titers and neutralizing antibody titers in the total cohort (p ≤ 0.0036). Conclusions: We demonstrate that patients with RF that survived infection had significantly higher IgM, IgG, IgG1 and neutralizing titers compared to patients with RF that succumb to infection, suggesting that using humoral response variables could be used as a prognostic marker for guiding the clinical management of unimmunized patients admitted to the hospital for SARS-CoV-2 infection.This work was supported by Mutua Madrileña Foundation (2020/0056) “Plan Nacional de I+D+I” and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COVID-19 Research Call COV20/00181 and COV20_00679), Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016) - co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund (EDRF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) "A way to achieve Europe- The ESF invests in your future". Red de Enfermedades Infecciosas (CIBERINFEC), CB21/13/00079. EG-R is supported by the Sara Borrell Program (CD18CIII/00007), MLS is supported by the Sara Borrell Program (CD17CIIII/00017), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades., and AT is supported by the Garantía Juvenil Program of the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid. IRG holds a research training contract “Río Hortega” (CM19/00163) and MFR a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP18/00073), both from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.S