17,597 research outputs found

    Bifurcation analysis and phase diagram of a spin-string model with buckled states

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    We analyze a one-dimensional spin-string model, in which string oscillators are linearly coupled to their two nearest neighbors and to Ising spins representing internal degrees of freedom. String-spin coupling induces a long-range ferromagnetic interaction among spins that competes with a spin-spin antiferromagnetic coupling. As a consequence, the complex phase diagram of the system exhibits different flat rippled and buckled states, with first or second order transition lines between states. The two-dimensional version of the model has a similar phase diagram, which has been recently used to explain the rippled to buckled transition observed in scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments with suspended graphene sheets. Here we describe in detail the phase diagram of the simpler one-dimensional model and phase stability using bifurcation theory. This gives additional insight into the physical mechanisms underlying the different phases and the behavior observed in experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Non-linear response of single-molecule magnets: field-tuned quantum-to-classical crossovers

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    Quantum nanomagnets can show a field dependence of the relaxation time very different from their classical counterparts, due to resonant tunneling via excited states (near the anisotropy barrier top). The relaxation time then shows minima at the resonant fields H_{n}=n D at which the levels at both sides of the barrier become degenerate (D is the anisotropy constant). We showed that in Mn12, near zero field, this yields a contribution to the nonlinear susceptibility that makes it qualitatively different from the classical curves [Phys. Rev. B 72, 224433 (2005)]. Here we extend the experimental study to finite dc fields showing how the bias can trigger the system to display those quantum nonlinear responses, near the resonant fields, while recovering an classical-like behaviour for fields between them. The analysis of the experiments is done with heuristic expressions derived from simple balance equations and calculations with a Pauli-type quantum master equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, brief report

    Performance of ZigBee-based wireless sensor nodes for real-time monitoring of fruits logistics

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    Progress in fruit logistics requires an increasing number of measurements to be performed in refrigerated chambers and during transport. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are a promising solution in this field. This paper explores the potential of wireless sensor technology for monitoring fruit storage and transport conditions. It focuses in particular on ZigBee technology with special regard to two different commercial modules (Xbow and Xbee). The main contributions of the paper relate to the analysis of battery life under cooling conditions and the evaluation of the reliability of communications and measurements. Psychrometric equations were used for quick assessment of changes in the absolute water content of air, allowing estimation of future water loss, and detection of condensation on the product

    A model and prototype implementation for tracking and tracing agricultural batch products along the food chain

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    There is an increasing demand of traceability in the food chain, statutory requirements are growing stricter and there is increasing pressure to develop standardized traceability systems. Each event in the chain, like production of transportation, packing, distribution or processing results in a different product which can have its own information associated within the tracing system. From the raw material to the sale of goods, more and more information needs to be gathered and made available. Supplementary information may also be collected at any step, in order to provide data for analysis and optimization of production practices. Using web-based systems for data processing, storage and transfer makes possible a flexible way of information access, networking and usability. In this paper an architectural proposal is presented and the proposed solution is tested by the implementation of a prototype. The software architecture presented makes use of a series of standards than offer new possibilities in traceability control and management. For testing the prototype, information from precision farming together with the information recorded during the transport and delivery was used. The system enables full traceability and it complies with all existing traceability standards

    Global analysis of electromagnetic moments in odd near doubly magic nuclei

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    We use the nuclear DFT approach to determine nuclear electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments in all one-particle and one-hole neighbors of eight doubly magic nuclei. We align angular momenta along the intrinsic axial-symmetry axis with broken time-reversal symmetry, which allows us to explore fully the self-consistent charge, spin, and current polarizations. Spectroscopic moments are determined for symmetry-restored wave functions and compared with available experimental data. We find that the obtained polarizations do not call for using quadrupole- or dipole-moment operators with effective charges or effective g-factors.Comment: 15 LaTeX pages, 9 figure
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