1,987 research outputs found

    Oratio luculenta de laudibus Valentie by Alonso de Proaza. Introduction, critical edition and translation.

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    Edición crítica y traducción del discurso pronunciado en alabanza de Valencia por el humanista Alonso de Proaza, más conocido por ser el editor de La Celes-tina, con motivo de la toma de posesión de la cátedra de retórica de la Univer-sidad de Valencia en 1505.Critical edition and Spanish translation of the speech in praise of Valencia made by the humanist Alonso de Proaza, best known as the editor of La Celestina, on the occasion of the inauguration of the chair of rhetoric at the University of Valencia in 1505.Humanidade

    Ocaso de una noble familia romana: edición crítica y traducción de las "Epistulae consolatoriae" (1465- 1468) a Francesco dell’Anguillara, conde de Everso,preso en el castillo romano de Sant’Angelo

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    Critical edition and spanish translation of the comforting letters written by Bartholomaeus Platina and Rodericus sanctius de Arevalo to the count Francesco dell’Anguillara as reply to his request of comfort and freedom during his imprisonment in castel sant’Angelo. Before the critical edition appears a study of the Anguillara family and the circumstances leading to the imprisonment of Francesco.Edición crítica y traducción de las cartas consolatorias que escribieron Bartolomeo Platina y Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo al conde Francesco dell’Anguillara en respuesta a la petición de consuelo y libertad durante su encarcelamiento en castel sant’Angelo. Precede a la edición un estudio de la familia Anguillara y de las circunstancias que condujeron al encarcelamiento de Francesco

    Using Classification Techniques for Assigning Work Descriptions to Task Groups on the Basis of Construction Vocabulary

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    Construction project management produces a huge amount of documents in a variety of formats. The efficient use of the data contained in these documents is crucial to enhance control and to improve performance. A central pillar throughout the project life cycle is the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) document. It provides economic information and details a collection of work descriptions describing the nature of the different works needed to be done to achieve the project goal. In this work, we focus on the problem of automatically classifying such work descriptions into a predefined task organization hierarchy, so that it can be possible to store them in a common data repository. We describe a methodology for preprocessing the text associated to work descriptions to build training and test data sets and carry out a complete experimentation with several well-known machine learning algorithms.Programa Juan de la Cierva. Grant Number: FJCI-2015-24093Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. European Regional Development Fund—ERDF. Grant Number: TIN2014-58227-

    Temporal hydrochemical and microbial variations in microcosm experiments from sites contaminated with chloromethanes under biostimulation with lactic acid

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    The objective of our research is to identify the sequence of degradation processes leading to microbial speciation of microorganisms involved in degradation of CT and CF under natural attenuation and lactic acid biostimulation conditions. To this end, a comparative study of two types of microcosm experiments was carried out to analyze two scenarios: natural attenuation and lactic acid biostimulation. Experiments were carried out with water and sediment from a field site located at a petrochemical complex whose hydrochemical background inhibited the natural attenuation of carbon tetrachloride and chloroform. A significant result of our work was that these experiments allowed us to identify the CT abiotic degradation processes, among which the abiotic degradation induced by the biogenic activity of Dechlorosoma suillum should be noted. Although this is an abiotic degradation, the metabolism of this microorganism generates green rust precipitates, which in turn favor the abiotic reductive dechlorination of CT. Other relevant result was the identification of the biotic reductive dechlorination of CF by a bacterium of the Clostridiales order. This result presented the particularity that an apparent absence of isotopic fractionation was observed because a mixture of chloroform of different origins was produced. Our research showed that these processes were more efficient, in terms of faster degradation rates, when biostimulation with lactic acid was carried out. This biostimulation could therefore be an efficient remediation strategy at sites contaminated by chloromethanes, especially in cases where a complex pollution history results in a rich hydrochemical background that makes it difficult natural attenuation

    Rhizosphere-enhanced biosurfactant action on slowly desorbing PAHs incontaminated soil

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    We studied how sunflower plants affect rhamnolipid biosurfactant mobilization of slowly desorbing fractions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil froma creosote-contaminated site. Desorption kinetics of 13 individual PAHs revealed that the soil contained initially up to 50% slowly desorbing fractions. A rhamnolipid biosurfactantwas applied to the soil at the completion of the sunflower cycle (75 days in greenhouse conditions). After this period, the PAHs that remained in the soil were mainly present in a slowly desorbing form as a result of the efficient biodegradation of fast-desorbing PAHs by native microbial populations. The rhamnolipid enhanced the bioavailable fraction of the remaining PAHs by up to 30%, as evidenced by a standardized desorption extraction with Tenax, but the enhancement occurredwith only planted soils. The enhanced bioavailability did not decrease residual PAH concentrations under greenhouse conditions, possibly due to ecophysiological limitations in the biodegradation process thatwere independent of the bioavailability. However, biodegradationwas enhanced during slurry treatment of greenhouse planted soils that received the biosurfactant. The addition of rhamnolipids caused a dramatic shift in the soil bacterial community structure, which was magnified in the presence of sunflower plants. The stimulated groups were identified as fast-growing and catabolically versatile bacteria. This new rhizosphere microbial biomass possibly interacted with the biosurfactant to facilitate intra-aggregate diffusion of PAHs, thus enhancing the kinetics of slow desorption. Our results show that the usually limited biosurfactant efficiency with contaminated field soils can be significantly enhanced by integrating the sunflower ontogenetic cycle into the bioremediation design

    Reconstruyendo el mundo perdido de los dinosaurios

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    El interés por los vertebrados fósiles es cada vez mayor, y raro es el día que no surge alguna noticia de un nuevo descubrimiento, especialmente en dinosaurios. Los investigadores en Paleontología nos dedicamos a reconstruir los ecosistemas del pasado y conocer su evolución. El grupo Aragosaurus es un equipo de investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias integrado en el Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón (IUCA) en el que se incluyen investigadores de otras universidades españolas. Una de nuestras líneas de trabajo son los vertebrados fósiles del Mesozoico, un periodo de tiempo comprendido entre los 250 y 65 millones de años (Ma), y que es conocido como la era de los dinosaurios. Estos animales se integraban en ecosistemas tan complejos como los actuales. Reconstruimos su Paleobiología basándonos en estudios filogenéticos, anatómicos y biomecánicos de los huesos, además de las evidencias de su actividad orgánica conservadas en pisadas fosilizadas (icnitas) y cáscara de huevo.Además de los dinosaurios también estudiamos el resto de los vertebrados fósiles que formabanlos ecosistemas del Mesozoico como son los tiburones y otros peces, cocodrilos, reptiles voladores, mamíferos, anfibios y lagartos. Nuestro objetivo global es aportar información para reconstruir el mundo perdido de los dinosaurios. Fruto del interés social por estas investigacioneses la frecuencia con la que han aparecido reseñas de prensa con los resultados del trabajo de investigación de nuestro grupo en los últimos meses. Queremos compartir con los lectores de conCIENCIAS un resumen de los descubrimientos más singulares y significativos ordenados demás antiguos a más modernos. Fil: Canudo, José Ignacio. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Badiola, Ainara. Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología; Países BajosFil: Barco, José Luis. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Castanera, Diego. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Cruzado Caballero, Penélope. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Ester. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Díaz, Ignacio. Universidad de la Rioja, Facultad de Ciencias, Estudios Agroalimentarios e Informática; ArgentinaFil: Gasca, José Manuel. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Moreno Azanza, Miguel. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Parrilla, Jara. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Puértolas Pascual, Eduardo. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Ruiz Omeñaca, José Ignacio. Museo Jurásico de Asturias; EspañaFil: Vila, Bernat. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Cuenca, Gloria. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; Españ