1,419 research outputs found

    Structural Sequence Detectability in Free Choice Interpreted Petri Nets

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    This paper is concerned with the structural sequence detectability problem in Free Choice Interpreted Petri nets, i.e. with the possibility of recovering the firing transition sequence in Free Choice Interpreted Petri nets using the output information when the initial marking is unknown. Based on the Free Choice Interpreted Petri net structure, three relationships are proposed which are devoted to capture the confusion over the transitions. These relationships depend on interpreted Petri nets structures such as T-invariants, P-Invariants, attribution and distribution places. Thus, the approach herein presented exploits the interpreted Petri nets structural information in order to determine the structural sequence detectability of an interpreted Petri net.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Evaluation templates and fulfillment of the university formative objectives: diversification and transverselity of criteria in subjects of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature

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    In the different projects boarded in these last years by our group from educational innovation, attention to two lines of work has been lent that, applied to subjects integrated in the scopes of the study of the Spanish language and of the theory of Literature, were in our opinion essential to approach the new educative space in which we were immersed. In one first stage, it was fundamental the elaboration of educational materials and the use of heterogenous tools that allowed the student to make a pursuit of the subject in which the knowledge was acquired progressively. The space of the Virtual Campus thus becomes a valid platform for the development and design of different types from activities and exercises by means of which complementary tasks to actual teaching are approached. However, this development raises in one second phase –in which we were now– and almost simultaneously, the necessity to analyze the evaluation methods. Once established the continuous evaluation like fundamental criterion in the development of the subject, it is precise to establish general frames that allow at the same time student’s precise pursuit and transverselity between criteria of evaluation shared by several subjects. From these budgets, our work is centered in the creation of templates or model-cards model that identifie so much the evaluation criteria as the aptitudes that the students must surpass, to the object of which can serve as guide in their application to different disciplines. Therefore, on starting from the exercises designed in the first stage of the project, evaluative models are developed that allow to value the degree of assimilation and execution of the different objectives and contents.Example: Work in group and later exposition and discussions by the students: - Consisting of the putting in common of the results derived from the work in group or other individual derivatives of the theoretical and literary text commentary. - Cooperative learning: works in equipment, inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: to favor the doubt and exchange of information on the subjects debate object, besides to foment initiatives and the critical attitude of the students. - Justification: this type of exercises favors the formation of the student in two-way traffic. First, in as much it must construct his own speech, organize it, structure it and argue it for his putting in common before his companions. It facilitates the personal learning and the development of skills related to the construction, elaboration and written expression of different types from speech. The second, the exposition helps to develop skills and comunicative strategies, contributing to improve the oral expression. Finally, the coordination of the work of group causes a greater implication of the students in the process of elaboration and the final results, as much of the work written as of the oral presentation, without forgetting that the use of other resources (presentations, videos... etc.) by the students facilitates his familiarisation with educational and expositive techniques nearer the present contextInted2009 Proceedings C

    Oral biopsy in dental practice

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    The conclusions drawn from the study of an oral biopsy are considered essential for the definitive diagnosis of diseases of the oral mucosa, and for the subsequent planning of appropriate treatment. Although the obtainment of biopsies is widely used in all medical fields, the practice is not so widespread in dental practice - fundamentally because of a lack of awareness of the procedure among dental professionals. In this context, it must be taken into account that the early diagnosis of invasive oral malignancy may be critical for improving the patient prognosis. However, in some cases the results are adversely affected by incorrect manipulation of the biopsy material. The present study provides an update on the different biopsy sampling techniques and their application. Such familiarization in turn will contribute to knowledge of the material and instruments required for correct biopsy performance in dentistry, as well as of the material required for correct sample storage and transport

    Analysis of the air-water droplet motion through cooling tower drift eliminators, including comparative efficiency evaluations of several types of devices, by numerical investigation

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    Mist eliminators (also called droplet eliminators, droplet separators or demisters) are devices that can remove liquid droplets from a gas flow. The gas flow laden with droplets is forced to pass through different channels, changing direction in a repetitive manner. Wave-plate (or vane type) eliminator are widely employed in chemical and industrial processes involving gas and vapour flows where mist removal is necessary for several reasons. For instance, one of the most important objectives is to restrict pollutant emission into the environment, as in cooling towers applications. Wave-plate mist eliminators can operate in vertical and horizontal situations, but in both cases, the removal of liquid droplets occurs mainly by inertial impaction. In cooling towers, spraying water is distributed over a heat transfer surface across or through which a stream of air is passing. Thus, water droplets can be captured by the stream of air and they will be carried out of the system. This phenomenon is known as drift. In countries with warm climate, inside the cooling towers the conditions of high temperature and humidity can strongly induce the spreading of pathogens agents, especially the Legionella pneumophila. The main disadvantage of installing mist (i.e., drift) eliminators is an increased pressure loss of the airflow. High-pressure loss contributes to lower flow rate of air or higher engine power of the ventilators. This fact leads to obtain lower overall efficiency values for the air-conditioning systems. Since a lack of systematic studies on comparative evaluation of morphologically similar separators has been detected, the behaviour of four wave-type eliminators having a similar geometry is studied. Both droplet collection efficiency and the pressure drop coefficient are calculated. Special emphasis is made on the validation of the numerical model with results taken from the literature, the study of the effects of relevant parameters, and the achievement of a procedure to evaluate the overall efficiency of each regarded type of eliminator. The obtained results may contribute to improve the passive droplets restraint systems in mechanical cooling towers, increasing the overall operation of the cooling tower on one side, and lowering their environmental impact on the other

    Plan de mejoramiento a los conflictos ecológicos-distributivos en nueve municipios de Risaralda, a través de la intervención en la estructura económica - institucional con el sistema de pagos por servicios ambientales ¿ municipio de Marsella

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    CD-T 333.72 B21; 231 pEl presente informe de investigación presenta primero un diagnóstico de los conflictos ecológico-distributivos en el municipio de Marsella. Luego, identifica las debilidades en la estructura económica e institucional que incide en los conflictos ecológico-distributivos en el caso seleccionado. Por último, el plan de mejoramiento con base en el Pago por Servicio Ambiental. Hasta la fecha, el sistema de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en Risaralda no se ha aplicado de forma estricta, aunque hay algunos esquemas de conservación con algunas características.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Numerical study and experimental validation of the water films and the detachment of drops on drifts eliminators

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    This paper is focused on the study of a type of drift eliminator installed in a mechanical draft cooling tower. Drift eliminators are installed in cooling towers in order to avoid water droplets to be emitted to the ambient. These droplets are formed by the crossflow between airflow and water pulverization inside the tower. The study is centered on the analysis of three aspects: the water film formed on the plates of the drift eliminator, the size of water droplets detached from this film and the flow conditions for the detachment of these droplets. These aspects are studied with a multiphase numerical approach, validated by experimental tests. Good agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results. The study shows that the behavior of water droplets is very influenced by air velocity inside the cooling tower. Moreover, limits for air velocity are set for the drift eliminator not to act as a droplet generator itself.This research is sponsored by the Spanish Government, through the Projects No. ENE2013-48696-C2-2-R and ENE2013-48696-C2-1-R, including FEDER (European Union)

    Concrete as heritage: The social perception from heritage criteria perspective: The eduardo Torroja's work

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    Eduardo Torroja Miret (1899-1961) was one of the most important Spanish engineers. His understanding of structures and materials made him a world reference in the field of engineering and architecture. Due to the lack of ornamentation in his works and the lack of heritage interpretation aimed at a non-specialist public, many of his works sometimes go unnoticed by inexperienced eyes and, despite his important legacy, Torroja remains a great unknown. This paper reports on the existing heritage perception of two of his most outstanding works in Spain, the Zarzuela Hippodrome and the Instituto Técnico de la Construcción y el Cemento (Eduardo Torroja Institute). To this end, surveys and interviews were carried out with visitors to both buildings based on different heritage criteria, such as their architectural importance, aesthetics, significance or representativeness, but also from the point of view of the available tourist infrastructure. The results show a lack of appreciation in the heritage criteria related to its architectural, historical and aesthetic values, combined with a lack of knowledge about Torroja and its way of understanding architectural beauty. © 2020 WITPress. All rights reserved.InnovaConcrete Project, funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858, supported this work. The administrators of the Zarzuela hippodrome and the staff of Eduardo Torroja Institute, who allowed the data collection, also supported the stud

    An autoencoder-based solution for IQ constellation analysis

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    A method for IQ constellation analysis based on Autoencoders is proposed. Exhaustive numerical results show accurate physical metric prediction and large data compression, while providing useful model explainability.This work has been partially supported by the EC through the MSC REAL-NET project (G.A. 813144), by the AEI/FEDER through the TWINS project (TEC2017- 90097-R), and by the ICREA institution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Turismo comunitario y desarrollo sostenible en áreas periféricas. Análisis de potencialidades y debilidades en el paisaje cultural de Ayabaca (Piura. Perú)

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    El turismo comunitario (community-based tourism), entendido como un modelo liderado por poblaciones que habían sido históricamente objetos antes que sujetos del desarrollo, constituye una alternativa endógena a las estrategias turísticas externalizadas. En la comunicación se presentan los primeros resultados de una investigación antropológica realizada en 2011 que toma como unidad de observación el entorno de Ayabaca (Piura. Perú): un paisaje cultural periférico en la frontera andina con Ecuador que atesora un rico patrimonio cultural y donde prevalece un modelo de organización social basado en comunidades campesinas. En el texto se analizan las potencialidades y dificultades derivadas de la aplicación de este modelo de desarrollo sostenible basado en la gobernanza y valorización del patrimonio. El estudio evidencia la importancia de las comunidades campesinas como organizaciones que vertebran el territorio del paisaje cultural, asumen competencias económicas, políticas y de orden público e intervienen como nexos de unión con la ciudad de Piura y las autoridades del estado peruano. Dado este carácter multifuncional, se parte de la hipótesis que sostiene que estas estructuras organizativas básicas pueden desempeñar un papel fundamental en la implementación del modelo. No obstante, los problemas estructurales derivados de la posición periférica y subdesarrollada de la región suponen obstáculos objetivos para la puesta en marcha de esta estrategia de desarrollo.Community-based tourism, understood as a model led by people who had historically been objects rather than subjects of development, represents an endogenous tourism alternative to the strategies outsourced. The communication presents the first results from an anthropological research that was carried out in 2011, where the unit of observation was the environment of Ayabaca (Piura. Peru): a peripheral cultural landscape in the Andean border with Ecuador, with a rich cultural heritage and where the model of social organization based on rural communities prevail. In the text, the potential and difficulties arising from the application of this model of sustainable development based on governance and development of heritage are discussed. The research shows the importance of peasant’s communities and organizations that articulate the country's cultural landscape, how they assume economic, political and public order responsibilities and how they intervene as points of contact between the city of Piura and the authorities of the Peruvian state. Due to the multifunctional character of the communities and organizations, the initial hypothesis is that these basic organizational structures can play a key role in implementing the model. However, structural problems stemming from peripheral and under developed condition of the region represent objective obstacles to the implementation of this development strategy

    Televisión IP : un servicio integrado de gran potencial

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    En este documento se estudia la distribución de televisión por IP, también llamada IPTV. Se presenta un trabajo teórico que recopila un repaso sobre los medios de difusión de la señal de TV, sus avances y servicios disponibles en la actualidad. Luego se definen los formatos de video y se describen los protocolos de transmisión y streaming de video. Acto seguido se estudian las diferentes tecnologías utilizadas para el desarrollo de redes de IPTV. Analizando su arquitectura desde la cabecera hasta el usuario final, atravesando las etapas de almacenamiento y servidores de video, red de transporte (ATM, SDH y WDM), redes de acceso (DSL, F.O., HFC), redes de acceso inalámbricas de largo alcance (WIMAX, 3G), y por último redes de distribución doméstica (Ethernet, WIFI, UWB). Además se explican los servicios y aplicaciones interactivas inherentes a IPTV y los sistemas de control y gestión de servicios. Encontrando como IPTV es una nueva forma de obtener televisión, que mejora y agrega nuevos servicios de contenidos audiovisuales difundiéndolos a través del mismo ancho de banda utilizado por otros medios existentes.Incluye bibliografía, anexo