283 research outputs found

    Is India on the right pathway to reduce CO 2 emissions? Decomposing an enlarged Kaya identity using the LMDI method for the period 1990-2016

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    Nowadays, India is the third-largest CO2 emitter and energy consumer in the world, and, it is soon expected to surpass China as the most populated country. Therefore, it is of great interest to analyse how India is developing its energy transition to a lower-carbon economy. This work analyses the evolution of the main driving forces of CO2 emissions in India during the period 199020161990-2016 through the use of an enlarged version of the Kaya identity, which establishes a link between CO2 emissions, types of energy sources (16), size of the economic sectors (3) and value of the Gross Domestic Product. India's CO2 emissions increased by 276% in the period under study, due to the rapid economic growth of India, which has been the dominating driving force contributing to the increase in CO2 emissions by 241%, while the energy intensity has been the main one reducing them by approximately 47%. So far, the use of coal has supported the rapid economic growth and the contribution of renewable energy, although significant, is still short compared to the total amount of energy employed. Remarkably, the estimated value of the emission intensity for 2020 supposes a 26% reduction concerning the value in 2005. According to this result, India is on the right pathway to fulfill its Nationally Determined Contribution but not to reduce its net CO2 emissions

    Caracterización de las propiedades de durabilidad y resistencia a compresión de lechadas de cemento con escoria de alto horno para trabajos geotécnicos especiales

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    Special foundations, most prominently micropiles and soil anchors, are frequently used in construction today. In Spain, the grout for these special technical applications is generally prepared with portland cement, although the codes and standards in place stipulate only the minimum compressive strength required, with no mention of cement type. Those texts also establish a range of acceptable water:cement ratios. In the present study, durability and compressive strength in cement grout prepared with blast furnace slag cement at different w/c ratios are characterised and compared to the findings for a reference portland cement grout. The results show that slag grout exhibits greater durability than the portland cement material and complies with the compressive strength requirements laid down in the respective codes.Actualmente es muy frecuente el empleo de cimentaciones especiales, entre las que destacan los micropilotes y los anclajes. En España, las lechadas de cemento para estos trabajos geotécnicos especiales se preparan habitualmente con cemento Portland, aunque las diferentes normativas al respecto no restringen el tipo de cemento a emplear, siempre que se alcance una determinada resistencia a compresión. Respecto a la dosificación de las lechadas, la normativa permite emplear diferentes relaciones agua/cemento dentro de un determinado rango. En vista de ello, en este trabajo se han caracterizado las propiedades de durabilidad y resistencia a compresión de lechadas de cemento preparadas con un cemento con escoria de alto horno y con diferentes relaciones a/c, tomando como referencia de comportamiento lechadas de cemento Portland. El uso de un cemento con escoria conlleva una mejora en la durabilidad de las lechadas, cumpliendo los requisitos de resistencia a compresión establecidos por la normativa.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (formerly by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and FEDER through projects BIA2010-20548 and BIA2011-25721

    Cannabinoids and Motor Control of the Basal Ganglia: Therapeutic Potential in Movement Disorders

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    Cannabinoid receptors in the brain appear to be intimately involved in the motor control. Cannabinoid CB1 receptors are densely located in the basal ganglia (BG), a forebrain system that integrates cortical information to coordinate motor activity regulating signals. In fact, the administration of plant-derived, synthetic or endogenous cannabinoids produces several effects on motor function. These effects are paralleled to changes in the levels of different neurotransmitters in the BG, including GABA, dopamine and glutamate, all of which are important players in movement control

    Interaction between the 5-HT system and the basal ganglia: functional implication and therapeutic perspective in Parkinson's disease

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    The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) has a multifaceted function in the modulation of information processing through the activation of multiple receptor families, including G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes (5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT4-7) and ligand-gated ion channels (5-HT3). The largest population of serotonergic neurons is located in the midbrain, specifically in the raphe nuclei. Although the medial and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) share common projecting areas, in the basal ganglia (BG) nuclei serotonergic innervations come mainly from the DRN. The BG are a highly organized network of subcortical nuclei composed of the striatum (caudate and putamen), subthalamic nucleus (STN), internal and external globus pallidus (or entopeduncular nucleus in rodents, GPi/EP and GPe) and substantia nigra (pars compacta, SNc, and pars reticulata, SNr). The BG are part of the cortico-BG-thalamic circuits, which play a role in many functions like motor control, emotion, and cognition and are critically involved in diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD). This review provides an overview of serotonergic modulation of the BG at the functional level and a discussion of how this interaction may be relevant to treating PD and the motor complications induced by chronic treatment with L-DOPA.This study was supported by the grants IT747-13, PI12/00613, UPV/EHU UFI11/32

    Cómo actuar de manera eficiente en la comercialización online del sector hotelero andaluz

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    A pesar de encontrarnos en tiempos de profunda crisis económica, el sector turístico está contribuyendo notablemente a paliar los efectos de la misma en nuestra comunidad, ya que se trata de un sector tractor de otros sectores. El entorno globalizado en el que estas empresas se desenvuelven, hace especialmente importante que las mismas, no sólo las grandes sino también las pymes, despierten a la llamada de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) y estén presentes en los mercados virtuales. La investigación que aquí se plantea pretende conocer las herramientas de comercialización online que están siendo empleadas por las empresas del sector hotelero andaluz y cómo están siendo gestionadas. Asimismo, dada la gran potencialidad del comercio online en las estrategias de venta y captación de mercado, intentamos proponer un decálogo de recomendaciones de forma que estas TICs se empleen de manera eficiente desde su concepción. El trabajo que se presenta forma parte de una investigación mucho más amplia, pero tras los primeros resultados recogidos hemos considerado conveniente presentar algunos avances.In spite of going through times of deep economic crisis, the tourism sector is significantly contributing to mitigate its effects on our community, because tourism is an influential industry in Spain. The global environment in which companies of the sector operate, makes it especially important for them (not only large ones but also SMEs) to take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and to be on virtual marketplaces. The research proposed here, aims to identify online marketing tools which are being employed by hospitality companies in Andalusia and how they are being managed. Due to the potential of e-commerce in sales strategies and in gaining market share, a set of recommendations are proposed so that these ICTS are efficiently employed from their conception. The paper is part of a much broader research, but after collecting the first results, it has been considered appropriate to submit some progress

    Entrenamiento para perfeccionar la transferencia de la rapidez de movimientos técnicos en el lanzamiento del martillo. (Original)

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    The present scientific article accomplishes as from the theoretic-methodologic insufficiencies and practices detected in the process of preparation of technique of the throwing of hammer itself school category, for such reason exposes itself like general objective: perfecting the training in the transference of the quick of technical moves of the turns, to the final instant of the throwing of hammer in athletes, the EIDE's school category Pedro Batista Fonseca of the Province of Granma. They used methods of the scientific investigation for the achievement of the objective before exposed. They make a date within the theoreticians: historic – logician, analysis and synthesis, inductivo – deductive. Empiricists: the observation, analysis of document, and the measurement, besides it was utilized like technique of research. The interview. Mentioning is important that the proposal is held in the following beginnings: sistematización, transference, and the one belonging to accessibility. You verified a technical perfecting in the act of the throwing of hammer after having applied the athletes the training object of investigation, I increase in the performances and excellent proven to be sports.El presente artículo científico se realiza a partir de las insuficiencias teórico-metodológicas y prácticas detectadas en el proceso de preparación técnica del lanzador de martillo categoría escolar, por tal razón exponemos como objetivo general: perfeccionar el entrenamiento en la transferencia de la rapidez de movimientos técnicos de los giros, al instante final del lanzamiento del martillo, en atletas categoría escolar de la EIDE Pedro Batista Fonseca de la Provincia de Granma. Para el logro del objetivo antes expuesto se emplearon métodos de la investigación científica; dentro de los teóricos se citan: histórico – lógico, análisis y síntesis, inductivo – deductivo. Empíricos: la observación, análisis de documentos, y la medición, además se utilizó como técnica de investigación: la entrevista. Es importante mencionar que la propuesta se sustenta en los siguientes principios: sistematización, transferencia, y el de la asequibilidad. Después de haber aplicado el entrenamiento a los atletas objeto de investigación se constató un perfeccionamiento técnico en el acto del lanzamiento del martillo, incremento de los rendimientos y excelentes resultados deportivos


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    The present investigation was carried out in the school of sport initiation EIDE "Pedro Batista Fonseca" located in the municipality of Bayamo of the County of Granma, responds to the task of the project "Improvement of the transfer of the quick of technical execution in the events of throwing of the athletics." He took like sample 3 athletes that practice the hammer throwing category 14-15 years of age, of the masculine sex that represents 42.8% of a population of 7. They are 2 years of experience old in the sport. This report has as scientific problem: How to perfect the transfer of the quick at once in the technical movements of the turns final of the launching of the hammer in athletes school category? For what we intended as objective: to apply special exercises that it allows the improvement of the transfer of the quick at once in the technical movements of the turns final of the hammer throwing. After having analyzed and interpreted the results obtained in the pre-test, and later on position in practice the special exercises, he was proven by means of the application of the search-test a technical improvement in the athletes study object, as well as an increment of their personal and sport results.La presente investigación se realizó en la Escuela integral de Deporte Escolar EIDE “Pedro  Batista Fonseca” ubicada en el municipio de Bayamo de la Provincia de Granma, responde a la tarea del proyecto “Perfeccionamiento de la transferencia de la rapidez  de  ejecución técnica  en los eventos de lanzamientos del atletismo”. Se tomó como muestra 3 atletas que practican el lanzamiento del martillo categoría 14-15 años de edad, del sexo masculino, que representa el 42.8 % de una población de 7. Ellos tienen 2 años de experiencia en el deporte. Este informe tiene como problema científico: ¿Cómo perfeccionar la transferencia de la rapidez en los movimientos técnicos de los giros al instante final del lanzamiento del martillo  en atletas categoría escolar?. Por lo que nos propusimos como objetivo: aplicar ejercicios especiales que permita el perfeccionamiento de la transferencia de la rapidez en los movimientos técnicos de los giros  al instante final del lanzamiento del martillo. Después de analizados e interpretados los resultados obtenidos en el pre-test, y posteriormente puesto en práctica los ejercicios especiales, se comprobó mediante la aplicación del pos-test un perfeccionamiento técnico en los atletas objeto de estudio, así como un incremento de sus resultados personales y deportivos

    Causal structure of accelerating black holes

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    Accelerating black holes are described by the so-called C-metric. In this work, we analyse the causal structure of such black holes by using null geodesics. We construct explicitly the relevant Penrose diagrams. First, we recover well-known results associated with the sub-accelerating black holes. Then, we extend the study to the super-accelerating case, in which an additional essential singularity appears. In addition, we consider accelerating black holes with negative masses. We show that they are equivalent to the geometry described by the black hole metric beyond conformal infinity. We compare our results with the Schwarzschild geometry to facilitate understanding and to highlight the interest of the new features

    Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve therapeutic adherence in patients over 65 years old with chronic diseases: A cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care.

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) in improving medication adherence in older patients being treated by polypharmacy. Methods: Cluster randomized clinical trial in 16 primary care centers with 27 health care providers and 154 patients. Thirty-two health care providers were assigned to an experimental (EG) or control group (CG). Interventions: MI training program and review of patient treatments. Providers in the EG carried out MI, whereas those in the CG used an “advice approach”. Three follow-up visits were completed, at 15 days and at 3 and 6[0] months. Medication adherence in both groups was compared (p<0.05). Results: Patients recruited: 70/84 (EG/CG). Mean age: 76 years; female: 68.8%. The proportion of subjects changing to adherence was 7.6% higher in the EG (p<0.001). Therapeutic adherence was higher for patients in the EG (OR=2.84), women (OR=0.24) and those with high educational levels (OR=3.93). Conclusion: A face-to-face motivational approach in primary care helps elderly patients with chronic diseases who are being treated by polypharmacy to achieve an improved level of treatment adherence than traditional strategies of providing information and advice. Practice Implications: MI is a patient-centered approach that can be used to improve medication adherence in primary care.pre-print152 K

    The Role of the Subthalamic Nucleus in L-DOPA Induced Dyskinesia in 6-Hydroxydopamine Lesioned Rats

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    14 p.L-DOPA is the most effective treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD), but prolonged use leads to disabling motor complications including dyskinesia. Strong evidence supports a role of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in the pathophysiology of PD whereas its role in dyskinesia is a matter of controversy. Here, we investigated the involvement of STN in dyskinesia, using single-unit extracellular recording, behavioural and molecular approaches in hemi-parkinsonian rats rendered dyskinetic by chronic L-DOPA administration. Our results show that chronic L-DOPA treatment does not modify the abnormal STN activity induced by the 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway in this model. Likewise, we observed a loss of STN responsiveness to a single L-DOPA dose both in lesioned and sham animals that received daily L-DOPA treatment. We did not find any correlation between the abnormal involuntary movement (AIM) scores and the electrophysiological parameters of STN neurons recorded 24 h or 20–120 min after the last L-DOPA injection, except for the axial subscores. Nonetheless, unilateral chemical ablation of the STN with ibotenic acid resulted in a reduction in global AIM scores and peak-severity of dyskinesia. In addition, STN lesion decreased the anti-dyskinetogenic effect of buspirone in a reciprocal manner. Striatal protein expression was altered in dyskinetic animals with increases in ΔFosB, phosphoDARPP-32, dopamine receptor (DR) D3 and DRD2/DRD1 ratio. The STN lesion attenuated the striatal molecular changes and normalized the DRD2/DRD1 ratio. Taken together, our results show that the STN plays a role, if modest, in the physiopathology of dyskinesias.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science SAF 2009-08664 (LU), the department of Industry of the Basque Government S-PE10UN24 (LU and RSP) and Kutxa Obra social (RSP). AA and AS have a fellowship from the University of the Basque Country. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of manuscript