1,118 research outputs found

    Yield management research through the analysis of scientific journals: preliminary results

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse articles relating to Yield Management published in a selection of journals at international level during the period 1996-2002. These will then subsequently be classified in accordance with List of Tourism Characteristic Products (drawn up by the World Tourism Organization and included in the Tourism Satellite Account), with a view to determining, on the one hand, which sectors data on Yield Management application is available for and, on the other, exploring new sectors that can be studied and researched. This paper forms part of a broader based paper which analyses publications relating to Yield Management in texts and monographs. The general goal of this line of research is to offer future researchers a methodical and exhaustive analysis of bibliography and research work done on the subject

    Bayesian surface regression versus spatial spectral nonparametric curve regression

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    COVID{19 incidence is analyzed at the provinces of some Spanish Communities during the period February{October, 2020. Two in nite{ dimensional regression approaches are tested. The rst one is implemented in the regression framework introduced in Ruiz{Medina, Miranda and Espejo [70]. Speci cally, a bayesian framework is adopted in the estimation of the pure point spectrum of the temporal autocorrelation operator, characterizing the second{order structure of a surface sequence. The second approach is formulated in the context of spatial curve regression. A nonparametric estimator of the spectral density operator, based on the spatial periodogram operator, is computed to approximate the spatial correlation between curves. Dimension reduction is achieved by projection onto the empirical eigenvectors of the long{run spatial covariance operator. Cross{ validation procedures are implemented to test the performance of the two functional regression approaches.MCIN/AEI/PGC2018-099549-B-I00CEX2020-001105-M MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Marco conceptual del yield management como técnica de gestión de la capacidad y la demanda en organizaciones de servicios

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    Con este trabajo se pretende contribuir a la difusión del Yield Management como una técnica de demostrada rentabilidad. Se define como técnica que, aplicada por ejemplo a hoteles, permite vender la habitación correcta, al precio correcto, al cliente adecuado y en el momento oportuno. El trabajo encuadro en primer lugar al Yield Management dentro de las distintas políticas de gestión de la capacidad y la demanda, después explícita sus fundamentos teóricos y formula cuá1 es su campo de aplicación. Por último, presenta los primeros resollados de una investigación sobre la aplicación de la técnica en el sector hotelero.The aim of this paper is to contribute towards the diffusion of Yield Management as a technique that has been proved to deliver. It is defined as a technique that, when applied to hotels, for example, permits the right room to be sold at the right price, to the right customer, and at the right time. The paper begins by explaining whereYield Management fits in amongst the array of capacity and demand management policies, and then goes on to detail the theory on which it is based and to formulate its sphere of action. Finally, the first results from a study of the technique applied to the hotel industry are set out

    Estado de la investigación de las publicaciones sobre Yield Management en revistas de turismo y hostelería

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    El Yield Management consiste en la asignación a la unidad correcta de capacidad (asiento de un avión, habitación de un hotel, etc.) al precio correcto y al cliente correcto, de forma que se consiga el máximo benefi cio posible (Smith et al., 1992). Se trata de un proceso complejo y dinámico (1) que se desarrolló a fi nales de los años setenta en Estados Unidos como respuesta a la desregulación del tráfi co aéreo. Según un estudio empírico (2) el 92% de los hoteleros sevillanos afi rman conocer la técnica pero ¿cuál es su difusión a nivel académico? En este trabajo recogemos los resultados obtenidos tras analizar las publicaciones sobre Yield Management en 9 revistas internacionales y 6 nacionales de Turismo y Hostelería durante el período 1996-2003. El proceso ha supuesto la revisión de más de 3.700 referencias y ha permitido la localización de 49 artículos sobre la técnica. Yield Management consists of assigning the right unit of capacity (aeroplane seat, hotel room, etc.), to the right customer at the right price in such a way as to maximise profi t (Smith et al., 1992). This is a dynamic and complex process (3) developed in the United States towards the end of the nineteen seventies as a response to the deregulation of air traffi c. According to an empirical study (4), 92% of hoteliers in Seville state that they are aware of the technique, but how extended is knowledge of it on the academic level? This paper gathers together the results of an analysis of publications on Yield Management in 9 international and 6 Spanish Tourism and Hospitality journals during the period 1996-2003. This process has required the reading of 3,700 references and has allowed 49 articles on the technique to be located

    Using Classification Techniques for Assigning Work Descriptions to Task Groups on the Basis of Construction Vocabulary

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    Construction project management produces a huge amount of documents in a variety of formats. The efficient use of the data contained in these documents is crucial to enhance control and to improve performance. A central pillar throughout the project life cycle is the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) document. It provides economic information and details a collection of work descriptions describing the nature of the different works needed to be done to achieve the project goal. In this work, we focus on the problem of automatically classifying such work descriptions into a predefined task organization hierarchy, so that it can be possible to store them in a common data repository. We describe a methodology for preprocessing the text associated to work descriptions to build training and test data sets and carry out a complete experimentation with several well-known machine learning algorithms.Programa Juan de la Cierva. Grant Number: FJCI-2015-24093Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. European Regional Development Fund—ERDF. Grant Number: TIN2014-58227-

    Efecto de la expansión maxilar rápida sobre las vías aéreas superiores: estudio retrospectivo.

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    Según la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia, los objetivos funcionales de un tratamiento ortopédico en pacientes en crecimiento incluyen los efectos y la repercusión de estos sobre las vías aéreas superiores. Una actuación inadecuada sobre estas, puede producir consecuencias que afectan negativamente a la salud general del paciente, ya que pueden inducir o agravar trastornos respiratorios que se manifiestan durante la fase de sueño. El porcentaje de este tipo de patología en pacientes en crecimiento es elevado. Por ello, se han realizado numerosos estudios en los que se demuestra el efecto beneficioso de la expansión maxilar rápida sobre la vía aérea superior. Así, nuestro objetivo será comprobar dicho efecto, haciendo una medición de las vías aéreas, mediante telerradiografía, antes y después del tratamiento con expansión maxilar rápida, de una muestra de pacientes tratados en Huesca.<br /

    Motivational characteristics of low math achievment preschoolers

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    El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en la motivación hacia el aprendizaje y el estilo atribucional de preescolares con bajo rendimiento matemático en relación a dos grupos de referencia: rendimiento medio y riesgo de Trastorno Específico de Aprendizaje con Dificultad Matemática (TEAPDM). Participaron en el estudio 209 preescolares categorizados en función de su nivel de rendimiento aritmético mediante una prueba estandarizada. Se evaluaron los constructos de competencia- motivación, atención-persistencia y actitud hacia el aprendizaje, relacionadas con la motivación hacia el aprendizaje, y de internalidad, estabilidad y globalidad del estilo atribucional. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las variables de motivación entre el grupo de bajo rendimiento y el grupo control. En el caso de la competencia-motivación y la atención-persistencia, se encontraron también diferencias entre el grupo de bajo riesgo y el grupo de riesgo de TEAP-DM. Además, los análisis revelaron una tendencia a atribuir los eventos negativos a causas más estables en el grupo de bajo rendimiento. Se comentan las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para la investigación y la práctica psicoeducativa.This paper aims to deepen about motivation toward learning and attributional style of preschoolers with low math achievement in relation to two reference groups: average math performance and risk of Specific Learning Disorder with Math Difficulties (SLD-MD). A group of 209 preschoolers participated in the study, who were categorized according to their level of arithmetic performance by a standardized test. Constructs of competence-motivation, attention-persistence and attitude toward learning, related to motivation for learning, and internality, stability, globality of attributional style were evaluated. The results showed statistically significant differences in the variables of motivation toward learning among the low achievement and average performance groups. For competencemotivation and attention-persistence, differences between the low achievement group and risk group were also found. Furthermore, analysis revealed a tendency to attribute negative events to more stable causes in the low achievement group. The implications of these findings for psychoeducational research and practice are discussed.peerReviewe

    Adrenal Medullary Grafts Restore Olfactory Deficits and Catecholamine Levels of 6-OHDA Amygdala Lesioned Animals

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    Aside from motor and cognitive deficits, Parkinson patients also manifest a little-studied olfactory deficit. Since in Parkinson's disease there is a dopamine depletion of the amygdala due to mesocorticolimbic system degeneration, we decided to test olfactory and taste performance of 6-OHDA amygdala lesioned rats, as well as the possible restoration of either function with adrenal medullary transplants

    Factores Críticos que dificultan la Aplicación de Revenue Management en Hoteles Urbanos

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    Con este trabajo se pretenden determinar los factores que influyen de forma significativa como barreras para la aplicación de Revenue Management –RM- (también denominado Yield Management). Con este objetivo, se analiza la influencia de su conocimiento, implantación y de la dimensión del hotel, sobre las dificultades experimentadas por los hoteles en dos momentos, al inicio del proceso de la implantación de RM y en el momento actual. El estudio se realiza sobre el censo de hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas de la provincia de Sevilla. Se ha constatado, de un lado, la influencia significativa que ejerce la disponibilidad de un software de RM sobre las dificultades al inicio del proceso de implantación y, de otro, la influencia también significativa de la implantación de RM, dimensión del hotel, pertenencia a una cadena y dimensión de la cadena, sobre las dificultades a las que actualmente deben enfrentarse los hoteles para la aplicación de RM. Adicionalmente se han identificado aquellos obstáculos que resultan críticos a la hora de aplicar RM en el sector hotelero dependiendo del perfil del hotel. Con ellos el establecimiento podrá hacer una evaluación previa de sus fortalezas, debilidades y áreas de actuación prioritarias para la implantación de RM.With this work we aim to identify factors that significantly influence as barriers to the implementation of Revenue Management -RM- (also called yield management). In this way, the influence of its knowledge, its implementation and the size of the hotel is analyzed, on the difficulties experienced by hotels at two specific monents, at the beginning of the process of the implementation of RM and at present. The study was performed on the census of hotels of four and five star hotels in the province of Seville. It was found, on the one hand, the significant influence of the availability of a RM software on the difficulties at the beginning of the implementation process and, secondly, also significantly influence the implementation of RM, size of hotel, membership brand and size of the chain, on the difficulties they face currently hotel RM application. Additionally, those obstacles have been identified that are critical to the RM implementation in the hotel sector depending on the profile of the hotel. With them, the hotel may make a preliminary assessment of their strengths, weaknesses and areas for priority action for implementation of RM

    Learning Experiences of Future Healthcare Support Workers Enrolled in a Dual Mode Vocational Training Programme

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    With life expectancy increasing, there is a growing need to train healthcare support workers who provide care for dependent people in healthcare centres and at home. This qualitative study, based on Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy, aimed to understand the learning experiences of future healthcare support workers currently enrolled in an intermediate, dual modality vocational training programme with regard to caring for dependent people. Methods: Convenience sampling was used to recruit the participants, who were all students enrolled in an intermediate level vocational training programme in care for dependent people. Fourteen in-depth interviews and one focus group session were conducted with the students. Atlas.ti 8.0 software was used to analyse the participants' accounts. Results: The students highlighted the vocational nature of their studies and the need to feel competent and useful as a healthcare support worker for dependent people. Practice-based learning and the need for training in core competences are complementary and essential elements of the training process. Conclusions:The participants' previous experiences were key in determining their academic trajectory and reflect their motivation and interest to learn. However, they feel vulnerable, unprotected, and lack training in psychosocial skills. Educational institutions should focus training programmes on the practice and development of psychosocial skills that motivate students to acquire transversal competencesThis work was funded by Ayudas a la Transferencia de investigación de la Universidad de Almería UALtransfierE2022. Referencia TRFE-SI-2022/009