7,065 research outputs found

    Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en educación infantil, de Encarnación Castro y Enrique Castro

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    Recensión del libro "Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en educación infantil", de Encarnación Castro y Enrique Castro

    Should Owners of Firms Delegate Long-run Decisions?

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    This paper analyzes whether owners of firms have incentives to delegate their long-run decisions to managers or not. The result arising from our analysis shows that owners do have incentives to keep their long-run decisions (the location of the firm) to themselves. In this context we show that the delegation of short-run decisions (prices) to the managers leads to an increase in the degree of product differentiation with regard to the case in which firms do not hire managers.managerial incentives, strategic delegation, product differentiation

    Distributed lightning monitoring: an affordable proposal

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    In theaters and the filmmaking industry, video streams, images, audio streams and scalar data are commonly used. In these fields, one of the most important magnitudes to be collected and controlled is the light intensity in different scene spots. So, it is extremely important to be able to deploy a network of light sensors which are usually integrated in a more general Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN). If many light measurements have to be acquired, the simpler and cheaper the sensor, the more affordable theWMSN will be. In this paper we propose the use of a set of very cheap light sensors (photodiodes) and to spectrally and directionally correct their measurements using mathematical methods. A real testing of the proposed solution has been accomplished, obtaining quite accurate light measurements. Testing results are also presented throughout the paper.Telefonica Chair "Intelligence in Networks" of the University of Seville (Spain

    Assessment of the vegetation cover in a burned area 22-years ago using remote sensing techniques and GIS analysis (Sierra de las Nieves, South of Spain).

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    The study aim was to characterize the vegetation cover in a burned area 22-years ago considering the previous situation to wildfire in 1991 and the current one in 2013. The objectives were to: (i) compare the current and previous vegetation cover to widlfire; (ii) evaluate whether the current vegetation has recovered the previous cover to wildfire; and (iii) determine the spatial variability of vegetation recovery after 22-years since the wildfire. The study area is located in Sierra de las Nieves, South of Spain. It corresponds to an area affected by a wildfire in August 8th, 1991. The burned area was equal to 8156 ha. The burn severity was spatially very high. The main geographic features of the burned area are: mountainous topography (altitudes ranging from 250 m to 1500 m; slope gradient >25Remote sensing techniques and GIS analysis has been applied to achieve the objectives. Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images were used: July 13th, 1991 and July 1st, 2013, for the previous wildfire situation and 22-years after, respectively. The 1990 CORINE land cover was also considered to map 1991 land uses prior the wildfire. Likewise, the Andalucía Regional Government wildfire historic records were used to select the burned area and its geographical limit. 1991 and 2013 land cover map were obtained by means of object-oriented classifications. Also, NDVI and PVI1 vegetation indexes were calculated and mapped for both years. Finally, some images transformations and kernel density images were applied to determine the most recovered areas and to map the spatial concentration of bare soil and pine cover areas in 1991 and 2013, respectively. According to the results, the combination of remote sensing and GIS analysis let map the most recovered areas affected by the wildfire in 1991. The vegetation indexes indicated that the vegetation cover in 2013 was still lower than that mapped just before the 1991 widlfire in most of the burned area after 22-years. This result was also confirmed by other techniques applied. Finally, the kernel density surface let identify and locate the most recovered areas of pine cover as well as those areas that still remain totally or partially uncovered (bare soil.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The concept of finite limit of a function at one point as explained by students of non-compulsory secondary education

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    We review various educational studies of the mathematical concept of limit of a function at a point that indicate how colloquial uses of the terms “to approach,” “to tend toward,” “to reach,” “to exceed” and “limit” influence students’ conceptions of these terms. We then present the results of an exploratory study of this question performed with Spanish students in non-compulsory secondary education and analyze the responses they provide to justify the truth or falsity of statements related to the different characteristics of the concept of finite limit of a function at a point when they use these terms. Finally, we organize their answers according to the kinds of arguments made. Using the response profiles detected, we discuss the influence of everyday usage on the students’ arguments

    The negative effects of failed service recoveries

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    Research has shown that more than half of attempted recovery efforts fail, producing a "double deviation" effect. Surprisingly, these double deviation effects have received little attention in marketing literature. This paper examines what happens after these critical encounters, which behavior or set of behaviors the customers are prone to follow and how customers' perceptions of the firm's recovery efforts influence these behaviors. For the analysis of choice of the type of response (complaining, exit, complaining and exit, and no-switching), we estimate multinomial Logit models with random coefficients (RCL). The results of our study show that magnitude of service failure, explanations, apologies, perceived justice, angry and frustration felt by the customer, and satisfaction with service recovery have a significant effect on customers' choice of the type of response. Implications from the findings are offered. La investigación ha mostrado que más de la mitad de los intentos de recuperación tras el fallo de un servicio fracasan, lo que produce un efecto de "desviación doble". Sorprendentemente, estos efectos de desviación doble han recibido muy poca atención en la literatura de marketing. Este trabajo analiza qué ocurre tras estos encuentros críticos, ¿qué comportamiento o conjunto de comportamientos tienden a seguir lo clientes? y ¿cómo afectan a estos comportamientos las percepciones de los clientes acerca del problema y de los esfuerzos de recuperación de la empresa?. Para el análisis del tipo de respuesta (queja, abandono, queja y abandono, y no cambiar de entidad), estimamos modelos Logit multinomiales con coeficientes aleatorios (RCL). Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que la magnitud del fallo inicial, las explicaciones y disculpas recibidas tras el mismo, la justicia percibida en la gestión de la queja, la frustración y el enfado que siente el cliente y la satisfacción con el proceso de recuperación, tienen un efecto significativo en la elección de los clientes del tipo de respuesta de queja. Finalmente, se ofrecen implicaciones para la gestión.desviación doble, comportamiento de queja del consumidor, modelos Logit multinomiales con coeficientes aleatorios (RCL), recuperación del servicio. Double deviations, consumer complaining behavior (CCB), multinomial logit models with random coefficients (RCL), service recovery.

    The new wold-wide geo-economic older: Proverty of Africa and its factors

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    La pobreza de África en su conjunto, y sobre todo de la situada al Sur del Sahara, es resultado directo de los efectos adversos del capitalismo en su fase de globalización, incidiendo de una forma negativa en las posibilidades del crecimiento económico y progreso humano y social. La consecuencia es un empobrecimiento creciente que limita, e incluso detiene el progreso social y económico, paralizando el mismo desarrollo general de la sociedad, de manera que hay dos grandes brechas: la primera, la del continente africano en su conjunto con respecto al Primer Mundo, y la segunda, de reciente aparición, una vez se rompió el orden bipolar, que separa cada vez más a África Subsahariana, empobrecida (en muchas de cuyas regiones se ha paralizado el mismo crecimiento y desarrollo económicos), y la Septentrional, que ha hallado, lentamente, las vías del desarrollo humano. El resultado es la exportación, mediante los flujos migratorios, de fuerza de trabajo barata, hacia el Primer Mundo, que cumple la función no solo de obtención de tasas de beneficio más elevadas sino también el de regular, controlar y flexibilizar el mercado de trabajo, al tiempo que evita el aumento desmedido de la presión salarial y de la reivindicación sindical en los países receptores.Poverty on the whole of Africa and especially below the Sahara Desert becomes a direct result of the negative effects of capitalism, in its globalization phase, affecting in a very negative way in its economic growth as well as in its human and social progress. The consequence is an increasing impoverishment which limits and even detains the social and economic progress, stopping the general development of the society. Due to this fact two big splits can be found: first one in Africa on the whole with regard to the developed countries; second one which appeared recently, once the bipolar order failed, dividing more and more to the impoverished Sub-Saharan Africa (the growth and economic development have been paralysed); second one the Northern Africa which has found slowly a solution through human development. The result is the export, through migratory flows towards the developed countries of cheap labour force. With this migratory flow Northern Africa obtains not only bigger benefits but also regulates controls and softens the labour market. At the same time avoids fiscal pressure and social union unrest in the destination countries

    Available water modifications by topsoil treatments under mediterranean semiarid conditions: afforestation plan

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    During dry periods in the Mediterranean area, the lack of water entering the soil matrix reduces organic contribu- tions to the soil. These processes lead to reduced soil fertility and soil vegetation recovery which creates a positive feedback process that can lead to desertification. Restoration of native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health, and control runoff and sediment yield. In Mediterranean areas, after a forestry proposal, it is highly common to register a significant number of losses for the saplings that have been introduced due to the lack of rainfall. When no vegetation is established, organic amendments can be used to rapidly protect the soil surface against the erosive forces of rain and runoff. In this study we investigated the hydrological effects of five soil treatments in relation to the temporal vari- ability of the available water for plants. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. In control plots, during June, July, August and September, soils were registered below the wilting point, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer mediter- ranean drought. This fact justifies the high mortality found on plants after the seeding plan. Similarly, soils have never exceeded the field capacity value measured for control plots. Conversely, in the straw and pinus mulch, soils were above the wilting point during a longer time than in control plots. Thus, the soil moisture only has stayed below the 4.2 pF suction in July, July and August. Regarding the amount of water available was also higher, especially in the months of December, January and February. However, the field capacity value measured has not showed any differences regarding the control. For these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. Sludge, manure and polymers showed a moisture retention capacity slightly more limited than straw and pinus mulch. Likewise, it has been found that the area of usable water by plants was also lower, especially during the months of January and February. This situation is especially sharpened in plots amended with manure. In this treatment, the upper part of the soil profile was below the wilting point for six months a year (from April to August). For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the pinus and straw mulch treatments have been shown as effective methods reducing water stress for plants. In this research, mulching has been proved as a significant method to reduce the mortality sapling rates during the mediterranean summer drought.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impact of prescribed fire in soil properties after 5-years: experimental study.

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    Wildfires are a serious problem in areas with a Mediterranean climate owing to the hot summers and drought conditions providing perfect conditions for wildfire, especially when there are large amounts of fuel accumulation and continuity between forested areas. In the Mediterranean, high severity fires that spread rapidly are common and difficult to be extinguished. Thus, the identification of tools to reduce fire spread and minimize their incidence and effects is crucial. Preventive forestry is a good tool for achieving forest structures with lower amounts of fuel and a greater resistance to fire. Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather, fuel and topographic parameters to achieve clearly defined objectives as controlling fire regimes by managing fuel, counteracting the disappearance of biomass-consuming land management practices and reducing the overall fire risk. Normally, prescribed fires are low intensity fires and, if managed adequately, do not cause any damage to trees, especially in Mediterranean ecosystems where trees are resilient to fire. Besides, prescribed fires usually have different impacts on soils, water resources, biodiversity, the risk-reduction of wildfires and carbon storage. Prescribed fires usually are of low/moderate severity. Because of this, the effects of prescribed fires on soils properties may vary from one site to another. The objectives of our study are to: i) determine the impact of the prescribed fire just after and ii) 5-years later with respect to natural conditions. To do this, in 2011, a prescribed fire was conducted in one experimental area of Mediterranean rangeland. After the fire, soil samples (0-5 cm of depth) were taken in burned and unburned plots in order to analyse: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon, cationic exchangeable capacity (CEC), aggregate stability (AS), and hydrophobicity. The results indicated that: i) prescribed fire only had significantly effects in CEC just after the fire; 5-years after, there were no significant differences between the unburned and burned plots, but two soil properties significantly changed when burned soil samples from 2016 and 2011 were compared: EC and AS in the fraction of 0.053-0.125 mm. In general, the soil properties were not substantially modified by the prescribed fire, supporting the idea it is a very useful tool with very low impact for managing Mediterranean rangelands in order to reduce fuel accumulation and fire risk.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech