410 research outputs found

    Una evaluación de línea base múltiple de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso centrada en pensamiento negativo repetitivo en trastorno por pánico

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    Although cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is efficacious for treating panic disorder, a segment of the population is not treated due to the treatment length and the acceptability of interoceptive exposure. This study explored the efficacy of a brief protocol based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) focused on repetitive negative thinking (RNT) in adults suffering from panic disorder. We designed a 4-session RNT-focused ACT protocol because previous CBT studies considered this length "ultra-brief." Additionally, although conducting exposure is consistent with the ACT model, we did not include explicit exposure exercises to increase the intervention acceptability. A randomized, multiple-baseline design across three participants was implemented with a 3-month follow-up. The effect of the intervention was evaluated through weekly scores on the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 (DASS-21; S. H. Lovibond & P. F. Lovibond, 1995), Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer et al., 1990), and the frequency of panic attacks. After the intervention, all participants ceased to experience panic attacks and showed clinically significant changes in the DASS-Total and PSWQ. The effect sizes comparable across designs were very large and statistically significant for the DASS-Total (d= 2.48), DASS-Depression (d= 1.45), DASS-Anxiety (d= 1.93), DASS-Stress (d= 1.63), and PSWQ (d= 2.36). All three participants also showed clinically significant changes and large effect sizes in experiential avoidance (d= 3.26), cognitive fusion (d= 3.58), and valued living (Progress: d= 0.72, Obstruction: d= 2.43). In conclusion, brief RNT-focused ACT interventions might be efficacious for treating panic disorder.Aunque la terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) es eficaz en el trastorno de pánico, un segmento de la población no recibe tratamiento debido a su duración y aceptabilidad de la exposición interoceptiva. Este estudio exploró la eficacia de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) focalizada en pensamiento negativo repetitivo (PNR) en adultos con trastorno por pánico. Se diseñó un protocolo de 4 sesiones porque estudios previos han considerado esta duración como "ultra breve". Pese a que la exposición es consistente con el modelo ACT, no incluimos ejercicios de exposición explícita para aumentar la aceptabilidad de la intervención. Se implementó un diseño de línea de base múltiple aleatorizado a través de tres participantes con un seguimiento de 3 meses. El efecto de la intervención se evaluó con la Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 (DASS-21, S. H. Lovibond y P. F. Lovibond, 1995), el Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer et al., 1990) y la frecuencia de ataques de pánico. Tras la intervención, los tres participantes dejaron de experimentar ataques de pánico y mostraron cambios clínicamente significativos en DASS-Total y PSWQ. Los tamaños del efecto comparables a través de diseños fueron muy grandes y estadísticamente significativos para DASS-Total (d = 2.48), DASS-Depresión (d = 1.45), DASS-Ansiedad (d = 1.93), DASS-Estrés (d = 1.63) y PSWQ (d = 2.36). Los participantes mostraron cambios clínicamente significativos y grandes tamaños del efecto en evitación experiencial (d = 3.26), fusión cognitiva (d = 3.58) y valores (Progreso: d = 0.72, Obstrucción: d = 2.43)

    Use of whole-body vibration as a mode of warming up before counter movement jump

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    This study was conducted without any conflict of interest, without financial assistance, and supported by grants from the Consejo Superior de Deportes (109/UPB31/03, 13/UPB20/04), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AP2003-2128, AP-2004-2745; AP2005-3827; AP2005-4358) and the HELENA study (European Community Sixth RTD Framework Programme, FOOD-CT-005-007034)

    Olive Actual “on Year” Yield Forecast Tool Based on the Tree Canopy Geometry Using UAS Imagery

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    Olive has a notable importance in countries of Mediterranean basin and its profitability depends on several factors such as actual yield, production cost or product price. Actual “on year” Yield (AY) is production (kg tree-1) in “on years”, and this research attempts to relate it with geometrical parameters of the tree canopy. Regression equation to forecast AY based on manual canopy volume was determined based on data acquired from different orchard categories and cultivars during different harvesting seasons in southern Spain. Orthoimages were acquired with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) imagery calculating individual crown for relating to canopy volume and AY. Yield levels did not vary between orchard categories; however, it did between irrigated orchards (7000–17,000 kg ha-1) and rainfed ones (4000–7000 kg ha-1). After that, manual canopy volume was related with the individual crown area of trees that were calculated by orthoimages acquired with UAS imagery. Finally, AY was forecasted using both manual canopy volume and individual tree crown area as main factors for olive productivity. AY forecast only by using individual crown area made it possible to get a simple and cheap forecast tool for a wide range of olive orchards. Finally, the acquired information was introduced in a thematic map describing spatial AY variability obtained from orthoimage analysis that may be a powerful tool for farmers, insurance systems, market forecasts or to detect agronomical problems

    Software Tool for Acausal Physical Modelling and Simulation

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    Modelling and simulation are key tools for analysis and design of systems and processes from almost any scientific or engineering discipline. Models of complex systems are typically built on acausal Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE) and discrete events using Object-Oriented Modelling (OOM) languages, and some of their key concepts can be explained as symmetries. To obtain a computer executable version from the original model, several algorithms, based on bipartite symmetric graphs, must be applied for automatic equation generation, removing alias equations, computational causality assignment, equation sorting, discrete-event processing or index reduction. In this paper, an open source tool according to OOM paradigm and developed in MATLAB is introduced. It implements such algorithms adding an educational perspective about how they work, since the step by step results obtained after processing the model equations can be shown. The tool also allows to create models using its own OOM language and to simulate the final executable equation set. It was used by students in a modelling and simulation course of the Automatic Control and Industrial Electronics Engineering degree, showing a significant improvement in their understanding and learning of the abovementioned topics after their assessment

    Resistive Switching and Charge Transport in Laser-Fabricated Graphene Oxide Memristors: A Time Series and Quantum Point Contact Modeling Approach

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    This work investigates the sources of resistive switching (RS) in recently reported laser-fabricated graphene oxide memristors by means of two numerical analysis tools linked to the Time Series Statistical Analysis and the use of the Quantum Point Contact Conduction model. The application of both numerical procedures points to the existence of a filament connecting the electrodes that may be interrupted at a precise point within the conductive path, resulting in resistive switching phenomena. These results support the existing model attributing the memristance of laser-fabricated graphene oxide memristors to the modification of a conductive path stoichiometry inside the graphene oxide.The authors thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under projects TEC2017-89955-P, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-R, MTM2017-88708-P and project PGC2018-098860-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and the predoctoral grant FPU16/01451

    LPS Auto-Calibration Algorithm with Predetermination of Optimal Zones

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    Accurate coordinates for active beacons placed in the environment are required in Local Positioning Systems (LPS). These coordinates and the distances (or differences of distances) measured between the beacons and the mobile node to be localized are inputs to most trilateration algorithms. As a first approximation, such coordinates are obtained by means of manual measurements (a time-consuming and non-flexible method), or by using a calibration algorithm (i.e., automatic determination of beacon coordinates from ad hoc measurements). This paper presents a method to calibrate the beacons’ positions in a LPS using a mobile receiver. The method has been developed for both, spherical and hyperbolic trilateration. The location of only three test points must be known a priori, while the position of the other test points can be unknown. Furthermore, the paper describes a procedure to estimate the optimal positions, or approximate areas in the coverage zone, where the test-points necessary to calibrate the ultrasonic LPS should be placed. Simulation and experimental results show the improvement achieved when these optimal test-points are used instead of randomly selected ones

    Teamwork experience: design and control of a multivariable system of interconnected tanks

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    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de trabajo en grupo que pretende mejorar tanto competencias generales (organización, planificación, resolución de problemas, toma de decisiones, etc.) como específicas (modelado, diseño e implementación de sistemas de control) del alumnado implicado. Para ello, se propone el montaje e instrumentación por parte de los estudiantes de una planta experimental de tanques interconectados donde se debe controlar el nivel en los tanques actuando sobre un variador de velocidad que impulsa un caudal, y sobre una servoválvula de tres vías que reparte el caudal entre ellos. Después se debe obtener un modelo del sistema para simular y analizar su comportamiento. El proceso diseñado es un sistema de dos entradas y dos salidas que muestra interacción y ello dificulta su control. Se formaron dos grupos de trabajo en los que cada uno tiene que diseñar una estrategia de control multivariable cumpliendo unas especificaciones en el dominio de la frecuencia. Tras simular los diseños propuestos por cada grupo, se validaron con la planta experimental. Finalmente, cada grupo explicó la metodología de trabajo desarrollada. La experiencia de trabajo resultó satisfactoria, destacándose el interés por parte del alumnado en la aplicación de los conceptos teóricos a una planta real

    Integrated solution for induction motor control

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    The command speed has an 'S' shape, typical in vertical operation systems. The reason for this command speed is that a soft acceleration/deceleration avoids abrupt movements in the elevator cabin, increasing the comfort level. A Fuzzy-logic based controller for the speed and position control based on an ASIC design

    Design of a specific physical training program for first-time participants in basic life support

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    Objetivo: diseñar un programa de entrenamiento físico específico para profesionales del soporte vital básico que permita superar la fatiga que éstos padecen durante el desarrollo de la reanimación cardiopulmonar con el fin de proporcionar un masaje cardiaco de mayor calidad durante periodos de tiempo más largos. Método: el entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad mejora la capacidad física y la salud al tiempo que reduce los niveles de grasa y aumenta el metabolismo basal mediante la alternancia entre ejercicios de alta y baja intensidad mejorando la capacidad anaeróbica y la disponibilidad aeróbica, lo que hace de este tipo de entrenamiento una herramienta idónea para trabajar con los profesionales de la reanimación cardiopulmonar. Resultado: programa de entrenamiento por estaciones que combinando actividades dinámicas de alta intensidad, ejercicios de fuerza en los que se implica directamente la musculatura interviniente en la reanimación cardiopulmonar y ejercicios en los que se utiliza el propio simulador de reanimación cardiopulmonar, permite adecuarnos al entrenamiento de alta intensidad aumentando la fuerza y la funcionalidad. Conclusiones: la relación existente entre el ejercicio físico y la calidad de las técnicas de reanimación cardiopulmonar impone la necesidad de desarrollar estudios específicos de las rutas metabólicas y los grupos musculares específicos que participan en estas técnicas con el objetivo de generar un programa de entrenamiento físico específico para los profesionales que participan en esta actividad para mejorar la calidad de dichas técnicas e influir de forma positiva en la supervivencia de los pacientes afectados por un episodio de parada cardiorrespiratoria.Objective: to design a specific physical training program for basic life support professionals to overcome the fatigue they suffer during the development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to provide a higher quality cardiac massage for longer periods. Method: high intensity interval training improves physical fitness and health, reduce fat levels and increase basal metabolism by high and low intensity exercises alternation, improving anaerobic capacity and aerobic availability, which make this type of training an ideal tool for working with cardiopulmonary resuscitation professionals. Result: a circuit training program that allow us for adapting to a high intensity interval training combining high intensity activities, strength exercises that work the participant musculature in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and exercises in which the cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator is used. Conclusions: the connection between physical exercise and cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques quality impose the need to develop specific studies of metabolic pathways and participant muscle groups in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to generate a specific physical training program for professionals who participate in this activity in order to improve these techniques quality and cardiorespiratory arrest survival