1,546 research outputs found

    La constitucionalización de la revolución sandinista de 1987: Una constitución en la encrucijada

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    El presente trabajo describe el proceso de institucionalización del régimen sandinista hasta la promulgación de la Constitución de 1987. Para ello se realiza un análisis a los decretos emitidos en la etapa pre-constitucional, a la Ley de Partidos Políticos, Ley Electoral, Estatuto de la Asamblea Nacional, a los debates parlamentarios de las sesiones constituyentes y a las leyes dictadas por el Poder Ejecutivo y el Legislativo. A partir de esta información el trabajo muestra, por un lado, que el régimen sandinista hace todo lo posible para estimular la participación de los pequeños y pobremente organizados partidos políticos en las elecciones de 1984 y, de esta forma, rescatar su legitimidad externa para la obtención de Parlamento plural, y por otro, que la Constitución otorga facultades normativas autónomas al presidente de la República, equiparables a las propias de la Asamblea Nacional. El análisis destaca la diferencia en la interpretación de estas normas, primero por la administración constitucional de Daniel Ortega, y tres años más tarde, por la administración de Violeta de Chamorro.The following analysis describes the institutionalization process of the Sandinista regimen up until the promulgation of the constitution in 1987. To this aim I will conduct a study on the decrees issued in the pre-constitutional stage as well as the laws that governs the political parties. In addition, I will analyze the electoral law, statues of the National Assembly, the parliamentarians debate of the constituents’ sessions and finally the laws dictated by the Executive and Legislative branches. This analysis shows that the Sandinista regimen did all that it could to stimulate the participation of the small and highly unorganized political parties in the elections of 1984. By stimulating this participation, the Sandinista regime was able to rescue its external legitimacy in order to obtain the parliament’s approval. The constitution grants normative autonomous faculties to the President of the Republic comparable to the faculties available to the National Assembly. This analysis will highlight the difference in the interpretation of these norms, initially by the constitutional administration of Daniel Ortega and three years later by the administration of Violeta de Chamorro

    La constitucionalización de la revolución sandinista de 1987: Una constitución en la encrucijada

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    El presente trabajo describe el proceso de institucionalización del régimen sandinista hasta la promulgación de la Constitución de 1987. Para ello se realiza un análisis a los decretos emitidos en la etapa pre-constitucional, a la Ley de Partidos Políticos, Ley Electoral, Estatuto de la Asamblea Nacional, a los debates parlamentarios de las sesiones constituyentes y a las leyes dictadas por el Poder Ejecutivo y el Legislativo. A partir de esta información el trabajo muestra, por un lado, que el régimen sandinista hace todo lo posible para estimular la participación de los pequeños y pobremente organizados partidos políticos en las elecciones de 1984 y, de esta forma, rescatar su legitimidad externa para la obtención de Parlamento plural, y por otro, que la Constitución otorga facultades normativas autónomas al presidente de la República, equiparables a las propias de la Asamblea Nacional. El análisis destaca la diferencia en la interpretación de estas normas, primero por la administración constitucional de Daniel Ortega, y tres años más tarde, por la administración de Violeta de Chamorro.The following analysis describes the institutionalization process of the Sandinista regimen up until the promulgation of the constitution in 1987. To this aim I will conduct a study on the decrees issued in the pre-constitutional stage as well as the laws that governs the political parties. In addition, I will analyze the electoral law, statues of the National Assembly, the parliamentarians debate of the constituents’ sessions and finally the laws dictated by the Executive and Legislative branches. This analysis shows that the Sandinista regimen did all that it could to stimulate the participation of the small and highly unorganized political parties in the elections of 1984. By stimulating this participation, the Sandinista regime was able to rescue its external legitimacy in order to obtain the parliament’s approval. The constitution grants normative autonomous faculties to the President of the Republic comparable to the faculties available to the National Assembly. This analysis will highlight the difference in the interpretation of these norms, initially by the constitutional administration of Daniel Ortega and three years later by the administration of Violeta de Chamorro

    Effect of soilless growing systems on the spread of Verticillium dahliae and the severity of the Verticillium wilt in strawberry

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    The dispersion of soilborne plant pathogens could be greater in closed soilless growing systems than in open ones. The effect of three soilless growing systems (open, closed and closed with slow sand filtration) on the dispersion of Verticillium dahliae propagules and the severity of the disease in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) has been analysed. V. dahliae dispersion in a closed system with slow sand filtration was studied by measuring propagules in the recirculating nutrient solution and in the growth medium. The growth medium used was coconut fiber. V. dahliae propagules were not removed by slow sand filtration. In the first crop cycle, an increase in the severity of Verticillium wilt was detected in the closed soilless growing system with slow sand filtration in comparison with the other two systems. This increase may be due to the non-elimination of V. dahliae propagules by filtration and to the lower microbial biomass in the filtered solution storage tank than in the drained solution storage tank. The decline in microbial biomass by filtration may improve the viability of the dispersed conidia, thus increasing the severity of the disease. This decline in microbial biomass by filtration may be compensated in the second crop cycle by the root debris from the first crop cycle. This debris may have provided nutrient sources to the microbes and increased the associated microbial biomass.La dispersión de los patógenos de suelo podría ser mayor en los sistemas de cultivo sin suelo cerrados que en los sistemas abiertos. Se estudió el efecto de tres sistemas de cultivo (abierto, cerrado y cerrado con filtración lenta en lecho de arena) sobre la dispersión de los propágulos de Verticillium dahliae y sobre la severidad de la enfermedad en fresa (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Se analizó la dispersión de V. dahliae en el sistema cerrado con filtración lenta mediante la medida de los propágulos en la solución nutritiva recirculante y en el sustrato empleado, que fue fibra de coco. Los propágulos de V. dahliae no fueron eliminados por la filtración lenta. En el primer ciclo de cultivo, se detectó un incremento en la severidad de verticilosis en el sistema cerrado con filtración lenta en comparación con los otros dos sistemas. Este incremento puede ser debido a que el filtro no elimina los propágulos de V. dahliae y a que la biomasa microbiana en la solución filtrada es más baja que en la solución drenada. Este descenso que se produce en la biomasa microbiana debido a la filtración podría mejorar la viabilidad de las conidias dispersadas y por lo tanto incrementar la severidad de la enfermedad. El descenso de la biomasa microbiana por la filtración parece estar compensado en el segundo ciclo de cultivo por la activación de la misma debido a los nutrientes proveídos por los restos de raíces procedentes del primer ciclo de cultivo

    NanoFS: a hardware-oriented file system

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    NanoFS is a novel file system for embedded systems and storage-class memories (like flash) and is specially designed to be directly implemented in hardware. NanoFS is based on an original internal layout intended to achieve an optimal hardware implementation of the file system’s file lookup and data fetch operations. File system spe-cification on a sample reader module completely implemented in a pro-grammable device is introduced

    Minimalistic SDHC-SPI hardware reader module for boot loader applications

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    This paper introduces a low-footprint full hardware boot loading solution for FPGA-based Programmable Systems on Chip. The proposed module allows loading the system code and data from a standard SD card without having to re-program the whole embedded system. The hardware boot loader is processor independent and removes the need of a software boot loader and the related memory resources. The hardware overhead introduced is manageable, even in low-range FPGA chips, and negligible in mid- and high-range devices. The implementation of the SD card reader module is explained in detail and an example of a multi-boot loader is offered as well. The multi-boot loader is implemented and tested with the Xilinx's Picoblaze microcontroller

    Manejo de la alimentación en sistemas caprinos característicos de la raza payoya

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    Payoya es una raza caprina andaluza de aptitud lechera que actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción. Se ubica, principalmente, en la Sierra de Cádiz y la Serranía de Ronda (Málaga) y se explota en sistemas semiextensivos o semiintensivos donde el pasto natural y en ocasiones cultivado, constituyen la base de su alimentación. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del seguimiento mensual de la alimentación en tres explotaciones caprinas, observándose variabilidad, entre explotaciones y entre épocas del año, en cuanto a uso del pasto. El conocimiento del manejo del pastoreo es básico para conseguir que la alimentación en la cabreriza complemente de modo adecuado a la alimentación en el campo, lo cual incidirá directamente en la calidad de los productos y en los beneficios de la explotación

    Predictive maintenance using machine learning techniques

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    El objeto de la presente investigación es innovar en el diseño de producto para el sector del transporte introduciendo en las etapas tempranas de diseño y desarrollo del producto un enfoque neurocientifico. Para ello se desarrollará una metodología compacta que integre en el proceso de diseño la capacidad de motivar emocionalmente al usuario y crear un vínculo afectivo en la experiencia de uso entre el objeto de diseño y el usuario. En la propuesta metodológica se considerará la dimensión enactiva del usuario, es decir, se analizará como poder modelar y filtrar la percepción cognitiva y las respuestas procesadas del usuario según su realidad subjetiva en la que se integran las vivencias propias, costumbres y experiencias (affordances). Para ello se hace necesario integrar en la metodología de diseño la neurousabilidad enactiva. Con el objetivo de conseguir adaptar emocionalmente los requerimientos subjetivos del usuario y profundizar en el vínculo afectivo entre usuario-producto El resultado esperado será poder diseñar y desarrollar un vínculo emotivo afectivo entre el objeto de diseño, el vehículo, para crear experiencias de uso placenteras y satisfactorias que transcenderían más allá de la función de transporteIndustrial maintenance is a field of engineering with a high impact on costs and manufacturing times for industrial products. This work is part of the work areas of diagnosis and maintenance of industrial processes and explores techniques of detection of incipient anomalies based on automatic learning. The predictive maintenance aims to predict failures in the machinery, so that repairs can be scheduled without interrupting the production process. It consists of an analysis of the operation of the equipment to detect warning signs that indicate that one of its parts is not working in the correct way. The cost of predictive maintenance is less than that of the corrective, due to the expenses generated by the repair of equipment and downtime due to production stoppage. Information technologies are giving rise to a new revolution that is called industry 4.0. One of the fields of application is in the improvement of maintenance. By using process and product data, machine learning techniques could be applied to determine when failures can occur. In this paper, supervised and unsupervised learning techniques (parametric and nonparametric) will be explored and their usefulness for their application in predictive maintenance will be discussed

    Processing and characterization of bioplastics from the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae

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    The seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae, from the Pacific Ocean, is considered an invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea. In this work, the use of this seaweed is proposed for the development of bio-based plastic materials (bioplastics) as a possible solution to the pollution produced by the plastic industry. The raw seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae was firstly blended with glycerol (ratios: 50/50, 60/40 and 70/30), and subsequently, they were processed by injection molding at a mold temperature of 90, 120 and 150 °C. The rheological properties (frequency sweep tests and temperature ramp tests) were obtained for blends before and after processing by injection molding. The functional properties of the bioplastics were determined by the water uptake capacity (WUC) values and further scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results obtained indicated that E’ was always greater than E”, which implies a predominantly elastic behavior. The 70/30 ratio presents higher values for both the viscoelastic moduli and tensile properties than the rest of the systems (186.53 ± 22.80 MPa and 2.61 ± 0.51 MPa, respectively). The WUC decreased with the increase in seaweed in the mixture, ranging from 262% for the 50/50 ratio to 181% for the 70/30 ratio. When carrying out the study on molded bioplastic 70/30 at different temperatures, the seaweed content did not exert a remarkable influence on the final properties of the bioplastics obtained. Thus, this invasive species could be used as raw material for the manufacture of environmentally friendly materials processed by injection molding, with several applications such as food packaging, control–release, etc.FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación project RTI2018-097100-B-C21FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación Grant PRE2019-08981

    Concrete as heritage: The social perception from heritage criteria perspective: The eduardo Torroja's work

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    Eduardo Torroja Miret (1899-1961) was one of the most important Spanish engineers. His understanding of structures and materials made him a world reference in the field of engineering and architecture. Due to the lack of ornamentation in his works and the lack of heritage interpretation aimed at a non-specialist public, many of his works sometimes go unnoticed by inexperienced eyes and, despite his important legacy, Torroja remains a great unknown. This paper reports on the existing heritage perception of two of his most outstanding works in Spain, the Zarzuela Hippodrome and the Instituto Técnico de la Construcción y el Cemento (Eduardo Torroja Institute). To this end, surveys and interviews were carried out with visitors to both buildings based on different heritage criteria, such as their architectural importance, aesthetics, significance or representativeness, but also from the point of view of the available tourist infrastructure. The results show a lack of appreciation in the heritage criteria related to its architectural, historical and aesthetic values, combined with a lack of knowledge about Torroja and its way of understanding architectural beauty. © 2020 WITPress. All rights reserved.InnovaConcrete Project, funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858, supported this work. The administrators of the Zarzuela hippodrome and the staff of Eduardo Torroja Institute, who allowed the data collection, also supported the stud

    Proteins from Agri-Food Industrial Biowastes or Co-Products and Their Applications as Green Materials

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    A great amount of biowastes, comprising byproducts and biomass wastes, is originated yearly from the agri-food industry. These biowastes are commonly rich in proteins and polysaccharides and are mainly discarded or used for animal feeding. As regulations aim to shift from a fossil-based to a bio-based circular economy model, biowastes are also being employed for producing bio-based materials. This may involve their use in high-value applications and therefore a remarkable revalorization of those resources. The present review summarizes the main sources of protein from biowastes and co-products of the agri-food industry (i.e., wheat gluten, potato, zein, soy, rapeseed, sunflower, protein, casein, whey, blood, gelatin, collagen, keratin, and algae protein concentrates), assessing the bioplastic application (i.e., food packaging and coating, controlled release of active agents, absorbent and superabsorbent materials, agriculture, and scaffolds) for which they have been more extensively produced. The most common wet and dry processes to produce protein-based materials are also described (i.e., compression molding, injection molding, extrusion, 3D-printing, casting, and electrospinning), as well as the main characterization techniques (i.e., mechanical and rheological properties, tensile strength tests, rheological tests, thermal characterization, and optical properties). In this sense, the strategy of producing materials from biowastes to be used in agricultural applications, which converge with the zero-waste approach, seems to be remarkably attractive from a sustainability prospect (including environmental, economic, and social angles). This approach allows envisioning a reduction of some of the impacts along the product life cycle, contributing to tackling the transition toward a circular economy.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación –Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MICINN) and FEDER program RTI2018-097100-B-C21Spanish Ministerio de Universidades PRE2019-089815Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) VPPI U