1,868 research outputs found

    Transparent nanocellular PMMA: Characterization and modeling of the optical properties

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    In this work, the optical properties of transparent nanocellular polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) have been studied, experimental and theoretically. Transmittance measurements of samples presenting different cell sizes (14, 24, 39 and 225 nm) and a constant relative density of around 0.45 have been carried out obtaining values as high as 0.94 for the sample with the smaller cell size and a thickness of 0.05 mm. In addition, the light absorption coefficient has been measured as a function of cell size and wavelength. It has been found that the transmittance has a strong dependence with the wavelength, presenting these transparent materials Rayleigh scattering. On the other hand, the transmission of visible light through these nanocellular materials has been modelled for the first time. The developed model reproduces with good accuracy the trends observed in the experimental results and provides remarkable insights into the physics mechanisms controlling the optical behavior of these materials

    Celiac Immunogenic Potential of α-Gliadin Epitope Variants from Triticum and Aegilops Species

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    The high global demand of wheat and its subsequent consumption arise from the physicochemical properties of bread dough and its contribution to the protein intake in the human diet. Gluten is the main structural complex of wheat proteins and subjects affected by celiac disease (CD) cannot tolerate gluten protein. Within gluten proteins, α-gliadins constitute the most immunogenic fraction since they contain the main T-cell stimulating epitopes (DQ2.5-glia-α1, DQ2.5-glia-α2, and DQ2.5-glia-α3). In this work, the celiac immunotoxic potential of α-gliadins was studied within Triticeae: diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species. The abundance and immunostimulatory capacity of CD canonical epitopes and variants (with one or two mismatches) in all α-gliadin sequences were determined. The results showed that the canonical epitopes DQ2.5-glia-α1 and DQ2.5-glia-α3 were more frequent than DQ2.5-glia-α2. A higher abundance of canonical DQ2.5-glia-α1 epitope was found to be associated with genomes of the BBAADD, AA, and DD types; however, the abundance of DQ2.5-glia-α3 epitope variants was very high in BBAADD and BBAA wheat despite their low abundance in the canonical epitope. The most abundant substitution was that of proline to serine, which was disposed mainly on the three canonical DQ2.5 domains on position 8. Interestingly, our results demonstrated that the natural introduction of Q to H at any position eliminates the toxicity of the three T-cell epitopes in the α-gliadins. The results provided a rational approach for the introduction of natural amino acid substitutions to eliminate the toxicity of three T-cell epitopes, while maintaining the technological properties of commercial wheats

    Association Between Specific Childhood Adversities and Symptom Dimensions in People With Psychosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Despite the accepted link between childhood abuse and positive psychotic symptoms, findings between other ad versities, such as neglect, and the remaining dimensions in people with psychosis have been inconsistent, with evidence not yet reviewed quantitatively. The aim of this study was to systematically examine quantitatively the association between broadly defined childhood adversity (CA), abuse (sexual/physical/emotional), and neglect (physical/emo tional) subtypes, with positive, negative, depressive, manic, and disorganized dimensions in those with psychosis. A search was conducted across EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and Cochrane Libraries using search terms related to psychosis population, CA, and psychopatholog ical dimensions. After reviewing for relevance, data were extracted, synthesized, and meta-analyzed. Forty-seven papers were identified, including 7379 cases across 40 studies examining positive, 37 negative, 20 depressive, 9 disorganized, and 13 manic dimensions. After adjustment for publication bias, general adversity was positively as sociated with all dimensions (ranging from r = 0.08 to r = 0.24). Most forms of abuse were associated with de pressive (ranging from r = 0.16 to r = 0.32), positive (ran ging from r = 0.14 to r = 0.16), manic (r = 0.13), and negative dimensions (ranging from r = 0.05 to r = 0.09), while neglect was only associated with negative (r = 0.13) and depressive dimensions (ranging from r = 0.16 to r = 0.20). When heterogeneity was found, it tended to be explained by one specific study. The depressive dimension was influenced by percentage of women (ranging from r = 0.83 to r = 1.36) and poor-quality scores (ranging from r = −0.21 and r = −0.059). Quality was judged as fair overall. Broadly defined adversity and forms of abuse increase transdimensional severity. Being exposed to ne glect during childhood seems to be exclusively related to negative and depressive dimensions suggesting specific effects

    Síntesis y aplicación de nuevas nanopartículas de plata biocompatibles para el control del crecimiento de bacterias lácticas y acéticas en vinos

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    Este libro recoge el amplio y significativo elenco de estudios (microbiología) recientemente realizados por los grupos de investigación de la red GIENOL (Grupos de investigación enológica).-- et al.Es bien conocido que la plata tiene propiedades antimicrobianas muy potentes. Actualmente, la nanoplata es el nanomaterial más utilizado, representando aproximadamente la cuarta parte de todos los nanomateriales comercializados en el mercado. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo explorar la potencial utilización de nuevas nanopartículas de plata como agentes antimicrobianos en enología, como una alternativa al empleo de los sulfitos. En primer lugar, se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis y caracterización de dos materiales de plata: PEG‐Ag NPs 1, nanopartículas sólidas soportadas sobre polietilenglicol, y GSH‐Ag NPs 2, nanopartículas en solución soportadas sobre glutatión. A continuación, se ha evaluado su actividad antimicrobiana frente a un total de 11 especies, que incluyen bacterias lácticas y bacterias acéticas. Se han establecido los parámetros de inhibición bacteriana, comprobándose que los nanomateriales con recubrimientos a base de ambos polímeros solubles (polietilenglicol y glutatión), son capaces de inhibir el crecimiento de ambos tipos de bacterias, y en concreto, el efecto inhibidor sobre las bacterias acéticas, fue superior al del metabisulfito potásico. También se ha estudiado el mecanismo de acción antimicrobiano de las nanopartículas de plata, en el que parece que están implicados cambios en la membrana plasmática de la célula bacteriana con pérdida de la viabilidad celular y de las funciones vitales de la célula.Los autores agradecen la financiación recibida del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) a través de los proyectos PRI‐PIBAR‐2011‐1358 y AGL2012‐40172‐C02‐01.Peer Reviewe

    Guia de estilos de vida saudáveis da FINUT: além da pirâmide alimentar

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    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (World Health Organization: OMS) ha propuesto que la salud debe ser promovida y protegida a través del desarrollo de un medio ambiente que permita acciones sostenibles a nivel individual, comunitario, nacional y global. De hecho, se han desarrollado en numerosos países guías alimentarias (por ejemplo, las pirámides de alimentos) para divulgar información nutricional a la población general. Sin embargo, se necesitan recomendaciones más amplias sobre estilos activos de vida saludable, no restringidos únicamente a los alimentos. El objetivo de este trabajo es la propuesta de una pirámide tridimensional como una nueva estrategia para promover una nutrición adecuada y estilos activos de vida saludable de manera sostenible. En efecto, se ha diseñado la pirámide FINUT (Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición) sobre estilos de vida saludable como un tetraedro cuyas tres caras laterales se corresponden a los binomios alimentación y nutrición, actividad física y descanso, y educación e higiene. Cada cara lateral está dividida en dos triángulos. Estas caras muestran lo siguiente: 1. guías alimentarias y hábitos de alimentación saludable en relación a un medio ambiente sostenible; 2. recomendaciones sobre descanso y actividad física y temas de educación, sociales y culturales relacionados; 3. guías seleccionadas sobre higiene y educación que, en conjunto con las otras dos caras, puedan contribuir a una mejor salud para la población en un planeta sostenible. La nueva pirámide FINUT se dirige a la población general de todas las edades y debería servir como una guía para un estilo de vida saludable en un contexto social y cultural definido. La pirámide incluye una dimensión ambiental y sostenible que proporciona medidas para contribuir a la prevención de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.The World Health Organization has proposed that health be promoted and protected through the development of an environment that enables sustainable actions at individual, community, national and global levels. Indeed, food-based dietary guidelines, i.e., food pyramids, have been developed in numerous countries to disseminate nutritional information to the general population. However, wider recommendations are needed, with information on an active, healthy lifestyle, not just healthy eating. The objective of the present work is to propose a three-dimensional pyramid as a new strategy for promoting adequate nutrition and active healthy lifestyles in a sustainable way. Indeed, the Iberomerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT) pyramid of healthy lifestyles has been designed as a tetrahedron, its three lateral faces corresponding to the binomials food and nutrition, physical activity and rest, and education and hygiene. Each lateral face is divided into two triangles. These faces show the following: 1. food-based guidelines and healthy eating habits as related to a sustainable environment; 2. recommendations for rest and physical activity and educational, social and cultural issues; 3. selected hygiene and educational guidelines that, in conjunction with the other two faces, would contribute to better health and provide measures to promote environmental sustainability. The new FINUT pyramid is addressed to the general population of all ages and should serve as a guide for living a healthy lifestyle within a defined social and cultural context. It includes an environmental and sustainability dimension providing measures that should contribute to the prevention of non-communicable chronic diseases.A Organização Mundial da Saúde propôs a promoção e a proteção da saúde através do desenvolvimento de um ambiente que permita ações sustentáveis nos aspectos individuais, comunitários, nacionais e globais. De fato, diversos países desenvolveram diretrizes nutricionais baseadas em pirâmides alimentares, para a disseminação de informações nutricionais para a população em geral. No entanto, há também a necessidade de recomendações mais amplas, com informações sobre estilos de vida ativos e saudáveis, não apenas sobre a alimentação saudável. E objetivo do presente trabalho é propor uma pirâmide tridimensional como nova estratégia para a promoção da alimentação adequada e estilos de vida ativos e saudáveis de uma forma sustentável. Na verdade, a pirâmide de estilos de vida saudáveis da Fundação Ibero-Americana de Nutrição (FINUT) foi concebida como um tetraedro, com suas três faces laterais correspondendo aos aspectos de alimentação e nutrição, atividade física e repouso, e educação e higiene. Cada face lateral apresenta dois triângulos. Essas faces apresentam as seguintes informações: 1) diretrizes baseadas em alimentos e hábitos alimentares saudáveis relacionados a um meio-ambiente sustentável; 2) recomendações para repouso e atividade física e questões educacionais, sociais e culturais; e 3) diretrizes específicas sobre higiene e educação que, em conjunto com as outras duas faces, contribuiriam para a melhoria da saúde das pessoas em um planeta sustentável. A nova pirâmide FINUT é voltada para a população geral de todas as idades e deve servir como guia para um estilo de vida saudável, em um contexto social e cultural definido. Ela inclui uma dimensão ambiental e sustentável, fornecendo medidas que devem contribuir para a prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis

    Enfermedades psiquiátricas y trabajo. Revisión bibliográfica y jurisprudencial (Trastornos esquizofrénicos, trastorno bipolar y trastornos ansioso-depresivos)

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    Las enfermedades psiquiátricas en su conjunto y, algunas de ellas de forma específica, constituyen un problema de salud pública en todos los países y conllevan un coste económico asociado, tanto directo como indirecto. Pero además, cuando la persona enferma ejerce su derecho al trabajo ello comporta, en ocasiones, más allá de su diagnóstico y su tratamiento, la necesidad de tomar unas acciones en las empresas, limitantes adaptativas o restrictivas, para el trabajador afectado y la adopción de medidas socio-laborales con repercusión posterior administrativa y jurídica. Se revisarán en este trabajo las publicaciones médicas recogidas en la base de datos de referencia (Pub-Med) relativa a estas patologías, su diferenciación en cuanto a los aspectos clínico asistenciales y su comparativa con los socio-laborales. De igual forma se realiza en este trabajo una revisión del impacto de estas patologías en la base de datos jurídica (Westlaw Insignis) y su diferenciación según cada patología y área del derecho correspondiente. Sirvan los resultados para, a través del conocimiento actual de la situación, basada en estos datos, elaborar posibles estrategias preventivas de futuro ante conflictos médico legales y de nuevos enfoques más coordinados entre todos los agentes implicados.Psychiatric disorders as a whole and some of them in a specific way constitute a public health problem in all countries and entail an economic cost associated, both directly and indirectly. In addition, some issues are to be considered when the sick person exercises his right to work, beyond diagnosis and treatment of his/her disease. Companies need to take some actions whether adaptive or restrictive for the affected employee, and the adoption of socio-labor measures which will have administrative and legal impact. The medical publications listed in the reference database (Pub-Med) concerning these pathologies will be reviewed in this article with emphasis in those clinical aspects that correlate health care with socio-labor implications. Paralelly, this work reviews the impact of these diseases in the legal databases (Westlaw Insignis) and their differentiation according to each disorder and its corresponding area of the law.The conclusions of this work, through the current knowledge of the situation, will serve to develop possible preventive strategies to address future medico-legal conflicts as well as to develop more coordinated approaches among all the stakeholders

    Consumo de alcohol y riesgo de accidentes de tráfico en España. Aspectos preventivos

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    Introducción: Las bebidas alcohólicas se consumen ampliamente en todo el mundo y también en España. Aunque la mayoría de la población adulta tiene un patrón de consumo de bajo riesgo, existen personas que presentan patrones lesivos de consumo que van desde el bebedor diario de gran cantidad, al consumo de riesgo ocasional/social. Esta situación genera problemas de seguridad vial en casi todos los países asociados a cambios en el rendimiento psicomotor del consumidor con posterior repercusión en riesgo de accidentes. Método: Para realizar esta revisión se han consultado la base de datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud: World Health Organization. Global Information System on Alcohol and Health (GISAH) y los resultados del estudio EDADES. Se ha hecho una búsqueda bibliográfica en PubMed y otras bases de datos de referencia (Latindex, Scopus, Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud –IBECS sobre los términos de búsqueda: alcohol consumption and road traffic injuries, seleccionándose a criterio de los autores aquellos trabajos considerados más significativos). Conclusiones: Se trata de un complejo problema con repercusión individual en los afectados y trascendencia socioeconómica y en la que destaca la especial implicación en sus efectos de las personas más jóvenes, lo que requiere de un esfuerzo preventivo conjunto sanitario, social y de las Administraciones Públicas para obtener resultados en plazos lo más breves posible y reducir la mortalidad, morbilidad y limitaciones resultantes ocasionadas por la conducción bajo los efectos de las bebidas alcohólicas, con frecuencia asociados al consumo de otro tipo de drogas y aceptado cada vez más por la sociedad en actividades de ocio.Introduction: Alcoholic beverages are widely consumed around the world and also in Spain. Although most of the adult population has a pattern of low-risk drinking, there are people with harmful drinking patterns ranging from daily drinker wealth, consumption casual / social risk. This creates traffic problems in almost all countries associated with changes in psychomotor performance consumer with subsequent impact on accident risk. Methods: To perform this review we have consulted the database of the World Health Organization: World Health Organization. Global Information System on Alcohol and Health ( GISAH ) and the results of the EDADES study. It has become a literature search in PubMed and other databases of reference (Latindex Scopus Spanish Bibliographic Index of Health Sciences -IBECS about search terms: Alcohol Consumption and road traffic injuries, and have been selected by the authors tose works considered more relevants. Conclusions: This is a complex issue with individual impact on those affected and socio-economic importance and which highlights the special involvement in the effects of younger people, which requires a preventive effort overall health, social and government for results in shorter periods and may reduce mortality, morbidity and resulting limitations caused by driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, often associated with the consumption of other drugs and increasingly accepted by society in leisure activities

    Bioethical Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Did Healthcare Ethics Committees and Institutions State in Spain?.

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    Objectives: Each new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic invites the possible obligation to prioritize individuals’ access to vital resources, and thereby leads to unresolved and important bioethical concerns. Governments have to make decisions to protect access to the health system with equity. The prioritization criteria during a pandemic are both a clinical and legal-administrative decision with ethical repercussion.We aim to analyse the prioritization protocols used in Spain during the pandemic which, in many cases, have not been updated. Method: We carried out a narrative review of 27 protocols of prioritization proposed by healthcare ethics committees, scientific societies and institutions in Spain for this study. The review evaluated shared aspects and unique differences and proffered a bioethical reflection. Results: The research questions explored patient prioritization, the criteria applied and the relative weight assigned to each criterion. There was a need to use several indicators, being morbidity and mortality scales the most commonly used, followed by facets pertaining to disease severity and functional status. Although age was initially considered in some protocols, it cannot be the sole criterion used when assigning care resources. Conclusions: In COVID-19 pandemic there is a need for a unified set of criteria that guarantees equity and transparency in decision-making processes. Establishing treatment indications is not the aim of such criteria, but instead prioritizing access to care resources. In protocols of prioritization, the principle of efficiency must vary according to the principle of equity and the criteria used to guarantee such equity.post-print204 K

    Long-term results of sirolimus treatment in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a single referral centre experience

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    Diagnòstic; Farmacoteràpia; Malalties del tracte respiratoriDiagnóstico; Farmacoterapia; Enfermedades del tracto respiratorioDiagnosis; Drug therapy; Respiratory tract diseasesThere are few published data on long-term treatment with sirolimus in lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). The objective of this study was to describe the long-term effect of sirolimus in a series of LAM patients followed up in a referral centre, focusing on pulmonary function. We retrospectively reviewed a series of 48 patients with LAM diagnosed, followed up and treated with sirolimus in a single centre. Response to sirolimus was evaluated at 1 and 5 years. A negative sirolimus response was defined as an FEV1 decline greater than − 75 ml/year. A mixed-effects model was used to estimate the longitudinal changes in FEV1 (average slope), both as absolute (ml/year) and as predicted values (%predicted/year). From a total of 48 patients, 9 patients underwent lung transplantation and 4 died during the study. Mean (95% CI) FEV1 slope over 5 years was − 0.14 (− 26.13 to 25.85) ml/year in the whole LAM group, 42.55 (14.87 to 70.22) ml/year in the responder group, − 54.00 (− 71.60 to − 36.39) ml/year in the partial responder group and − 84.19 (− 113.5 to − 54.0) ml/year in the non-responder group. After 5 years of sirolimus treatment 59% had a positive response, 30% had a partial response and 11% had a negative response. Our study found that sirolimus treatment had a positive long-term effect on most LAM patients.E.R.L. received a pre-doctoral Grant from the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery