79 research outputs found

    Análisis de valor de la trazabilidad de los productos cárnicos españoles

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    En los últimos años, la seguridad alimentaría se ha convertido en una cuestión clave en nuestra sociedad. Por este motivo se ha desarrollado una normativa específica y se han creado organismos para su gestión. Destaca principalmente el Reglamento 178/2002, quien en su artículo 18 presenta la trazabilidad, una técnica que permite determinar el historial de un alimento concreto, para facilitar su retirada del mercado en caso de crisis. La aplicación de la trazabilidad supone muchas ventajas, pero también costes y recursos para llevarla a cabo. Se plantea así un debate que justifica la investigación planteada en este trabajo, para ver en qué medida la trazabilidad añade valor a los productos cárnicos y si tal valor compensa los costes que supone su implantación. Con tales objetivos, se realizó esta investigación en 2008 mediante encuestas por correo postal y electrónico, con contacto previo telefónico, a las empresas cárnicas españolas, bajo muestreo aleatorio simple (p=q=0,5) y un error muestral de +/- 4,94%. Tras realizar diversos análisis de dependencias, CHAID y clusters, se puede concluir que la trazabilidad sí añade valor al producto, valoración que mejora según mejore la de las ventajas de esta técnica, aumente el tamaño de la empresa, se trabaje más con vacuno o menos con porcino, se tenga una visión más global de la cadena de valor y según se coordine más esta técnica con el resto de agentes de la misma. En definitiva, la trazabilidad compensa ser implantada. A pesar de que las pequeñas empresas tienen más dudas al respecto, en general consideran que su coste es asequible. No obstante, de forma residual, no estarían de acuerdo con estos planteamientos las empresas que no tienen una visión global de su cadena de valor o que consideran que esta técnica no compensa. De hecho, las empresas a las que esta técnica les supone un coste superior al 3%, aseguran que puede producir posibles despilfarros como cuellos de botella, esperas y movimientos y transportes innecesarios.. In the last few years, food safety has turned into a key issue in our society. For this reason, a specific regulation has been developed and some organizations have been created in order to manage it. Principally, Regulation (EC) 178/ 2002, Art.18, introduces traceability as a technology that allows to set the history of a concrete food, by facilitating its collection from the market in case of crisis. The application of traceability offers many advantages, although, at the same time, higher costs and more resources are necessary to carry it out. This matter presents a discussion that justifies the research raised in this work, which intends to find out how traceability adds value to meat products and whether it compensates its costs. With such aims in mind, this research was carried out in 2008 by means of postal and email surveys, with previous telephone contact, to Spanish meat companies, by simple random sampling (p=q=0,5), and a sampling error of +/-4,94 %. After performing several dependency, CHAID and clusters analysis, it is concluded that traceability increases the value of the product. This appreciation improves as the valuations of the advantages of this technology increase too. In the same way, it also happens when we examine larger companies; they work more with beef or less with pork; there is a more complete vision of the value chain or this technology is better coordinated by the rest of its agents. Definitively, traceability compensates to be well-established. In spite of the fact that small companies have more doubts on this matter, in general they think that its cost is attainable. However, as a minority, there are companies where this technology does not compensate its costs. They disagree with these approaches, as those which do not have a complete vision of the value chain do, together with those which consider that this technology implies them a cost up to 3%. Finally, they also assure that it can generate possible wastes due to bottlenecks, waits and unnecessary movements and transports

    Competitividad y Políticas de seguridad alimentaria de las regiones españolas: el caso de la industria cárnica.

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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es analizar la competitividad de la industria agroalimentaria y, dentro de ella, el sector cárnico de las regiones españolas a partir de elementos que, sin duda, influyen en ésta como: la productividad, los costes salariales y la seguridad alimentaria. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas permiten identificar la enorme potencialidad económica del sector agroalimentario español, y del subsector cárnico en particular. Aspectos como el tipo de carne o el nivel de internacionalización nos ayudan a identificar aquellas regiones españolas que requieren un esfuerzo adicional en las políticas alimentarias para evitar que su competitividad sea perjudicada.The main aim of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness of the agrifood industry and, within it, the meat sector, in the Spanish regions, using elements that undoubtedly influence this such as productivity, labor costs and food security. The main conclusions allow us to identify the enormous economic potential of the Spanish food sector, and the meat sub-sector in particular. Aspects such as the type of meat or the level of internationalization help us to identify those Spanish regions which require additional effort in food policy to keep its competitiveness is impaired

    Bipolaridad turística en Europa. La consolidación de destinos maduros en época de crisis

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    En esta investigación, de carácter exploratorio, se aborda la posible relación entrealgunas de las causas de la crisis turística y la respuesta de los diferentes territorios de laUE-28 a la actual crisis. En este sentido, se analiza si ésta ha afectado de manera diferentea las economías turísticamente emergentes frente a destinos europeos turísticamente másconsolidados. La confirmación de este hecho lleva a estudiar qué factores determinantes dela demanda turística tienen mayor presencia en cada destino, concluyendo que los factoresmás relevantes, como los de carácter económico e infraestructural, se encuentran, sobretodo, en las regiones turísticamente más maduras. Esto puede explicar, en parte, que durantela crisis, estas regiones hayan experimentado un descenso de su crecimiento turístico notan pronunciado como el de las regiones emergentes. Se demuestra así un comportamientoturístico mucho más estable y su consolidación en el sector

    Generation Z and Intention to Travel: Effects of the Perception of COVID-19

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    Previous studies have investigated the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on different aspects of tourism behaviour. However, research on a specific generational group, Generation Z, is still limited. This exploratory study aims to examine, for members of this generation, the effect of the perceived risk of COVID-19 and nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPI) on their intention to travel and, in turn, whether this intention influences their willingness to pay extra to benefit from additional safety measures. With this approach, a Structural Equations methodology has been applied based on 629 surveys received and using SmartPLS 3.0 to analyse them. The results showed that the higher the travel intention of Gen Z, the higher the individual's willingness to pay for additional security measures, the perceived risk of COVID-19 positively influences the NPI taken and in turn, these NPI influence a higher travel intention. However, the authors have not found a significant effect between the perceived risk and Gen Z's intention to travel. Finally, they discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the results, providing suggestions for the recovery of Gen Z tourism after the pandemic.Estudios anteriores han investigado los efectos de la pandemia de coronavirus en diferentes aspectos del comportamiento turístico. Sin embargo, la investigación sobre un grupo generacional específico, la Generación Z, sigue siendo limitada. Este estudio exploratorio pretende examinar, para los miembros de esta generación, el efecto del riesgo percibido de COVID-19 y de las intervenciones no farmacéuticas (NPI) sobre su intención de viajar y, a su vez, si esta intención influye en su disposición a pagar más para beneficiarse de medidas de seguridad adicionales. Con este enfoque, se ha aplicado una metodología de Ecuaciones Estructurales basada en 629 encuestas recibidas y utilizandoSmartPLS 3.0 para analizarlas. Los resultados mostraron que cuanto mayor es la intención de viaje de la Generación Z, mayor es la disposición del individuo a pagar por medidas de seguridad adicionales, el riesgo percibido de COVID-19 influye positivamenteen los NPI tomados y, a su vez, estos NPI influyen en una mayor intención de viaje. Sin embargo, los autores no han encontrado un efecto significativo entre el riesgo percibido y la intención de viajar de la Generación Z. Por último, discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de los resultados, aportando sugerencias para la recuperación del turismo de la Generación Z tras la pandemia30 página

    Dynamics of Public Spending on Health and Socio-Economic Development in the European Union: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    In recent years, healthcare has become a fundamental pillar of the level of well-being of any society. With the aim of improving the lives of countries and societies, in 2015 the United Nations (UN) approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the Agenda are health and well-being (O3) and the reduction of inequalities (O10). The general objective of this paper is to analyse the impact that the level of socioeconomic development, as well as the evolution of inequalities, have had on public spending on health in European Union countries. The research methodology is based on the application of a regression model and statistical techniques such as sigma convergence, beta convergence and the Gini index. We can see that the levels of public spending on health per capita, the level of socio-economic development and the degree of inequality are closely related in these countries. For this reason, we suggest maintaining sustainable economic growth to reduce the economic disparities between EU countries, and also the current differences in public spending on health per capita

    Landscape and Tourism: Evolution of Research Topics

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    Tourism and landscape are broad and complex scientific research fields, as is the synergy between them has given rise to a volume of articles diverse in nature, subject matter and methodology. These di culties mean that, at present, there is no complete theoretical framework to support this tourism and landscape research, nor complete knowledge of its structure and organization. This motivates the present work, which constitutes the first attempt at mapping this research topic by applying bibliometric techniques using VOSviewer and Science Mapping Analysis Software Tool (SciMAT) software. A total of 3340 articles from journals indexed inWeb of Science were analyzed. The results obtained confirm that interest in the study of these concepts has been growing, especially in the last decade. The main contribution of this work lies in the identification of work themes that were basic to the construction of the field but that are currently in decline, such as “cultural heritage” and other themes important to the field that should continue to be dealt with, such as “national parks” or “geotourism”. The transversal nature of sustainability that appears in the network of keywords related to currently emerging themes, such as “planning” and “environment”, is also highlighted and reinforced

    Tourism and the SDGs: An Analysis of Economic Growth, Decent Employment, and Gender Equality in the European Union (2009-2018)

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    In 2015, the United Nations (UN) approved the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development to improve the lives of countries and societies. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) incorporated the agenda into the tourism industry. This study has as its primary objective an exploratory analysis of tourism activity in the EU-28 countries over the decade 2009-2018 and its adaptation to the Sustainable Development Goals through the lens of employment. This study focuses on the goals of decent employment and economic growth (O8) and gender equality (O5). The results obtained suggest that, in general, the eastern countries of the EU-28 show better values for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) (8) and SDG (5) with respect to both employment and the wage gap. However, these countries have lower GDP-weighted remunerations, which can become an opportunity to obtain higher shares of tourism activity within the EU. It is concluded that there is a need to reinforce the awareness of the fabric of the tourism business and for public administrations to favor stable and decent employment and a reduction in the current gender wage gap

    Social Acceptance of Aquaculture in Spain: An Instrument to Achieve Sustainability for Society

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    Aquaculture is a technique to produce food that is under debate, due to its possible consequences for altering the economy, traditional fishing included, or the environment, even with doubts about the health of consumers. This document studies its social acceptance from the point of view of carrying capacity. This term is defined as the level at which this activity begins to be disproportionate and poses important disadvantages for society. In this context, we conducted 803 surveys in six coastal provinces in Spain. The results show that the acceptance of these products is good, implying that aquaculture is far from reaching its saturation point in society. Additionally, the respondents gave a higher priority to socio-economic objectives than to environmental ones. We can conclude that the further development of this sector is advisable in these provinces. The general perception of aquaculture is better among men, and also among higher-income consumers. Informative activities should be organized to target these more hesitant groups. Production structures should be revised to overcome biases in the population about the idea that the food obtained from aquaculture harms the environment or is less natural or healthy. The possible abuse of feed and chemicals spreads this idea, and this could affect the taste and quality adversely

    Social Acceptance of Aquaculture in Andalusian Atlantic Coast (Spain): An Emerging Economy Sector

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    Aquaculture is an important source of food. This document analyses its acceptance by consumers from the perspective of social carrying capacity. This concept determines the point at which its development begins to be excessive, and poses difficulties to its geographical area. In this context, our work is innovative, since, although Spain is the leading aquaculture producer in the European Union, not much research on this aspect has been developed. With this objective, we carried out 579 personal interviews with consumers from the Andalusian Atlantic coast (Spain), to determine an index of acceptance for this food and its industry. After applying a principal component analysis, we stratified the samples following Dalenius-Hodges method. According to our surveys, there is a high level of acceptance, which would place aquaculture far from its saturation point, the level at which this sector generates relevant problems for society in terms of economy or environment. Respondents also recommended its further development. Women and low-income consumers were the groups with the greatest reticence about this sector. We consider that general acceptance would be improved by implementing informative campaigns, especially for these groups, that would extend consumers' knowledge and improve their perception of this kind of food

    Inertial and Degradation Delay Model for CMOS Logic Gates

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    The authors present the Inertial and Degradation Delay Model (IDDM) for CMOS digital simulation. The model combines the Degradation Delay Model presented in previous papers with a new algorithm to handle the inertial effect, and is able to take account of the propagation and filtering of arbitrarily narrow pulses (glitches, etc.). The model clearly overcomes the limitations of conventional approaches