32,110 research outputs found

    Drived diffusion of vector fields

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    A model for the diffusion of vector fields driven by external forces is proposed. Using the renormalization group and the ϵ\epsilon-expansion, the dynamical critical properties of the model with gaussian noise for dimensions below the critical dimension are investigated and new transport universality classes are obtained.Comment: 11 pages, title changed, anisotropic diffusion further discussed and emphasize

    Constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity

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    We discuss high order absorbing constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity coupled to the moving puncture family of gauges. We are primarily concerned with the constraint preservation and absorption properties of these conditions. In the frozen coefficient approximation, with an appropriate first order pseudo-differential reduction, we show that the constraint subsystem is boundary stable on a four dimensional compact manifold. We analyze the remainder of the initial boundary value problem for a spherical reduction of the Z4c formulation with a particular choice of the puncture gauge. Numerical evidence for the efficacy of the conditions is presented in spherical symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Coagulation reaction in low dimensions: Revisiting subdiffusive A+A reactions in one dimension

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    We present a theory for the coagulation reaction A+A -> A for particles moving subdiffusively in one dimension. Our theory is tested against numerical simulations of the concentration of AA particles as a function of time (``anomalous kinetics'') and of the interparticle distribution function as a function of interparticle distance and time. We find that the theory captures the correct behavior asymptotically and also at early times, and that it does so whether the particles are nearly diffusive or very subdiffusive. We find that, as in the normal diffusion problem, an interparticle gap responsible for the anomalous kinetics develops and grows with time. This corrects an earlier claim to the contrary on our part.Comment: The previous version was corrupted - some figures misplaced, some strange words that did not belong. Otherwise identica

    Accretion modes in collapsars - prospects for GRB production

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    We explore low angular momentum accretion flows onto black holes formed after the collapse of massive stellar cores. In particular, we consider the state of the gas falling quasi-spherically onto stellar-mass black holes in the hypercritical regime, where the accretion rates are in the range 0.001 - 0.5 solar masses per second and neutrinos dominate the cooling. Previous studies have assumed that in order to have a black hole switch to a luminous state, the condition l >> r_g c, where l is the specific orbital angular momentum of the infalling gas and r_g is the Schwarszchild radius, needs to be fulfilled. We argue that flows in hyperaccreting, stellar mass disks around black holes are likely to transition to a highly radiative state when their angular momentum is just above the threshold for disk formation, l ~ 2 r_g c. In a range where l lies between r_g c and 2 r_g c, a dwarf disk forms in which gas spirals rapidly into the black hole due to general relativistic effects, without any help from horizontal viscous stresses. For high rotation rates with l greater than 2 r_g c, the luminosity is supplied by large, hot equatorial bubbles around the black hole. The highest neutrino luminosities are obtained for l ~ 2 r_g c, and this value of angular momentum also produces the most energetic neutrinos, and thus also the highest energy deposition rates. Given the range of l explored in this work, we argue that, as long as l is greater than 2 r_g c, low angular momentum cores may in fact be better suited for producing neutrino--driven explosions following core collapse in supernovae and gamma ray bursts.Comment: Revised version following referee's comments. References added. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Numerical framework for transcritical real-fluid reacting flow simulations using the flamelet progress variable approach

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    An extension to the classical FPV model is developed for transcritical real-fluid combustion simulations in the context of finite volume, fully compressible, explicit solvers. A double-flux model is developed for transcritical flows to eliminate the spurious pressure oscillations. A hybrid scheme with entropy-stable flux correction is formulated to robustly represent large density ratios. The thermodynamics for ideal-gas values is modeled by a linearized specific heat ratio model. Parameters needed for the cubic EoS are pre-tabulated for the evaluation of departure functions and a quadratic expression is used to recover the attraction parameter. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the ability to account for pressure and temperature variations from the baseline table. Cryogenic LOX/GH2 mixing and reacting cases are performed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach in multidimensional simulations. The proposed combustion model and numerical schemes are directly applicable for LES simulations of real applications under transcritical conditions.Comment: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, T

    Reconciling threshold and subthreshold expansions for pion-nucleon scattering

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    Heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) at one loop fails in relating the pion-nucleon amplitude in the physical region and for subthreshold kinematics due to loop effects enhanced by large low-energy constants. Studying the chiral convergence of threshold and subthreshold parameters up to fourth order in the small-scale expansion, we address the question to what extent this tension can be mitigated by including the Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) as an explicit degree of freedom and/or using a covariant formulation of baryon ChPT. We find that the inclusion of the Δ\Delta indeed reduces the low-energy constants to more natural values and thereby improves consistency between threshold and subthreshold kinematics. In addition, even in the Δ\Delta-less theory the resummation of 1/mN1/m_N corrections in the covariant scheme improves the results markedly over the heavy-baryon formulation, in line with previous observations in the single-baryon sector of ChPT that so far have evaded a profound theoretical explanation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 tables, Mathematica notebook with the analytic expressions for threshold and subthreshold parameters included as supplementary material; journal versio

    Attosecond probing of instantaneous AC Stark shifts in helium atoms

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    Based on numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for either one or two active electrons, we propose a method for observing instantaneous level shifts in an oscillating strong infrared (IR) field in time, using a single tunable attosecond pulse to probe excited states of the perturbed atom. The ionization probability in the combined fields depends on both, the frequency of the attosecond pulse and the time delay between both pulses, since the IR field shifts excited energy levels into and out of resonance with the attosecond probe pulse. We show that this method (i) allows the detection of instantaneous atomic energy gaps with sub-laser-cycle time resolution and (ii) can be applied as an ultrafast gate for more complex processes such as non-sequential double-ionization

    ν(νˉ)\nu(\bar\nu)-208^{208}Pb deep inelastic scattering

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    Nuclear-medium effects in the weak structure functions F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) and F3(x,Q2)F_3(x,Q^2) in the charged current neutrino and antineutrino induced deep inelastic reactions in 208^{208}Pb have been studied. The calculations have been performed in a theoretical model using relativistic nuclear spectral functions which incorporate Fermi motion, binding and nucleon correlations. We also consider the pion and rho meson cloud contributions calculated from a microscopic model for meson-nucleus self-energies. Using these structure functions, the results for the differential cross section have been obtained and compared with the CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research apparatUS (CHORUS) data. The results for the ratios 2FiPb208FiD\frac{2F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^D}, 4FiPb208FiHe\frac{4F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{He}}, 12FiPb208FiC\frac{12F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^C}, 16FiPb208FiO\frac{16F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^O}, and 56FiPb208FiFe\frac{56F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{Fe}} (i=2,3) have also been obtained and a few have been compared with some of the phenomenological fits.Comment: 19Pages, 12 Fig

    Ising exponents in the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model

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    We study the site-diluted Ising model in two dimensions with Monte Carlo simulations. Using finite-size scaling techniques we compute the critical exponents observing deviations from the pure Ising ones. The differences can be explained as the effects of logarithmic corrections, without requiring to change the Universality Class.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figures. Reference correcte