7 research outputs found


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    Architectural design and neuroscience at first glance may appear to be two seemingly different fields but for centuries intuitively, architects have been designing based on the principles of neuroscience. Architects through trial and error have gained knowledge of specific architectural elements and the potential these elements have to affect the user. Recently this intuition has been coined “neuro-architecture”. With the advancement of technology neuroscientist can accurately conclude how the human body will react to specific architectural stimuli. The proposal is focused on encouraging and furthering the symbiotic relationship between architecture and neuroscience in an attempt to promote architectural design that moves and elevates the human condition. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the findings of neuroscience and promote their implementation into architectural design, creating a deeper understanding of how the human body relates to architectural surroundings. The methodology assumed closely follows the research typologies used in evidence-based design. The first is a literature review of the findings in neuroscience research and their application to architectural design. Second is an understanding of the anatomy of the body, the senses, and neurobiology as this is the basis in determining the body’s primal reaction to architectural stimuli. The final step of the process will be to create a prototypical design in which research findings bridged and reinforce the connection between neuroscience and architecture, resulting in a design that potentially has the ability to elevate the human experience

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa comercializadora de tela e hilo en la ciudad de Atuntaqui cantón Antonio ante provincia de Imbabura

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    El presente proyecto tiene por objeto analizar la factibilidad para la creación de una empresa comercializadora de tela e hilo en la ciudad de Atuntaqui cantón Antonio Ante provincia de Imbabura cuyo propósito fundamental será proporcionar tela e hilo a las pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas de confección de prendas de vestir, es decir comercializar productos de calidad y variedad a bajos precios. Hemos considerado este problema y tema muy importantes debido a la gran trascendencia que ha tenido desde el siglo pasado la industria textil la cual inició con la creación de la Fábrica Imbabura precursora del desarrollo anteño y del norte del país. Esta es la principal actividad económica de los habitantes del cantón, por lo que en la actualidad familias enteras se han dedicado por completo a esta actividad, generando fuentes de empleo, y sobre todo creando iniciativa de emprendimiento en los pobladores, para el mejoramiento y desarrollo continuo del cantón. Sin embargo, por el desmesurado crecimiento que ha tenido esta área, los confeccionistas se ven impedidos de abastecerse de la materia prima necesaria para la elaboración del producto final terminado, siendo una razón importante el brindar a los productores textiles otra opción de compra para el mejoramiento de su actividad. Una vez planteado el diseño del proyecto se ejecutó todas las fases recomendadas, encontrando en el desarrollo de la investigación novedades y hallazgos que se consideraron, analizaron e interpretaron. La propuesta de inversión se dio luego de cumplir el proceso metodológico propuesto, la cual beneficiará a más de 157 talleres, fábricas, empresas de confección además de la comunidad en general. Para la obtención de información primaria se aplicó encuestas a los confeccionistas de prendas de vestir y a los oferentes de tela e hilo; dando como resultado la demanda y oferta existentes con proyecciones hasta el año 2015; a su vez se identificó la demanda insatisfecha que la nueva comercializadora podría cubrir. La empresa funcionará de acuerdo a la propuesta estratégica planteada y la rentabilidad del proyecto será la establecida en el estudio económico efectuado en base a la información recopilada en el estudio técnico. El presente trabajo tendrá impactos positivos en cuanto a lo social, económico, ético y ambiental se refiere. Por lo que se concluyó que es factible su creación; la futura empresa pretende cubrir la necesidades tanto de sus integrantes como los beneficiarios en general

    Diseño para el desarrollo sustentable y la habitabilidad segura e incluyente

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    Este libro se divide en dos partes que permiten permear en el campo de la enseñanza del diseño; la primera se enfoca en temáticas que se desprenden del diseño en la educación para la sustentabilidad; en la segunda, se identifican las tendencias del diseño como un modo de verlo y sentirlo: va desde el diseño emocional hacia uno de conservación, reúso y reparación de objetos para reducir el consumo de recursos materiales

    Hawaiian Healing Center: A Weaving of Neuro-Architecture and Cultural Practices

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    D.Arch. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2015.Includes bibliographical references.Architectural design and neuroscience at first glance may appear to be two seemingly different fields but for centuries intuitively, architects have been designing based on the principles of neuroscience. Architects through trial and error have gained knowledge of specific architectural elements and the potential these elements have to affect the user. Recently this intuition has been coined “neuro-architecture”. With the advancement of technology neuroscientist can accurately conclude how the human body will react to specific architectural stimuli. The proposal is focused on encouraging and furthering the symbiotic relationship between architecture and neuroscience in an attempt to promote architectural design that moves and elevates the human condition. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the findings of neuroscience and promote their implementation into architectural design, creating a deeper understanding of how the human body relates to architectural surroundings. The methodology assumed closely follows the research typologies used in evidence-based design. The first is a literature review of the findings in neuroscience research and their application to architectural design. Second is an understanding of the anatomy of the body, the senses, and neurobiology as this is the basis in determining the body’s primal reaction to architectural stimuli. The final step of the process will be to create a prototypical design in which research findings bridged and reinforce the connection between neuroscience and architecture, resulting in a design that potentially has the ability to elevate the human experience

    Evaluation of multiclass novelty detection algorithms for electric machine monitoring

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    The detection of unexpected events represents, currently, one of the most critical challenges dealing with electromechanical system diagnosis. In this regard, machine learning based algorithms widely applied in other fields of application are being considered now to face the novelty detection during the electric machine monitoring. In this study, an electrical monitoring scheme is considered for novelty detection performance evaluation, where vibration signals under different bearing fault conditions are acquired. Thus, the common electric machine monitoring framework, that is, a set of features estimated from a limited number of measurements, is considered in front of the three main novelty detection approaches: probability, domain and distance based. Performance of the corresponding approaches are studied and discussed experimentally. It is revealed that, although novelty detection provides enhanced diagnosis results in all cases, the response of some approaches fit better with the patterns resulting from the electric machine faults and the characteristics of the available measurements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of multiclass novelty detection algorithms for electric machine monitoring

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    The detection of unexpected events represents, currently, one of the most critical challenges dealing with electromechanical system diagnosis. In this regard, machine learning based algorithms widely applied in other fields of application are being considered now to face the novelty detection during the electric machine monitoring. In this study, an electrical monitoring scheme is considered for novelty detection performance evaluation, where vibration signals under different bearing fault conditions are acquired. Thus, the common electric machine monitoring framework, that is, a set of features estimated from a limited number of measurements, is considered in front of the three main novelty detection approaches: probability, domain and distance based. Performance of the corresponding approaches are studied and discussed experimentally. It is revealed that, although novelty detection provides enhanced diagnosis results in all cases, the response of some approaches fit better with the patterns resulting from the electric machine faults and the characteristics of the available measurements.Peer Reviewe

    Estableciendo "puentes" entre la Universidad y el tejido social madrileño : cómo los estudiantes de la Asignatura Ciudad y Urbanismo pueden colaborar en la búsqueda de soluciones urbanísticas a históricas reclamaciones vecinales en el entorno de Puente de Vallecas

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    Publicación de los trabajos elaborados por los estudiantes del curso 2022/23 de la asignatura Ciudad y Urbanismo (35001304) de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el marco de un proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio y reflexiones sobre el proceso tanto de los agentes sociales que formaron parte del mismo, como de los profesores que ha participado en la docencia