

Architectural design and neuroscience at first glance may appear to be two seemingly different fields but for centuries intuitively, architects have been designing based on the principles of neuroscience. Architects through trial and error have gained knowledge of specific architectural elements and the potential these elements have to affect the user. Recently this intuition has been coined “neuro-architecture”. With the advancement of technology neuroscientist can accurately conclude how the human body will react to specific architectural stimuli. The proposal is focused on encouraging and furthering the symbiotic relationship between architecture and neuroscience in an attempt to promote architectural design that moves and elevates the human condition. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the findings of neuroscience and promote their implementation into architectural design, creating a deeper understanding of how the human body relates to architectural surroundings. The methodology assumed closely follows the research typologies used in evidence-based design. The first is a literature review of the findings in neuroscience research and their application to architectural design. Second is an understanding of the anatomy of the body, the senses, and neurobiology as this is the basis in determining the body’s primal reaction to architectural stimuli. The final step of the process will be to create a prototypical design in which research findings bridged and reinforce the connection between neuroscience and architecture, resulting in a design that potentially has the ability to elevate the human experience

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