3,306 research outputs found

    Social Profiles and Social Behaviour and Attitudes towards Gaming and On-Line Gaming in Spain

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    For the last two decades our world has experienced increasing globalization linked to the revolution in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) leading to new business spheres escaping from the traditional Nation-State control. The gaming business is one of these areas and has recorded a notable increase in profits in the last decade: gambling, betting and network games constitute some of the main issues developed by ICT companies located beyond State control. The action of the States is focusing on the formulation of new public policies that allow them to control these activities. But first a deep social description of gaming is needed to know which actors are involved in this field of activities, which is the profile of the gamer and what kind of social attitudes are carried out by users and companies taking part of the business. This article focuses on the social profiles and the social behaviour and attitudes towards gaming in Spain, and specially in the transition from traditional gaming to on line gaming.gaming, internet, social profiles, social behaviour, social attitudes.

    The decisions of Spanish youth : a cross-section study.

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    This paper presents a simultaneous model for the joint decisions of working, studying and leaving the parental household by young people in Spain. Using cross-section data from the 1990–1991 Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares, the model is estimated by a two stage estimation method. Endogeneity of the three decisions proves to be important in order to understand the dynamics of household formation. Our results also confirm a number of plausible intuitions about the effect of individual characteristics and economic variables on these decisions, and provide some new insights into the reasons for young people in Spain remaining in large numbers in the parental home. Most of the results are gender independent.Household formation; Working and studying decisions; Two stage estimation;

    Existence and nonexistence of traveling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in tori

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    We would like to thank the anonymous referee for their careful reading of the paper and the useful suggestions, which have improved the presentation of this work. D. R. has been supported by the FEDER-MINECO Grant PGC2018-096422-B-I00 and by J. Andalucia (FQM-116). He also acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through the IMAG-Maria de Maeztu Excellence Grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.In this paper we consider traveling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which are T-periodic in each variable. We prove that if T is large enough, there exists a solution as a global minimizer of the corresponding action functional. In the subsonic case, we can use variational methods to prove the existence of a mountain-pass solution. Moreover, we show that for small T the problem admits only constant solutions.FEDER-MINECO Grant PGC2018-096422-B-I00Andalucia (FQM-116)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through the IMAG-Maria de Maeztu Excellence Grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Ice in 4º ESO classes

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    En este nivel de Secundaria, en la asignatura de Biología, se estudia principalmente Geología, centrándose en los temas de la tectónica de placas y en la formación de los continentes. Con esta película podremos abandonar un poco la monotonía de las clases normales y al visualizarla, aprender diferentes conceptos sobre el tema. No solamente se trabaja esta asignatura, sino que es una película interdisciplinar al repasar conceptos o conjugaciones gramaticales.At this level, in the subject of Biology, Geology studied mainly focusing on topics of plate tectonics and the formation of the continents. With this film we can leave a little monotony of normal classes and to view, learning different concepts on the subject. This subject not only works this subject because it is an interdisciplinary film to review concepts or grammatical conjugations. The thaw is seen with different eyes for our cartoons, but today is something that is happening in our time due to climate change, which is a reality

    Gastronomy and cuisine for A2-B1: How is the "Roscón de Reyes" cooking?

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    La cocina está teniendo un gran auge en estos últimos años por la emisión de diferentes programas televisivos y por el intento de conseguir una vida saludable.. España tiene una gastronomía rica y diversa, y en cada región se celebra con platos diferentes, pero todos coincidimos en algo, el día 5 o 6 de enero todos tenemos para merendar o desayunar un Roscón de Reyes. En esta unidad realizaremos diferentes actividades para conocer la gastronomía centrándonos en aspectos básicos de la cocina española, desarrollando un nuevo léxico, gramática y determinados valores socioculturales.Cuisine has had a boom in recent years by the broadcast of different television programs and the attempt to get a healthy life. Spain has a rich and diverse cuisine, and in each region is celebrated with different dishes, but we are agree on something, on the 5th or 6th of January we all have to snack or have breakfast “Roscón de Reyes”. In this unit we perform different activities to know the gastronomy focusing on the Spanish cuisine, developing a new lexicon, grammar and certain sociocultural values

    Evaluación de la preparación académica de los graduados en Educación Primaria, para afrontar la inclusión de un alumno con TEA (Trastorno del Espectro Autista) en su aula ordinaria.

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    Tomando cómo centro del estudio una aproximación a las características más relevantes del Trastorno del Espectro Autista, el objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado que aquí se presenta, pretende ser la realización de una investigación relevante y efectiva que evalúe si los Graduados en Educación Primaria están preparados académicamente para atender en su aula ordinaria a alumnos con estas características. Para ello, se ha seguido una metodología cuantitativa, para posteriormente analizar los resultados y relacionarlos con el marco teórico, mostrando en las conclusiones nuestra opinión personal justificada con la investigación realizadaGrado en Educación Primari

    Do you do diet? I do not diet. Calculating the nutritional and energy values

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    En los tiempos que correen, muchas mentalidades ya han cambiado reconociendo que las dietas y el ejercicio son básicos para tener una buena salud corporal y mental. En muchos anuncios se cometen errores al hablar de este tema y por eso sería interesante matizar ciertas definiciones y hablar de la alimentación y de nutrición, que van correlacionados ya que una buena alimentación puede asegurar un estado nutritivo adecuado. A la hora de establecer una dieta equilibrada necesitamos reconocer los requerimientos energéticos que necesita esa persona que podemos determinar por pruebas bioquímicas y fisiológicas.In modern times, they have changed many minds and recognizing that diets and exercise are essential for good physical and mental health. In many ads speech errors committed on this issue and it would be interesting to clarify certain definitions and talk about food and nutrition, which are correlated as a good diet can ensure adequate nutritional status. When establishing a balanced diet we need to recognize the energy requirements that need this person who can determine biochemical and physiological tests. This topic is closely related to 3rd ESO Biology where a subject is studied in this section overall

    El conflicto tribal de Irlanda del Norte

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    From the end of the 60s to the end of the 90s, Northern Ireland underwent a tough process of political violence. The political conflict passed to be placed into the sphere of party competition to the arena of tribal violence and back again. This paper summarizes the main facts and reasons that provoked the conflict and the way to get out of it. It finishes with the conclusion of the Belfast Agreement and the devolution of powers to the new Northern Ireland government

    Street art and graffiti mixed with biology and chemistry

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    El arte urbano, cuyos orígenes son franceses, está en pleno auge en las ciudades, siendo respetado y admirado por los viandantes. No tanto ocurre con el graffiti, creado en Nueva York, que es símbolo de gamberrada por parte de la mayoría de la sociedad y no entienden el significado y la acción que se pretende con ello. Son dos términos diferentes que explicaremos a lo largo del artículo, y en su justa medida, son dos culturas. Este artículo es interdisciplinar, usándose en materias como Biología, Química o Dibujo a lo largo de los diferentes cursos de ESO y Bachilllerato.Urban art, whose origins are French, is booming in cities, being respected and admired by passersby. Not so much happens with graffiti, created in New York, which is a symbol of hooliganism by the majority of society and do not understand the meaning and action is intended with it. They are two different terms that will be explained throughout the article, and in perspective are two types of culture. This article is interdisciplinary, and can be used in subjects such as biology, chemistry or drawing along the various courses of ESO and Bachilllerat