58 research outputs found

    Exploring diversity and distribution of demersal fish species from the Northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera (Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The Alboran Sea is a transition region between the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic Ocean containing a mix of Mediterranean and Atlantic species. The Strait of Gibraltar, at the west end of the Alboran Sea, connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf of Vera also occupies a strategic location in the Western Mediterranean, representing a transition zone between the Alboran Sea and the rest of the basins with a more distinctive Mediterranean character. The Alboran Sea is one of the most productive areas of the Mediterranean, in contrast to the Gulf of Vera that displays a more oligotrophic character. Despite of the interest of the study area the information about the distribution of demersal fishes is scarce. In the present study, the main aim is to analyse diversity and distribution of demersal fish species of circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the Alboran Sea (with a higher Atlantic influence and primary production) and the Gulf of Vera (with a higher Mediterranean influence and lower primary production). Sampling was carried out in the scientific trawl survey MEDITS (International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean) between 30 and 800 m depth. All samples were taken from Estepona and Cabo de Palos between 1994-2015 in the Alboran Sea and between 1995-2008 and 2014-2015 in the Gulf of Vera. (Figure 1). A total of 818 samples (687 from Alboran and 131 from Vera) were considered for this study. For each haul, the abundance and weight of individuals per fish species were standardised to 1 hour towing in order to calculate both species abundance (number of individuals per 1 hour towing) (ind•h−1) and biomass (g•h−1). In order to identify fish assemblages, ordination and classification multivariate methods using fish species abundance and biomass per haul matrices were applied. Prior to analyses, all data were logarithmically transformed using log(x + 1) to minimise the weighting of extreme abundance or biomass values of certain species. An analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) was carried out for statistical comparisons of groups of samples according to the different factors considered (depth, Alboran vs. Vera). Species rarefaction curves were used to compare the species richness values of each fish assemblage. In addition, for each group, Shannon-Wiener (H’) and Taxonomic distinctness (Δ*) diversity indices were calculated. For comparisons of the mean values of the considered variables (abundance, biomass and diversity indices) across the identified assemblages and years, we used a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test. A total of 231 fish species have been identified considering all samples, with 215 spp. collected from Alboran (3 classes, 25 orders and 75 families) and 160 spp.. from Vera (2 classes, 21 orders and 67 families), probably because the number of samples in the latter were lower. The number of occasional species, considering those that were captured only in 1 or 2 samples, were 56 in Alboran and 44 in Vera. The multivariate analyses (nMDS) indicated that depth is the main factor that determines the distribution of species in both areas, with four groups of samples displaying significant differences between them (ANOSIM-Alboran: R=0.85, p=0.001; ANOSIM-Vera: R=0.81, p=0.001). These groups were similar in both areas: Inner continental shelf (30-100 m), Outer continental shelf (101-200 m), Upper continental slope (201-500 m) and Middle continental slope (501-800 m) (Figures 2 and 3). Regarding the faunistic comparison between Alboran and Vera, the most acute differences were found between those samples from the Middle continental slope. These differences were evident for abundance (ANOSIM: R=0.81, p=0.001), biomass (ANOSIM: R=0.78, p=0.001) and species composition (presence-absence data) (ANOSIM: R=0.61, p=0.001). The trends for species rarefaction curves with depth was similar in both areas, with similar curves for the Inner and Outer continental shelf , a decrease of the species number for the Upper slope and finally the lowest number of species for the Middle slope. Likewise, the mean values of abundance, Shannon and Taxonomic indices also showed a similar pattern in both areas. Mean abundances differed significantly between assemblages increasing from the Inner shelf to Outer shelf and decreasing abruptly to the Upper and Lower slope (.minimum values). The Shannon diversity index showed significant differences in Alboran, but not in Vera, with minima in the Outer shelf in both areas. The taxonomic index also displayed significant differences in Alboran and Vera, with low values in the Inner shelf that increased abruptly to the Outer shelf and Upper slope, with a further acute increase in the Middle slope. Unlike for the other indexes, trends for mean the biomass values with depth were different in both areas. In Alboran biomass decreased from the Inner shelf to the Upper slope and increased to the Middle slope. Nevertheless, in Vera the biomass decreased with depth, with significant differences. In two sectors were evident significant differences. Regarding the interannual changes, the differences between years in Alboran were significant respect to species richness, abundance, biomass and Shannon diversity index. No clear increase or decrease trend was detected interannually. Unlike Alboran, in Vera, no significant interannual differences were detected. In conclusion: 1) Four main fish assemblages were detected on the continental shelf and slope in both areas that seem to be strongly linked to the depth gradient. 2) The middle slope showed the higher differences between both areas for abundance, biomass and presence-abundance data. 3) The species rarefaction curves, abundance, Shannon and Taxonomic diversity indices showed similar patterns with depth in both areas. Biomass index showed a different pattern, with maximum values in the Middle slope in Alboran and minimum ones in Vera

    Topical application of a peptide inhibitor of transforming growth factor-beta1 ameliorates bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis

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    Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of skin fibrotic diseases. Systemic TGF-beta inhibitors effectively inhibit fibrosis in different animal models; however, systemic inhibition of TGF-beta raises important safety issues because of the pleiotropic physiological effects of this factor. In this study, we have investigated whether topical application of P144 (a peptide inhibitor of TGF-beta1) ameliorates skin fibrosis in a well-characterized model of human scleroderma. C3H mice received daily subcutaneous injections of bleomycin for 4 wk, and were treated daily with either a lipogel containing P144 or control vehicle. Topical application of P144 significantly reduced skin fibrosis and soluble collagen content. Most importantly, in mice with established fibrosis, topical treatment with P144 lipogel for 2 wk significantly decreased skin fibrosis and soluble collagen content. Immunohistochemical studies in P144-treated mice revealed a remarkable suppression of connective tissue growth factor expression, fibroblast SMAD2/3 phosphorylation, and alpha-smooth muscle actin positive myofibroblast development, whereas mast cell and mononuclear cell infiltration was not modified. These data suggest that topical application of P144, a peptide inhibitor of TGF-beta1, is a feasible strategy to treat pathological skin scarring and skin fibrotic diseases for which there is no specific therapy

    Modulation of vaccine-induced immune responses to hepatitis C virus in rhesus macaques by altering priming before adenovirus boosting

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    BACKGROUND: Preventive and therapeutic vaccine strategies aimed at controlling hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection should mimic the immune responses observed in patients who control or clear HCV, specifically T helper (Th) type 1 and CD8+ cell responses to multiple antigens, including nonstructural protein (NS) 3. Given the experience with human immunodeficiency virus, the best candidates for this are based on DNA prime, pox, or adenovirus boost regimens. METHODS: In rhesus macaques, we compared NS3-expressing DNA prime and adenovirus boost strategy with 2 alternative priming approaches aimed at modifying Th1 and CD8+ responses: DNA adjuvanted with interleukin (IL)-2- and -12-encoding plasmids or Semliki Forest virus (SFV). RESULTS: All prime-boost regimens elicited NS3-specific B and T cell responses in rhesus macaques, including CD8+ responses. SFV priming induced higher lymphoproliferation and longer Th1 memory responses. The use of IL-2- and IL-12-expressing vectors resulted in reduced Th2 and antibody responses, which led to increased Th1 skewing but not to an increase in the magnitude of the IFN- gamma and CD8+ responses. CONCLUSIONS: All strategies induced Th1 cellular responses to HCV NS3, with fine modulations depending on the different priming approaches. When they are developed for more HCV antigens, these strategies could be beneficial in therapeutic vaccine approaches

    Diastolic shock index and clinical outcomes in patients with septic shock

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    Background: Loss of vascular tone is a key pathophysiological feature of septic shock. Combination of gradual diastolic hypotension and tachycardia could reflect more serious vasodilatory conditions. We sought to evaluate the relationships between heart rate (HR) to diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) ratios and clinical outcomes during early phases of septic shock. Methods: Diastolic shock index (DSI) was defined as the ratio between HR and DAP. DSI calculated just before starting vasopressors (Pre-VPs/DSI) in a preliminary cohort of 337 patients with septic shock (January 2015 to February 2017) and at vasopressor start (VPs/DSI) in 424 patients with septic shock included in a recent randomized controlled trial (ANDROMEDA-SHOCK; March 2017 to April 2018) was partitioned into five quantiles to estimate the relative risks (RR) of death with respect to the mean risk of each population (assumed to be 1). Matched HR and DAP subsamples were created to evaluate the effect of the individual components of the DSI on RRs. In addition, time-course of DSI and interaction between DSI and vasopressor dose (DSI*NE.dose) were compared between survivors and non-survivors from both populations, while ROC curves were used to identify variables predicting mortality. Finally, as exploratory observation, effect of early start of vasopressors was evaluated at each Pre-VPs/DSI quintile from the preliminary cohort. Results: Risk of death progressively increased at gradual increments of Pre-VPs/DSI or VPs/DSI (One-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). Progressive DAP decrease or HR increase was associated with higher mortality risks only when DSI concomitantly increased. Areas under the ROC curve for Pre-VPs/DSI, SOFA and initial lactate were similar, while mean arterial pressure and systolic shock index showed poor performances to predict mortality. Time-course of DSI and DSI*NE.dose was significantly higher in non-survivors from both populations (repeated-measures ANOVA, p < 0.001). Very early start of vasopressors exhibited an apparent benefit at higher Pre-VPs/DSI quintile. Conclusions: DSI at pre-vasopressor and vasopressor start points might represent a very early identifier of patients at high risk of death. Isolated DAP or HR values do not clearly identify such risk. Usefulness of DSI to trigger or to direct therapeutic interventions in early resuscitation of septic shock need to be addressed in future studies

    Demersal Fauna on Deep Seamounts of Sierra Leone Rise (Gulf of Guinea, Africa)

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    From January to March 2001 an experimental fishing survey was carried out on the Sierra Leone Rise by four Spanish commercial boats, with the aim of prospecting the fishing potential for longliners of the demersal resources inhabiting the seamounts located between 9ºN-5ºN and 19ºW-27ºW, at depths between 200 m and 1 000 m. A preliminary analysis of the data recorded shows that the demersal fish fauna composition was similar in three of the ten seamounts, with an absolute dominance of the alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe, 1838, which accounted for more than 90% of the total catch between 200 and 800 m depth. Other commercial species in catches were Beryx decadacthylus and some Scorpenidae. The size structure and the distribution of alfonsino oscillated between 27 and 52 cm showing an increase of the mean size with depth which is similar to the pattern found in other seamounts worldwide Major abundances were located at the northern surveyed seamount where the highest yields, up to 750 kg per 1 000 hooks, were obtained. The southernmost surveyed seamount exhibited the lowest abundances and was characterized by the absence of the alfonsino in the catches. The species richness of these deep communities was very low, the accompanying fauna comprising less than 30 species. Discarded fishes were, in order of abundance: Promethicthys prometeus, Coloconger cadenati, Polymixia nobilis, Ruvettus pretiosus, Etmopterus princeps, Serranus accraensis and Gephyroberyx darwini

    Effects of very early start of norepinephrine in patients with septic shock: a propensity score-based analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Optimal timing for the start of vasopressors (VP) in septic shock has not been widely studied since it is assumed that fluids must be administered in advance. We sought to evaluate whether a very early start of VP, even without completing the initial fluid loading, might impact clinical outcomes in septic shock. METHODS: A total of 337 patients with sepsis requiring VP support for at least 6 h were initially selected from a prospectively collected database in a 90-bed mixed-ICU during a 24-month period. They were classified into very-early (VE-VPs) or delayed vasopressor start (D-VPs) categories according to whether norepinephrine was initiated or not within/before the next hour of the first resuscitative fluid load. Then, VE-VPs (n = 93) patients were 1:1 propensity matched to D-VPs (n = 93) based on age; source of admission (emergency room, general wards, intensive care unit); chronic and acute comorbidities; and lactate, heart rate, systolic, and diastolic pressure at vasopressor start. A risk-adjusted Cox proportional hazard model was fitted to assess the association between VE-VPs and day 28 mortality. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed also including those patients requiring VP support for less than 6 h. RESULTS: Patients subjected to VE-VPs received significantly less resuscitation fluids at vasopressor starting (0[0-510] vs. 1500[650-2300] mL, p < 0.001) and during the first 8 h of resuscitation (1100[500-1900] vs. 2600[1600-3800] mL, p < 0.001), with no significant increase in acute renal failure and/or renal replacement therapy requirements. VE-VPs was related with significant lower net fluid balances 8 and 24 h after VPs. VE-VPs was also associated with a significant reduction in the risk of death compared to D-VPs (HR 0.31, CI95% 0.17-0.57, p < 0.001) at day 28. Such association was maintained after including patients receiving vasopressors for < 6 h. CONCLUSION: A very early start of vasopressor support seems to be safe, might limit the amount of fluids to resuscitate septic shock, and could lead to better clinical outcomes

    Circulating citric acid cycle metabolites and risk of cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED study

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    Background and aim Plasma citric acid cycle (CAC) metabolites might be likely related to cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, studies assessing the longitudinal associations between circulating CAC-related metabolites and CVD risk are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of baseline and 1-year levels of plasma CAC-related metabolites with CVD incidence (a composite of myocardial infarction, stroke or cardiovascular death), and their interaction with Mediterranean diet interventions. Methods and results Case-cohort study from the PREDIMED trial involving participants aged 55–80 years at high cardiovascular risk, allocated to MedDiets or control diet. A subcohort of 791 participants was selected at baseline, and a total of 231 cases were identified after a median follow-up of 4.8 years. Nine plasma CAC-related metabolites (pyruvate, lactate, citrate, aconitate, isocitrate, 2-hydroxyglutarate, fumarate, malate and succinate) were measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Weighted Cox multiple regression was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs). Baseline fasting plasma levels of 3 metabolites were associated with higher CVD risk, with HRs (for each standard deviation, 1-SD) of 1.46 (95%CI:1.20–1.78) for 2-hydroxyglutarate, 1.33 (95%CI:1.12–1.58) for fumarate and 1.47 (95%CI:1.21–1.78) for malate (p of linear trend <0.001 for all). A higher risk of CVD was also found for a 1-SD increment of a combined score of these 3 metabolites (HR = 1.60; 95%CI: 1.32–1.94, p trend <0.001). This result was replicated using plasma measurements after one-year. No interactions were detected with the nutritional intervention. Conclusion Plasma 2-hydroxyglutarate, fumarate and malate levels were prospectively associated with increased cardiovascular risk

    The Spanish Infrared Camera onboard the EUSO-BALLOON (CNES) flight on August 24, 2014

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    The EUSO-Balloon (CNES) campaign was held during Summer 2014 with a launch on August 24. In the gondola, next to the Photo Detector Module (PDM), a completely isolated Infrared camera was allocated. Also, a helicopter which shooted flashers flew below the balloon. We have retrieved the Cloud Top Height (CTH) with the IR camera, and also the optical depth of the nonclear atmosphere have been inferred with two approaches: The first one is with the comparison of the brightness temperature of the cloud and the real temperature obtained after the pertinent corrections. The second one is by measuring the detected signal from the helicopter flashers by the IR Camera, considering the energy of the flashers and the location of the helicopter

    The atmospheric science of JEM-EUSO

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    An Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) is critical suite of instruments for JEM-EUSO whose aim is to detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and (EHECR) from Space. The AMS comprises an advanced space qualified infrared camera and a LIDAR with cross checks provided by a ground-based and airborne Global Light System Stations. Moreover the Slow Data Mode of JEM-EUSO has been proven crucial for the UV background analysis by comparing the UV and IR images. It will also contribute to the investigation of atmospheric effects seen in the data from the GLS or even to our understanding of Space Weather

    Database of spatial distribution of non indigenous species in Spanish marine waters

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    Research in marine Spanish waters are focused on several actions to achieve an effectively management on protected areas, with the active participation of the stakeholders and research as basic tools for decision-making. Among these actions, there is one about the knowledge and control on NIS. One of its objectives is the creation of NIS factsheets, which are going to be added to the National Marine Biodiversity Geographical System (GIS) providing complementary information about taxonomic classification, common names, taxonomic synonyms, species illustrations, identification morphological characters, habitat in the native and introduced regions, biological and ecological traits, GenBank DNA sequences, world distribution, first record and evolution in the introduced areas, likely pathways of introduction, effects in the habitats and interaction with native species, and potential management measures to apply. The database will also provide data for (1) the European online platforms, (2) the environmental assessment for the Descriptor 2 (D2-NIS) of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), as well as (3) supporting decisions made by stakeholders. It is the result of extensive collaboration among scientist, manager’s and citizen science in the Spanish North-Atlantic, South-Atlantic, Gibraltar Strait-Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands marine divisions, providing an updated overview of the spatial distribution of relevant extended and invasive NIS of recent and established NIS introduced by maritime transport and aquaculture pathways, as well as on cryptogenic or native species in expansion due to the climatic water warming trend