2,621 research outputs found
Special issue on information flow and WOM in social media and online communities
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A comparative analysis of surface and mechanical properties in MJF 3D printed parts: impact of diverse post-processing approaches
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo analizar las propiedades superficiales y mecánicas de piezas impresas en 3D después de diversas técnicas de post-procesamiento. Inicialmente, se revisan técnicas avanzadas de fabricación aditiva y sus aplicaciones en materiales poliméricos para establecer una base teórica. La investigación luego se centra en los detalles de los polímeros HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) y su caracterización.
Se diseñaron y fabricaron especímenes de prueba según normas establecidas. El estudio se divide en dos partes principales: el ensayo de flexión de cuatro puntos, que mide características mecánicas, y la evaluación de parámetros de rugosidad superficial.
Los resultados muestran correlaciones significativas entre las técnicas de post-procesamiento y tanto la calidad superficial como las propiedades mecánicas de las piezas impresas en 3D por MJF.
Esta investigación destaca el papel crítico del post-procesamiento en la optimización del rendimiento de las piezas impresas en 3D por MJF. Los hallazgos ofrecen ideas valiosas para las industrias que buscan aprovechar la tecnología MJF para aplicaciones de alto rendimiento, proporcionando una base para seleccionar métodos de post-procesamiento adecuados para lograr resultados deseados tanto en calidad superficial como en robustez mecánica.This thesis aims to analyze the surface and mechanical properties of 3D printed parts after various post-processing techniques. Initially, advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their applications to polymer materials are reviewed to establish a theoretical foundation. The research then focuses on the specifics of HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) polymers and their characterization.
Test specimens were designed and fabricated according to established standards. The study is divided into two main parts: the four-point bending test, which measures mechanical characteristics, and the evaluation of surface roughness parameters.
The results show significant correlations between post-processing techniques and both surface quality and mechanical properties of MJF 3D printed parts.
This research highlights the critical role of post-processing in optimizing the performance of MJF 3D printed parts. The findings offer valuable insights for industries seeking to leverage MJF technology for high-performance applications, providing a basis for selecting appropriate post-processing methods to achieve desired outcomes in both surface quality and mechanical robustness.Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu analitzar les propietats superficials i mecàniques de les peces impreses
en 3D després de l’aplicació de diverses tècniques de post-processament. En primer lloc, es revisen
tècniques avançades de fabricació additiva i les seves aplicacions en materials polimèrics per establir
una base teòrica sòlida. A continuació, la investigació se centra en els polímers de HP Multi Jet Fusion
(MJF) i la seva caracterització específica.
Es van dissenyar i fabricar espècimens de prova segons els estàndards establerts. L’estudi es divideix
en dues parts principals: la prova de flexió en quatre punts, que mesura les característiques mecàniques,
i l’avaluació dels paràmetres de rugositat superficial.
Els resultats mostren correlacions significatives entre les tècniques de post-processament i la qualitat
superficial, així com les propietats mecàniques de les peces impreses en 3D mitjançant MJF.
Aquesta investigació ressalta el paper crucial del post-processament en l’optimització del rendiment de
les peces impreses en 3D amb MJF. Les troballes proporcionen perspectives valuoses per a les indústries
que busquen aprofitar la tecnologia MJF per a aplicacions d’alt rendiment, oferint una base per a la
selecció de mètodes de post-processament adequats per aconseguir els resultats desitjats en termes de
qualitat superficial i robustesa mecànica
A Multiple Case Study of Adolescent Piano Students: Examining Motivation Through the Lens of Interest Development
One way of understanding motivation is through the factors that influence it. These factors analyzed as psychological constructs give rise to the notion of motivation variables such as interest. Interest is a powerful variable that affects student motivation to learn (Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Hulleman et al., 2017; O’Keefe et al. 2017; Renninger & Hidi, 2016; Tin, 2013). In 2006, Hidi and Renninger proposed the “Four-Phase Interest Development Model” for the characterization of interest in learning. According to this model, learners can move from a situational level of interest development to a well-developed individual interest, in a sequential manner. This multiple case study explored four adolescent piano students’ motivation to practice using the lens of the Four-Phase Interest Development Model. Musical general behaviors, psychological needs, and self-regulating behaviors, and the role of teachers and parents were also examined. Methodology included using Boeder et al.’s Interest Development Scale to identify participants (2021).
Participants who placed in phase one exhibited motivation in terms of musical behaviors as (1) value recognition in learning piano, (2) struggle with piano fundamentals, (3) independent practice avoidance, (4) pop music repertoire preference, and (5) solo recital and competition avoidance. Participants exhibited unfulfilled psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and belonging. The lack of needs fulfillment influenced their exhibited musical behaviors and self-regulation learning skills. Finally, motivation was exhibited in terms of self-regulation as absence of planning, self-instruction, and self-assessment.
Participants who placed in phase two exhibited motivation in terms of musical behaviors as (1) self-expression and value recognition in learning piano, (2) intermediate piano skills, (3) independent practice enjoyment, and (4) solo recital and competition avoidance. Concerning psychological needs, participants exhibited simultaneously a partial fulfillment of competence while full fulfillment of autonomy and belonging. Finally, motivation is exhibited in terms of self-regulation as (1) emerging planning and self-instruction skills.
Using the “Four-Phase Interest Development Model” as a theoretical framework to understand motivation to practice during intermediate years may offer piano teachers both basic psychological knowledge and practical instructional strategies to foster, to trigger, or to promote interest development and motivation in the music studio
Engagement del consumidor a través del contenido generado por las empresas en instagram
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality of firm-generated content (FGC) posted on Instagram on affective customer engagement (CE). In addition, an examination is undertaken of affective CE as a driver of customer behaviour. Design/methodology/approach: The paper takes a quantitative approach using a sample of 334 women followers of an eco-friendly restaurant Instagram account. After validation of the measurement scales, the hypotheses were tested through structural equation modelling. Drawing on the stimuli-organism-response framework the authors posit that consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality of Instagram posts generate affective CE, which, in turn, influences customer behaviour. Findings: The results showed that the perceived enjoyment and perceived originality of Instagram posts generated by an eco-friendly restaurant have a positive influence on affective CE, which, in turn, affects consumers’ recommendation behaviours, intention to follow the restaurant’s advice on Instagram and intention to revisit the restaurant. Originality/value: This research provides novel insights into how the perceived enjoyment and originality of FGC posted on Instagram increases women’s affective engagement and expands knowledge of how affective CE might increase positive electronic word-of-mouth, intention to follow the restaurant’s advice and repurchase intentionsUniversity of Valencia (Spain) under Grant UV-INV-AE19-121225
Juncus emmanuelis
This species is endemic to a small area in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, with subpopulations scattered in approximately 16 localities. It is assessed as Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) because it has an Area of Occupancy (AOO) of less than 500 km2 and shows signs of severe fragmentation due to the ongoing transformation of its specific habitat of sandy soils with an impermeable underlayer in temporary pools, as a result of several ongoing major threats associated with intensive agricultural activities. Based on this information, a continuing decline in the AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations has been inferred. Additional research and conservation action is needed for this species
Zannichellia contorta
This species is native to southern, central and eastern Spain, with an old record from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco requiring confirmation. The species is very sensitive to eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. The Area of Occupancy (AOO) has been estimated to be less than 500 km2 based on confirmed records and knowledge that its habitat is in continuous decline and at least 40% of the known localities have disappeared, especially in southern Spain. Moreover, an ongoing continuing decline in AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations of this species due to the increase in nutrients concentration from waters of the streams where it lives, which stops its growth, has been observed. The same process of habitat deterioration is happening in central and eastern Spain. The population of this species is severely fragmented with more than half of its subpopulations being isolated with no exchange possibilities and suspected to have reached no viable levels. It therefore qualifies to be listed in the category Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) in the Mediterranean region. Resource and habitat protection and site management are needed. Other recommended conservation measures are ex situ conservation, population and distribution research, and habitat and population monitoring
Females' customer engagement with eco-friendly restaurants in Instagram: the role of past visits.
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the effect on the customer brand engagement (CBE) of followers of an eco-friendly restaurant of their perceptions of the originality of the firm-generated content posted online by the restaurant and the effect of CBE on brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant, paying special attention to the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant. Design/methodology/approach - The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with a sample of 491 female Instagram users who follow the online account of a particular eco-friendly dining establishment. Two group comparisons were conducted to test the moderating effects in relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant and brand advocacy). Findings - Followers' perceptions of the originality of the material posted by the eco-friendly restaurant had a positive influence on CBE which, in turn, affected brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant. Past visits moderated the relationship between CBE and consumer-brand interactions. Practical implications - This study offers restaurants an understanding of how to develop marketing strategies targeted at females on visual-based social networks; it is shown that original posts encourage favourable responses, such as CBE, brand advocacy and behavioural intentions. Managers should organise events and invite their female followers to visit the restaurant. Originality/value - This study adds to the knowledge about customer engagement by explaining how firm-generated content posted on Instagram drives CBE and provides specific suggestions as to how restauranteurs might engage online with their clients. This study goes beyond direct effects and analyses the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant on the relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (visiting intentions and brand advocacy)
Narcissus dubius, Narcisse Douteux
This species is endemic to southern France and eastern Spain. It is assessed as Least Concern because it has a widespread distribution, occurs in several protected areas throughout its range and its population is not expected to significantly decline in the near future. Further studies on the genetic structure of its population and trends in population size at global level are needed
A consumer-oriented model for analysing the suitability of food classification systems
The main function of food classification systems is to regulate the market and inform it (consumers above all) about the different types of products and their characteristics. However, the reality is that many of these systems give rise to confusion and prevent consumers from obtaining a clear idea of them, making the purchasing process more difficult. The objective of this study was to propose a method that can be used as a basis or reference framework for analysing the suitability of any food classification system, based on maximising consumer comprehension and learning, before introducing it into the market. The model proposed establishes the procedure and the necessary indicators for identifying the advantages and drawbacks of each of the different systems, making it possible to compare their suitability. The model was tested empirically by comparing the current classification of orange juices and Iberian ham with two different proposals, in an experiment conducted with an online consumer panel, and using MANCOVA to analyse the differences between the six indicators related to consumer learning results. It was concluded that the model is suitable for assessing the suitability of the classification systems, as it shows technical viability, ease of introduction in practically any situation and the ability to facilitate and guide the process of drawing up consumer-oriented food classification systems
The role of emotions and conflicting online reviews on consumers' purchase intentions
Drawing on dual-process theories, this paper explains how the systematic and heuristic information processing of online reviews with conflicting information can influence consumers' purchase decision making. The study adopts major assumptions of complexity and configuration theory in employing fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis on 680 TripAdvisor users to test the complex interrelationships between emotions and the systematic and heuristic cues used in processing reviews. The results show that the systematic and heuristic processing of online reviews can produce independent impacts on consumer decision making. Both processing routes can interact with each other to affect the domination of one route over the other. In the case of a positive–negative sequence, consumers mainly follow a heuristic processing route. In the reverse sequence, consumers' concerns about the credibility of the reviews leads them to think more deeply (systematic processing) and actively evaluate both the argumentation quality and the helpfulness of the online reviews
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