941 research outputs found

    A comparison of two methods for the definition of Regional Metropolitan Areas through an application in the North of Portugal

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    The objective of this paper is to present a comparison of two methods for the definition of regional metropolitan areas, in a perspective of identification of urban territories with similar characteristics. In this study it is assumed that population density is, in the absence of another measure that describe daily or weekly individual movements, a variable that can be used to evaluate, although indirectly, the activity level and dynamics of the territory. The first method explored here uses ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analyses) techniques for the definition of regional metropolitan areas. The second method is based on an index value that results from a rank of the variable under analysis in a spatial context, both at the local and national (or regional) levels. The methods are implemented in a case study in the north of Portugal, where this is a very opportune issue.

    www.preçoamigo.pt: plataforma eletrónica de compra, venda e troca de bens usados

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    O aumento de utilizadores de Internet e a recessão global que o mundo atravessa, são os dois fatores nucleares para a criação deste projeto de negócio. De acordo com os últimos dados disponíveis de comércio eletrónico do Eurostat, em 2009 os domicílios nos 27 Estados- Membro da União Europeia com acesso à Internet situava-se nos 65%, sendo que a procura de informação sobre produtos e serviços por parte dos utilizadores atingiu os 51%. Mais de um terço dos europeus (37%) encomendou produtos ou serviços através da Internet, um crescimento de 5% face ao ano anterior, o que demonstra o desenvolvimento do comércio eletrónico. Por outro lado, a recessão económica teve um efeito no comportamento dos consumidores, que em relação ao consumo passaram a adotar novas atitudes: redução no consumo, compras mais inteligentes, atenção a economias alternativas, abandono de produtos de luxo e o “faça você mesmo”. É neste contexto que nasce a ideia de criar uma plataforma eletrónica de compra, venda e troca de bens, que signifique para os seus utilizadores valor acrescentado no serviço de divulgação, rapidez e facilidade de processos, comodidade e segurança nas transações. No ambiente sócio-económico acima descrito, o consumidor olha para outras formas de realizar boas compras, identificando nos produtos usados boas oportunidades de negócio. Por outro lado, vê na venda dos seus bens que já não têm utilidade, uma forma de realizar uma receita extra.The increase of Internet users and the global recession that the world is experiencing, are the two key factors to the creation of this business project. According to the latest available data from Eurostat on electronic commerce, in 2009 households in 27 Member-States of European Union with Internet access stood at 65% and the demand for information about products and services by users reached the 51%. More than a third of Europeans (37%) ordered products or services through the Internet, an increase of 5% over the previous year, which demonstrates the development of electronic commerce. On the other hand, the economic downturn had an effect on consumer behavior, which in relation to consumption began to adopt new attitudes: reduction in consumption, shopping smarter, attention to alternative economies, abandonment of luxury goods and "do it yourself" adoption. In this context arises the idea of creating an electronic platform for buying, selling and exchange of goods, which means for users added value to the disclosure service, quick and easy process, convenience and security of transactions. In the social-economic environment described above, the consumer looks for other ways to make good purchases, identifying good business opportunities on used products. On the other hand, finds in the sale of his assets that are no longer useful, a way to make extra revenue

    Comparação de metodologias de análise espacial para definição de zonas urbanas homogéneas

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    O objectivo desta comunicação é apresentar uma comparação entre duas abordagens para delimitação de Áreas urbanas homogéneas que se baseiam na hipótese de que a densidade populacional, na ausência de outras medidas que descrevam os movimentos dos indiví­duos, permite avaliar, ainda que indirectamente, o ní­vel de actividade e dinâmica do território. A primeira abordagem recorre a técnicas de Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais para delimitar regiões a partir de zonas que podem ser consideradas como uniformes, relativamente à  variável analisada. A outra abordagem recorre à  atribuição de um í­ndice, resultante do seu ranking relativamente à  variável em análise num contexto espacial, tanto local como nacional, a cada uma das zonas censitárias. O í­ndice obtido varia entre 0 e 1 e é mais próximo da unidade quando a zona é relevante tanto ao nível local como ao nível nacional e vai reduzindo de valor conforme a zona vai perdendo importância em qualquer dos níveis. Assim, pela análise do índice obtido para cada zona e pela agregação de áreas vizinhas com índice elevado é possível delimitar regiões consideradas uniformes. O caso de estudo aqui descrito, conduzido para Portugal Continental permite comparar a implementação das duas metodologias. Os dados adoptados nas análises espaciais correspondem à distribuição decorrente dos dados populacionais dos Censos de 2001. Para a região em estudo é feita uma primeira análise espacial considerando a freguesia, menor divisão administrativa, como o nível de análise para agregação de territórios com o objectivo de delimitar regiões urbanas homogéneas. No entanto, considerando que a agregação territorial em Portugal com âmbito administrativo passa pela agregação de municípios, foi efectuada uma segunda análise procurando identificar delimitações de áreas metropolitanas que se podem constituir em “Grandes Áreas Metropolitanas” ou em “Comunidades urbanas” (de acordo com a Lei n.º 10/2003, de 13 de Maio)

    A comparison of two methods for the definition of regional Metropolitan Areas through an application in the North of Portugal

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    The objective of this paper is to present a comparison of two methods for the definition of regional metropolitan areas, in a perspective of identification of urban territories with similar characteristics. In this study it is assumed that population density is, in the absence of another measure that describe daily or weekly individual movements, a variable that can be used to evaluate, although indirectly, the activity level and dynamics of the territory. The first method explored here uses ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analyses) techniques for the definition of regional metropolitan areas. The second method is based on an index value that results from a rank of the variable under analysis in a spatial context, both at the local and national (or regional) levels. The methods are implemented in a case study in the north of Portugal, where this is a very opportune issue

    Towards a design observatory: crafting a distributed approach

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    As Design is gaining traction globally different observation models were developed to map the Design landscape. However, the application of these models in contexts with a slower maturation of Design culture and no institutional Design infrastructure can be difficult. With this challenge in mind, this paper presents a new distributed approach to support Design observation. It applies it to a case within the DesignOBS project - a project aiming to identify, map and interpret the Portuguese design landscape - and develops an online platform with the aim to create more efficient and engaging representations of Design practices and realities/contexts to multiple publics, including policymakers. The approach can benefit countries in a similar situation as Portugal, leveraging the participation of design actor- networks, encourage local initiatives, map the evolving Design landscape in collective manner, and hopefully constitute the supporting, resilient backbone to develop national Design policy.Project Design Obs. Towards a design Observatory in Portugal: models, instruments, representation and strategies supported by Lisbon Regional Operational Program (LISBOA 2020) and the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032445), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.publishe

    Optimising the Performance of CO2-Cured Alkali-Activated Aluminosilicate Industrial By-Products as Precursors

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    Three industrial aluminosilicate wastes were studied as precursors to produce alkali-activated concrete: (i) electric arc furnace slag, (ii) municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashes, and (iii) waste glass rejects. These were characterized via X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, laser particle size distribution, thermogravimetric, and Fourier-transform infrared analyses. Distinctive combinations of anhydrous sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution were tried by varying the Na2O/binder ratio (8%, 10%, 12%, 14%) and SiO2/Na2O ratio (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) to find the optimum solution for maximized mechanical performance. Specimens were produced and subjected to a three-step curing process: (1) 24 h thermal curing (70 °C), (2) followed by 21 days of dry curing in a climatic chamber (~21 °C, 65% RH), and (3) ending with a 7-day carbonation curing stage (5 ± 0.2% CO2; 65 ± 10% RH). Compressive and flexural strength tests were performed, to ascertain the mix with the best mechanical performance. The precursors showed reasonable bonding capabilities, thus suggesting some reactivity when alkali-activated due to the presence of amorphous phases. Mixes with slag and glass showed compressive strengths of almost 40 MPa. Most mixes required a higher Na2O/binder ratio for maximized performance, even though, contrary to expectations, the opposite was observed for the SiO2/Na2O ratio

    Optimizing sealed transports of small ornamental fish

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    This is a report on multiple simulated long-term transports of small ornamental fish inside plastic bags. The species involved were Diplodus sargus, Gobius paganellus, Gobiusculus flavescens, Lepadogaster lepadogaster and Lipophrys pholis. The objective of such simulations was moving the maximum bioload possible while ensuring 100% survivorship, ultimately resulting in savings for the end-receiver. Transports were simulated over 24, 48 and 72 hours, with increasing animal bioloads per bag. Half of the trials were performed with “regular” saltwater while the other half involved seawater buffered with Amquel ®, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, with the objective of keeping ammonia low and pH similar to initial baseline values. At the end of each trial, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia were analized and the survival rate calculated and recorded. L. lepadogaster endured the highest bioloads at 100% survivorship (i.e. up to 30 g / L), which is not surprising given the intertidal nature of this species. D. sargus exhibited mortalities with bioloads as low as 3,23 g / L, which echoes its predominantly pelagic nature and relatively lesser ability to endure confinement. The three remaining species showed varying degrees of tolerance to increasing bioloads in transport: L. pholis , also an intertidal species, handled up to 20 g/L over 72 hours, while G. paganellus handled up to 7 g/L over 72 hours, and G. flavescens (a predominantly pelagic species) could deal with no more than 6 g/L up to 72 hours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design infrastructures: proposing alternative strategies for countries with a lower maturation of design culture

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    In Europe, Design Centers and Associations are considered as key infrastructures to efficiently promote and represent the discipline. However, in some countries with a lower maturation of Design culture – such as the case of Portugal - there are no official actors fully dedicated to these activities. Previous research indicated Design schools as a potential alternative infrastructure to promote and represent Design, but further research is needed to understand what they can learn/adapt from the activities currently undertaken by Centers and Associations. This paper maps the European landscape looking in particular at BEDA (Bureaux of European Design Association) members. Based on these insights and recent infrastructuring literature, it develops adapted strategies for observation activities to test with Design schools in the Portuguese territory. The results obtained are a first step to bring countries with lower maturation of design culture under the EU Design Ecosystem radar.Project Design Obs. Towards a design Observatory in Portugal: models, instruments, representation and strategies supported by Lisbon Regional Operational Program (LISBOA 2020) and the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032445), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.in publicatio