944 research outputs found

    Propriedades psicométricas da escala VISA-P: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaObjectivo: Realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura de forma a identificar e sumariar a evidência disponível relativamente às propriedades psicométricas da VISA-P. Uma revisão deste género poderá ser útil à aplicabilidade da VISA-P no contexto clínico perante pacientes com um quadro de tendinopatia do rotuliano. Metodologia: Foi efectuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica em bases de dados distintas (Web of Knowledge, Pubmed, Achademic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text), com recurso a termos de pesquisa predefinidos. Resultados: Um total de 12 estudos foram incluído nesta revisão, de entre uma amostra de 66 resultados. Conclusão: A evidência científica encontrada na realização desta revisão sugere que a VISA-P é uma ferramenta com boas propriedades psicométricas e útil à avaliação e quantificação da severidade de quadros de tendinopatia do rotuliano.Objective: To perform a systematic review of the literature in order to identify and summarize the available evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the VISA-P. A review of this kind may prove itself useful when it comes to the applicability of the VISA-P in clinical practice towards patients presenting with patellar tendinopathy. Methodology: A literature search was conducted in different databases (Web of Knowledge, Pubmed, Achademic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text) using predefined search terms. Results: A total of 12 studies were included in this review from an overall of 66 results. Conclusion: The evidence found in this review suggests that the VISA-P is a tool with good psychometric properties and useful to assess and quantify the severity of patellar tendinopathy.N/

    Implementation of a 2D/3D multimedia content adaptation decision engine

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    Multimedia content consumption has become very popular due to several factors, among which the amount of content available online and the ubiquity of network connectivity. In fact nowadays everyone can be a content producer and be almost permanently connected to the Internet, thus having the possibility to consume content anywhere, anytime. However, content may present itself in a multitude of formats and networks and terminals may offer very dissimilar transport and consumption capabilities, both along time and space. Accordingly, it often happens that the delivery and/or consumption environments do not offer sufficient or adequate resources to allow the remote access to and consumption of original high quality content. Content adaptation techniques establish means to surpass those impossibilities, allowing content delivery to the user regardless of existing constraints. Since there are several ways to adapt multimedia content, to which different users may react differently, the adaptation engine in charge of deciding the type of adaptation to perform, should ideally be driven with the aim of providing the best Quality of Experience (QoE) to the user [1]. To achieve the best possible outcome, the engine should take into consideration the characteristics of every entity and person involved in the content consumption process, which includes, (1) the multimedia content itself, (2) the transport/access network characteristics, (3) the terminal device characteristics and the (4) user preferences. To take into consideration the multimedia content it is necessary to characterise it and eventually to classify it into a set of limited but meaningful classes. Different metrics were implemented to tackle the content characteristics identification/classification. These were mainly focused on the spatial and temporal complexity classification of the content. The networks characteristics establish the restrictions the adaptation decision algorithm has to obey. This is also true for the device capabilities/characteristics. The user preferences are the subjective element that may establish, for one consumption scenario, different QoE, with the use of the same adaptations, for different users. To investigate this parameter, a subjective quality evaluation was performed. Different contents were generated and classified using the metrics devised to perform that task [2] and, based on this classification, four contents with different characteristics were chosen to be presented to the users. Several bitrates were used to simulate different network conditions, three different types of terminals were used (display, tablet and smartphone) and three adaptations were executed over the original contents, namely, spatial, temporal and quality alterations of the content. The users were asked to classify each presented version on a qualitative scale [3]. The obtained results indicate, as expected, the existence of different users profiles and that the (4) users preferences are dependent of the other three factors: (1), (2) and (3). Results from this subjective experiment are now under analysis to generate these user profiles using an approach that complements Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Identification. All these characteristics are to be used by a learning algorithm to define the cost of executing a certain adaptation, whenever a certain content is being consumed under specific conditions by a certain user. These costs are then fed to the adaptation decision engine, already implemented through a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to define the final adaptation decision. References: [1] “Definition of quality of experience,” TD109rev2 (PLEN/12), International Telecommunications Union, ITU-T Study Group 12, 2007. [2] J. Korhonen, U. Reiter, and A Ukhanova, “Frame rate versus spatial quality: Which video characteristics do matter?,” in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2013, Nov 2013, pp. 1–6. [3] ITU-R Recommendation BT.500-13, “Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures,” Tech. Rep. BT.500-13, International Telecommunications Union, January 2012

    A Multi-Agent System Simulation Model for Trusted Local Energy Markets

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    The energy market and electric grid play a major role in everyday life. Most areas in modern society, such as: communication, health, transportation, the financial system and many others; require electrical energy to operate properly. Traditionally energy grids operate in a centralized manner. Consumers are connected to centralized utilities in the grid and energy flows from producers to Consumers. However, the rising in popularity in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as photovoltaic panels installed in households, small commerce and small industry wide spread the use of distributed energy generation, which the main energy grid was not designed to support. One of the possible solutions for this problem is the creation of a Local Energy Market (LeM). A LeM is a market that operates in a small physical area such as a neighborhood. Traditional consumers can become active market participants under a LeM. That is possible because the LeM is structured in such a way as to enable small-scale negotiations and energy exchanges between participants, who traditionally would only be final consumers. The LeM is capable of dealing with distributed energy generation from RES because negotiations and distribution happen at a local level, thus reducing problems with the main grid. Furthermore, the participation in the local market can reduce energy costs or even create profits for consumers, while contributing to easy the management of the grid and associated technical losses. This work explores the concept of LeM and is focused on two main objectives: designing and developing a system that allows the simulation of LeM, and designing and developing a mechanism that allows trusted negotiations in this market. To accomplish these objectives a Multi-Agent System (MAS) architecture is proposed to model and allow the simulation of LeM. Furthermore to support the market it is also proposed a trust model used to evaluate the behavior of participants and detecting faulty or malicious activities. The developed MAS models a LeM based on a Smart Grid, that is an energy grid with a cyber-physical system with smart meters and communications mechanisms. The MAS was developed with agents to model sensors, market participants and a Market Interaction Manager (MIM) agent that is responsible for managing the negotiations and for applying trust mechanisms. The trust mechanism was designed to attribute a dynamic trust value to each participant, which is reviewed during the all negotiation period. This evaluation of the participant’s trust is based on the analysis of historical data, contextual data, such as weather conditions, and by using forecasting methods to predict the participant expected behavior, allowing to penalize the ones that are exhibiting a questionable behavior in the market. A case study simulation was made with the objective of understanding how the proposed trust mechanism performed, and how the use of different forecasting methods can interfere with it. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the trust methodology is able to update the trust of each participant, during the negotiation period, and when paired with a well performing forecasting mechanism it is able to achieve a trusted evaluation of the participants behavior. Taking into consideration these results we believe that the proposed trust methodology is capable of providing a valuable trust assessment when used by the MIM agent. This Master Thesis is developed within the scope of a project called Secure interactions and trusted Participation in local Electricity Trading (SPET), a FCT-SAICT2017 funded Research & Development project. SPET project envisions the development of a MAS that is designed to model and simulate the operations of a LeM, taking a focus on security and market trust necessary in this negotiation environment.O mercado de energia e a rede elétrica desempenham um papel importante na vida quotidiana da população. Grande parte das áreas da sociedade moderna, como é o caso da comunicação, transportes, saúde, sistema financeiro, entre outras; requer energia elétrica para funcionar corretamente. Tradicionalmente, as redes de energia operam de forma centralizada. Os consumidores estão conectados a fornecedores centralizados na rede e a energia é transferida dos produtores para os consumidores. No entanto, o aumento da popularidade das Fontes de Energia Renováveis (FER), como painéis fotovoltaicos instalados nas residências, pequeno comércio e pequena indústria, difundiu o uso da geração distribuída de energia, que a rede principal de energia não foi projetada para suportar. Uma das possíveis soluções para esse problema é a criação de um Mercado Local de Energia (MLe). Um MLe é um mercado que opera numa pequena área física, como uma vizinhança. Num MLe, os consumidores tradicionais têm a possibilidade de ser participantes ativos no mercado. Isto é possível porque o MLe está estruturado de forma a permitir negociações em pequena escala e trocas de energia entre os participantes, que tradicionalmente seriam apenas consumidores finais. O MLe é capaz de lidar com a geração de energia distribuída proveniente das FER, porque as negociações e a distribuição ocorrem a um nível local, reduzindo assim os problemas com a rede principal. Para além disso, a participação no mercado local pode reduzir os custos de energia ou até gerar lucros para os consumidores, contribuindo ainda para facilitar a gestão da rede e reduzir as perdas técnicas a ela associadas. Este trabalho explora o conceito de MLe e está focado em dois objetivos principais: projetar e desenvolver um sistema que permita a simulação de MLe, bem como um mecanismo que permita negociações confiáveis neste mercado. Para atingir estes objetivos, é proposta uma arquitetura de Sistema Multi-Agente (SMA) para modelar e permitir a simulação do MLe. Para além disso, para apoiar o mercado, também é proposto um modelo de confiança utilizado para avaliar o comportamento dos participantes e detetar falhas ou atividades maliciosas. O SMA desenvolvido modela um MLe com base numa Smart Grid, que é uma rede de energia com um sistema ciber-físico, com sensores inteligentes e mecanismos de comunicação. O SMA foi desenvolvido com agentes para modelar sensores, participantes do mercado e um agente Market Interaction Manager (MIM), responsável pela gestão das negociações e pela aplicação de mecanismos de confiança. O mecanismo de confiança foi projetado para atribuir um valor de confiança dinâmico a cada participante, que é adaptado durante todo o período de negociação. Essa avaliação da confiança do participante é baseada na análise de dados históricos, contextuais, como condições climatéricas, e no uso de métodos de previsão para antever o comportamento esperado do participante, permitindo penalizar aqueles que exibem um comportamento questionável no mercado. Foi realizada uma simulação de caso de estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho do mecanismo de confiança proposto e de que forma é que o uso de diferentes métodos de previsão interfere neste desempenho. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a metodologia de confiança é capaz de atualizar a confiança de cada participante, durante o período de negociação e, quando combinada com um mecanismo de previsão com bom desempenho, é capaz de obter uma avaliação confiável do comportamento dos participantes. Tendo em consideração estes resultados, acreditamos que a metodologia de confiança proposta é capaz de fornecer uma avaliação de confiança valiosa quando usada pelo agente MIM. Esta tese de mestrado é desenvolvida no âmbito de um projeto chamado Secure interactions and trusted Participation in local Electricity Trading (SPET), um projeto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D) financiado pela FCT-SAICT2017. O projeto SPET tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um MAS para a modelação e simulação de MLe, tendo como foco a segurança e confiança necessárias neste ambiente de negociação

    Psilocybin-assisted therapy and depression - a systematic review

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    A Psilocibina é um agonista dos recetores da serotonina, mais comummente encontrado, nos cogumelos da espécie Psilocybe. Sendo consumida por culturas indígenas por milénios, foi comercializada em diversos países, na década de 1960, sob o nome comercial Indocybin, e, previamente à sua eventual proibição, foi usada com segurança como adjuvante de psicoterapia no tratamento de depressão e ansiedade. Recentemente, a segurança e facilidade do uso prático da Psilocibina impulsionaram a sua ressurreição e relatórios preliminares positivos sobre a sua segurança e tolerabilidade para múltiplas doenças, como transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e dependência, foram publicados. O principal objetivo desta revisão é apresentar a informação científica existente sobre os efeitos da terapêutica com Psilocibina em pacientes diagnosticados com depressão. Recorrendo à PubMed como fonte bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa, baseada nas palavras *Psilocybin e *Depression, tendo como alvo, ensaios clínicos. Referências dos artigos selecionados e artigos de revisão também foram analisados. 4 artigos cumpriram os critérios de inclusão: 2 destes avaliam os efeitos da Psilocibina em 32 pacientes com depressão resistente; Os restantes 2 artigos avaliam os efeitos da Psilocinbina em 80 pacientes com ansiedade e depressão relacionadas com o cancro. Todos os artigos demonstratam que a Psilocibina produz um efeito imediato e substancial nos sintomas depressivos que, em última análise, se sustentam até 6 meses após a sua administração. Em conclusão, a utilização da Psilocibina é uma inovadora terapêutica da depressão. Contudo, considerando as pequenas populações dos estudos existentes, são necessárias futuras investigações com o intuito de confirmar esta associação positiva, mas também com o intuito de compreender totalmente os mecanismos de ação e os efeitos da Psilocibina.Background: Psilocybin is a naturally occurring serotonin receptor agonist that can be, more commonly, found in the Psilocybe mushrooms. Consumed by indigenous cultures for millenia, Psilocybin, in the 1960s, was marketed in many countries under the trade name Indocybin, and, before its eventual ban, was safely used as an adjunct to psychotherapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Recently, the safety and ease of practical use of psilocybin propelled its resurrection and positive preliminary reports on the safety and tolerability of psilocybin for multiples diseases, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and addiction, have been published. Aims: The main objective of this review is to outline existing scientific information about the effects of Psilocybin-based therapy on patients diagnosed with depression. Methods: Using PubMed as the database, a research was conducted, based on the research words *Psilocybin and *Depression and targeting clinical trials. References of selected articles and review articles were also assessed. Results: A total of 4 articles met the inclusion criteria. 2 articles evaluate psilocybin effects in 32 patients with treatment-resistant depression. The remaining 2 articles evaluate psilocybin effects in 80 patients with cancer-related anxiety and depression. All articles showed that psilocybin produced immediate and substantial improvements in depression, that, ultimately, could sustain up to 6 months. Conclusion: Psilocybin-assisted therapy is a very appealing new possibility in the treatment of depression. However, due to the small populations of the existing trials, future studies are needed to prove this positive association and to fully understand Psilocybin´s mechanisms of action and effects

    QuiiQ automation foundation

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Manual Orientador dos Planos Locais de Saúde

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    O Plano Nacional de Saúde Revisão e Extensão a 2020 constitui-se como uma plataforma que visa desenvolver e reforçar a implementação do PNS a nível nacional, regional e local. Neste contexto, importa salientar que os Planos Locais de Saúde (PLS) são instrumentos ímpares de implementação do PNS, de alinhamento com os objetivos nacionais e regionais e, como tal, devem refletir nas suas estratégias, em todas as intervenções os quatro eixos estratégicos, segundo uma abordagem intersectorial que envolva os diferentes parceiros que têm impacto na saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetic systems for regenerative medicine

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    [Excerpt] Over the last decade, magnetic-based systems have made remarkable breakthroughs in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The ability for contactless manipulation of magnetic responsive biomaterials, or even living cells, has been leveraged to devise innovative concepts that are widening the available bioengineering design space that can be explored in this multidisciplinary field. From the fabrication of cellular constructs with bioinspired patterns and hierarchical structures up to the concepts of levitational bioassembly, magnetic systems are enabling to engineer 3D tissues that better recapitulate the complex biophysical and biological cues of their native counterparts. Moreover, the inherent magnetic responsiveness of this living systems is being explored as mechanical and electrical nanotransducers to further stimulate cell functions, not only in vitro but also in vivo. Remarkably, recent advances in the convergence of microfabrication technologies with magnetic materials is also opening prospects to further fabricate advanced living microrobots and microphysiological systems with new added functionalities. Due to their good track record of biological tolerance and biodegradability, iron oxide-based nanoparticles remain the first choice of (superpara)magnetic nanomaterials, but new variants and combinations of nanomaterial are being increasingly explored in this field. Altogether, magnetic systems are contributing in multiple ways to boost the regenerative potential of bioengineered constructs and may lead to the development of in vitro tissue/organ models with improved physiological relevance. [...