89 research outputs found

    Faktor Determinan Aktivitas Kholinesterase Darah Petani Holtikultura di Kabupaten Majalengka

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    Blood cholinesterase is an indicator of pesticide intoxication which is still a threat to public health, especially in agriculturural areas. In 2005, in Majalengka district, study found rates of mild intoxiciation (21.7%), moderate intoxication (32.5%), and heavy intoxication (3.6%). This research aims at investigating determinant factors of blood cholinesterase activity among horticulture sprayer farmers. The study employed cross-sectional design with blood cholinesterase activity test results conducted by Majelengka Health Office in 2007 as secondary data. Dominant variables related to cholinesterase activity found in multivariate analysis were spraying history (OR=9.613, 95% CI=2.906-31.799), using long sleeve self protective wear (OR=8.872, 95% CI=2.006-39.232), proper shower (OR=5.446, 95% CI=1.266-23.417), smoking during spraying (OR=4.641, 95% CI=1.717-12.546), history of training/extension (OR=3.217, 95% CI=1.466-7.059), spraying position against wind (OR=2.550, 95% CI =1.169-5.564) and age (OR=0.416, 95% CI OR =0.190-0.911). It is recommended to spray once in three weeks and not more, employing group work and shifting method; increasing frequency of training/extension in an integrated way within working área of Health Center by inserting materials on clean and healthy lifestyle, pesticide exposure, pesticide handling, the use of self protective wear, and prevention and handling pesticide intoxication


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    Dalam dekade terakhir, kajian tentang  relasi bahasa, media, dan teknologi komunikasi telah menjadi kajian lintas disiplin yang menarik  perhatian para ahli dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Lebih khusus, dalam kaitannya dengan kajian wacana  di Internet, penggunaan bahasa di Internet  dipandang sebagai pertanda lahirnya “new genre” sekaligus sebagai the state of the art dalam kajian wacana, yang dikenal sebagai kajian computer mediated discourse analysis (CMDA).  Dalam konteks perkembangan itu, kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk merumuskan model  analisis relasi bahasa dan Internet berbasis CMDA. Pertanyaannya, “sejauh mana paradigma CMDA  dapat dirumuskan sebagai model pengembangan analisis relasi bahasa dan Internet. Kajian ini menemukan, bahwa ragam bahasa di Internet tidak sepenuhnya menunjukkan ciri-ciri ragam tulis, akan tetapi cenderung menunjukkan ciri-ciri “ragam lisan yang dituliskan”. Di samping itu, ditemukan pula, bahwa konteks media dan konteks situasi komunikasi tampak berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam menentukan makna suatu tuturan di Internet.  Dengan demikian, paradigma CMDA dalam kajian wacana di Internet tampak relevan digunakan, terutama untuk mengindentifikasi ragam bahasa dan makna tuturan di Internet.Kata kunci: konteks media; konteks situasi komunikasi; Internet; computer mediated discourse analysis (CMDA)In the last decade, the study of language relations, media, and communications technology has become an interdisciplinary study that attracts the attention of experts from various disciplines. More specifically, in relation to the study of discourse on the Internet, the use of language on the Internet is seen as a sign of the birth of "new genre" as well as the state of the art in discourse studies, known as computer mediated discourse analysis (CMDA). In the context of this development, this study is intended to formulate models of analysis of language and Internet relationships based on CMDA. The question centers on the extent to which the CMDA paradigm can be formulated as a model for the development of language and Internet relation analysis. This study reveals that the variety of languages on the Internet does not fully show the characteristics of writing, but tends to show the characteristics of "written verbal". In addition, the analysis showed that the context of the media and the context of the communication situation seemed to have a significant effect on determining the meaning of a speech on the Internet. Thus, the CMDA paradigm in the study of discourse on the Internet seems relevant to use, especially to identify the variety of languages and meanings of speech on the Internet.Keywords: media context; context of communication situation; Internet; computer mediated discourse analysis (CMDA

    An Analysis of Implicature and Speech Acts on Scarlett Whitening Advertisement: Study of Critical Discourse Analysis’s Sara Mills

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    The aims of this study are to describe the usage of implicature and kinds of speech acts used by Scarlett Whitening’s advertisement on Instagram captions and advertisement video on the Instagram official account Scarlett Whitening. Critical Discourse Analysis theory by Sara Mills will be the grand theory in this study. The implicature theory by Grice and Speech act theory by Searle will be conducted in this study. A descriptive qualitative method will be used in this study. The data in this study are kinds of words, phrases, and or sentences that contain implicature meaning from Scarlett Whitening’s advertisement in the form of an Instagram caption or speech from star ambassador, Korean actor Song Joong Ki in a video of Scarlett Whitening’s advertisement. The result shows that there is the usage of implicature and illocutionary speech acts in Scarlett Whitening’s advertisement

    Analysis of Adhesion Quality of Mangium Laminated Wood with Polystirene Resin

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    Adhesion quality effeccted by adhesive and adheren quality, adhesion process, and product purpose condition. Materials in this research used mangium wood (Acacia mangium) and polystirene resin. The objective of the research was to know the adhesion quality of laminated wood and effect of fiber orientation (axial/ A; radial/ R; tangensial/ T), glue spread (120; 170 g/cm2) and glue spread system (single spread/ SS; double spread/ DS) to adhesion quality of laminated wood. The research results show that the highest of glue line shear strength are 5.01 N/mm2 (R–SS–170) for dry test, and 4.68 N/mm2 (T–SS–170) for wet test. Meanwhile the lowest of glue line shear strength are 1.47 N/mm2 (A–SS–120) for dry test, and 1.47 N/mm2 (T–SS–120) for wet test. Only two wet test laminated wood (T–SS–170 and T–SS–120) fulfill Indonesian standard/ SNI 06–6049–1999 (glue line shear strength ≥3 N/mm2)


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    This study aims to analyze the diction, language power, and ideology used by Kaesang Pangerep in his first political speech. The analysis was based on Fairclough's CDA theory (1989) and combined with Thomas N. Huckin's model. The research method used was descriptive qualitative, focusing on elaborating paragraphs, sentences, and words. The analysis began with an examination of the entire text, followed by a more detailed analysis of sentences and words. The text was analyzed to understand the contextual interpretation of the relationship between language power and ideology. Additionally, language relevance and style features were analyzed to understand Kaesang Pangarep's diction in his public speech. The results indicated that the connections between language power and ideology were broadly defined through CDA. The study revealed that although there were instances of irrelevant language use, Kaesang Pangarep's speech was directly aimed at the Millennial party. The linguistic ideology in his speech was observed to reflect a legacy role from current political issues, suggesting a shift in the language used to build the ideology, with specific aims and a legacy of current linguistic issues

    Effect of Soaking Treatment to Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Wettability and Its Comparison with Several Woods Wettablility

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    The wettability in term of corrected water absorption height (CWAH) of treated oil palm empty fruit bunches (TKS) particles and compare with some woods wettablility was investigated. The treatments were soaking TKS in cold water, hot water and ethanol–benzene. The objective of the research was to know the effect of soaking treatment on the wettability as indicator of gluability of the TKS particles adhesion strength and its comparison with several woods wettablility. The research results show that the CWAH of the TKS which were soaked in cold water, hot water and ethanol–benzene were 72 mm, 202 mm and 214 mm, respectively. Meanwhile the CWAH of untreated TKS was only 46 mm, were lower than those the treated ones. The analysis of variance shows that the soaking treatment in ethanol–benzene and hot water significantly and positively affect wettability. Generally, CWAH of the TKS was lower than other woods, which effected by density, porousity and extractive difference


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    The title of this research is The Translation of Relative Pronoun “Yang†in 9 summers 10 automns, an Indonesian Novel: Syntactic and Semantic Studies. This research deals with translation of the relative pronoun “yang†in Indonesian novel. The material discussed in this research is about how the relative pronoun “yang†is translated into English. The writer has used a descriptive-comparative method because the writer tries to explain clearly and specifically the topic on the relative pronoun “yangâ€, and tries to compare between the relative pronoun “yang†and its translation in English. There are two categories in this research. The two categories are; (1) in what way the relative pronoun “yang†explicitly is translated into English; (2) what constructions are the forms of the relative pronoun in English as the result of the translation of the relative pronoun “yangâ€. From the result of the research which has used corpus analysis, it can be concluded that there are three analysis of translation of the relative pronoun “yang†after being translated into English. They are relative pronoun who, relative pronoun whom, and relative pronoun whose


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    Salah satu profesi umat muslim di Indonesia saat ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), penghasilan mereka merupakan salah satu subjek zakat yang disebut zakat profesi, dan setiap zakat dikeluarkan apabila telah mencapai nishab. Majelis Ulama Indonesia mengatur zakat profesi dalam Fatwa MUI Nomor 3 Tahun 2003 Tentang Zakat Penghasilan. Ciamis merupakan salah satu contoh kota kabupaten yang menerapkan peraturan tersebut. Namun Kementerian Agama Kab. Ciamis mengambil zakat profesi setiap bulan dari semua golongan PNS, meskipun sebagian penghasilan PNS golongan tertentu belum mencapai nishab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kab. Ciamis dalam penentuan nishab zakat profesi PNS yang ditinjau oleh Fatwa MUI Nomor 3 Tahun 2003. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Ketentuan nishab zakat profesi PNS yang diterapkan di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kab. Ciamis tidak sepenuhnya mengikuti regulasi yang dijadikan patokan seluruh instansi di Kab. Ciamis, baik Fatwa MUI Nomor 3 Tahun 2003 maupun Keputusan Ketua BAZNAS Nomor 142 Tahun 2017. 2) Pelaksanaan zakat profesi PNS di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kab. Ciamis tidak selaras dengan Fatwa MUI Nomor 3 Tahun 2003 sebab zakat dikenakan kepada semua golongan PNS, zakat diambil dari penghasilan kotor, serta zakat dikeluarkan meskipun belum mencapai waktu haul

    Analysis of Language Politeness in Students and Lecturer Interactions on WhatsApp group: a Pragmatic approach

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    This research presents an analysis of language politeness in interactions between students and lecturers on WhatsApp group. With the increasing integration of digital platforms in educational settings, understanding the dynamics of language use and politeness in these contexts becomes crucial. The study aims to investigate the strategies employed by students and lecturers to convey politeness and maintain positive interactions within a virtual learning environment. The research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing discourse analysis to examine messages exchanged on WhatsApp group among students and lecturers. The data collection involved capturing and archiving conversations from WhatsApp group in English Syntax course in 2021/2022 academic year of English Department in Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Unikom).  The data are analyzed using Leech’s politeness theory. According to Leech the politeness principles are divided into six, namely the tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The results show that the percentage of conformity regarding compliance and violation of maxims with the result being 100% conform, so that politeness in language interactions between students and lecturers in WhatsApp media in the course was stated to be very polite. The findings indicate that both students and lecturers employ various politeness strategies to foster positive communication. These strategies include the use of indirect speech acts, mitigating language, politeness markers, and positive politeness strategies such as expressing gratitude and offering support. Furthermore, the analysis reveals the influence of power dynamics on language politeness. Lecturers were found to engage in a more authoritative discourse, while students often adopted deferential and respectful language. However, instances of assertiveness from students were also observed, challenging traditional power differentials and promoting a more egalitarian communication style. The implications of this research shed light on the importance of fostering respectful and polite communication within virtual learning environments. The findings can inform educators and students on effective language use to maintain positive interactions and create inclusive educational spaces. Furthermore, the study contributes to the existing literature on digital communication and politeness strategies, adding valuable insights into the specific context of WhatsApp group interactions in educational settings. Keywords: Language politeness, Virtual Learning Environment, WhatsApp Group, Maxim

    Comparison of Lexical Density and Grammatical Intricacy in News Text of Readability

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    This study aims to determine the density of a news text published by the Business of Fashion and the New York Times as well as the legibility of the news text in helping readers understand. Based on this qualitative study, it was found that from both types of texts with the same theme, the results of the lexical density and Grammatical Intricacy of the two texts were obtained with the following results. T1 has a lexical density index of 58.13% with a Grammatical Intricacy level of 12 and T2 has a lexical density index of 54.18% with a Grammatical Intricacy level of 8. It can be concluded that the reader will more easily understand T2 than T1 because of the results of the index calculation from lexical density and Grammatical Intricacy owned by the two texts
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