816 research outputs found

    Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus using IADPSG and DIPSI criteria: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Considering the magnitude of adverse pregnancy outcomes related to gestational diabetes, the present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus using the international association of diabetes in pregnancy study groups criteria (IADPSG) and diabetes in pregnancy study group India (DIPSI) criteria to ascertain whether the present practice of diagnosing GDM by the guidelines recommended by DIPSI 21 based on WHO criterion of 2-h PG ≥140 mg/dL can still be followed in this study settings or adopt IADPSG recommendation.Methods: This study was done at Antenatal Clinic, department of obstetrics and gynecology, KLES Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belgaum from January 2013 to December 2013. A total of 225 pregnant women between 24 to 28 weeks gestations were studied. Diagnosis and the prevalence of GDM were assessed by applying both DIPSI and IADPSG criteria.Results: Most of the women (58.11%) were between 22 to 25 years and the mean age was 23.78±3.38 years. Based on the IADPSG criteria, the prevalence of GDM was 19.11% and by applying DIPSI criteria, prevalence of GDM was 16.89%. The difference in diagnostic capability between IADPSG and DIPSI was found to be 2.8% and the kappa statistics showed good strength of agreement between the two tests (p>0.302; Kappa=0.774).Conclusions: It was concluded that, the diagnosis GDM based on DIPSI is as effective as IADPSG criteria. Further, in resource poor countries like India, DIPSI procedure would be used with an advantage of being less costly and without compromising the clinical equipoise.

    Short-time critical dynamics at perfect and non-perfect surface

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    We report Monte Carlo simulations of critical dynamics far from equilibrium on a perfect and non-perfect surface in the 3d Ising model. For an ordered initial state, the dynamic relaxation of the surface magnetization, the line magnetization of the defect line, and the corresponding susceptibilities and appropriate cumulant is carefully examined at the ordinary, special and surface phase transitions. The universal dynamic scaling behavior including a dynamic crossover scaling form is identified. The exponent β1\beta_1 of the surface magnetization and β2\beta_2 of the line magnetization are extracted. The impact of the defect line on the surface universality classes is investigated.Comment: 11figure

    Surface critical behavior in fixed dimensions d<4d<4: Nonanalyticity of critical surface enhancement and massive field theory approach

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    The critical behavior of semi-infinite systems in fixed dimensions d<4d<4 is investigated theoretically. The appropriate extension of Parisi's massive field theory approach is presented.Two-loop calculations and subsequent Pad\'e-Borel analyses of surface critical exponents of the special and ordinary phase transitions yield estimates in reasonable agreement with recent Monte Carlo results. This includes the crossover exponent Φ(d=3)\Phi (d=3), for which we obtain the values Φ(n=1)0.54\Phi (n=1)\simeq 0.54 and Φ(n=0)0.52\Phi (n=0)\simeq 0.52, considerably lower than the previous ϵ\epsilon-expansion estimates.Comment: Latex with Revtex-Stylefiles, 4 page

    Autonomie in IT-Systemen : Ein Konzeptionelles Modell

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Die Erforschung und Anwendung von autonomen Systemen ist momentan in der Informatik ein Themengebiet von wachsendem Interesse. Die Aussicht, mit autonomen Verfahren komplexe Systeme handhabbar zu machen und Kosteneinsparungen bei deren Betrieb zu erzielen, hat bereits die Softwareindustrie auf dieses Thema gelenkt und zu neuartigen Produkten geführt. Andererseits darf die Verlässlichkeit eines Systems nicht aufgrund eines autonomen Verfahrens herabgesetzt werden. Dieses Spannungsfeld ist ein Fokus verschiedener Forschungsbemühungen, um autonome Systeme alltagstauglich zu machen.Beim Gebiet der autonomen Systeme handelt es sich um ein junges Themengebiet, welches noch nicht durch allgemein akzeptierte Definitionen geprägt ist. Dadurch entsteht der Bedarf einer terminologischen Basis, die sich momentan in der Phase der Etablierung befindet. Diese Arbeit beteiligt sich an diesem Prozess und schlägt ein konzeptionelles Modell vor. Dieses Modell benennt die grundlegenden Termini und zeigt deren Zusammenhänge auf. Es beschreibt eine Interpretation der relevanten Begriffe und leitet daraus Relationen ab. Auf diese Weise fördert es das gemeinsame Verständnis und erleichtert die Kommunikation bezüglich spezifischer Fragestellungen innerhalb dieses Gebietes

    Influence of the diatomite specie on the peak and residual shear strength of the fine-grained soil

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    Diatomite is a powdering mineral mainly composed of diatom microfossils present in marine and lacustrine soils, which influences their physical and mechanical properties. Although many articles have been found in the literature concerning the influence of diatomite in the overall behavior of natural soils, few research efforts have been carried out to evaluate the influence of the diatom microfossil species on their shear resistance. Therefore, in this research, the influence of the diatomite species and the content in the peak and the residual shear strength of diatomite-fine grained soil mixtures was analyzed using the annular shear strength test. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Atterberg limits were also carried out as additional tests to explain the interlocking effect between the microfossils and the soil. Overall, both diatomite species increased both peak and residual shear strength of the soil similar to dense sands. Nevertheless, the Mexican species reveal higher friction angle values compared with Colombian species

    Expression of hepatocyte growth factor-like protein in human wound tissue and its biological functionality in human keratinocytes

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    Hepatocyte growth factor-like protein (HGFl) and its receptor, Recepteur d'Origine Nantais (RON), have been implicated in the development of wound chronicity. HGFl and RON expression was detected in acute wound tissue, chronic wound tissue and in normal skin using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). HGFl and RON expression was also assessed in chronic healing and chronic non-healing wound tissues using Q-PCR and immunohistochemical staining. Expression was similarly detected in the HaCaT immortalized human keratinocyte cell line using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). rhHGFl was used to assess the impact of this molecule on HaCaT cell functionality using in vitro growth assays and electric cell-substrate impendence sensing (ECIS) migration assays. HGFl and RON transcript expression were significantly increased in acute wound tissue compared to chronic wound tissue and were also elevated, though non-significantly, in comparison to normal skin. Minimal expression was seen in both healing and non-healing chronic wounds. Treatment of HaCaT cells with rhHGFl had no effect on growth rates but did enhance cell migration. This effect was abolished by the addition of a phospholipase C gamma (PLCγ) small molecule inhibitor. The increased expression of HGFl and RON in acute, healing wounds and the pro-migratory effect of HGFl in an in vitro human keratinocyte model, may indicate a role for HGFl in active wound healing

    Development and validation of a gene expression test to identify hard-to-heal chronic venous leg ulcers

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    Background: Chronic venous leg ulcers pose a significant burden to healthcare systems, and predicting wound healing is challenging. The aim of this study was to develop a genetic test to evaluate the propensity of a chronic ulcer to heal. Methods: Sequential refinement and testing of a gene expression signature was conducted using three distinct cohorts of human wound tissue. The expression of candidate genes was screened using a cohort of acute and chronic wound tissue and normal skin with quantitative transcript analysis. Genes showing significant expression differences were combined and examined, using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, in a controlled prospective study of patients with venous leg ulcers. A refined gene signature was evaluated using a prospective, blinded study of consecutive patients with venous ulcers. Results: The initial gene signature, comprising 25 genes, could identify the outcome (healing versus non‐healing) of chronic venous leg ulcers (area under the curve (AUC) 0·84, 95 per cent c.i. 0·73 to 0·94). Subsequent refinement resulted in a final 14‐gene signature (WD14), which performed equally well (AUC 0·88, 0·80 to 0·97). When examined in a prospective blinded study, the WD14 signature could also identify wounds likely to demonstrate signs of healing (AUC 0·73, 0·62 to 0·84). Conclusion: A gene signature can identify people with chronic venous leg ulcers that are unlikely to heal

    Medición de la conductividad hidráulica bajo trayectorias horizontales en suelos granulares

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    In geotechnical structures, the permeability-dependent stability analysis is generally evaluated under vertical trajectories, because most permeameters are configured so that the water passes through the porous medium in this way. However, it is clear from the physical point of view that water can flow along different paths, including preferential ways that can include horizontal trajectories, parallel to the deposit of the stratum. The foregoing implies that both the vertical and horizontal component of the hydraulic conductivity or permeability coefficient must be estimated for a given stratum. The current research aims to explore possibilities for measuring the coefficient of permeability in horizontal trajectories, on granular soils, under a constant condition of relative density. For this purpose, a special chamber attached to a constant head permeameter was designed and constructed, which allows to measure the permeability in conditions of horizontal flow parallel to the soil layers. The proposed camera also admits the estimation of the permeability coefficient by combining stratifications of different granular soils, where the trajectories are not perfectly horizontal, but have diagonal paths. The results are compared with data obtained by conventional vertical flow permeameters, in order to check the difference in the measurements considering both situations in the samples. As a conclusion, it is important to report that there is evidently a difference in the permeability coefficients measured under different trajectories,En las estructuras geotécnicas generalmente el análisis de estabilidad dependiente de la permeabilidad, es evaluado bajo trayectorias verticales, debido a que la mayoría de permeámetros están configurados para que el agua atraviese de esta manera el medio poroso. No obstante, es claro desde el punto de vista físico que el agua puede fluir siguiendo diferentes caminos, entre ellos recorridos preferenciales que pueden incluir trayectorias horizontales paralelas a la depositación del estrato. Lo anterior implica que se debe estimar para un estrato, tanto la componente vertical, como horizontal de la conductividad hidráulica o coeficiente de permeabilidad. En la investigación actual se pretende explorar posibilidades de medición del coeficiente de permeabilidad en trayectorias horizontales, en suelos granulares, bajo una condición constante de densidad relativa. Para ello se diseñó y construyó una cámara especial adosada a un permeámetro de cabeza constante, que permite medir la permeabilidad en condiciones de flujo horizontal paralelo a los estratos. La cámara propuesta admite también, la estimación del coeficiente de permeabilidad combinando estratificaciones de diferentes suelos granulares, donde las trayectorias no son perfectamente horizontales, sino presentan recorridos diagonales. Los resultados son comparados con datos obtenidos mediante permeámetros convencionales de flujo vertical, con el fin de comprobar la diferencie en las mediciones considerando ambas situaciones en las muestras. Como conclusión generar es importante reportar que evidentemente existe una diferencia en los coeficientes de permeabilidad medidos bajo diferentes trayectorias

    Analysis of the existing correlations of effective friction angle for eastern piedmont soils of Bogota from in situ tests

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    Estimar el ángulo de fricción efectivo del suelo a partir de ensayos in situ es una tarea complicada debido a las altas tasas de deformación existentes en este tipo de ensayos, que tienden a ser demasiado invasivos y perturban las vecindades de la profundidad del ensayo y aún la muestra que eventualmente se toma en el sitio. Así mismo, la mayoría de correlaciones encontradas en la literatura actual, para obtener el ángulo de fricción efectivo, usando ensayos de campo han sido desarrolladas para suelos de otras latitudes, por tal razón al ser implementadas en suelos tropicales presentan alta dispersión, cuando se desea comparar los valores de parámetros de campo, con los resultados reales obtenidos en el laboratorio. Esta investigación busca mediante el uso de ensayos in situ, definir por medio de análisis de diferentes correlaciones, cuál de estas se ajusta mejor a las condiciones propias de suelos del piedemonte de la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual se considera la problemática primordial a resolver en el artículo. Para el presente estudio serán utilizados datos provenientes del SPT - Standard Penetration Test (de amplio uso en Colombia) y SPT-T Standard Penetration Test + Torque (nunca antes llevado a cabo en el país), realizados teniendo en cuenta la normativa acorde para cada ensayo. Considerando que para el SPT-T no existe norma local que rija este tipo de ensayos. Las correcciones por procedimientos de campo de los ensayos que se implementaron fueron realizadas por confinamiento efectivo y transferencia de energía del martillo golpeador, ya que en el estado del arte del tema son definidos como los que influyen de manera directa en la confiabilidad de los resultados. Los resultados finales muestran la tendencia de cada una de las metodologías usadas para obtener la correlación, en relación con el valor real del ángulo de fricción efectivo, obtenido de ensayos de laboratorio.To estimate the effective friction angle of soil from in situ test is a complicated job, due to high rates of strain existing in this kind of tests, which tend to be too invasive and disturb the vicinities of test depth, even the sample that eventually is taken at the site. Likewise, the most of the correlations found in the current bibliography to obtain the effective friction angle using field tests, have been developed for soils from different regions. For that reason when are implemented on tropical soils present high scatter, to compare the field parameter values with real results obtained at the lab. This research aims to use in situ tests define through of analysis of different correlations, which fits adequately to the specific conditions of the piedmont soils of Bogota. For the present study will be utilized data from SPT (widely used in Colombia) and SPT-T (never before conducted in the country), carried out considering the appropriated norms to each test, taking in account to SPT-T, doesn’t exist local standard governing such tests. The correlations for field procedures of the tests implemented were for effective confining and energy transference of the SPT hammer, since the state-of-the-art mentions it as the most affect the reliability of the final results. The final results show the tendency of the methodologies used to obtain the correlation, in relation with the real value of effective friction angle from of lab tests