70 research outputs found

    Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change

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    16 páginas.- 5 figuras.- 179 referencias.- Additional Supporting Information may be found online in theSupporting Information section at the end of the article.Plant hydraulics is crucial for assessing the plants' capacity to extract and transport water from the soil up to their aerial organs. Along with their capacity to exchange water between plant compartments and regulate evaporation, hydraulic properties determine plant water relations, water status and susceptibility to pathogen attacks. Consequently, any variation in the hydraulic characteristics of plants is likely to significantly impact various mechanisms and processes related to plant growth, survival and production, as well as the risk of biotic attacks and forest fire behaviour. However, the integration of hydraulic traits into disciplines such as plant pathology, entomology, fire ecology or agriculture can be significantly improved. This review examines how plant hydraulics can provide new insights into our understanding of these processes, including modelling processes of vegetation dynamics, illuminating numerous perspectives for assessing the consequences of climate change on forest and agronomic systems, and addressing unanswered questions across multiple areas of knowledge.This article is an output of the international network ‘PsiHub’ funded and supported by the ECODIV department of INRAE.This review was partly supported by the H2020 Project FORGENIUS (Improving access to FORest GENetic resourcesInformation and services for end-USers) #862221Peer reviewe

    What do you mean, ‘megafire’?

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    BACKGROUND : ‘Megafire’ is an emerging concept commonly used to describe fires that are extreme in terms of size, behaviour, and/or impacts, but the term’s meaning remains ambiguous. APPROACH : We sought to resolve ambiguity surrounding the meaning of ‘megafire’ by conducting a structured review of the use and definition of the term in several languages in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. We collated definitions and descriptions of megafire and identified criteria frequently invoked to define megafire. We recorded the size and location of megafires and mapped them to reveal global variation in the size of fires described as megafires. RESULTS : We identified 109 studies that define the term ‘megafire’ or identify a megafire, with the term first appearing in the peer-reviewed literature in 2005. Seventy-one (~65%) of these studies attempted to describe or define the term. There was considerable variability in the criteria used to define megafire, although definitions of megafire based on fire size were most common. Megafire size thresholds varied geographically from > 100–100,000 ha, with fires > 10,000 ha the most common size threshold (41%, 18/44 studies). Definitions of megafire were most common from studies led by authors from North America (52%, 37/71). We recorded 137 instances from 84 studies where fires were reported as megafires, the vast majority (94%, 129/137) of which exceed 10,000 ha in size. Megafires occurred in a range of biomes, but were most frequently described in forested biomes (112/137, 82%), and usually described single ignition fires (59% 81/137). CONCLUSION : As Earth’s climate and ecosystems change, it is important that scientists can communicate trends in the occurrence of larger and more extreme fires with clarity. To overcome ambiguity, we suggest a definition of megafire as fires > 10,000 ha arising from single or multiple related ignition events. We introduce two additional terms – gigafire (> 100,000 ha) and terafire (> 1,000,000 ha) – for fires of an even larger scale than megafires.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: A list of the references from which the data were extracted can be found in the Appendix A: Data sources. The data used in this study are openly available at zenodo.org: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6252145.Threatened Species Recovery Hub; NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub; Australian Wildlife Society; World Wildlife Fund.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gebZoology and Entomolog

    Drought and wildfires in Languedoc-Roussillon in a global change context : a regional modeling approach

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    Les changements climatiques et socio-économiques dans la région méditerranéenne constituent une menace importante pour les écosystèmes forestiers en affectant leur fonctionnement direct (augmentation de la sècheresse) et le régime des perturbations (incendies). Les interactions entre végétation, sécheresse, régime des feux et activités anthropiques ont été étudiées à l'échelle régionale sur la région Languedoc-Roussillon (LR) à partir des observations durant les dernières décennies (1971-2006) et de scénarios climatiques pour la fin du 21ième siècle (2071-2100). Les résultats montrent que l'évolution récente du climat dans la région LR est caractérisée par une augmentation des conditions de sècheresse présentant une variabilité spatiale importante. Ces tendances climatiques ont entrainé des modifications des caractéristiques de la période de sècheresse des écosystèmes (augmentation de l'intensité, décalage de la saisonnalité). Malgré cette augmentation des conditions favorables à l'occurrence et au développement des incendies, un nouvelle politique de suppression des incendies initié en 1987 a entrainé une diminution du nombre de départs de feux et des surfaces brulées. Cette politique a également modifié les facteurs explicatifs du développement des feux qui, auparavant majoritairement contrôlés par l'état hydrique de la végétation, sont désormais déterminés par la cooccurrence de la sècheresse et d'épisodes venteux. D'autre part, nos résultats ont pu quantifier la contribution relative des caractéristiques spatiales des activités humaines (densité des infrastructures, interface habitat forêt), de la végétation (composition, continuité) et des conditions météorologiques sur la distribution spatiale des incendies. Ainsi, les prédictions de l'évolution du régime des feux sur le siècle prochain sont fortement dépendantes des futures trajectoires de l'activité anthropique, des stratégies d'occupation du territoire mais également de l'incertitude liée à la régionalisation des modèles climatiques.Climate and socio-economic changes in the Mediterranean region are expected to affect the functioning of forested ecosystems (increased drought) and the disturbance regime (wildfire). The interactions between vegetation, drought, fire regime and human activities were studied at regional scale in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (LR; Southern France) from observations over recent decades (1971-2006) and climate scenarios for the end of the 21st century (2071-2100). Recent climate changes in the LR region are characterized by an increase in drought conditions with a high spatial variability. These climate changes modified the features of the major drought period in forested ecosystems (increasing intensity, shifting seasonality). However, despite this increase in fire prone conditions, a new policy of fire suppression started in 1987 led to a decrease in the number of fire starts and burnt areas in LR region. This policy also changed the relative contribution of factors explaining fire spread, which previously mainly controlled by the water status of vegetation, are now determined by the co-occurrence of drought and windy events. Furthermore, our results could quantify the relative contribution of the spatial patterns of human activities (infrastructure density, forest habitat interface), vegetation (composition, fuel continuity) and weather on the regional distribution of fires. Thus, predictions on the future fire regime in the region should be mainly controlled by changes in human activities and settlements, as well as climate forecasts and their related uncertainty in downscaling methods, which have a significant impact on predictions of drought of forested ecosystems

    Contribution of human and biophysical factors to the spatial distribution of forest fire ignitions and large wildfires in a French Mediterranean region

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    International audienceIdentifying the factors that drive the spatial distribution of fires is one of the most challenging issues facing fire science in a changing world. We investigated the relative influence of humans, land cover and weather on the regional distribution of fires in a Mediterranean region using boosted regression trees and a set of seven explanatory variables. The spatial pattern of fire weather, which is seldom accounted for in regional models, was estimated using a semi-mechanistic approach and expressed as the length of the fire weather season. We found that the drivers of the spatial distribution of fires followed a fire size-dependent pattern in which human activities and settlements mainly determined the distribution of all fires whereas the continuity and type of fuels mainly controlled the location of the largest fires. The spatial structure of fire weather was estimated to be responsible for an average of 25% of the spatial patterns of fires, suggesting that climate change may directly affect the spatial patterns of fire hazard in the near future. These results enhance our understanding of long-term controls of the spatial distribution of wildfires and predictive maps of fire hazard provide useful information for fire management actions

    Differential regional responses in drought length, intensity and timing to recent climate changes in a Mediterranean forested ecosystem

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    International audienceThe Mediterranean area is one of the regions of the world where GCMs agree the most on precipitation changes due to climate change. In this study we aim to assess the impact of recent climate change on drought features of Mediterranean ecosystems in Southern France. Regional climatic trends for the 1971-2006 period are compared to drought trends based on a water balance model accounting for soil properties, vegetation structure and functioning. Drought, defined here as periods when soil water potentials drop below -0.5 MPa, is described in terms of intensity, duration and timing, which are integrative of both climate variability and site conditions. Temporal trends in precipitation, temperature and solar radiation lead altogether to drier and warmer conditions over the region but with a high spatial heterogeneity; for similar climatic trends, a significant increase in drought intensity was detected in the wettest areas of the region, whereas drought intensity in the driest areas did not change. Indeed, in the wettest areas, we observed an earlier onset of drought by about 1 month, but a constant end of drought. In the driest areas of the region, we observed the same earlier onset of drought but combined with an earlier end of drought, thus leading to a shift of the dry season without increasing its duration. The definition of drought features both in terms of intensity but also of seasonal timing appears relevant to capture historical or forecasted changes in ecosystem functioning. Studies concerning climate change impacts on forested ecosystems should be interpreted with caution when using climate proxies alo

    SurEau: a mechanistic model of plant water relations under extreme drought

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageA new process-based model,SurEau, is described. It predicts the risk of xylem hydraulic failure under drought.ContextThe increase in drought intensity due to climate change will accentuate the risk of tree mortality. But very few process-based models are currently able to predict this mortality risk.AimsWe describe the operating principle of a new mechanistic model SurEau that computes the water balance, water relations, and hydraulics of a plant under extreme drought.MethodsSurEau is based on the formalization of key physiological processes of plant response to water stress. The hydraulic and hydric functioning of the plant is at the core of this model, which focuses on both water flows (i.e., hydraulic) and water pools (i.e., hydric) using variable hydraulic conductances. The model considers the elementary flow of water from the soil to the atmosphere through different plant organs that are described by their symplasmic and apoplasmic compartments. For each organ, the symplasm is described by a pressure-volume curve and the apoplasm by its vulnerability curve to cavitation. The model is evaluated on mature oak trees exposed to water stress.ResultsOn the tested oak trees, the model captures well the observed soil water balance, water relations, and level of embolism. A sensitivity analysis reveals that the level of embolism is strongly determined by air VPD and key physiological traits such as cuticular transpiration, resistance to cavitation, and leaf area.ConclusionThe process-based SurEau model offers new opportunities to evaluate how different species or genotypes will respond to future climatic conditions

    Can We Go Beyond Burned Area in the Assessment of Global Remote Sensing Products with Fire Patch Metrics?

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    Global burned area (BA) datasets from satellite Earth observations provide information for carbon emission and for Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) benchmarking. Fire patch identification from pixel-level information recently emerged as an additional way of providing informative features about fire regimes through the analysis of patch size distribution. We evaluated the ability of global BA products to accurately represent morphological features of fire patches, in the fire-prone Brazilian savannas. We used the pixel-level burned area from LANDSAT images, as well as two global products: MODIS MCD45A1 and the European Space Agency (ESA) fire Climate Change Initiative (FIRE_CCI) product for the 2002–2009 time period. Individual fire patches were compared by linear regressions to test the consistency of global products as a source of burned patch shape information. Despite commission and omission errors respectively reaching 0.74 and 0.81 for ESA FIRE_CCI and 0.64 and 0.62 for MCD45A1 when compared to LANDSAT due to missing small fires, correlations between patch areas showed R2 > 0.6 for all comparisons, with a slope of 0.99 between ESA FIRE_CCI and MCD45A1 but a lower slope (0.6–0.8) when compared to the LANDSAT data. Shape complexity between global products was less correlated (R2 = 0.5) with lower values (R2 = 0.2) between global products and LANDSAT data, due to their coarser resolution. For the morphological features of the ellipse fitted over fire patches, R2 reached 0.6 for the ellipse’s eccentricity and varied from 0.4 to 0.8 for its azimuthal directional angle. We conclude that global BA products underestimate total BA as they miss small fires, but they also underestimate burned patch areas. Patch complexity is the least correlated variable, but ellipse features appear to provide information to be further used for quality product assessment, global pyrogeography or DGVM benchmarking

    How well do meteorological drought indices predict live fuel moisture content (LFMC)? An assessment for wildfire research and operations in Mediterranean ecosystems

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    International audienceLive Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) is a critical variable affecting fire ignition, behavior and severity in many ecosystems. Although the use of meteorological drought indices as proxies for LFMC is a straightforward and widespread approach, it is largely unknown whether it can provide reliable estimates of LFMC, either for local or spatial applications. We address this issue by evaluating the capacity of drought indices to predict LFMC quantitative variations and critical values. LFMC observations used for reference were measured on six different Mediterranean shrub species for 15 years in 20 different sites in Southern France. Six drought indices were evaluated: the Duff Moisture Code (DMC) and Drought Code (DC) of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System, the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI), the Nesterov Index (NI) and the Relative Water Content (RWC) of the soil derived from a forest water balance model for low (80 mm) and high (160 mm) field capacities. The species were classified in two groups according to their seasonal variability: high and low responding species. We found large differences in the capacity of drought indices to predict LFMC, with indices that simulate long-term drought dynamics (DC, RWC and KBDI) generally performing better than others (NI and DMC). Once calibrated at stand scale, drought indices showed a good potential for predicting LFMC of high responding species, although large variations between sites were observed. In contrast, spatial predictability was limited with a RMSE and R2 on the order of 20% and 0.3, respectively (for high responding species). Our results suggest that drought indices should therefore be used with caution for spatial applications in wildfire research and operational fire management. Because they can explicitly consider environmental (soil, climate) and biological (species traits related to dehydration) factors, mechanistic indices have a great potential to improve LFMC predictions

    Attributing Increases in Fire Weather to Anthropogenic Climate Change Over France

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    International audienceAnthropogenic climate change is widely thought to have enhanced fire danger across parts of the world, including Mediterranean regions through increased evaporative demand and diminished precipitation during the fire season. Previous efforts have detected increases in fire danger across parts of southern Europe but a formal attribution of the role of anthropogenic climate forcing has not been undertaken. Here, we attempt to disentangle the confounding effects of anthropogenic climate change and natural variability on observed increases in fire danger in France over the past six decades, with a focus on the fire-prone Mediterranean region. Daily fire weather and fire-related drought indices were computed from a reanalyses dataset covering the 1958–2017 period. Anthropogenic signals in meteorological variables were isolated using 17 climate models and then removed from observations to form a set of counterfactual observations free of anthropogenic climate change. Our results show that anthropogenic climate change is responsible for nearly half of the long-term increases in fire weather and fire-related drought conditions across the Mediterranean region and have significantly elevated the likelihood of summers with extreme fire danger. Fire danger conditions such as those observed during the near-record breaking 2003 fire season have a 500 years) of occurrence in the absence of anthropogenic climate change, compared to a probability of ~10% (return interval ~10 years) under today's climate accounting for anthropogenic climate change. Our approach provides modernized estimates of current fire danger levels and expected return levels of extreme fire seasons considering climate change, which may help inform fire management agencies and decision making
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