122 research outputs found

    Eficacia y seguridad sobre la cirugía bariátrica en personas con obesidad mórbida

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    Cirugía bariátrica; Obesidad mórbida; Ensayos clínicosCirurgia bariàtrica; Obesitat mòrbida; Assaigs clínicsBariatric surgery; Morbid obesity; Clinical trialsEn este documento se presentan los resultados de la revisión sistemática y metanálisis de la evidencia disponible sobre la eficacia, seguridad y costeefectividad de la cirugía bariátrica en personas con obesidad comparados con el tratamiento no quirúrgico, por medio de dieta y/o tratamiento farmacológico. Se presenta además un análisis separado sobre la evidencia para pacientes con obesidad y diabetes. Asimismo, se presenta el análisis y la síntesis de la evidencia disponible sobre la eficacia, seguridad y coste-efectividad de las distintas modalidades de cirugía bariátrica comparadas entre sí. La valoración del riesgo de sesgo de los ensayos clínicos se ha realizado con los criterios de la Colaboración Cochrane, y la valoración global de la evidencia disponible se ha realizado utilizando la metodología GRADE.This report presents the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence available on the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery in people with obesity compared with non-surgical treatment comprising diet and/or pharmacotherapy. It also includes a separate analysis of the evidence for patients with both obesity and diabetes, along with a comparative analysis of the evidence on the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of the various forms of bariatric surgery. The risk of bias across the clinical trials was evaluated using the Cochrane Collaboration criteria. The overall assessment of the available evidence was carried out using the GRADE methodology

    Fate of Artificially Injected Oxygen in the Hypolimnion of a Two-Basin Lake: Amisk Lake, revisited

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    The first author visited Texas A&M University funded by U.S. National Science Foundation grant CBET 1033514. It was during that visit that, under the supervision of Scott Socolofsky, the double-plume model was implemented into the 3D hydrodynamic model. Meteorological data for Atmore AGDM station was provided by the Alberta Climate Information Service, found at https://acis.alberta.ca. The data displayed in the figures can be accessed at https://zenodo.org/record/4565311.Bubble-plume diffusers are increasingly used to add dissolved oxygen (DO) to the hypolimnion of lakes and reservoirs. Bubble plumes are successful at replenishing hypolimnetic DO, but they also introduce mixing energy that induces subtle changes in the thermal structure of the reservoir, driving changes in plume behavior. To account for this complex plume-reservoir interaction, a double bubble-plume model is coupled with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The coupled model is used to reassess a field-scale analysis of the bubble-plume diffuser in two-basin Amisk Lake, aiming at evaluating the relative role of bubble-induced circulation and internal-seiching in driving inter-basin transport under stratified conditions. A large-scale plume-induced circulation was previously thought to be the main driver of inter-basin oxygen transport. This interpretation was based on the attribution of the time-averaged circulation in the channel due to plume operation. However, the intrinsic complexity of the hydraulic system and the sparseness of the field data introduced large uncertainties in the previous analysis. Here, we demonstrate that the time-averaged circulation is primarily the result of wind-driven internal seiches. Oxygen exchange is shown to be controlled by the interaction between internal seichedriven horizontal transport along the channel, and, the rate at which added oxygen reaches the layers above the sill, which is mainly controlled by plume-induced circulation. Internal-seiche driven transport through basin constrictions will vary depending on the magnitude of the wind forcing, depth of the thermocline and the channel geometry. These results highlight the importance of understanding water movement prior to introducing restoration actions in lakes.National Science Foundation (NSF) CBET 103351

    Evaluación y Análisis de la Calidad en Prácticas de Laboratorio de Química Inorgánica

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    Formato artículo para difundir los resultados del proyecto de innovación UCA - AAA_14_059, titulado "EVALUACIÓN Y MEJORA DE LAS PRÁCTICAS DE TALLER Y LABORATORIO DE LAS ÁREAS DE CONOCIMIENTO DE CIENCIA DE LOS MATERIALES E INGENIERÍA METALÚRGICA Y DE QUÍMICA INORGÁNICA".Después de haberse implantado el Grado en Química en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cádiz, el Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica y Química Inorgánica ha llevado a cabo la evaluación de las prácticas de taller y laboratorio de las asignaturas que imparte. Para ello se han desarrollado una serie de cuestionarios dirigidos tanto a los alumnos como a los profesores encargados de impartir las asignaturas. A partir de los resultados ha sido posible realizar un análisis en profundidad de cada asignatura con el fin de contrastar la opinión de alumnos y profesores y evaluar si son necesarias determinadas modificaciones o incluir algunas mejoras que faciliten a los alumnos el normal desarrollo de las prácticas

    Differences in n-type doping efficiency between Al- and Ga-ZnO films

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    A careful and wide comparison between Al and Ga as substitutional dopants in the ZnO wurtzite structure is presented. Both cations behave as n-type dopants and their inclusion improves the optical and electrical properties of the ZnO matrix, making it more transparent in the visible range and rising up its electrical conductivity. However, the same dopant/Zn ratio leads to a very different doping efficiency when comparing Al and Ga, being the Ga cation a more effective dopant of the ZnO film. The measured differences between Al- and Ga-doped films are explained with the hypothesis that different quantities of these dopant cations are able to enter substitutionally in the ZnO matrix. Ga cations seem to behave as perfect substitutional dopants, while Al cation might occupy either substitutional or interstitial sites. Moreover, the subsequent charge balance after doping appear to be related with the formation of different intrinsic defects that depends on the dopant cation. The knowledge of the doped-ZnO films microstructure is a crucial step to optimize the deposition of transparent conducting electrodes for solar cells, displays, and other photoelectronic devices.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-60996, MAT2008-06858-C02-02, MAT2008- 06330, TEC2010-16700FUNCOAT CSD2008-00023- CONSOLIDER INGENIOSonderforschungsbereich SFB 76

    The Relationship Between the Online Consumer’s Profi le and the Type of Service Encounter in the Online Travel Agencies

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    t In the context of B2C electronic commerce, two different service encounters can take place: (1) service encounters without incidents during which customers get the service for themselves and without the presence of employees and (2) service encounters with incidents with interpersonal and non-interpersonal interactions. Taking the sector of travel agencies as a reference, the results of our study shows that there is a statistically signifi cant relationship between the sociodemographic profi le of the online consumer and the type of service encounter. In this sense, our research suggests that sociodemographic variables have a statistically signifi cant infl uence on the type of service encounter. On the other hand, the evaluation of the service quality by online shoppers is quite homogeneous in each service encounter. At least, we have not found great differences according to gender, age, educational level, or frequency of Internet use

    Measure the capacity of social innovation in complex organizations of the third sector

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    [ES] La innovación social es una cuestión que en las últimas décadas ha adquirido un interés creciente por parte tanto del mundo académico como por parte de actores sociales que prestan atención a la cobertura de necesidades y demandas sociales. Sin embargo, la innovación social plantea problemas en la construcción de su corpus teórico (en lo relativo a fundamentos de carácter conceptual y metodológico) que se traduce en dificultades de carácter praxeológico. Contribuir a esta fundamentación es una necesidad de primer orden para avanzar en la construcción de una agenda coherente en el campo de la innovación social. Es especialmente urgente abordar déficits identificados en tres focos: a) el ámbito de la consolidación de una definición canónica; b) aspectos metodológicos orientados a la facilitación de procesos; y c) la identificación de determinantes y condicionantes de la emergencia de procesos de innovación social. Este trabajo pretende avanzar en este sentido, utilizando como referencia el contexto de las organizaciones complejas, especialmente del Tercer Sector. Esta elección se debe a que la bibliografía confirma que son actores especialmente privilegiados en la facilitación de este tipo de procesos. La opción metodológica elegida es la aplicación de un enfoque de Teoría Fundamentada que ha sido triangulada mediante la aplicación de un panel DELPHI. Entre los principales logros alcanzados en el trabajo llevado a cabo es, como se ha dicho, la elaboración de un modelo teórico de explicación de los procesos de innovación social intencional, así como la identificación de sus principales capacidades relacionadas, a partir de las cuales se puede llevar a cabo el diseño de una herramienta de medición de la innovación social en organizaciones complejas del Tercer Sector.[EN] Social innovation is an issue that in recent decades has acquired growing interest both from the academic world and from social actors who pay attention to meeting social needs and demands. However, social innovation raises problems in the construction of its theoretical corpus (in relation to foundations of a conceptual and methodological nature) that translates into difficulties of a praxeological nature. Contributing to this foundation is a necessity of the first order to advance in the construction of a coherent agenda in the field of social innovation. It is especially urgent to address deficits identified in three foci: a) the scope of the consolidation of a canonical definition; b) methodological aspects aimed at facilitating processes; and c) the identification of determinants and conditioning factors of the emergence of social innovation processes. This work aims to advance in this sense, using as a reference the context of complex organizations, especially in the Third Sector. This choice is due to the fact that the bibliography confirms that they are especially privileged actors in facilitating this type of process. The methodological option chosen is the application of a Grounded Theory approach that has been triangulated through the application of a DELPHI panel. Among the main achievements in the work carried out is, as has been said, the elaboration of a theoretical model to explain the processes of intentional soJ. cial innovation, as well as the identification of its main related capacities, from which can carry out the design of a tool for measuring social innovation in complex Third Sector organizations.S

    Fundamentación teórica de la innovación social: El problema de la modelización en un campo de estudio sin consolidar

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    El presente trabajo es un ejercicio de síntesis y de articulación de los principales elementos teóricos relativos a la definición de la innovación social, las fases a partir de las cuales se desarrolla y los intentos de modelización más significativos que se han llevado a cabo hasta el momento, utilizando como estrategia de análisis el establecimiento de una taxonomía y una discusión de la teoría del cambio subyacente a las propuestas identificadas

    Iodine supplementation for preventing iodine deficiency disorders in children and adolescents

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the efficacy and safety of iodine supplementation for preventing iodine deficiency in children and adolescents