345 research outputs found


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    Using the relational marketing perspective theory of the firm to establish a theoritical foundation, this study serves to fill a gap in the supply chain service management literature with respect tosupply chain service management performance and sales performance antecedent such as strategic service competence, degree of suppliers’ integration, the perceived status function of supply chain service management, and firm size as a moderated variable.The sample used for this study consist of 216 respondents from 23 different manufacturers which had a network of suppliers, and about 73.1% had corporate-wide decision-making responsibilities. Confirmatory factor analyses provided evidence of adequate model fit, convergent and discriminant validity for the underlying variables, and respective factors in the model. The conceptual model and the hypothesized are tested using Structural Equation Modeling. Support was found for the causal relationship between variables in the models that strategic service competence based on relationship marketing, degreesupplier’s integration and perceived status function of supply chain service management by simultan directly had positive contribution on supply chain service management performance;interestingly, strategic service competence through degree supplier’s integration, perceived status function of supply chain service management and supply chain service management performance had indirectly positive contribution on sales performance, and firm size as moderated had no contribution on relation between strategic service competence based on relationship marketing and supply chain service management’s performance. This research indicated that the degree suppliers’ integration and its perceived status function of supply chain service management are necessary resources to strengthen strategic competitive advantage of the firms. Professionals inthe supply chain service management are endeavoring to improve relationship suppliers and to integrate these service activities in the strategy will increase firm’s performanc

    Anteseden Pemberdayaan Dan Keterlibatan Karyawan Terhadap Efektivitas Lingkungan Kerja Pada Jasa Layanan Kesehatan DKI Jakarta Utara

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    Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh variabel anteseden Pemberdayaan dan Keterlibatan Karyawan pada industri jasa layanan kesehatan, Keterlibatan dan Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan, serta perbedaan perbandingan hubungan antara karyawan lulusan baru dengan karyawan berpengalaman. Khusus mengenai kondisi karyawan, diperlukan USAha manajemen untuk mempertahankan karyawan yang baik dengan memastikan lingkungan kerja yang menarik bagi karyawan. Sangatlah penting pengaruh pengalaman bekerja dan perbedaan generasi yang dapat memengaruhi faktor pekerjaan dalam interaksi perilaku kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data hasil survei dengan membandingkan pola hubungan antarvariabel dari kedua kelompok sebagai berikut: 185 responden dengan 2 tahun pascakelulusan dan 294 responden berpengalaman kerja lebih dari 2 tahun. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis SEM menunjukkan kecocokan model teoritis penelitian. Keterlibatan kerja secara signifikan memediasi hubungan Pemberdayaan dan Efektivitas Kerja, meskipun pengaruh keterlibatan pada efektivitas kerja secara signifikan lebih kuat untuk karyawan berpengalaman. Keterlibatan kerja merupakan mekanisme penting dalam Pemberdayaan yang memengaruhi Efektivitas Kerja, akan tetapi kurang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Efektivitas Kerja karyawan lulusan baru dari pemberdayaan. Implikasi hasil penelitian adalah manajemen harus menyadari peranan Pemberdayaan dalam meningkatkan Keterlibatan dan Efektivitas Kerja serta pengaruh perbedaan antara karyawan lulusan baru dengan karyawan berpengalaman


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    Purpose of the study: Purpose of this study was to examine how family firms differ from non-family firms in the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and capital allocation efficiency, including slack resources as moderating variables. Methodology: This study used moderated regression analysis and subgroup analysis of nonfinancial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011-2016. The data were gathered from Thomson Reuters and analyzed using STATA 14 unbalanced panel fixed effect. Main Findings: The results show that family firms and non-family firms are different in relation to CSR performance and capital allocation efficiency. When family firms are efficient, there is no relationship between CSR, capital allocation efficiency, and slack resources. When family firms are inefficient, CSR performance negatively affects capital allocation efficiency and slack resources reduce this negative effect. Implications: It is implied that trade-off theory only applies to non-family firms and inefficient family firms. Family firms are more efficient in allocating resources for CSR. Therefore, shareholders shall not be afraid of investing in family firms

    The employees and customers satisfaction perception on financial performance: A model of service-profit-chain in Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and also to examine the impact of both on a hospitality companys financial performance utilizing service-profit-chain framework as the theoretical base. Specifically, this study explores four major relationships: 1) The direct relationship between customer satisfaction and financial performance; 2) The direct relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance; 3) The direct relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction; and 4) The indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance. Furthermore, this study examines the mediating role of customer satisfaction on the indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance. The data were collected from employees, customers and managers of hotels in Jakarta. LISREL 8.8 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a two-step approach was utilized to empirically test the proposed hypotheses and the relationships between the constructs. Findings suggest that while customer satisfaction has positive significant effect on financial performance, employee satisfaction has no direct significant effect on financial performance. Instead, there is an indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance, which is mediated by customer satisfaction


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    The purpose of this study examines the influence of social media and consumer engagement and customer purchase intention. This study uses data taken from 253 users of social media sites in Indonesia. The hypothesis was tested using a structural equation model which was developed in accordance to existing literature reviews. The results show that social media is significantly related to consumer purchase intentions, where consumer engagement acts as a mediating variable in influencing social media users to have customer purchase intentions. The research reinforces that marketers must respond to the importance of increasing of social media usage because it has a strong influence on consumer purchase intentions. The managerial suggestion that can be applied by company is to constantly monitor consumer engagement by adjusting the company's social media marketing strategy. The limitation of this research is the absence of qualitative approaches, i.e. interview to gain a deeper understanding of consumer insights and experiences that may affect consumer purchasing commitments and intentions might help to refine future researches better. In addition, the future research should add other important variables such as of trust, commitment, and e-WOM and any other marketing strategy that might be applied by social media strategists

    Pengaruh Penempatan Kerja dan Kinerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Harini Mandiri Medan

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    Peneliti menilai bahwa penurunan prestasi kerja karyawan dapat disebabkan kurangnya kerjasama antar tim dan setiap individu cenderung menjatuhkan. Hal ini mungkin dapat disebabkan oleh penempatan kerja yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan saat ini yang tidak tepat dikarenakan perusahaan menerima orang-orang yang tidak berpengalaman untuk mengisi beberapa posisi. Akibatnya karyawan lama sering mengeluh karena karyawan baru tersebut sering bertanya kepada mereka. Dan juga pada hal kinerja, pimpinan sering memberikan instruksi yang tidak jelas serta penilaian kinerja yang tidak sesuai harapan karyawan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di PT Harini Mandiri Medan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 42 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan hasil kuesioner yang telah dibagikan. Sedangkan untuk analisis data, peneliti menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa penempatan kerja dan kinerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan PT Harini Mandiri Medan. Secara parsial penempatan kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja PT Harini Mandiri Medan. Secara parsial kinerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja PT Harini Mandiri Medan

    Pengaruh Manajemen Rantai Pasok dan Inovasi Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi

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    The purpose of this paper is to empirically test a framework which identifies the relationships between supply chain management (SCM) practices, operational performance and innovation performance of manufacturing and service firms. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 256 manufacturing and service firms. The research model was tested using structural equation modeling. The results show that SCM practices in both the upstream and downstream supply chain have a direct and significant impact on organizational and innovation performance of firms. Innovation improvement caused by SCM also results in better organizational performance. The findings also reveal that manufacturing and service firms do not have a significant difference in their SCM practices. The time sequence of the association between the variables could not be concluded given that cross-sectional data were used. This study shows the importance of SCM practices and how they directly influence organizational and innovation performance. This result will be encouraging to firms. This study has developed and validated a multi-dimensional construct of SCM practices, and this tool can assist decision makers of firms to evaluate the efficiency of their current SCM practices. The paper presents one of the few studies which empirically validates the relationships between SCM practices and organizational and innovation performances. The study also focuses on a developing country which is in transition from being manufacturing focused to service focused.Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Organizational Innovation, Organizational Performanc


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    AbstractSynthetic colorants (lacquer or nitro-based clear finishes, cellulose acetate butyrate - CAB, polyurethane, acid catalyst clear lacquers, polyester, waterbased colorants, etc) are commonly used to produce colors on various rattan products. Although water based colorants are claimed to be environmentally friendly, but many industry stakeholders still continue using other synthetic colorants due to cost consideration.As an effect, environmental cost is inevitable. Prior experiment shows that natural colorant like sappanwood produce red color on rattan peel, though color adhesiveness is not stable. This re search maintains focus on sappanwood as natural red colorant, but type of rattan is shifted to rattan flat core, presumed to produce higher color adhesiveness and stability. Result of research is applied on home décor products, using small to medium home industry quantity to test the stability and uniformity of colors on one production batch. Future research may use this reference to investigate other natural rattan colorants. Keywords: sappanwood, rattan, natural colorant, red AbstrakProduk rotan pada umumnya diberi pewarna sintetis (NC, Stain, Fancy Colors, pewarna water based, dan lainnya) untuk menghasilkan berbagai macam warna. Walaupun pewarna water based diklaim lebih ramah lingkungan, tetapi masih banyak pelaku industri yang menggunakan pewarna sintetis lainnya karena harganya yang lebih ekonomis, dan akibatnya, pasti ada pencemaran lingkungan. Sesuai eksperimen sebelumnya, pewarna alami seperti secang bisa menghasilkan warna alami merah pada rotan peel (kulit), walaupun daya rekat warnanya belum maksimal. Penelitian kali ini berfokus tetap pada secang, namun jenis rotan sesuai asumsi dialihkan menjadi jenis fitrit agar daya rekat dan ketahanan warna lebih tinggi. Hasil penelitian diaplikasikan pada produk dekorasi/ aksesoris dengan kuantitas produksi kecil-menengah untuk menguji kestabilan hasil pewarnaan pada satu kali produksi.Diharapkan penelitian ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk penelitian pewarnaalami rotan lainnya
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