17 research outputs found

    Кисломолочний продукт з підвищеним вмістом білка

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    The formulations of sour-milk products made by the thermostat method with the use of protein concentrates are developed. The classic technology of thermosetting is used as a basis, with preliminary preparation of mixtures based on normalized milk, milk protein concentrate (KMBS-65) and serum protein ultra filtration concentrate (KSB-UV-65), followed by pasteurization and suction. Concentrates used in dry form. Milk protein promotes nutrition of tissues not short-lived, but in the long-term, which is very important for intense physical activity, and high intellectual activity. Whey protein is rapidly absorbed and the nutrients that it carries with them, in short time, enter the tissues of the body, including muscle. This allows you to compensate for energy costs in a short time and improve the processes of exchange designed to normalize the work of organs and systems. Protein concentrates are used to improve the density of the bunch and reduce the degree of syneresis. The product is enriched with a concentrate and will act as an additional source of natural milk protein supplementation to the human body. The optimum component composition of the mixture – the sour milk product, using model milk samples and protein concentrates containing 3; 5; 7; 10% of total volume. Control sample, without protein concentrate. In the preparation of mixtures, the optimal temperature for the administration of protein concentrates was determined by a practical method. Experimental studies were carried out at the research laboratories of the National University of Food Technologies. The comparative characteristics of the physical and chemical characteristics (pH, titrated acidity, protein content) and organoleptic (appearance, color, consistency) of the indices in samples with different percentages of the introduced protein concentrates, with each other and with the control sample were performed. The changes of the indicators of the product during storage within 7 days.Розроблено рецептури кисломолочних продуктів, виготовлених термостатним способом з використанням білкових концентратів. За основу взято класичну технологію виготовлення термостатним способом, з попереднім приготуванням сумішей на основі нормалізованого молока, концентрату молочного білкового (КМБС-65) та концентрату сироваткового білкового ультрафільтраційного (КСБ-УФ-65), з подальшою пастеризацією та сквашуванням. Використовувались білкові концентрати в сухому вигляді. Молочний білок сприяє живленню тканин не короткостроковому, а в довготривалому періоді, що дуже важливо при інтенсивних фізичних навантаженнях та високій інтелектуальної активності. Сироватковий білок швидко засвоюється, і поживні речовини, що він несе з собою, в короткі терміни надходять у тканини організму, в тому числі в м’язи. Це дозволяє в короткі терміни компенсувати енергетичні витрати і поліпшити процеси обміну, покликані нормалізувати роботу органів і систем. Білкові концентрати використовуються з метою поліпшення щільності згустку та зниження ступеня синерезису. Продукт, збагачений концентратом, виступатиме додатковим джерелом надходження природного харчового молочного білка до організму людини. Визначено оптимальний компонентний склад суміші – кисломолочного продукту з використанням модельних зразків молока та білкових концентратів із вмістом 3; 5; 7; 10% від загального обсягу. Контрольний зразок без білкового концентрату. При приготуванні сумішей практичними методом визначено оптимальну температуру для внесення білкових концентратів. Експериментальні дослідження виконувались у науково-дослідних лабораторіях Національного університету харчових технологій. Проведено порівняльну характеристику фізико-хімічних (рН, титрована кислотність, вміст білка) та органолептичних (зовнішній вигляд, колір, консистенцію) показників у зразках з різним відсотковим значенням внесених білкових концентратів між собою та із контрольним зразком. Досліджено зміни показників продукту під час зберігання протягом 7 діб

    Formation of civic competence of future teachers in the educational process of higher education

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    The article reveals the essence of the concept of “civic competence of future teachers”, defined as a set of readiness and ability to actively and responsibly implement the principles of state policy in the field of education in the educational process, be guided by legal acts, observe the rights and obligations of a member of a democratic society, educate the younger generation in the spirit of humanism and diversity. Theoretical and methodological grounds for the formation of civic competence of future teachers based on the integration of the ideas of scientific approaches and the use of the case-study method in the educational process are revealed. It is shown that the case-study method in the civic education of future teachers will contribute to the formation of a person's civic competence as a set of readiness and abilities that enable her to actively and responsibly implement the entire range of civic rights and obligations in a democratic society, effectively apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities

    Research Method of the Synonymy Phenomenon of Family Lexemes on the Basis of the Communicative and Activity Approach

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    The article is about the theoretical analysis of methodological, pedagogical, psychological, professional and other literature on the problem of the study of the phenomenon of synonymy of related lexemes and methods of teaching them on the basis of communicative-activity approach. There was determined the initial level of ownership of such concepts as «family vocabulary» and «synonymy of related lexemes», practical skills of constructing own utterances, the ability to use synonyms-correspondences in a creative context were clarified. A system of exercises has been developed that aims at developing empathy in the classroom, friendliness and ability to understand one another more deeply, to be able to pick up synonyms for these units, and explain their lexical meaning. There was introduced and realized a number of psychological and rehabilitation exercises in the class family, the skills of forgiving and asking for forgiveness.Among the conditions that ensured the effectiveness of the communicative activity approach there was the creation of a favorable psychological microclimate of the team, comfort and acceptance of each of its members individually. It was shown the importance to support humanity and tolerance towards the participants of the educational process and for each individual personally. The system of intersubject links is implemented in the context of a certain algorithm of actions, namely: before, directly, and after the exercise. The self-reflection stage is closely linked to the language material in the lesson. There were discussed semantic shades of synonyms of family vocabulary and variants of their use in certain situations of associative experiments. The creative use of IT in the context of the study synonymy of family vocabulary, based on the communicative-activity approach, is propose

    Teaching Family Vocabulary During Ukrainian Language Lessons (Communicative Approach)

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    The relevance of the study derives from the modern objective reality, which is represented by lack of attention to family lexical nominations of family members, the features of the names of communication lines and situational options for the latest use; identifying factors for improvement of interpersonal contacts; fostering a culture of mutual support, etc. (communicative approach). The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of this model and the chosen approach for the development of family lexical competence in high school. Research methods were theoretical (comparative and systematic analysis of philosophical, methodical, psychological, didactic and sociological literature); empirical (analysis of conceptual scientific principles of school education and universal ideas about family nomination, observation, comparison, survey (conversation, questionnaire for teachers and students), study and generalization of pedagogical experience); practical (problem-searching, modeling, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics, including quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of experimental training). They allowed for comprehensive analysis of the problem and influenced it. Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk at Precarpathian National University served as the basis for the experiment. The study discusses the implementation of the proposed methodological model (communicative approach) in high school and proves the effectiveness of application

    Benzophenone photosensitized DNA damage

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    [EN] A lthough the carcinogenic potential of ultraviolet radiation is well-known, UV light may interact with DNA by direct absorption or through photosensitization by endogenous or exogenous chromophores. These chromophores can extend the ¿active¿ fraction of the solar spectrum to the UVA region and beyond, which means that photosensitizers increase the probability of developing skin cancer upon exposure to sunlight. Therefore researchers would like to understand the mechanisms involved in photosensitized DNA damage both to anticipate possible photobiological risks and to design tailor-made photoprotection strategies. In this context, photosensitized DNA damage can occur through a variety of processes including electron transfer, hydrogen abstraction, triplet triplet energy transfer, or generation of reactive oxygen species. In this Account, we have chosen benzophenone (BP) as a classical and paradigmatic chromophore to illustrate the different lesions that photosensitization may prompt in nucleosides, in oligonucleotides, or in DNA. Thus, we discuss in detail the accumulated mechanistic evidence of the BP-photosensitized reactions of DNA or its building blocks obtained by our group and others. We also include ketoprofen (KP), a BP-derivative that possesses a chiral center, to highlight the stereodifferentiation in the key photochemical events, revealed through the dynamics of the reactive triplet excited state (3KP*). Our results show that irradiation of the BP chromophore in the presence of DNA or its components leads to nucleobase oxidations, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation, single strand breaks, DNA protein cross-links, or abasic sites. We attribute the manifold photoreactivity of BP to its well established photophysical properties: (i) it absorbs UV light, up to 360 nm; (ii) its intersystem crossing quantum yield (OISC) is almost 1; (iii) the energy of its n¿* lowest triplet excited state (ET) is ca. 290 kJ mol 1; (iv) it produces singlet oxygen (1O2)with a quantum yield (¿¿) of ca. 0.3. For electron transfer and singlet oxygen reactions, we focused on guanine, the nucleobase with the lowest oxidation potential. Among the possible oxidative processes, electron transfer predominates. Conversely, triplet triplet energy transfer occurs mainly from 3BP* to thymine, the base with the lowest lying triplet state in DNA. This process results in the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, but it also competes with the Patern o B¿uchi reaction in nucleobases or nucleosides, giving rise to oxetanes as a result of crossed cycloadditions. Interestingly, we have found significant stereodifferentiation in the quenching of the KP triplet excited state by both 20-deoxyguanosine and thymidine. Based on these results, this chromophore shows potential as a (chiral) probe for the investigation of electron and triplet energy transport in DNA.We thank our co-workers who contributed to this research whose names appear in the references. Financial support from the Spanish Government (Grant CTQ2009-13699, JAE Doc fellowship for M.C.C, and Ramon y Cajal contract for V.L.-V.) is gratefully acknowledged.Cuquerella Alabort, MC.; Lhiaubet ., VL.; Cadet, J.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ. (2012). Benzophenone photosensitized DNA damage. Accounts of Chemical Research. 45(9):1558-1570. https://doi.org/10.1021/ar300054eS1558157045