68 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Differentiation of Russian Regions and the Problem of Ensuring Economic Security

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    CC BY-NC-ND 4.0The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in modern conditions in Russia the regions (constituent entities of the Russian Federation) have a different level of socio-economic development, different degrees of production development, GRP per capita, as well as different levels of unemployment, employment, population income. All this also forms a different degree of investment attractiveness of regions, a different degree of living standards in them, affects in different ways on migration flows and determines different prospects for their development. Ultimately, a significant differentiation of regions in terms of the degree of socio-economic development negatively affects the economic security of the state. In a federation, regional development should be less differentiated, should be levelled, including under the influence of the federal centre. The purpose of the article is to assess the differentiation of the development of Russian regions using the example of Moscow, the Moscow region, the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm Krai, as well as to determine the prospects for the alignment of regional development. The main research results: the author noted that in order to reduce the differentiation of Russian regions and the asymmetry of regional development, the author sees it through stimulating the investment activity of the regions through improving tax legislation, providing benefits to industrial enterprises. At the same time, it is necessary to develop infrastructure, primarily transport and logistics

    Socio-economic role of service : sector small business in sustainable development of the Russian economy

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    The aim of the present article is to summarize the results of the research on the socioeconomic role of small business in the development of the Russian economy and creation of effective mechanisms for its infrastructure support on the basis of the service sector particular qualities. On the basis of statistical data and the results of their own research, the authors prove the increasing importance of service-sector small business in the sustainable development of the Russian economy. At the closing part of the article the authors justify the necessity of the creation of the mechanisms which are able to support the service-sector small business in terms of its features.peer-reviewe

    Suchasnyi stan i struktura rynku pasazhyrskykh perevezen v Ukraini

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    В статті досліджено сучасний стан і структуру ринку пасажирських перевезень, сучасні проблеми розвитку пасажирських перевезень. Визначено напрями забезпечення ефективної діяльності підприємств пасажирського комплексу залізничного транспорту, за умови підвищення якості і безпеки руху.В статье исследовано современное состояние и структуру рынка пассажирских перевозок, современные проблемы развития пассажирских перевозок. Определены направления обеспечения эффективной деятельности предприятий пассажирского комплекса железнодорожного транспорта при условии повышения качества и безопасности движения.Modern condition and structure of the passenger transportations market, as well as modern problems of passenger transportations development are investigated in the article. Directions of maintenance of the effective activity of railway transportation enterprises under conditions of quality and traffic safety improvements are defined.The authors received no direct funding for this research

    Neuromodeling in horticulture and viticulture

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    The article considers the possibilities of using the artificial intelligence in horticulture and viticulture. At present, the artificial intelligence technologies are actively used in agriculture, which make it possible to effectively determine crop yields, automate the cropping and storage of agricultural produce, determine the condition of the soil, the composition and effective use of fertilizers, identify plant diseases and bring weeds under control using recognition methods. The use of the artificial intelligence methods in horticulture and viticulture has its own specific features: firstly, robotic complexes for harvesting cherries, apricots, apples, peaches and grapes; and secondly, the identification of fruit diseases by means photo recognition using neural networks’ machine learning

    Psychological and pedagogical foundations for interaction technologies implementation at the university

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    The technological approach necessitated the development of professional competence of students as the main educational goal. Professional competence is developed only in the process of active activity and constant interaction of students. Therefore, higher education institutions should implement various technologies of interaction in their work, which are today one of the most effective in this process. The purpose of the article is to highlight psychological and pedagogical foundations of interaction technologies implementation at the University. In the article interaction is considered as a basic concept of pedagogical psychology. The authors identified the components of the category "interaction" and identified educational technologies that are responsible for the development of each component. It is noted that technologies interact with each other and produce a positive effect on the development of professional competence of students, organizing effective process of students’ interaction. A survey of students and teachers on the most suitable, in their opinion, technologies for organization of effective interaction is presented. The received answers allowed allocating technologies which cause interest both at teachers and at students

    Blended learning Russian as a foreign language : the principles of organization and implementation experience

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    This article reveals the benefits of implementing "blended learning" in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage. The paper presents a brief analysis of the current state of the problem, describes the reasons for insufficient dissemination of blended learning in the Russian educational space and in the sphere of learning Russian as a foreign language. Then the article presents a complex model of blended learning Russian as a foreign language covering the levels of proficiency from A1 to B1 and describes in detail the components of this model, namely its three components: the stage of independent work with electronic resources, the stage of communication work in a group and the control stage. Special attention is paid to the principles of organization of independent work of students in the electronic environment, among which the principle of sustaining the motivation in independent learning, the principle of providing comprehensive assistance in the learning process, the principles of maximum variation and filling variability of electronic tasks, etc. play the important role. The article describes also a component of the classroom communication activities of students under the guidance of a teacher, which is based on the plotted and grammaticalized author's texts. The basic theoretical principles that constitute the description of the developed by the authors blended learning model are illustrated in the article with examples of the tasks, the texts and the presentation material.peer-reviewe

    Special course on information hygiene as a tool for developing youth’s ability to resist informational influences

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    The authors raise the problem of informational influences on young people, who are often thoughtless consumers of Internet content, and actualize the need to train young people in the skills of information hygiene. According to the results of the student survey, the trustworthiness of young people to information content and the lack of ideas about the possible negative impact of information technologies, computer applications, social networks, and services on their health were confirmed. The author’s special course on information hygiene is described as a tool for developing youth’s ability to resist informational influences. It is shown how the tasks of the special course are achieved: to form a responsible attitude toward the consumption of information content; develop the ability to counteract destructive influences based on emotional colouring (psychological manipulations, propaganda, disinformation, etc.); develop practical skills to verify media products for their critical evaluation; to improve the skills of protecting one’s own information space. The methods and tools of learning that contribute to solving the tasks are described. The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented, which confirm the effectiveness of the developed special course

    Innovative Activity of Financial and Industrial Groups

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    The creation of financial-industrial groups (FIG) is one of the most promising ways of overcoming the investment crisis in the country. FIG-like structure which can combine financial and industrial capital is established in order to ensure efficient (due to more efficient administration of financial resources) and accelerated development of science and industrial production. This is achieved by diversification into new industrial products and services to guarantee higher and sustainable profit. FIG acts as a tool for comprehensive and cost-effective capacity utilization of enterprises that have not received sufficient orders for the state needs, and targeted financial support. In modern Russia the urgency is the problem of creating in the economy competitive organizational structures. Financial-industrial groups are to become a key link in the institutional framework of the reformed economy, increase its competitiveness in both the global and domestic markets, to become promoters of the structural adjustment of the economy. The process of creation FIG requires significant assistance from the state. This poses the following challenges for public authorities: to remove all artificial obstacles to the unification of capital, to develop measures for the operational support of the process, to ensure its uniform distribution in various fields. Keywords: financial-industrial groups, innovation, enterprise economy, innovative activity JEL Classifications: G23, O14, O2

    Invasiivsete patogeenide struktuur ja antibiootikumitundlikkus: olukord Eestis 2004

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    2004. aastal toimus Eesti haiglates invasiivsete infektsioonitekitajate prospektiivne uuring Euroopa antimikroobse resistentsuse jälgimise süsteemi (EARSS) protokolli alusel. Grampositiivsete ja gramnegatiivsete patogeenide suhe oli kaks ühele. Invasiivsetestmikroobidest moodustasid kolmandiku koagulaasnegatiivsed stafülokokid, millele järgnesid E. coli, S. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae ja Enterococcus spp. Kõik Eesti invasiivsed patogeenid osutusid suhteliselt antibiootikumitundlikeks. ESBL (laia spektriga beetalaktamaasid) positiivseid E. coli tüvesid esines 3,6% ja Klebsiella spp. omi 23%. Peamised antibiootikumiresistentsuse probleemid olid seotud A. baumannii ja P. aeruginosa tüvedega. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (8): 520–52