50 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Almost thirty years in the modern history of Ukraine were marked by modest economic and social outcomes. Extremely low rates of economic growth, price and exchange rate instability, technological backwardness of the majority of domestic enterprises, their mass closing, degradation of production and social infrastructure, as well as human capital, low incomes of the vast majority of the population and their significant differentiation, deformations in the work of democratic mechanisms led to the need to revise the existing paradigm of socio-economic development. The purpose of the research is to study the theoretical and practical features of forming and functioning of national model of resource economics.Results. The main methodological approaches for assessing the nature and features of the functioning of the domestic economy are outlined. It is determined that Ukrainian export and GDP are highly dependent on the production and export of hard and soft resources, with the latter replacing the former. We can conclude that there is a long-term trend in the structure of commodity export to the replacement of hard resources export by the export of soft resources, and the calculated correlation coefficient is 0.95. There have been positive trends towards a gradual increase in the gross production of grain, including through the increased productivity of production and labour, which will facilitate medium-term economic growth.Conclusions. The creation of a modern model of competitive economics can help to catch up the level of social and economic development of the leading countries of the world. However, in the medium term, the reform of the national economic model with minimal transformation costs is possible only under the conditions of further development, primarily, of agrarian production, which will act as a medium-term development driver and at the same time will ensure certain macroeconomic stability.Проведен анализ особенностей функционирования национальной модели ресурсной экономики в Украине. Очерчены основные методические подходы к оценке характера и особенностей функционирования отечественной экономики. Определено, что украинский экспорт и ВВП имеет высокую зависимость от производства и экспорта тяжелых и легких ресурсов, причем последние замещают первые. Выявлено наличие долгосрочной тенденции в структуре товарного экспорта в замещении экспорта тяжелых ресурсов экспортом легких, что подтверждено высоким значением рассчитанного коэффициента корреляции. Полученные результаты позволяют утверждать, что в среднесрочной перспективе реформирование национальной модели экономики с минимальными трансформационными издержками возможно лишь при условии дальнейшего развития аграрного производства, которое будет выступать среднесрочным драйвером развития и одновременно обеспечивать определенную макроэкономическую стабильность.Майже тридцять років у новітній історії України ознаменувались досить скромними як економічними, так і соціальними результатами. Украй низькі темпи економічного зростання, цінова та курсова нестабільність, технологічна відсталість більшості вітчизняних підприємств, їх масове закриття, деградація виробничої та соціальної інфраструктури зумовили необхідність перегляду наявної парадигми соціально-економічного розвитку.Метою роботи є дослідження теоретичних положень і практичних особливостей формування та функціонування національної моделі ресурсної економіки.Окреслено основні методичні підходи до оцінки характеру та особливостей функціонування вітчизняної економіки. Визначено, що український експорт і ВВП мають високу залежність від виробництва та експорту важких і легких ресурсів, причому останні заміщують перші. Виявлено наявність довгострокової тенденції у структурі товарного експорту до заміщення експорту важких ресурсів експортом легких, що підтверджено високим значенням розрахованого коефіцієнта кореляції, який становить 0,95. Описані позитивні тенденції до поступового збільшення валового виробництва зернових, у тому числі за рахунок підвищення продуктивності виробництва і праці, що сприятиме середньостроковому економічному зростанню. На відміну від виробництва сталі, Україна має всі перспективи до нарощення своєї частки на глобальних ринках зернових та інших видів легких ресурсів.Трансформація внутрішніх механізмів функціонування національної моделі ресурсної економіки не означає якісної зміни самої системи організації економічних відносин в Україні, де динаміка національного ВВП визначається виробництвом та експортом важких і легких ресурсів. Лише завдяки створенню сучасної моделі конкурентоспроможної економіки можна наздогнати за рівнем соціально-економічного розвитку провідні країни світу.Отримані результати дозволяють стверджувати, що в середньостроковій перспективі реформування національної моделі економіки з мінімальними трансформаційними витратами можливе лише за умов подальшого розвитку аграрного виробництва, яке виступатиме середньостроковим драйвером розвитку та одночасно забезпечуватиме певну макроекономічну стабільність

    Organizational Development and Educational Changes Management in Public Sector (Case Of Public Administration During War Time)

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is  analyze the importance of educational change for the effectiveness of organizational development and the role of organizational development in the processes of human development today, in the context of the information society and extreme social networking.   Theoretical framework:  Russia’s war against Ukraine has pushed up demand for (new) administrative processes. But this did not negate the need for institutions to develop their potential using various, for example digital tools, and to constantly improve the quality of educational services in the context of extreme conditions and extraordinary circumstances.   Design/methodology/approach:  Development of education creates new opportunities for the development of human potential for extreme social networking.   Findings:  The approaches of joint creative activity of the participants of the educational process (in the context of security challenges) as effective means that create an unfavorable context for educational changes are determined. It is emphasized that the development of human potential depends on the ability of education to be flexible to the needs of the information society. It is determined that the transformation of the social institute of education requires radical changes in the training of a new generation of managers with a high level of professionalism, culture, innovative creative thinking.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  It is found out that a set of theories of organizational development is submitted methodologically capacious for creation of conceptual models of management of educational changes.   Originality/value: Reasonably scientific bases of educational changes as objects of public management are characterized by tendentiousness of public management of educational changes on the basis of collective nature

    Water–Energy–Food Nexus Framework for Promoting Regional Integration in Central Asia

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    This paper focuses on regional integration through the lenses of the Water–Food–Energy (WEF) nexus, a concept putting strong emphasis on cross-sectoral and multi-level interactions as well as on resource interdependencies. There is an extensive amount of published research focusing on the Aral Sea basin. In this paper, the authors build upon these different contributions and provide a meta-analysis of the literature of WEF nexus opportunities in Central Asia (CA) countries. This paper contributes to ongoing discussions regarding how the WEF Nexus can represent an opportunity for reinforced collaboration regarding resources management. To do so, focusing on existing literature, this paper first (1) explores how the nexus can be a relevant instrument for regional integration. Second (2), it provides an overview of water, food, energy conditions and challenges in the Aral Sea basin in particular. Third (3), synthesizing existing research, the authors identify critical variables to be considered as hurdles or leverage points for WEF nexus implementation in the Aral Sea basin. Finally (4), we go back to our initial set of questions and identify some possible avenues for future research


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    Object of research: the article presents the results of a study conducted by the authors by interviewing employees of industrial enterprises on such important issues as satisfaction with the level of work organization, work performed, motives of job attractiveness, equipment of workplaces, job satisfaction and wages, work motives and the relationship of wages with the final results of work. Solved problem: increasing the level of work motivation by creating motives for attractiveness, job satisfaction and wages of workers at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. Main scientific results: a close connection between value orientations and motives of human activity is proved. The need to improve the system of labor motivation at enterprises, increase employee satisfaction with their work by optimizing the level of wages, creating optimal working conditions, sufficient equipment of workplaces. The existing organization of work does not fully correspond to the manifestation of the abilities of employees and work with full efficiency, only with rare exceptions, most respondents said they were satisfied with the work performed. Scope of practical use of research results: research results can be used for increase of level of motivation of work of workers, perfection of the organization of work, creation of motives of attractiveness, increase of satisfaction with the work and wages of workers at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine. All measures to improve the organization of labor should be primarily aimed at increasing social and creative activity, independence in work. In a market economy, it is not enough just to follow their job descriptions, without initiative and independence. Therefore, the requirements for employees and their qualities are growing

    Methodological approach to mutually agreed corporate image management and economic security of enterprise

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    The object of research: corporate image and enterprise economic security. Investigated problem: methodical approach to mutually agreed management of enterprise’s image and its economic security. The main scientific results: theoretical analysis of the opinions, which are presented in the scientific literature of enterprise economic security functional components and the mechanism of their formation, is carried out. The functional components of economic security related to the internal and external aspects of enterprise are studied in detail, and their close relationship with image components is determined. The stages of enterprise image management are schematically shown with taking into account the compliance of image economic security components levels. The area of practical use of the research results: the need to adhere to certain sequence of actions aimed at forming a positive image and managing it in enterprises is emphasized. It is advisable to use an approach to the formation of corporate image with taking into account the targeted influence of management entities on the business environment. Technological innovation: the enterprise economic security structure in the context of modern tendencies is proposed, the complex of measures which are recommended to be applied for enterprise image maintenance is determined. Scope of application for technological innovation: practical activity of Ukrainian enterprises is in interconnection with other business environment participants

    Challenges and solutions for biogas production from agriculture waste in the Aral Sea basin

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    Energy plays an essential role in the modern society and can serve as one of the vital parameters of socio-economic development. Despite developments in technology, over three billion persons living in rural parts of the low- and middle-income countries continue to cover their energy needs for cooking through traditional ways by burning biomass resources. This paper as a case study focuses on the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan, possessing a well-developed agricultural production with high livestock numbers and intensive crop production. The manure of the livestock farms is not used efficiently and the energy supply of the farms depends primarily on centrally produced gas and electricity. Some areas are not yet connected to the gas grid. Agriculture causes huge environmental damages in its current form. The benefit of biogas production would therefore be fivefold: (1) local energy source, (2) mitigation of environmental impacts, (3) reducing CH4-emissions, (4) producing organic fertilizer as a side product and (5) additional earnings for farmers