236 research outputs found

    Challenges In Doing Education And Communication Related To The Digitalization Of Tax To The Public

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    Digitalization in the field of taxation is very important for the government and society to ensure a more efficient and transparent tax collection process. However, the main challenge in conducting education and communication related to digitalization of taxation is increasing public awareness and understanding of the importance of this process. Limited resources, information, and understanding of technology are also obstacles in conducting effective and targeted education and communication. Therefore, there is a need for consistent and integrated efforts to address this challenge and increase public understanding and participation in tax digitization

    Efektifitas Pengawasan Khusus Oleh Inspektorat Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims at determining whether the Special Surveillance conducted by Inspectorate of District Sigi has been going well or effectively. This research is a case study with a qualitative approach. The determination of research location and key informants were implemented purposively. The gathered data were analyzed in stages based on the information data of the informant that were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The result shows that of the three indicators to measure the effectiveness of Special Surveillance carried out by Inspectorate of District Sigi using the theory H. Emerson i.e. achievement of surveillance goal, achievement of surveillance target, and punctuality of surveillance, two indicators; achievement of surveillance target, and punctuality of surveillance are not running effectively. Meanwhile, the achievement of surveillance goal factor has been running well or effectively because this factor illustrates that in doing Special surveillance, Inspectorate has followed the mechanism and the investigator team always take an understanding of the examined object and also use their professionalism in determining the content form and communication intensity so that the examined objects immediately do improvements as directed by the investigator team

    The Development of New Media in the Economic Growth of the Indonesian Music Industry

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    This study will discuss how new media in the music industry affect the music industry. This has had a major impact on businesses in the music industry and consumers who enjoy music. Streaming services have become something that has a big impact in the digital era that we know as Industry 4.0. The music industry can no longer rely on physical products and consumers are increasingly choosing to enjoy music. The method used in this research is a good method that is tested through research with unusual research ideas about; Describe behavior, thoughts, motivations, actions, etc. in the aggregate and in the form of words and messages. The findings of this study are that consumers find music easier and industry players support new media in the music industry because it makes it easier for them to market music and helps protect their intellectual property thereby reducing piracy. Market participants can also use the appropriate marketing mix. Luggage; Good recording, good songwriting should be distributed and rewarded; Because in the digital era, there are many streaming applications that must be used properly, such as uploading works to social media and streaming applications, so that uploaded works can be supported by Monetization

    Sliding mode control of active suspension system

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new approach in controlling an active suspension system. This approach utilized the proportional integral sliding mode control scheme. Using this type of sliding surface, the asymptotic stability of the system during sliding mode is assured compared to the conventional sliding surface. The proposed control scheme is applied in designing an automotive active suspension system for a quarter-car model and its performance is compared with the existing passive suspension system. A simulation study is performed to prove the effectiveness of this control design


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    Pengadaan barang/jasa di Pemerintah Kota Surabaya dalam menjalankan kebijakan e-procurement sudah berjalan dengan baik, hal ini dikarenakan sistem e-procurement memberikan manfaat seperti efisiensi, transparan, akuntabel, dan mampu mengurangi praktek korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme serta praktek premanisme dalam proses lelang. Hanya saja masih terdapat beberapa hal yang masih sulit diwujudkan, terutama pada aspek penentuan pemenang lelang. Kendati dalam e-procurement diatur kriteria pemenang lelang. Selain itu terdapat faktor lain yang mempengaruhi implementasi e-procurement yaitu masih banyak peserta lelang dan petugas penyedia jasa yang kurang memahami sistem layanan LPSE, dalam menggunakan internet masih sering mengalami gangguan, karena belum didukung dengan infrastruktur yang memadai. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam  jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang mana proses analisis data yang dipakai ialah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai implementasi kebijakan pengadaan barang dan jasa secara online di Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, meliputi faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Selain itu penulis mengajukan beberapa saran untuk mengatasi permasalahan dengan cara adanya sosialisasi untuk staf  agar dapat memahami mengenai IT dan Prosedur yang telah ditetapkan untuk menghindari kecurangan, implementor dapat memahami prosedur apa saja yang harus dilakukan untuk mengikuti e-procurement, diadakan sosialisasi untuk penyedia jasa untuk memahami proses pengadaan barang/jasa melalui elektronik, adanya penambahan petunjuk pelaksana dan petunjuk teknis untuk memaksimalkan operasional. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Kebijakan, Pengadaan Secara Elektronik   The procurement of goods / services in the Surabaya City Government in carrying out the e-procurement policy has been running well, this is because the e-procurement system provides benefits such as efficiency, transparency, accountability, and is able to reduce the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism as well as thuggery practices in the auction process. . It's just that there are still a number of things that are still difficult to achieve, especially in the aspect of determining the auction winner. Although in e-procurement the criteria for auction winners are regulated. In addition, there are other factors that influence the implementation of e-procurement, namely that there are still many tender participants and service provider officers who do not understand the LPSE service system, while using the internet they often experience disruption, because they are not supported by adequate infrastructure. This research is a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach in which the data analysis process used is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and data verification. This study aims to explain the implementation of the online procurement of goods and services policy in the Surabaya City Government, including the factors that influence the successful implementation of the policy. In addition, the authors propose several suggestions for overcoming problems by means of socialization for staff in order to understand IT and procedures that have been established to avoid fraud, implementers can understand what procedures must be done to participate in e-procurement, socialization is held for service providers to understand the process of procuring goods / services via electronics, adding implementing instructions and technical instructions to maximize operations. Keywords :Implementation, Policy, Procurement Electronically &nbsp

    Persepsi Risiko Bencana Pada Mahasiswa di Kota Padang Ditinjau dari Pengalaman dan Variabel Demografis

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    Padang merupakan salah satu kota dengan ancaman bencana gempabumi dan tsunami. Kondisi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi persepsi risiko bencana penduduknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi risiko bencana gempabumi dan tsunami pada mahasiswa ditinjau dari pengalaman menghadapi bencana dan variabel demografis (gender, angkatan, rumpun pendidikan, dan jarak tempat tinggal). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek terdiri dari 213 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang dari 8 fakultas yang berbeda yang dipilih dengan teknik cluster sampling. Skala yang digunakan adalah skala persepsi risiko bencana yang disusun berdasarkan model semantik diferensial. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) subjek memiliki tingkat persepsi risiko bencana yang tinggi; (2) tidak ada perbedaan persepsi risiko antara subjek yang pernah mengalami bencana dan belum pernah; (3) ada perbedaan persepsi risiko ditinjau dari variabel demografis meliputi gender, angkatan, dan rumpun pendidikan, sedangkan jarak tempat tinggal tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan. Implikasi untuk memahami temuan dari penelitian ini didiskusikan dalam pembahasan

    Vertical Blade Fiberglass Composite for Wind Turbine Power Plant Application

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    Wind is a renewable energy that is used for electrical energy in several countries. Indonesia is one of the countries that utilizes wind energy for electrical energy. The potential for wind in Indonesia is located in coastal areas. To apply the potential for wind in urban areas is very difficult because the wind speed is very low. From this problem, this paper presents a windmill using fiberglass. Fiberglass is an alloy or mixture as a composite material which has the characteristics of light weight, easy shape, and low cost. The aim is to analyze the mechanical properties of fiberglass composite materials in the application of blades or vanes in savionus windmills. This study uses the hand lay-up method and the mechanical testing method for tensile strength and impact which aims to determine the material properties of the blade of the savonius windmill. Based on the tensile test, the average tensile strength of random fiberglass composite and 200gr 2-layer woven roving was 49.52 MPa with an average modulus of elasticity of 21.88 Gpa. For the Charphy impact test, the average impact strength is 0.035 joules / mm2 with the energy absorbed is 0.7046 joules

    Development of Customized Distribution Automation System (DAS) for Secure Fault Isolation in Low Voltage Distribution System

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    A Customized SCADA based RTU for service substation and customer service substation is developed by using the open loop concept for the distribution networks. Currently, the SCADA system in the low distribution system implemented by TNB only focuses on alarm monitoring. SSO has to operate the control functions at the HMI side. The operator needs to analyze the situation and to make appropriate actions. A Customized SCADA is built to provide automatic fault isolation for low distribution system. In this chapter, the proposed methodology is summarized with the experimental results and conclusion based on the results is also highlighted

    Customized Fault Management System for Low Voltage (LV) Distribution Automation System

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    Supply disruption such as overloading will cause interruptions of electricity supply to customers. the technicians have to manually locate the fault point and this tedious work may last for extended periods of time. The other reasons are the lack of use of efficient tools for operational planning and advanced methodology for quick detection of fault, isolation of the faulty section and service restoration. Currently, fault detection, isolation and service restoration takes a long time causing the interruption of supply for s longer duration


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengembangan kurikulum yang dipilih oleh pimpinan SMA Maarif NU Pandaan Pasuruan dalam membangun kompatibilitas terhadap perkembangan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Definisi pengembangan kurikulum di sini adalah bentuk pembelajaran di luar kurikulum regular dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. SMA Maarif NU Pandaan menarik dijadikan objek penelitian sebab merupakan salah satu sekolah percontohan di Kabupaten Pasuruan yang beraliran Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah, berlokasi strategis dan memiliki catatan berbagai bidang prestasi. Sejak akhir tahun 2007, SMA Maarif NU Pandaan ditunjuk oleh Dinas Pendidikan Menengah dan Kejuruan Pusat sebagai Rintisan Sekolah Kategori Mandiri (RSKM) selama 3 tahun. Hingga saat ini, SMA Maarif NU Pandaan bersama 33 sekolah lain di Indonesia ditunjuk menjadi rintisan Sekolah Berbasis ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Fokus penelitian ini adalah mempelajari peran pimpinan sekolah dalam pengembangan kurikulum di bidang ICT dan kewirausahaan. Hasil analisia data menunjukkan ada tiga hal pokok yang telah dilakukan kepala sekolah SMA Maarif NU Pandaan dalam rangka membawa sekolah SMA Marif NU Pandaan menjadi sekolah yang berbasis ICT, yaitu (1) gigih mengusahakan kelengkapan fasilitas pembelajaran dan pelayanan berbasis ICT seperti LCD proyektor dan layar di setiap kelas, 2 ruang multimedia digital yang representatif, laboratorium bahasa, hotspot, layanan internet, rapor online dan CCTV; (2) piawai memotivasi dan mendorong staf pengajar selama proses perubahan model pembelajaran manual ke ICT. (3) piawai mengomunikasikan visinya kepada pihak-pihak eksternal sekolah seperti komite, yayasan dan masyarakat melalui pendekatan religio-kultural. Sedangkan dalam bidang pengembangan kewirausahaan, SMA Maarif NU Pandaan membangun kemitraan dengan Balai Latihan Kerja Industri (BLKI) Kabupaten Pasuruan dan aktif mengirimkan siswa-siswinya untuk melakukan studi banding dan pelatihan dalam berbagai bidang minat. Hasil ini menjadi bukti bahwa kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh besar dalam pengembangan kurikulum sekolah. Kesimpulannya, sekolah swasta berbasis agama seperti SMA Maarif NU Pandaan mampu bersaing dalam kemajuan teknologi dan kewirausahaan serta patut dijadikan teladan bagi sekolah-sekolah lain dalam pengembangan kualitas.   Kata Kunci: Pimpinan Sekolah, Pengembangan Kurikulum, ICT, Kewirausahaan &nbsp