42 research outputs found

    Uso de Sistema y Elementos Estructurales para el Diseño de un Edificio de Cinco Pisos y un Sótano Destinado a Estacionamiento Aplicando la Nueva Norma E.030 del RNE en Huancayo 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como problema general: ¿Cuál es el uso de sistema y elementos estructurales para el diseño de un edificio de cinco pisos y un sótano destinado a estacionamiento aplicando la nueva norma e.030 del RNE en Huancayo 2016?; el objetivo general es: Determinar el uso de sistema y elementos estructurales para el diseño de un edificio de cinco pisos y un sótano destinado a estacionamiento aplicando la nueva norma e.030 del RNE en Huancayo 2016; y la hipótesis general que debe contrastarse es: El diseño de un sistema y elementos estructurales de un edificio de cinco pisos y un sótano destinado a estacionamiento aplicando la nueva norma E.030 depende del uso del sistema estructural dual. El método de investigación es el método científico, el tipo de investigación es aplicada, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo - explicativo y el diseño de la investigación es no experimental de corte transversal; la población corresponde a los edificios de cinco pisos y un sótano destinados a estacionamientos en Huancayo, el tipo de muestreo es el no probabilístico intencional y la muestra es un edificio de cinco pisos y un sótano destinado a estacionamiento. Como conclusión principal, se ha determinado un sistema dual como uso de sistema y elementos estructurales para el diseño de un edificio de cinco pisos y un sótano destinado a estacionamiento según lo considerado en la nueva Norma E. 030 del RNE y bajo las condiciones de Huancayo.Tesi

    Dynamic functional network connectivity using distance correlation

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    Investigations about the intrinsic brain organization in resting-state are critical for the understanding of healthy, pathological and pharmacological cerebral states. Recent studies on fMRI suggest that resting state activity is organized on large scale networks of coordinated activity, in the so called, Resting State Networks (RSNs). The assessment of the interactions among these functional networks plays an important role for the understanding of different brain pathologies. Current methods to quantify these interactions commonly assume that the underlying coordination mechanisms are stationary and linear through the whole recording of the resting state phenomena. Nevertheless, recent evidence suggests that rather than stationary, these mechanisms may exhibit a rich set of time-varying repertoires. In addition, these approaches do not consider possible non-linear relationships maybe linked to feed-back communication mechanisms between RSNs. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for dynamical functional network connectivity for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) resting activity, which accounts for non-linear dynamic relationships between RSNs. The proposed method is based on a windowed distance correlations computed on resting state time-courses extracted at single subject level. We showed that this strategy is complementary to the current approaches for dynamic functional connectivity and will help to enhance the discrimination capacity of patients with disorder of consciousness

    Automatic identification of resting state networks: An extended version of multiple template-matching

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging in resting state (fMRI-RS) constitutes an informative protocol to investigate several pathological and pharmacological conditions. A common approach to study this data source is through the analysis of changes in the so called resting state networks (RSNs). These networks correspond to well-defined functional entities that have been associated to different low and high brain order functions. RSNs may be characterized by using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA provides a decomposition of the fMRI-RS signal into sources of brain activity, but it lacks of information about the nature of the signal, i.e., if the source is artifactual or not. Recently, a multiple template-matching (MTM) approach was proposed to automatically recognize RSNs in a set of Independent Components (ICs). This method provides valuable information to assess subjects at individual level. Nevertheless, it lacks of a mechanism to quantify how much certainty there is about the existence/absence of each network. This information may be important for the assessment of patients with severely damaged brains, in which RSNs may be greatly affected as a result of the pathological condition. In this work we propose a set of changes to the original MTM that improves the RSNs recognition task and also extends the functionality of the method. The key points of this improvement is a standardization strategy and a modification of method\u27s constraints that adds flexibility to the approach. Additionally, we also introduce an analysis to the trustworthiness measurement of each RSN obtained by using template-matching approach. This analysis consists of a thresholding strategy applied over the computed Goodness-of-Fit (GOF) between the set of templates and the ICs. The proposed method was validated on 2 two independent studies (Baltimore, 23 healthy subjects and Liege, 27 healthy subjects) with different configurations of MTM. Results suggest that the method will provide complementary information for characterization of RSNs at individual level

    Reduction of resting state network segregation is linked to disorders of consciousness

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    Recent evidence suggests that healthy brain is organized on large-scale in regions spatially distant and partially temporally synchronized. These regions commonly are called Resting State Networks (RSNs). Many RSNs has been identified in multiples spatial scales in healthy subjects and their interactions has been used to define the functional network connectivity (FNC). The main idea in FNC is that the dynamic shown in the interactions among RSNs in control subjects, can change in pathological and pharmacological conditions. However, this hypothesis assumes that functional structure of healthy brain, remains in other brain states or conditions. In this work, we proposed a novel methodology in order to find the new brain functional structure for disorders of consciousness conditions, based on multi-objective optimization approach. Particularly, we find the best partition of RSNs set, that maximize two modularity measures (Kapur and Otsu measures). Our results suggest that the brain segregation level, may be linked to consciousness level

    Multivariate functional network connectivity for disorders of consciousness

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    Recent evidence suggests that healthy brain is organized on large-scale spatially distant brain regions, which are temporally synchronized. These regions are known as resting state networks (RSNs). The level of interaction among these functional entities has been studied in the so called functional network connectivity (FNC). FNC aims to quantify the level of interaction between pairs of RSNs, which commonly emerge at similar spatial scale. Nevertheless, the human brain is a complex functional structure which is partitioned into functional regions that emerge at multiple spatial scales. In this work, we propose a novel multivariate FNC strategy to study interactions among communities of RSNs, these communities may emerge at different spatial scales. For this, first a community or hyperedge detection strategy was used to conform groups of RSNs with a similar behavior. Following, a distance correlation measurement was employed to quantify the level of interaction between these communities. The proposed strategy was evaluated in the characterization of patients with disorders of consciousness, a highly challenging problem in the clinical setting. The results suggest that the proposed strategy may improve the capacity of characterization of these brain altered conditions

    Time-Delay Latency of Resting-State Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Signal Related to the Level of Consciousness in Patients with Severe Consciousness Impairment

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    Recent evidence on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) suggests that healthy human brains have a temporal organization represented in a widely complex time-delay structure. This structure seems to underlie brain communication flow, integration/propagation of brain activity, as well as information processing. Therefore, it is probably linked to the emergence of highly coordinated complex brain phenomena, such as consciousness. Nevertheless, possible changes in this structure during an altered state of consciousness remain poorly investigated. In this work, we hypothesized that due to a disruption in high-order functions and alterations of the brain communication flow, patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC) might exhibit changes in their time-delay structure of spontaneous brain activity. We explored this hypothesis by comparing the time-delay projections from fMRI resting-state data acquired in resting state from 48 patients with DOC and 27 healthy controls (HC) subjects. Results suggest that time-delay structure modifies for patients with DOC conditions when compared with HC. Specifically, the average value and the directionality of latency inside the midcingulate cortex (mCC) shift with the level of consciousness. In particular, positive values of latency inside the mCC relate to preserved states of consciousness, whereas negative values change proportionally with the level of consciousness in patients with DOC. These results suggest that the mCC may play a critical role as an integrator of brain activity in HC subjects, but this role vanishes in an altered state of consciousness

    Modeling an auditory stimulated brain under altered states of consciousness using the generalized ising model

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    Propofol is a short-acting medication that results in decreased levels of consciousness and is used for general anesthesia. Although it is the most commonly used anesthetic in the world, much remains unknown about the mechanisms by which it induces a loss of consciousness. Characterizing anesthesia-induced alterations to brain network activity might provide a powerful framework for understanding the neural mechanisms of unconsciousness. The aim of this work was to model brain activity in healthy brains during various stages of consciousness, as induced by propofol, in the auditory paradigm. We used the generalized Ising model (GIM) to fit the empirical fMRI data of healthy subjects while they listened to an audio clip from a movie. The external stimulus (audio clip) is believed to be at least partially driving a synchronization process of the brain activity and provides a similar conscious experience in different subjects. In order to observe the common synchronization among the subjects, a novel technique called the inter subject correlation (ISC) was implemented. We showed that the GIM—modified to incorporate the naturalistic external field—was able to fit the empirical task fMRI data in the awake state, in mild sedation, in deep sedation, and in recovery, at a temperature T* which is well above the critical temperature. To our knowledge this is the first study that captures human brain activity in response to real-life external stimuli at different levels of conscious awareness using mathematical modeling. This study might be helpful in future to assess the level of consciousness of patients with disorders of consciousness and help in regaining their consciousness

    Eliminación de ruido impulsivo en imágenes a color, utilizando interpolación con funciones de base radial

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    This paper presents a method for impulsive noise elimination in colored images by using interpolation through radial basis functions. This is a classic problem in many applications in different fields; its origin lies in defective-data capturing mechanisms that make errors at different time intervals over an input signal.We compare the results obtained using the proposed method to the resultes obtained using classical non-linear filtering algorithms, such as the median filtering, and the mean and outlier filtering. In all scenarios, the results were more effective when using the proposed method. The algorithm proved to be robust under hihg-noise conditions during the tests. The results were analyzed using Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), which are two commonly used metrics to compare the quality between two images after performing a restoration process. MSE of 14 and PSNR of 35.8 db were reached on the 512x512-pixel Lenna image with a noise-pixel percentage of 40%.Este documento presenta un método para suprimir ruido impulsivo enimágenes a color, utilizando interpolación a través de funciones de baseradial. Este es un problema clásico en múltiples aplicaciones en diferentesáreas, su origen radica en mecanismos de captación de datosdefectuosos, que generan errores a intervalos variados de tiempo en lasseñales de entrada.Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con el método propuesto, frente alos algoritmos clásicos no lineales, como el filtrado por la mediana, la mediay el de outlier. En todos los escenarios probados, los resultados fueronmás eficaces con el método propuesto. El algoritmo demostró ser robustofrente a grandes volúmenes de ruido en el caso de prueba. Los resultadosfueron analizados a través del error cuadrado medio (ECM) y Peak Signalto Noise Ratio (PSNR) que son dos métricas de uso común para compararla calidad entre dos imágenes luego de un proceso de restauración. Sealcanzó un ECM de 14 y un PSNR de 35.8 db sobre la imagen de Lenna a512x512 pixeles con un porcentaje de pixeles ruido del 40%

    Validation of the correct definition of the model of a hybrid system represented in MLD

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    El principal objetivo del proyecto fue implementar un programa para validar la correcta definición de un sistema dinámico híbrido, representado con un modelo MLD (Mixed Logical and Dynamic System), por lo que el principal aporte del mismo consiste en implementar un algoritmo de validación del modelo MLD, que le permite al diseñador visualizar gráficamente el campo vectorial del sistema. El trabajo incluye una definición de las características de un sistema bien definido, y de lo que se entiende como un sistema mal definido, con lo cual se establecen las especificaciones del algoritmo para dar solución al objetivo especifico de determinar las características de funcionamiento del algoritmo de validación. El algoritmo implementado se basa en la teoría propuesta por Bemporad y Morari; esto constituye la solución del objetivo de implementar y evaluar el algoritmo MILP (Programación Lineal Entera Mixta) con un problema de ejemplo MLD. Debido al alto costo computacional que el algoritmo propuesto presenta, se desarrolla y propone una versión utilizando computación distribuida, con lo cual la solución propuesta resulta de mayor utilidad, dando de esta forma solución al objetivo especifico de proponer un algoritmo mejorado que reduzca el tiempo de computación en el problema MLD. Ambos algoritmos se aplican a tres casos de estudio donde se evalúan los ajustes de parámetros del algoritmo y su respectivo tiempo de ejecución, dando solución al objetivo específico de evaluar el comportamiento del algoritmo propuesto en un problema de estudio. Finalmente con esta aproximación se logra una mejora significativa en los tiempos de ejecución del algoritmo a través de la programación distribuida, se cambia la plataforma de procesamiento y se trabaja con esta filosofía, obteniendo los mismos resultados con una significativa disminución del tiempo de ejecución de dicho algoritmo, en cada uno de los casos.LISTA DE FIGURAS............................................................................................................8 LISTA DE TABLAS............................................................................................................10 LISTA DE ALGORITMOS.................................................................................................11 LISTA DE ANEXOS...........................................................................................................12 1. INTRODUCCION......................................................................................................13 2. SISTEMAS LOGICOS Y DINAMICOS MIXTOS - MLD (MIXED LOGICAL AND DYNAMICAL)...........................................................................................................16 2.1 GENERALIDADES DE SISTEMAS DINAMICOS..........................................16 2.2 EL MODELO MLD ...........................................................................................20 2.3 Equivalencia entre representaciones de Sistemas Híbridos.................................23 2.4 HERRAMIENTAS DE ANALISIS PARA SISTEMAS MLD...........................24 2.4.1 Hysdel (Hybrid System Description Language)..................................................25 2.4.2 Matlab (Matrix laboratory)..................................................................................26 3. CASOS DE ESTUDIO DE SISTEMAS MLD..........................................................29 3.1 DEFINICION FORMAL DE SISTEMAS MLD CORRECTAMENTE DEFINIDOS..................................................................................................................29 3.2 CASOS DE ESTUDIO........................................................................................30 3.2.1 Caso 1 Modelo de un Sistema Bien Definido......................................................31 3.2.2 Caso 2 Modelo de un sistema sin condición de existencia (ausencia de solución) 34 3.2.3 Caso 3 Modelo de un sistema sin condición de unicidad (soluciones múltiples)37 4. ALGORITMO DE VALIDACIÓN............................................................................40 4.1 EL ALGORITMO DE VALIDACIÓN......................................................................40 7 4.1.1 Existencia de soluciones......................................................................................40 4.1.2 Unicidad de soluciones........................................................................................42 4.2 METODO BRANCH & BOUND..............................................................................44 4.3 RESULTADOS Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS..................................................50 4.4 Complejidad Computacional......................................................................................64 5. ALGORITMO DE VALIDACIÓN CON COMPUTACIÓN DISTRIBUIDA........65 5.1 SOLUCION CON ALGORITMO DISTRIBUIDO IMPLEMENTADO EN JAVA 66 5.2 ALGORITMO FINAL DE VALIDACIÓN BASADO EN COMPUTACIÓN DISTRIBUIDA.....................................................................................................................68 5.3 RESULTADOS Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS..................................................69 5.3.1 CASO 1. Modelo de un sistema bien definido....................................................69 5.3.2 CASO 2. Modelo de un sistema sin condición de existencia (Ausencia de solución) 70 5.3.3 CASO 3. Modelo de un sistema sin condición de Unicidad (Soluciones Múltiples)72 5.4 COMPLEJIDAD COMPUTACIONAL DEL ALGORITMO DISTRIBUIDO........74 6. CONCLUSIONES Y TRABAJOS FUTUROS........................................................75 6.1 CONCLUSIONES......................................................................................................75 6.2 TRABAJOS FUTUROS.............................................................................................76 BIBLIOGRAFÍA........................................................................................................78 ANEXOS..............................................................................................................................84MaestríaThe main objective of the project was to implement a program to validate the correct definition of a hybrid dynamic system, represented with an MLD (Mixed Logical and Dynamic System) model, so its main contribution consists in implementing a model validation algorithm MLD, which allows the designer to graphically visualize the vector field of the system. The work includes a definition of the characteristics of a well-defined system, and of what is understood as a poorly defined system, which establishes the specifications of the algorithm to solve the specific objective of determining the operating characteristics of the algorithm of validation. The implemented algorithm is based on the theory proposed by Bemporad and Morari; this constitutes the solution of the objective of implementing and evaluating the MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) algorithm with an example MLD problem. Due to the high computational cost that the proposed algorithm presents, a version is developed and proposed using distributed computing, with which the proposed solution is more useful, thus providing a solution to the specific objective of proposing an improved algorithm that reduces the time of computation in the MLD problem. Both algorithms are applied to three study cases where the parameter settings of the algorithm and their respective execution time are evaluated, providing a solution to the specific objective of evaluating the behavior of the algorithm proposed in a study problem. Finally, with this approach, a significant improvement in algorithm execution times is achieved through distributed programming, the processing platform is changed and this philosophy is used, obtaining the same results with a significant decrease in the execution time of said algorithm. algorithm, in each of the cases

    Georreferenciación de localidades: Una guía de referencia para colecciones biológicas

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    Este documento provee una guía de referencia para realizar la georreferenciación de localidades asociadas a datos primarios sobre biodiversidad, estableciendo una serie de procedimientos que incluyen la estandarización de las localidades, clasificación según la calidad de la descripción de la localidad, asignación de coordenadas, evaluación de incertidumbre y validación de la georreferenciación.Bogotá D.C