71 research outputs found

    Violencia escolar: abordaje preventivo e intervención holística

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    En una coyuntura como la actual, impregnada por una ingente cantidad de imágenes sobre las que no hay tiempo para recapacitar, los niños y adolescentes presencian, vulnerables, la aceptación de una violencia edulcorada, de la que subyace la aprobación de comportamientos agresivos como medio más eficaz para lograr un fin. Ante tal escenario, se hace ineludible una intervención proactiva, a fin de evitar posibles brotes de violencia escolar. Si bien la actuación preventiva constituye el abordaje idóneo de la citada problemática, será inevitable hacer frente a situaciones en las que, desafortunadamente, la agresividad en la escuela esté patente. Un adecuado abordaje de la violencia escolar ha de ser tratado desde una perspectiva ecológica y holística, atendiendo a todos los ámbitos en los que el alumno se desenvuelve (educativo, familiar, social), así como a la totalidad de los implicados (no únicamente agresor y víctima, sino al grupo clase, docentes, padres de bullies y estudiantes damnificados).Nowadays, our society is pervaded in a huge number of images and there is no time to reflect. Children and adolescents are vulnerable witness, accepting a sweetened violence, which underlies the adoption of aggressive behavior as the most effectively way to get an end. In such a scenario, it is unavoidable proactive intervention in order to prevent possible outbreaks of bullying. In spite de fact that preventive action is the most appropriate to face up to the problem, it is inevitable to deal with situations in which, unfortunately, aggression at school is patent. An appropriate management of bullying have to be treated from an ecological and holistic approach, covering all the areas in which the student is developed (educational, familial, social) and to all those involved (not only aggressor and victim, also the group class, teachers, parents and students victims of bullying)


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    As a result of the current prevailing informative turmoil through which Knowledge Society opens its way leaving behind the traditional Industrial Society, Europe and its universities have been facing an important challenge, which is crossed unavoidably by a pedagogic renewal. In this innovation process, the professor becomes a major player. Thus, the role he plays is fundamental. So, he will leave the role played up to know to adopt the professional profile based on competences promoted in Europe.Resultado de la vorágine informativa reinante en nuestros días, según la cual la Sociedad del Conocimiento (SC) se abre camino, dejando atrás la tradicional Sociedad Industrial, Europa y sus universidades vienen enfrentándose en los últimos años a un importante desafío que pasa, irremediablemente, por una renovación pedagógica. En este proceso de innovación, el profesor universitario se convierte en uno de los actores principales. De este modo, el rol que juega el docente se torna fundamental. Así, habrá de abandonar el papel que ha venido asumiendo, y adoptar el perfil profesional basado en competencias que desde Europa se propugna

    The influence of risk perception and scrambling on students performance

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    [SPA] En este trabajo se analiza si existe una variación en las calificaciones de los estudiantes como consecuencia del orden de las preguntas y de las penalizaciones de las respuestas incorrectas. Se han creado dos escenarios que incluyen diferentes exámenes según diferente ordenación de contenidos y riesgo percibido. Utilizando una muestra de 764 exámenes de primer grado de Relaciones Laborales y Gestión de Recursos Humanos de la Universidad de Murcia, los resultados indican que hay diferencias en el procedimiento de respuesta que afecta a la nota final, cuando las percepciones de riesgo de los estudiantes son diferentes. Por otra parte, el efecto de orden también influye en el procedimiento de respuesta, influyendo asimismo en las calificaciones finales de los alumnos en función del escenario de riesgo al que los estudiantes se enfrentan. [ENG] This paper analyzes if there is a variation in students’ marks due to the type of multiple choice exam in relation to the order of the questions and the penalty of the incorrect answers. We create two scenarios including exams sorted both by different order content and by different level of risk borne. Using a sample of 764 multiple choice exams of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Grades of University of Murcia (Spain), results lead us to affirm that there are differences in the answer’s procedure, affecting the final marks when risk perceptions of the students are different. Moreover, the order effect also influences the response procedure and its effects on the final marks of the students depending on the risk scenario the students are facing


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    The objectives of this study were to discover were the ordinary measures,their implementation level and the educational response to the needs ofstudents with ADHD in the region of Murcia and the performance of thesestudents when treated in a specialized manner, implementing said ordinary measures established in Decree 359/2009, dated October 30th 2009, which established the educational response to student diversity in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. To obtain the data, which is part of much wider research, a data survey was sent by post to all centers in the region of Murcia where there are students diagnosed or in the diagnosis process for mental health issues. Each center which in its census had students with ADHD was sent the student data and passwords for the University of Murcia website, which contained the «surveys» tool. The sample was 207 teachers responding to the request made in the mail voluntarily and tutors of students in nursery and primary schools. They were enrolled in public or private schools in the region of Murcia. Of these, 14 were enrolled in Nursery Education and 197 students attended Primary Education. Ordinary measures developed further are: «regular support groups» in 61.4% of cases, «curricular reinforcement and support,» in 55.6% of diagnosed students and 32.9% of the time, «graduation of materials and activities» and «inclusion of ICTs» was carried out.Los objetivos del trabajo que nos ocupa son conocer cuáles son las medidas ordinarias, y el nivel de implementación de las mismas, que constituyen la respuesta educativa a las necesidades del alumnado con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (en adelante, TDAH) en la Región de Murcia y cuál es el rendimiento de este alumnado cuando es atendido de manera especializada, implementando dichas medidas ordinarias establecidas en el Decreto n.º 359/2009, de 30 de octubre, por el que se establece y regula la respuesta educativa a la diversidad del alumnado en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Para la obtención de los datos, que forman parte de una investigación mucho más amplia, se realizó una encuesta telemática a todos los centros de la Región de Murcia en los cuales había constancia de la existencia de alumnos diagnosticados o en proceso de diagnóstico, por Salud Mental, de TDAH. Se remitió, por correo postal, a cada centro que en su censo tenía alumnos con TDAH, los datos de los alumnos y las claves de acceso al portal de la Universidad de Murcia, depositario de la herramienta «encuestas». La muestra estuvo constituida por 207 maestros, los cuales eran tutores de alumnos de Educación Infantil y Primaria (escolarizados en centros educativos de carácter público, concertado o privado de la Región de Murcia), que respondieron a la solicitud voluntaria realizada en el correo postal. Las medidas ordinarias desarrolladas en mayor medida han sido: «apoyo grupo ordinario » en un 61,4% de los casos, «refuerzo y apoyo curricular», en el 55,6% del alumnado diagnosticado y en un 32,9% de las ocasiones se ha llevado a cabo la «graduación de materiales y actividades» y la «inclusión de las TICs»

    Evaluación de la metodología en programas de formación profesional para el empleo de la Región de Murcia

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    This paper presents the main methodological features of a research study aimed at assessing a training course for workers in the transport sector in the Region of Murcia, Spain. This research study is part of the 6th National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (2008-2011). The aim was to assess the training sessions and the extent to which courses are spread to a wide audience. Data were collected via a questionnaire administered to course participants, and an in-depth interview to course trainers. The results show a high level of satisfaction with the materials and methodologies used, as well as with the media used for spreading the training courses offered. Improvement plans are presented, which may help the development of training plans and further research.  En este artículo se recogen los principales aspectos metodológicos de una investigación realizada con el propósito de evaluar un plan de formación de trabajadores del sector del transporte en la Región de Murcia, enmarcado en el VI Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (2008-2011). Los principales objetivos de la evaluación han sido la valoración de las acciones formativas y el grado de difusión y conocimiento de los cursos. Como instrumentos de recogida de información se han utilizado el cuestionario dirigido a los usuarios de las acciones y la entrevista en profundidad destinada a diferentes agentes implicados en el sector. Los resultados evidencian un grado de satisfacción elevado ante los materiales y metodologías empleados, así como de los medios de difusión utilizados para el conocimiento de la oferta formativa. Se finaliza con propuestas de mejora para los programa de formación y nuevas investigaciones en el áre

    Maximize Resolution or Minimize Error? Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing to Investigate the Recent Diversification of Helianthemum (Cistaceae)

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    A robust phylogenetic framework, in terms of extensive geographical and taxonomic sampling, well-resolved species relationships and high certainty of tree topologies and branch length estimations, is critical in the study of macroevolutionary patterns. Whereas Sanger sequencing-based methods usually recover insufficient phylogenetic signal, especially in recently diversified lineages, reduced-representation sequencing methods tend to provide well-supported phylogenetic relationships, but usually entail remarkable bioinformatic challenges due to the inherent trade-off between the number of SNPs and the magnitude of associated error rates. The genus Helianthemum (Cistaceae) is a species-rich and taxonomically complex Palearctic group of plants that diversified mainly since the Upper Miocene. It is a challenging case study since previous attempts using Sanger sequencing were unable to resolve the intrageneric phylogenetic relationships. Aiming to obtain a robust phylogenetic reconstruction based on genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), we established a rigorous methodological workflow in which we i) explored how variable settings during dataset assembly have an impact on error rates and on the degree of resolution under concatenation and coalescent approaches, ii) assessed the effect of two extreme parameter configurations (minimizing error rates vs. maximizing phylogenetic resolution) on tree topology and branch lengths, and iii) evaluated the effects of these two configurations on estimates of divergence times and diversification rates. Our analyses produced highly supported topologically congruent phylogenetic trees for both configurations. However, minimizing error rates did produce more reliable branch lengths, critically affecting the accuracy of downstream analyses (i.e. divergence times and diversification rates). In addition to recommending a revision of intrageneric systematics, our results enabled us to identify three highly diversified lineages in Helianthemum in contrasting geographical areas and ecological conditions, which started radiating in the Upper Miocene.España, MINECO grants CGL2014- 52459-P and CGL2017-82465-PEspaña, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, reference IJCI-2015-2345

    Orientaciones para la atención educativa del alumnado que presenta dificultades de aprendizaje

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    [SPA] El aprendizaje emerge de una adecuada actividad mental por parte de la persona que aprende. No es de extrañar que, consecuencia del deficitario funcionamiento cognitivo, el alumno con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura u otros déficits, presente dificultades de aprendizaje. La adecuación de los métodos de enseñanza a las posibilidades de los alumnos serán determinantes para la reducción de las dificultades de aprendizaje. Una adecuada intervención educativa habrá de partir de un consenso legislativo, en el que se dicten orientaciones que posibiliten a los centros educativos, detectar, lo más tempranamente posible, dificultades de aprendizaje en el alumnado, adoptando las medidas precisas para una óptima acción pedagógica. El presente trabajo aporta fichas resumen con las manifestaciones más comunes de las diferentes dificultades de aprendizaje, así como las necesidades educativas asociadas y las orientaciones para la acción educativa con alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje, de acuerdo con la reciente Resolución publicada por la que se dictan las orientaciones para la atención educativa del alumnado que presenta dificultades de aprendizaje.[ENG] Learning emerges from adequate mental activity from the student. No wonder that, as a result of deficient cognitive functioning, students with ADHD, reading learning disabilities and other deficits present have learning disabilities. Adapting teaching methods to students opportunities will be crucial to the reduction of learning difficulties. An appropriate educational intervention must from a legislative consensus, with guidance that enable schools , detect, as early as possible , learning difficulties in students by adopting the necessary measures for optimal pedagogical action. This paper provides summary records the most common manifestations of different learning difficulties and educational needs and associated guidelines foreducational activities with students with learning difficulties, according to the recent resolution issued that guidelines for providing education of students with learning difficultie

    Climate-induced plasticity in leaf traits of riparian plants

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    [EN] Aim Leaf litter inputs from riparian vegetation and its decomposition play a key role in energy and nutrient transfer in many stream ecosystems. Instream leaf litter decomposition is driven by both leaf traits and environmental conditions. Therefore, understanding and predicting leaf trait variation under current environmental changes and their putative interactive effects on stream food webs is a critical challenge. Most studies have focussed on the assumed higher interspecific leaf trait variability, with little research addressing an intraspecific perspective. Location Andalusia, Spain. Methods We assessed the relative effects of climate and soil conditions on the plasticity of leaf traits of four common woody riparian species in permanent low-order Mediterranean streams across a wide aridity gradient. We used a space-for-time substitution approach to predict leaf trait changes and consequences for stream food webs in a future climate change scenario. Results Overall, we found that aridity had a major influence on leaf trait plasticity but with opposite patterns depending on plant functional type, although soil was the strongest predictor in some cases. Results indicated that leaf quality-linked to palatability and decomposability-of Alnus glutinosa, Salix atrocinerea and Rubus ulmifolius (deciduous/semi-deciduous) will decrease with forecasted aridification, whereas the palatability of the evergreen Nerium oleander will increase. We observed higher trait plasticity than interspecific variation for leaf P, Ca and Mg concentrations and C:P ratio. Main conclusions Our findings suggest a decrease of intraspecific leaf quality in riparian deciduous species with global warming in a relatively short term. In a longer term, this may merge with the forecasted dieback of deciduous species in riparian corridors of temperate climate zones. These changes have the potential to significantly impair ecosystem functioning of Mediterranean mountain streams currently under deciduous gallery forests.This study was funded by grants to JJC from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project RIBARID (CGL2012-39635; MICINN; EU FEDER), and from the 2014-2020 FEDER Operative Program Andalusia, project RIOVEGEST (FEDER-UAL18-RNM-B006-B). JRR was supported by a FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (ref. FPU16/03734). We thank Associate Editor Sabine Rumpf and 2 anonymous referees for feedback that significantly improved this manuscript

    Work accidents. ACSOM a new orientation for automatic risk management

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    Fundamento. Analizar la accidentalidad laboral en todo tipo de empresas, a través de los riesgos que la provocan, teniendo en cuenta que el objetivo final es establecer una clasificación de riesgos prioritarios. Esta información permite abordar las acciones preventivas oportunas sobre los riesgos más vulnerables. Material y Métodos. Se aplica un conjunto de técnicas estadístico-matemáticas, basadas fundamentalmente en contrastes estadísticos, a los accidentes laborales acaecidos durante tres años, en un organismo de investigación y desarrollo español (I+D) con 8.780 trabajadores. Se utiliza como patrón de referencia en este estudio, para un análisis comparativo, el conjunto de accidentes en España durante un periodo de 11 años. Resultados. Tras la aplicación de la nueva metodología, los dos primeros riesgos que requieren acciones preventivas prioritarias son interacción con substancias agresivas y accidentes con maquinaria móvil. Si únicamente se hubieran considerado los dos riesgos con frecuencias más elevadas, sin tener en cuenta la vulnerabilidad de cada uno de ellos, los riesgos prioritarios hubieran sido sobreesfuerzos y caídas al mismo nivel. Conclusiones. El análisis proporciona una relación de los riesgos más vulnerables (puntos débiles), sobre los cuales actuar y de esta forma ser más efectivos a la hora de reducir la accidentalidad.Background. To analyse workplace accidents, by considering the risks that provoke such accidents. hearing in mind that the final aim is to establish a classification of priority risks. This information will make it possible to undertake the opportune preventive actions against the most vulnerable risks. Material and Methods. A set of statistical-mathematical techniques, essentially based on statistical contrasts, was applied to work accidents taking place during a three year period in it Spanish Research and Development (R+D) organisation with 8, 780 workers. The reference standard used for comparative analysis was the ensemble of accidents in Spain over all 11 year period. Results. After application of the new methodology, the two risks requiring priority preventive actions are interaction with aggressive substances and accidents with moving machinery. If the two risks with the highest frequency had been considered alone, without taking into account the vulnerability of each, the priority risks would have been overexertion and falls at the same level. Conclusions. The analysis provides a list of the most vulnerable risks accidents on which action should be taken and thus achieve greater effectiveness in establishing which actions should be considered opportune

    The mechanical bond on carbon nanotubes: diameter-selective functionalization and effects on physical properties

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    We describe the functionalization of SWNTs enriched in (6,5) chirality with electron donating macrocycles to yield rotaxane-type mechanically interlocked carbon nanotubes (MINTs).Investigations by means of TEM and control experiments corroborated the interlocked nature of the MINTs. A comprehensive characterization of the MINTs through UV-vis-NIR, Raman, fluorescence, transient absorption spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometry was carried out.Analyses of the spectroscopic data reveal that the MINT-forming reaction proceeds with diameter selectivity, favoring functionalization of (6,5) SWNTs rather than larger (7,6) SWNTs. In the ground state, we found a lack of significant charge-transfer interactions between the electron donor exTTF and the SWNTs. Upon photoexcitation, efficient charge-transfer between the electron donating exTTF macrocycles and SWNTs was demonstrated. As a complement, we established significantly different charge-transfer rate constants and diffusion coefficients for MINTs and the supramolecular models,which confirms the fundamentally different type of interactions between exTTF and SWNTs in the presence or absence of the mechanical bond. Molecular mechanics and DFT calculations support the experimental findings