443 research outputs found

    Nous conjunts de pintures rupestres a les Muntanyes de Prades i el Montsant

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    En aquesta nota s'informa dels darrers descobriments de pintures rupestres a les Muntanyes de Prades i la Serra de Montsant duts a terme per Laura Martínez i Juan Antonio Serrano. Es tracta de dos abrics amb pintures prehistòriques referents als corrents postpaleolítics, per una part, la tradició caçadora recol·lectora de tendència figurativa o naturalista estilitzada ("art llevantí") i, per l'altra, la de tradició agrícola ramadera de tendència esquemàticoabstracta ("art esquemàtic"). Les noves troballes incrementen la llista dels conjunts catalans i s'afegeixen al nucli de l'art rupestre de l'arc mediterrani peninsular declarat patrimoni mundial l'any 1998 per la Unesc

    Physiological Benefits of Dietary Lysophospholipid Supplementation in a Marine Fish Model: Deep Analyses of Modes of Action

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    Given the hydrophilic structure of lysophospholipids (LPLs), their dietary inclusion translates into a better emulsifying capacity of the dietary components. The present study aimed to understand the mechanisms underlying the growth-promoting effect of LPL supplementation by undertaking deep analyses of the proximal intestine and liver interactomes. The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was selected as the main aquaculture species model. The animals were divided into two groups: one was fed a control diet (C-diet) and the other a feed (LPL-diet) supplemented with an LPL-based digestive enhancer (0.1% AQUALYSO®, Adisseo). The LPL-diet had a positive effect on the fish by increasing the final weight by 5% and reducing total serum lipids, mainly due to a decrease in the plasma phospholipid (p < 0.05). In the intestine, the upregulated interactome suggests a more robust digestive capacity, improving vesicle-trafficking-related proteins, complex sugar hydrolysis, and lipid metabolism. In the liver, the LPL-diet promotes better nutrients, increasing several metabolic pathways. The downregulation of the responses to stress and stimuli could be related to a reduced proinflammatory state. This study on the benefits and modes of action of dietary LPLs opens a new window into fish nutrition and could be extended to other productive species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of the cleaning procedure of Tenax on its reuse in the determination of plasticizers after migration by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

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    This paper presents the simultaneous determination of a UV stabilizer (benzophenone (BP)) together with four plasticizers (butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP), bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) and diisononyl phthalate (DiNP)) in Tenax by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and PARAFAC, using DiBP-d4 as internal standard. Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 establishes Tenax as food simulant E for testing specific migration from plastics into dry foodstuffs. This simulant must be cleaned before its use to eliminate impurities. Tenax is expensive, so its reuse would save costs. A two-way ANOVA was used to study some parameters affecting the cleaning and the extraction of Tenax. The most adequate conditions were chosen taking the values of the coefficient of variation and the average recovery rates of spiked Tenax samples into account. A study to determine if some analytes remain in Tenax when it is reused and the effect that the cleaning procedure may have in the adsorption capability of Tenax was proposed. This study led to the conclusion that Tenax could not be reused in this multiresidue determination. All the analytes were unequivocally identified in all the stages of this work and trueness was verified at a 95% confidence level in all cases. A calibration based on PARAFAC provided the following values of capability of detection (CCβ): 2.28 μg L−1 for BHT, 10.57 μg L−1 for BP, 7.87 μg L−1 for DiBP, 3.04 μg L−1 for DEHA and 124.8 μg L−1 for DiNP, with the probabilities of false positive and false negative fixed at 0.05. The migration of the analytes from a printed paper sample into Tenax was also studied. The presence of BHT in the food simulant was confirmed and the amount released of this analyte from the paper was 2.56 μg L−1.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2014-53157-R) and Junta de Castilla y León (BU012P1

    Responsabilidad civil del farmaceuta en la dispensación de diclofenaco en pacientes con enfermedades coronarias

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    El derecho farmacéutico juega un papel importante dentro del ámbito del derecho sanitario, siendo su objeto de estudio principal la comercialización o distribución de los medicamentos, De acuerdo con lo anterior, el núcleo esencial de este trabajo es determinar la responsabilidad civil del profesional farmaceuta, cuando este omite su deber o su compromiso; establecido en el código ético farmacéutico y demás normas y parámetros esenciales que rigen su labor.Pharmaceutical law plays an important role within the field of health law, its main object of study being the marketing or distribution of medicines. According to the above, the essential core of this work is to determine the civil liability of the professional pharmacist, when he omits his duty or his commitment; established in the pharmaceutical code of ethics and other essential standards and parameters that govern their work.Capítulo I. 1. El derecho sanitario. -- 1.1. La salud humana. -- 1.2. Derecho sanitario. -- 1.3. La regulación internacional del derecho sanitario. -- 1.4. La regulación colombiana del derecho sanitario. -- 1.4.1. Marco constitucional. -- 1.4.2. Legislación nacional. -- 2. Derecho farmacéutico como subespecialidad del derecho sanitario. -- 2.1. Legislación colombiana farmacéutica. -- 2.1.1. Establecimientos farmacéuticos. -- 2.1.2. Droguerías. -- 3. El farmaceuta profesional. -- 3.1. La revisión farmacoterapéutica. -- 3.2. Las farmacias virtuales. -- 3.3. Fomento de la salud pública. -- 3.4. Uso racional del medicamento. -- 4. Importancia farmacéutica en el tratamiento médico de un paciente.--Capítulo II. -- 1.1. Aproximación conceptual de las enfermedades coronarias desde la fisiopatología. -- 1.1.1. Arterias coronarias. -- 1.1.2. Insuficiencia cardiaca.--I.1.Cuidados del farmaceuta y su responsabilidad.--I.2.Cuidados de suministro de fármacos a pacientes con enfermedades coronarias. -- 1.3. Decreto 780 de 2016 sobre medidas de cuidado en el suministro de fármacos. -- 3. Propiedades farmacológicas del diclofenaco y su eficacia contra las enfermedades coronarias. -- 3.1.Posología del diclofenaco. -- 3.2. Contraindicaciones de diclofenaco. -- 3.3. El diclofenaco y las enfermedades coronarias. -- 2. Relación de consumo. -- 3. Capítulo III. -- 1. Responsabilidad civil en Colombia. -- 1.1. La responsabilidad civil. -- 1.2. La responsabilidad post-contractual y contractual-I)El daño-II). Relación de causalidad. -- a)Teoría de la equivalencia de las condiciones. -- b)Teoría de la causa próxima. -- c)La condición preponderante. -- d)Teoría de la causa eficiente. -- e)Teoría de la causalidad adecuada. -- 2. Responsabilidad civil del farmaceuta. -- 2.1. Responsabilidad por medicamento defectuoso. -- 3. Responsabilidad civil del farmaceuta en la distribución del diclofenaco. -- 4.Obligaciones solidarias del farmaceuta y los centros farmacéuticos de distribución. -- 5.La falta de información como causa de la responsabilidad civil en el elemento culpa. -- 6.Posible responsabilidad del Estado falla en la regulación, inspección y supervisión. -- 7.Eventos de responsabilidad civil por suministro de diclofenaco en pacientes con enfermedades coronarias.-- Bibliografía

    Juan Bolea y la novela policíaca: Análisis de las novelas de la serie Martina de Santo.

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    En el presente trabajo de fin de grado se ha querido poner en valor la figura del autor Juan Bolea y su aportación a la novela policíaca. Empieza con una aproximación a los orígenes del género, su posterior evolución, los principales autores, generalmente estadounidenses e ingleses, y cómo ha sido el desarrollo de la novela policíaca española. También se ha analizado el concepto que tiene Bolea sobre el género policíaco; a falta de estudios más académicos, han sido de gran valor sus declaraciones en diferentes medios de comunicación. El trabajo continúa con un estudio más profundo de su obra, en el que se tratan los siguientes temas: los personajes principales; la ideología subyacente en la trama principal; la evolución de su estilo; la estructura del relato como recurso de juego con el lector y los métodos de resolución de los crímenes. El trabajo termina con una serie de conclusiones y algunas valoraciones personales sobre el autor y su obra. In the present end-of-grade work it wanted to value the figure of the autor Juan Bolea and his contribution to the police novel. It begins with an approximation to the origins of the genre, its later evolution, the main authors, generally american and english writers, an how it has been the development of the spanish police novel. It has also been analysed the Juan Bolea’s vision about the police genre; in the abscense of estudies more academics, the statements in different media have been of great value. This work continues with a deeper study of his literary work, in which it has been treated the next themes: the main characters; the underlying ideology in the main plot; the development in his literary style, the story structure as a game resource with the reader and the resolution methods of the crimes. The work finishes with a series of conclusions and some personal assessments about the autor and his literary work. <br /

    Efectividad de la inclusión de restricción de flujo en rehabilitación de reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior. Revisión sistemática

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    Introducción. La rotura de Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA) es una importante patología que ocurre a nivel global. La prevalencia ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimas décadas y actualmente es uno de los mayores problemas en la población que practica deporte. Una alternativa de entrenamiento que está adquiriendo relevancia es el entrenamiento con restricción de flujo, ya que permite obtener dichas ganancias de fuerza e hipertrofia con menor carga y menor estrés mecánico.Material y métodos. El presente trabajo es una revisión sistemática en la que se sintetizó la evidencia disponible sobre añadir restricción de flujo en el ejercicio terapéutico (ET) en pacientes con reconstrucción de LCA. Resultados. En la revisión sistemática se encontraron un total de 25 artículos de los cuales solo 6 cumplían los criterios de selección. Algunos de los estudios mostraron mejoras al aplicar este tipo de intervención en alguna de sus variables, otros muchos no encontraron hallazgos significativos sobre la inclusión de esta técnica. Conclusiones. La inclusion de BFR a un plan de rehabilitación de reconstrucción de LCA puede ser un tratamiento beneficioso ya que es capaz de mejorar la fuerza y la hipetrofia muscular. Aún así, no existe un protocolo estandarizado de intervención.Palabras clave: "ligamento cruzado anterior", "ejercicio terapéutico", "reconstrucción", "restricción de flujo sanguíneo".<br /

    Optimization of a headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry procedure for the determination of aromatic amines in water and in polyamide spoons

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    In this work, a headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography coupledwith mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) method for trace determination of primary aromatic amines was developed. The following analytes were investigated: aniline (A), 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane (4,4′-MDA) and 2,4-diaminotoluene (2,4-TDA) using 3-chloro-4-fluoroaniline (3C4FA) and 2-aminobiphenyl (2ABP) as internal standards. Prior to extraction the analytes were derivatized in the aqueous solution by diazotation and subsequent iodination. The derivativeswere extracted byHS-SPME using a PDMS/DVB fiber and analyzed by GC/MS. A D-optimal design was used to study the parameters affecting the HS-SPME procedure and the derivatization step. Two experimental factors at two levels and one factor at three levels were considered: (i) reaction time, (ii) extraction temperature, and (iii) extraction time in the headspace. The interaction between the extraction temperature and extraction time was considered in the proposed model. The loadings in the sample mode estimated by a PARAFAC (parallel factor analysis) decomposition for each analyte were the response used in the design because they are proportional to the amount of analyte extracted. The optimum conditions for the best extraction of the analytes were achieved when the reaction time was 20 min, the extraction temperature was 50 °C and the extraction time was 25 min. The interaction was significant. A calibration based on a PARAFAC decomposition provided the following values of decision limit (CCα): 1.07 μgL−1 for A, 1.23 μg L−1 for 2,4-TDA and 0.83 μg L−1 for 4,4′-MDA for a probability of false positive fixed at 5%. Also, the accuracy (trueness and precision) of the procedurewas assessed. Furthermore, all the analyteswere unequivocally identified. Finally, the method was applied to spiked water samples and polyamide cooking utensils (spoons). 3% (w/v) acetic acid in aqueous solution was used as food simulant for testing migration from polyamide kitchenware. Detectable levels of 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane and aniline were found in food simulant from some of the investigated cooking utensils.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2011-26022) and Junta de Castilla y León (BU108A11-2

    Emulsion gels and oil-filled aerogels as curcumin carriers: Nanostructural characterization of gastrointestinal digestion products

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    Agar and κ-carrageenan emulsion gels and oil-filled aerogels were investigated as curcumin carriers and their structure and mechanical properties, as well as their structural changes upon in vitro gastrointestinal digestion were characterized. Agar emulsion gels presented stiffer behaviour, with smaller and more homogeneous oil droplets (ϕ ∼ 12 µm) than those from κ-carrageenan (ϕ ∼ 243 µm). The structure of κ-carrageenan gels was characterized by the presence of rigid swollen linear chains, while agar produced more branched networks. After simulated gastrointestinal digestion bile salt lamellae/micelles (∼5 nm) and larger vesicles of partially digested oil (Rg ∼ 20–50 nm) were the predominant structures, being their proportion dependent of the polysaccharide type and the physical state of the gel network. The presence of curcumin induced the formation of larger vesicles and limited the formation of mixed lamellae/micelles.The projects RTI2018-094268-B-C22 and RTI-2018-094268-B-C21 were funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Cynthia Fontes-Candia is recipient of a pre-doctoral grant from CONACYT (MEX/Ref. 306680). Synchrotron experiments were performed at NCD beamline at ALBA Synchrotron (2019103981 project)

    Fluorescence determination of cochineal in strawberry jam in the presence of carmoisine as a quencher by means of four-way PARAFAC decomposition

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    The determination of cochineal (E-120) in strawberry jam was carried out in the presence of carmoisine (E-122) using the four-way PARAFAC decomposition and excitation-emission fluorescence matrices. In the measured conditions, there was no fluorescence signal for carmoisine due to a strong quenching effect and this colorant also led to a decrease of the fluorescence signal of cochineal. The European Union has fixed a maximum residue level, MRL, for cochineal in jam (100 mg kg−1). Therefore, the addition of other food colorant (carmoisine) in the jam could lead to false compliant decisions. The four-way PARAFAC decomposition avoided false compliant decisions caused by the quenching effect. Cochineal was unequivocally identified. Detection capability (CCβ) was 0.72 mg L−1 for probabilities of false positive and false negative fixed at 0.05. Cochineal was detected in the jam (104.63 mg kg−1) above the MRL. This amount was compared with the one obtained using a HPLC/DAD method.Spanish MINECO (AEI/FEDER, UE) through project CTQ2017‐88894-R and by Junta de Castilla y León through project BU012P17 (all co‐financed with European FEDER funds)

    Nano- and microstructural evolution of alginate beads in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. Impact of M/G ratio, molecular weight and pH

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    peer-reviewedAlginate microcapsules were prepared using three different alginate grades and incubated under simulated digestion conditions. Their micro- and nanostructural changes were studied using microscopy, laser diffraction and small angle X-ray scattering. Both the molecular weight and M/G ratio affected the size and nanostructural features of the capsules, but the changes in gastrointestinal conditions were mainly determined by the latter. All microcapsules swelled slightly in simulated gastric fluid (pH = 3) and swelled further in simulated intestinal fluid (pH = 7), particularly those with high mannuronic acid (M) contents. While high guluronic acid (G) beads maintained the nanostructural features characteristic of alginate gels (junction zones) in both media, these were rapidly disrupted in the M-rich capsules. Decreasing the pH of the gastric phase from 3 to 2 had dramatic structural impacts, resulting in a greater integrity of the microcapsules, thus highlighting the importance of the selected digestion protocol for rational microcapsule design