430 research outputs found

    The gender of representation: On democracy, equality, and parity

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    The debate regarding the statutory introduction of gender parity in electoral lists has been led, on the one hand, by those who envisage parity as a way to attain substantive equality between the genders. The opposition has been led by those who, on the other hand, reject it as going against the very principle of equality in its formal dimension, as well as against the autonomy of political parties. Based on the experience of France and Italy on this matter, this article discusses both sets of arguments and applies them to the Spanish context. It further defends the need to bypass the theoretical parameters of equality and affi rmative action in order to place the defense of electoral parity within the theoretical parameters of the postliberal democratic state. It aims, therefore, at articulating electoral parity as a conceptual requisite of the democratic state

    Anderson localization in carbon nanotubes: defect density and temperature effects

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    The role of irradiation induced defects and temperature in the conducting properties of single-walled (10,10) carbon nanotubes has been analyzed by means of a first-principles approach. We find that di-vacancies modify strongly the energy dependence of the differential conductance, reducing also the number of contributing channels from two (ideal) to one. A small number of di-vacancies (5-9) brings up strong Anderson localization effects and a seemly universal curve for the resistance as a function of the number of defects. It is also shown that low temperatures, around 15-65 K, are enough to smooth out the fluctuations of the conductance without destroying the exponential dependence of the resistivity as a function of the tube length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Los campesinos latinoamericanos frente a la transición capitalista epocal: ¿hacia una salida autoritaria de la crisis?

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    This article aims to analyze the capitalist transition phase from 2003 to date, in particular the stage of the end of the crisis which began in 2014, with the decline of raw material prices. It is a time in which transitional capital seeks to overcome the crisis of 2008 through a strategy that strengthens the exploitation of labor and the plundering of natural resources. We will investigate the impact of this process in Latin American countries and small rural producers.El objetivo del artículo consiste en analizar la fase de transición capitalista que transcurre del 2003 hasta la fecha, en particular la etapa de salida de la crisis que inició en el año 2014 con el declive en los precios de las materias primas. Se trata de una etapa en la cual el capital transnacional busca superar la crisis del 2008, mediante una estrategia que fortalece la explotación de la fuerza de trabajo y el saqueo de los recursos naturales. Se indaga el impacto de dicho proceso sobre los países latinoamericanos y los pequeños productores rurales

    Preproducción de un videojuego.Game time, novela visual

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    [ES] El trabajo a realizar será una preproducción para un videojuego. El género de este será el de `¿novela visual¿¿, género popular en Asia. Para ello, será necesario la creación de un brainstorming, un mapa conceptual, concept art, diseño de personajes, props y backgrounds, guión literario, guión técnico y storyboard. Es un videojuego para móviles y se situará en un futuro distópico, donde las personas viven encerradas desde su nacimiento en su habitación. Estas, tienen que acumular horas de trabajo para poder salir e ir a un mundo de felicidad donde solamente podrán estar una noche por cada 100 horas trabajadas. Allí el jugador se topará son su primera elección, desarrollar una historia romántica junto a Dennis, un traficante ilegal de horas, o Blake, un policía que persigue el tráfico de horas.[EN] The work will be a preproduction for a video game. The genre of this game will be the `¿ visual novel ¿¿ genre, a popular one in Asia. For this, it will be necessary to create a brainstorming, a concept map, concept art, character design, props and backgrounds, literary script, technical script and storyboard. The mobile videogame will be located in a dystopian future, where people live locked up since they were born in their room. These, have to accumulate hours of work to go out and go to a world of happiness where they can only go one night for every 100 hours worked. There the player will run into his first choice, develop a romantic story alongside Dennis, an illegal hour trafficker, or Blake, a policeman who pursues the hour traffic.Rubio Fibla, B. (2020). Preproducción de un videojuego.Game time, novela visual. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/148161TFG


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    El presente Trabajo Final de Grado recoge el estudio e intervención en una pintura de pequeño formato sobre lámina de cobre realizada con la técnica al óleo. Esta obra procede del coleccionismo privado, donde se conserva sin ningún tipo de aval documental que permita su adscripción temporal y estilística. La pintura representa una Virgen Hodigitria, una iconografía mariana a la que se asocia la primera representación de la Madre de Dios que sería realizada, según la tradición, por el apóstol San Lucas. Esta imagen se conoce desde los orígenes del cristianismo y fue muy extendida por el mundo bizantino a través de iconos de un gran calado devocional, aunque también traspasó las fronteras del Imperio de Oriente llegando a Occidente durante la Edad Media desarrollándose a través de diversos estilos artísticos. El soporte sobre el que se encuentra realizada para esta pintura es el principal motivo de sus reducidas dimensiones, pues la pintura sobre cobre raramente sirvió para grandes formatos. Mediante el estudio radiológico se ha buscado determinar el método de fabricación de la plancha metálica para una posible aproximación cronológica de la misma. La obra se encuentra en relativo buen estado de conservación aunque ha sido conveniente retirar el barniz oxidado y la suciedad superficial que presentaba mediante tratamientos de limpieza. Dada la particularidad del soporte y su sensibilidad ante sistemas acuosos, se han propuesto acciones alternativas basadas en el uso de disolventes orgánicos y emulsiones grasas.This End-of-Degree Project includes the study and the intervention on a small painting on a copper plate realised with oil colour technique. This work belongs to a private collection where it is preserved without any kind of documentary endorsement that allows its temporary and stylistic ascription. The painting represents a Virgin Hodegetria, a Marian iconography that is generally associated with the first representation of the Mother of God, which apparently was made by the apostle St. Luke. This image has been known ever since the origins of Christianism and it spread in the Byzantine world through icons that had a great devotional relevance, also because it crossed the borders of the Eastern Empire and it arrived in the West during the Middle Ages and it developed in various artistic styles. The support medium chosen for this painting is the main reason for its small dimensions, since the painting on copper has been rarely used for large-formats. A radiological study has been done to determine the manufacturing method of the metallic panel and to elaborate a possible chronological approximation. The painting is very well preserved, although the oxidized varnish and the superficial dirt should be removed from it by using cleaning treatments. Because of the peculiarity of the support medium and of its sensitivity to aqueous systems, we propose alternative actions based on the use of organic solvents and fat emulsions.Aranda Rubio, B. (2019). UNA PINTURA SOBRE LÁMINA DE COBRE CON LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE UNA "VIRGEN HODIGITRIA". APROXIMACIÓN A SU CRONOLOGÍA Y SIMBOLOGÍA. ESTUDIO TÉCNICO Y PROCESO DE INTERVENCIÓN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123964TFG

    Anderson localization in carbon nanotubes: Defect density and temperature effects

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    The role of irradiation induced defects and temperature in the conducting properties of single-walled (10,10) carbon nanotubes has been analyzed by means of a first-principles approach. We find that divacancies modify strongly the energy dependence of the differential conductance, reducing also the number of contributing channels from two (ideal) to one. A small number of divacancies (5-9) brings up strong Anderson localization effects and a seemly universal curve for the resistance as a function of the number of defects. It is also shown that low temperatures, about 15-65 K, are enough to smooth out the fluctuations of the conductance without destroying the exponential dependence of the resistivity as a function of the tube length. © 2005 The American Physical Society.The authors were partially supported by the Spanish MCyT under Contract No. MAT2002-01534 and the EC 6th Framework Network of Excellence NANOQUANTA (NMP4-CT-2004-500198). B. B. is indebted to MEC (Spain) for financial support.Peer Reviewe

    DEL POPULISMO AL PROGRESISMO: reflexiones sobre su capacidad transformadora

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    El objetivo del artículo consiste en analizar y contrastar el populismo de los años 30 con el progresismo de los años 2000 en América Latina, poniendo énfasis en el ámbito rural. Se trata de indagar cuáles fueron las condiciones que permitieron el potencial transformador del populismo y cuáles aquellas que generaron el fenómeno reciente, que castraron su capacidad de cambio. El argumento principal apunta a las condiciones históricas en las que surgieron ambos fenómenos. Mientras el populismo surgió cuando ya existían las condiciones para sustituir a la oligarquía terrateniente por la burguesía industrial e impulsar el régimen de acumulación por sustitución de importaciones, el progresismo emerge prematuramente, cuando se ha iniciado el declive del régimen neoliberal pero aún no se ha debilitado el poder del capital financiero y corporativo, ni se vislumbra la sustitución de dicha clase por otro sector. Esto lleva a una incapacidad del progresismo para impulsar cambios estructurales. DO POPULISMO AO PROGRESSISMO: reflexões sobre sua capacidade de transformaçãoO objetivo do artigo é analisar e contrastar o populismo dos anos 1930 com o progressivíssimo dos anos 2000 na América Latina, com ênfase no meio rural. Trata-se de investigar quais foram as condições que permitiram o potencial transformador do populismo e quais foram as que geraram o fenômeno recente, que castrou sua capacidade transformadora. O argumento principal aponta para as condições históricas em que ambos os fenômenos surgiram. Enquanto o populismo surgiu quando já existiam as condições para substituir a oligarquia latifundiária pela burguesia industrial e promover o regime de acumulação por substituição de importações, o progressivíssimo surgiu prematuramente, quando o declínio do regime neoliberal havia começado, mas ainda não se debilitou. Opoder do capital financeiro e empresarial, nem a substituição dessa classe por outro setor dominante à vista. Isso leva a uma incapacidade do progressismo de promover mudanças estruturais.Palavras chave: Transição Hegemônica. Populismo. Progressivíssimo. Hegemonia.FROM POPULISM TO PROGRESSISM: reflections on its transforming capacityThe aim of the article is to analyze and contrast the populism of the 1930s with the progressivism of the 2000s, in Latin America, with an emphasis on rural areas. It is about investigating what were the conditions that allowed the transformative potential of populism and what were those that generated the recent phenomenon, which castrated its transforming capacity. The main argument points to the historical conditions in which both phenomena arose. While populism emerged when the conditions already existed to replacethe landowning oligarchy with the industrial bourgeoisie and promote the accumulation regime by import substitution, progressivism emergedprematurely, when the decline of the neoliberal regime had begun but has not yet weakened. the power of financial and corporate capital, nor is thereplacement of this class by another dominant sector in sight. This leads to an inability of progressivism to promote structural changes.Keywords: Hegemonic Transition. Populism. Progressivism. Hegemony.DU POPULISME AU PROGRESSISME: réflexions sur sa capacité de transformationLe but de l’article est d’analyser et de confronter le populisme des années 30 au progressisme des années 2000, en mettant l’accent sur les zones rurales. Il s’agit de rechercher quelles étaient les conditions qui ont permis le potentieltransformateur du populisme et quelles ont été celles qui ont généré le phénomène récent, qui a castré sa capacité de transformation. L’argumentprincipal indique les conditions historiques dans lesquelles les deux phénomènes se sont produits. Alors que le populisme est apparu alors que les conditions existaient déjà pour remplacer l’oligarchie foncière par la bourgeoisie industrielleet promouvoir le régime d’accumulation par substitution aux importations, le progressisme est apparu prématurément, lorsque le déclin du régime néolibéral avait commencé mais ne s’est pas encore affaibli. Le pouvoir du capital financier et corporatif, ni le remplacement de ladite classe par un autre secteur dominant en vue. Cela conduit à une incapacité du progressisme à promouvoir deschangements structurels.Motsclés: Transition Hégémonique. Populisme. Progressisme. Hégémonie

    Scaling Factor Threshold Estimator in Different Color Models Using a Discrete Wavelet Transform for Steganographic Algorithm

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    Two of the main problems with steganographic algorithms are insertion capability and minimization of distortion in the digital files where the hidden information is the information is inserted to hiding Digital filters are generally used as noise detectors, and they also suppress information outside the original information contained in the file. There are different types of filtering, one in the spatial domain and the other in the frequency domain or sometimes a combination of both domains to propose adaptive filters. One of the filters with greater application is the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) because it is easy to implement and has low computational complexity. The DWT computationally implemented in an image can be represented as a quadrature mirror filter, separating the frequency components: so high-high, high-low, low-high and low-low levels obtain different resolutions

    An innovative approach to assess the limitations of characterizing solar gains in buildings: A Spanish case study

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    A minimal energy demand should be required in buildings both to optimize the performance of the building façade and to control solar gains. According to the existing studies and national standards, the climate zone classification is usually based on both the degree-days methodology and outdated climate data, thus managing HVAC systems inappropriately or leading to users’ thermal discomfort in indoor spaces. To evaluate the current limitations and to characterize solar gains in the Spanish building stock, an innovative approach is presented. For this purpose, seven clustering algorithms were implemented by distinguishing between winter and summer seasons during the calculation procedures. Solar irradiation from 8,948 locations in Spain were used. Likewise, the control of solar gains was analysed with the regulatory approach of Spain and with those developed through the study. The results of this research revealed that climate zones set by the Spanish Technical Building Code could imply to use values of monthly accumulated solar irradiation with discrepancies between 43.17 and 84.41 kWh/m2, compared to the real values. Hence, an accurate method focused on k-means clustering should be adopted. Furthermore, the results can be used for a more accurate analysis of solar control and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationProject PID2021-122437OA-I00 “Positive Energy Buildings Potential for Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Poverty Mitigation (+ENERPOT)”Thematic Network 723RT0151 “Red Iberoamericana de Eficiencia y Salubridad en Edificios” (IBERESE) financed by the call for Thematic Networks of the CYTED Program for 202