837 research outputs found

    Map Building and Monte Carlo Localization Using Global Appearance of Omnidirectional Images

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    In this paper we deal with the problem of map building and localization of a mobile robot in an environment using the information provided by an omnidirectional vision sensor that is mounted on the robot. Our main objective consists of studying the feasibility of the techniques based in the global appearance of a set of omnidirectional images captured by this vision sensor to solve this problem. First, we study how to describe globally the visual information so that it represents correctly locations and the geometrical relationships between these locations. Then, we integrate this information using an approach based on a spring-mass-damper model, to create a topological map of the environment. Once the map is built, we propose the use of a Monte Carlo localization approach to estimate the most probable pose of the vision system and its trajectory within the map. We perform a comparison in terms of computational cost and error in localization. The experimental results we present have been obtained with real indoor omnidirectional images

    The Grizzly, October 5, 1993

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    Girls\u27 Pledging Returns Full-Force! • India Shattered by Earthquakes • Acting PA Governor Will Hold TV Town Meeting at Ursinus • Freshman to Compete in Karate\u27s World Cup • Henry Moore Exhibit Opens Today • Charles Fambrough Quintet to Play Ursinus • Editorial: Pledging; Wellness Center • Intramurals Begin: Sign Up! • Bears Crush Garnet Into Pebbleshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1320/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, November 23, 1993

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    Dr. Davidson to Receive Cottrel Award • U.C.\u27s Questions are Answered • It\u27s Yes to NAFTA • A Dose of Reality • Touch my Flugel! • Exam Schedule • The Way to a Student\u27s Heart is Through His Stomach • Beer: A Historical Precedent? • A Dissatisfied Sanitation Worker Tells Ursinus to Clean Up its Act • Literary Society • Manning Retires as Soccer Coachhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1326/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, November 9, 1993

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    Whitman Elected Governor • Pysch Conference Held at U.C. • Novack Wins Award • Hubbard Presents Shooting Back • POW-Turned-Artist Featured in Berman Exhibit • The Blenders: A Review • Literary Society • Never Discuss Politics or Religion at the Dinner Table • How CAB Gets Their Acts Together • In Defense of Greek Life, Part One • Letter to the Editor • Ursinus Hosts First Centennial Conference Seminar • Bears Kicked Late by Mules • Indoor Volleyball and Intramural Sportshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1324/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, October 12, 1993

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    The Truth Behind the Conspiracy • U.S. Involvement in Somalia • Homecoming 1993 • Dave Binder: A Tribute to James Taylor • In Other Words • Ursinus College: Altar to the God of Apathy? • Letter to the Editor • Bears Lose Toughhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1321/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, November 2, 1993

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    Delta Pi Helps Out Local Church • Singel Discusses Health Care • Pi Omega Delta Awarded Banner for Blood Drive Success • Red and Gold Day a Success • Ursinus Student Has Heart • U.S. Economy Improving • U.S.G.A. Minutes • Chinese-American Novelist to Speak • Jackie Guerra: A Flop? • Literary Society • Choir to Perform Saturday • Branker Receives SAI Award • Vs.: Pearl Jam Tries to Follow a Ten • Photo Presentation Spotlights Homeless • Pencil Lovers Repressed at Ursinus • Dr. Margot Kelley Bursts my Bubble • Freshman Class to Hold Date Auction • Renowned Psychiatrist Indicted on Murder Charges • Sports Review • Intramural Volleyball to Begin November 11 • Edens and Guenther: UC Football\u27s Dynamic Duohttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1323/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, November 16, 1993

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    A Message From the Class of \u2797: The Freshmen Finally Surface • The Crunch is On • Fundraiser to Benefit Cancer Patients • Whitman Denies Allegations • Does Date Rape Exist at Ursinus? • ProTheatre to Present Henry Play • Freeze Tag and Organ Music? • Date Auction / Lease / Rental • Silenced by Shame • In Defense of Greek Life, Part Two • Anesthetizing of Literature • Bears Finish Stronghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1325/thumbnail.jp

    Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIV. The barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3627

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    We present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) maps of the interacting barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3627 obtained with the IRAM interferometer at resolutions of 2.1" x 1.3" and 0.9" x 0.6", respectively. The molecular gas emission shows a nuclear peak, an elongated bar-like structure of ~18" (~900 pc) diameter in both CO maps and, in CO(1-0), a two-arm spiral feature from r~9" (~450 pc) to r~16" (~800 pc). The inner ~18" bar-like structure, with a north/south orientation (PA = 14{\deg}), forms two peaks at the extremes of this elongated emission region. The kinematics of the inner molecular gas shows signatures of non-circular motions associated both with the 18" bar-like structure and the spiral feature detected beyond it. The 1.6 micron H-band 2MASS image of NGC 3627 shows a stellar bar with a PA = -21{\deg}, different from the PA (= 14{\deg}) of the CO bar-like structure, indicating that the gas is leading the stellar bar. The torques computed with the HST-NICMOS F160W image and our PdBI maps are negative down to the resolution limit of our images, ~60 pc in CO(2-1). If the bar ends at ~3 kpc, coincident with corotation (CR), the torques are negative between the CR of the bar and the nucleus, down to the resolution limit of our observations. This scenario is compatible with a recently-formed rapidly rotating bar which has had insufficient time to slow down because of secular evolution, and thus has not yet formed an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR). The presence of molecular gas inside the CR of the primary bar, where we expect that the ILR will form, makes NGC 3627 a potential smoking gun of inner gas inflow. The gas is fueling the central region, and in a second step could fuel directly the active nucleus.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Grizzly, February 8, 1994

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    Ursinus Celebrates 125 Years of Academics • An Evaluation of the 128 Credit System • In Celebration of Black History Month: Al Eaton Brings on His One-Man Show • Ursinus Crimes Reported • Who Freed South Africa? • Guys Pledging Begins on Friday • Suite Etiquette • Senior Profile: Craig Faucher • Airband \u2794 • Come out and Support a U.C. Senior • Berman to Receive Preservation Grant • Woodward Exhibit on Display • Bright Moments to Perform • An Internal Compass Spinning • Eats & Seats • Wrestlers Up to 9-1 • Ursinus Gymnastics Sets New Records • Personal Interest Workshops to be Held • UC Student Almost Becomes Phillies\u27 Biggest Phanhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1329/thumbnail.jp